Terra Nova Online: Rise of The Strongest Player

Chapter 140: The Stage

Chapter 140: The Stage

Chapter 140: The Stage

” How much will it cost me to secure a spot for my mother on one of the upcoming arc ships? Is there even a functioning government left on Earth that will decide who gets to leave and who does not anymore?” Leo asked, as given the time constraint he realized that sending a private vessel to transport her to planet Terra Nova, or calling her on this ship to reside with them, would both be not possible, as his best option now was to secure a spot for his mother aboard the next round of Arc Ships.

“Do you wish to pay-”

” Yes-”

Leo already knew that the greedy bastard wanted more MP to answer his question, so he immediately said yes even before he quoted a price.

” To secure an S class ticket for her, you will need to pay 6,500 MP.

To secure an A class ticket, it shall be 4500.

To secure a B class ticket, it shall be 2500.

To secure a C class ticket it shall be 1500.

To secure a D class ticket it shall be 1000.

To secure a E class ticket it shall be 500.

As for there being a functioning government? No- society has already descended into anarchy ever since the top officials fled.

The second round selections are going to be done on the basis of survival of the fittest, with the strongest survivors being given a chance to change their fate.

However, for a low-low fees of 300MP, a private transport can be arranged for your mother to carry her from her location on Earth to the nearest arc ship safely” The operator said, as Leo felt the gears in his head spinning fast.

He was never going to take the risk of buying a ticket for his mother in an anarchy and expecting her to make it to the nearest ship without support.

So the 300 merit points for security was a must.

He had about 1000, MP saved now, after all these rounds of questioning, give or take, which meant that he could at least secure an E class ticket + protection for his mother on his own.

However, depending on how much MP Luke had gathered, the two could pool their resources and buy a better ticket for their mother, giving her a nice starting point.

Once on the ship, they could also buy a replacement kidney for her with 500 MP and that way they could save her from dying on Earth! While also putting her in a good spot to begin her journey as a player.

Although they would be unable to physically meet for 4+ years, until she too reached planet Terra Nova, at least this way they would still have hope to reunite someday.

” Alright, thankyou-” Leo said, hanging up the phone as he walked out of the building with a heavy burden on his mind.

He was unsure if he himself would survive past the grand tournament or not, however, he knew that regardless of him surviving past the tournament, their mother needed to be saved at all cost.


( Meanwhile Luke )

Both Luke and Jerome were officially selected to become the representatives of the knight academy, given confirmed slots, while the other 23 candidates were asked to undergo a special second round of selections to decide the best 3 fighters from amongst them.

Principal Wood had already estimated that this would be how things would turn out at the end of the semester, however, had he announced Luke and Jerome as the two permanent seat candidates at the start, the entire university would have called him out for having shown favoritism, but that was not the case.

Jerome was being trained as a fighter ever since he was a seven year old child. His foundations ran deep and he had the attitude befitting a high noble which constantly strived to improve.

Luke was a master knight’s apprentice, had astronomical talent and was the most promising candidate to have graduated from the university in the past 25 years.

With him at the helm, Principal Wood hoped for a knight academy victory in this year’s Grand Tournament as for these last few days while the other candidates were being selected, he and some other top professors individually mentored Luke and Jerome as those two were the pride of the academy.

This special training, helped Luke sharpen his senses, as battling high level knight’s gave him the battle experience that he was lacking, improving his abilities as a fighter.


( Lin Mu’s POV )

Lin Mu, under the pressure of the Night Guild, registered for the Grand Tournament from the open category.

Having reached the Royal Capital Stronghaven, through illegal ports of entry alongside other night guild contestants, Lin Mu had completely become a part of the assassin alliance at this point, having even accumulated a small amount of infamy.

For her to successfully register for the tournament, she needed to use a hypnosis charm that made the official overlook her background, as without it she could not even register in official competitions anymore.

At this point she was a shadow of her former free and happy self, as her self-confidence and free-will had been suffocated, turning her into an obedient soldier that was a killing machine.

Her goal now was to simply win the grand tournament at any cost necessary, while failure to do so was going to mean the end of the Mu clan.

Having undergone hellish training for the past few months, she had now fine-tuned into becoming a peak assassin, as everything from her technique, her reflexes and her accuracy was absolutely spot on.

Hypothetically, had she have participated in the Grand tournament from just a year back, she would have had no problem winning it with an arm tied behind her back as she was just miles better compared to the average genius.

Nonetheless, this year’s tournament was not the average grand tournament, with freakish generational talents that were all way above the average genius gathering under the banner of the same competition.

For Lin Mu to win this competition, she definitely would not have it easy, however, she was undeniably one of the favorites to win.

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