Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 142 - 142 Most Sought-after Young CEO's Hidden Child And Mistress', F*ck!!!

As the car was driven by Sheng Ruming, he gave many side glances to the woman. 

Luo Lixi was absent-minded and was caressing the rose petals. Shanghai Ruming glanced at her beautiful fingers and thought those looked beautiful. 

Then, he thought of something and said, "Tomorrow, we will go to the company together."

Luo Lixi's hand paused when she heard it and she turned at him. Sheng Ruming thought she had changed her mind and probably wouldn't talk about working outside anymore when he heard her uttering, "Not together. If we go there in the same car, people will notice it and try to guess our connection and gossip. I think I will go there myself, alone."

Sheng Ruming knitted his eyebrows as he asked Luo Lixi, "You will take a taxi to go there? Or do you know how to drive a car?"

"I will drive there in a car." Luo Lixi nodded. Then, she lost in her inner thoughts for some reason.

"Ruming, do you have any normal car? Like not so expensive or showy." She leaned against her seat and mumbled, "A normal assistant won't have too much money to buy a car like this." Luo Lixi glanced around the car as she told him.

Sheng Ruming took a turn and entered another road, "I understand what you are trying to comply with. I will arrange a 'normal' car for you then. The cheapest one at that."


"You will surely like it."

"Also, about the matter of my driving license…" Luo Lixi spoke out timidly and peeked at him. 'Surely, living in a fake identity is so troublesome…' Her thoughts were written all over her face.

 Sheng Ruming smirked and said. "Lixi, you know. After I have met you, I have done a lot of illegal things. Can you tell them?"

Luo Lixi stared at him for ten seconds, in silence. Then, she raised her hand in midair and slapped at his arm, hard. "Hey, I have never told you to do them. It was you who have done, on your own. Now, you're saying like I have instigated you..."

Sheng Ruming just heartily laughed at the woman's glare. Afterwards, he carefully drove the car and finally reached before the building of their penthouse…

*** ***

it was midnight.

On the 20th floor of the building, all the rooms didn't have lights except the bedroom of the penthouse. 

Sheng Ruming was seated on the bed, his legs were unfolded and placed on the bed. Luo Lixi was fast asleep as her head was on top of his thighs and she clutched a long pillow while sleeping.

Sheng Ruming was surfing down the pictures he had taken earlier today. As he scrutinised the pictures, his lips turned into a crescent moon. He saw the amusing reactions of Luo Lixi in the pictures and couldn't help but look down on the woman who was sleeping on his lap, defenseless.

Luo Lixi's face was facing Sheng Ruming. He placed his right hand on her face and trailed her eyelashes with his fingers. Then her lips and then her eyebrows. 

"Umm. Stop it. Let me sleep…" Luo Lixi mumbled in her sleep but didn't wake up. It was a subconscious response. His touches gave her tickles on her skin.

"Sleep then." Sheng Ruming placed his hand on her head and rubbed it back and forth. At the comfortable feeling, Luo Lixi went into a deep slumber and slept in contentment; that kind of sleep where people would forget every worldly worries of them.

Sheng Ruming's hand stopped for a second and then it resumed its original pace.'I had nearly forgotten about the matter…'

Sheng Ruming thought as he exited the photo gallery and went into his chat app. He could guess what could have gone wrong.

After that man had paid the things Sheng Ruming had stated, it was not his responsibility to check if he remained here or returned to the country. But now that Sheng Ruming had no plan to disclose the dirty matters in public, it could become a thorn in the future and possibly could make trouble for him.

Thus, he decided he would take action tonight and see what he could do. Sheng Ruming entered the chatbox and saw the message sent by Ethan Han before. 

He directly sent a message, [Are you there?]

After three minutes, he didn't receive any reply thus called him directly.

*** ***

Currently, Ethan Han wasn't in his home. Rather, he was to a place, far away from the city, on a giant yacht. He was on the terrace with Yuexin, enjoying at the vast ocean, its waves and sounds.

They were the only people on the terrace and were drinking wine while appreciating the beautiful and mesmerising scene. This calm atmosphere was ruined by a sudden phone call.

Ethan stopped drinking and took out his phone. At the person who had called him at such a time, he both felt anger and resentment. 

When he saw it was Sheng Ruming, his twisted face soothed and he turned at Yuexin.

"You go inside. I will come after this call."

"Alright." Yuexin turned around and walked into the room at the terrace of the yacht. She moved the glass door at one side, then entered.

On the bed, Sarah was sleeping while she had curled up into a ball. Yuexin saw the blanket had fallen to the ground. She walked up to her, then took the blanket and covered her little body with it.

Afterwards, Yuexin sat on the bed and waited for Ethan to come, at the same she was looking outside. The moon could be seen from the room too as the front wall was made up of transparent glass. Only by curtains, could someone block someone from peeking inside…


"What is it?" Ethan asked right away. No sane people would call someone in the middle of the night unless it's a serious matter or an emergency.

Sheng Ruming was amused at the icy voice he heard from the other end of the phone. He had called now because he knew that Ethan usually remained awake until three o'clock. But from the tone of him, Sheng Ruming could guess that he had disturbed the man.

"I wanted to ask about a man who was recently fired by me."

"Your company's matters, how would I know?! I don't work there …" Ethan Han replied as he took a sip of the blood-red wine.

"The headquarter called me and said that he is missing." Sheng Ruming knew from the way that he had pissed off the man. Nonetheless, he talked in a soft voice. 

"So what! I am not a police officer. Go ask them. You have called the wrong person... " Ethan Han spat out in annoyance. 

In recent days, he had killed three people already. Those men knew there wouldn't be any mercy if they offended him yet they had dared to test his limits. Now, he finally had gotten rid of those pests. But he couldn't clear his mind either by killing someone.

When they saw a gun on their head, they would beg for mercy yet if you show mercy, they would be the one to put a dagger on your throat tomorrow.

"You clearly know. Also, I can't involve the police in this matter. Let me ask you for a second time... Did you want to talk about this man with me before?" Sheng Ruming asked. If he heard a 'No', then it would be a headache and his peaceful day would be interrupted.

Ethan Han turned around and went towards the little table. He slowly placed the phone on the table and put a Bluetooth earpiece in his one ear. Afterwards, he filled the glass and picked it up.

Sheng Ruming waited patiently and heard some background noises. He knew that the man was testing his patients. If Ethan really didn't have any clue about this, then he would ask him to help in this matter.

"You don't have any clue? If so, I will send the information about him. I have to sort this matter out as soon as possible…" Sheng Ruming didn't even finish his speech when Ethan Han spoke out.

"In the shopping mall, someone had taken pictures of you. Specifically, some pictures that will put you in trouble if those were released."

Sheng Ruming's face turned cold and hardened when he heard it. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths.


"That man also had taken pictures of my wife with you. He was hired by a man named Tan. He confessed everything. You say, why did you manage the matter so lightly?!"

"Have you interrogated them? What is the result?" Sheng Ruming didn't stop his right hand from rubbing Luo Lixi's head but his complexion was too cold. She would have been scared if she had seen his current face, the expressions would have been too foreign for her.

"Huh! The result?! Do you really want to hear?" Ethan Han turned around and went towards the railing. He leaned against it by his back and stared at the glass wall before his eyes. There he saw, Yuexin was staring at him while seated on the bed.

As their eyes met through the glass partition, Ethan gave her a flying kiss, at which Yuexin turned away. Afterwards, she didn't even spare him any glances and directly went under the blanket.

"Ethan, I am waiting…" Ethan Han tore away his gaze from the glass wall and turned towards the moon in the night sky.

In the vast ocean, the yacht was like an abandoned thing while the beautiful moon was like a source of relief. 

"That meatbag wanted to spread the photos of you with my family in our country. The headline?! 'The popular and most sought-after young CEO's hidden child and mistress', f*ck!!!" 

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