Tap Tycoon System!

Chapter 199 Vanessa Dreizer


A groan escapes from Nathan's lips as he slowly opens his eyes and finds an unfamiliar ceiling.


Just as he was feeling a bit confused, he remembered what happened before.

His eyes snapped wide open and he hurriedly sat up, only to find out that he was in a big soft bed inside a luxurious room.

Nathan frowned, confused at the situation he found himself in.

At this time, the door to the room opened and the same elegant woman from before entered.

When she saw Nathan sitting up on the bed while looking around in a confused manner, she said,

"Oh, you're awake. That's faster than I expected."

Seeing her again, Nathan remembered the feeling of being hit by something before he fell unconscious earlier.

So he put up his guard and looked at the woman warily.

The woman sighs after seeing that.

Then she said to him, "You don't have to be wary of me. If I wanted to do something to you, I would have done it already when you were unconscious."

Thinking of it, Nathan found the woman's words reasonable.

Because of that, relaxed a little but still did not fully let down his guard.

The woman approached Nathan and walked to the side of the bed.

At this time, Nathan finally opened his mouth and the first thing he said was,

"Who are you?"

The woman paused for a second and said, "Oh, silly of me, I forgot to introduce myself to my guess."

The woman held her dress and gracefully said, "Good day, I am the owner of this palace, Vanessa Dreizer."

She looked at Nathan with an enchanting smile on her face.

Nathan doesn't know if it was an illusion but, the moment that Vanessa smiled, it was as if the surroundings brightened magically.

Hurriedly shaking his head, Nathan composed himself.

He stood up from the bed, did a gentleman's bow and introduced himself.

"My name is Nathaniel Fernandez, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Vanessa suddenly chuckled at this time.

"Are you sure that it's really a pleasure to meet me? Your behavior earlier doesn't seem to match your words."

Hearing that, Nathan scratched the back of his head, feeling a little embarrassed.

Thinking back to it, his behavior since earlier has been quite unsightly.

But Nathan knows that acting wary like earlier is the right thing to do since he is doing an investigation for a possible appearance of a demon.

Anything could happen if he ever meets a demon, there's even a possibility that he will die right there and then.

Thinking of that, Nathan's embarrassment disappeared.

He took a look at Vanessa in front of him.

Last time, Nathan did not carefully look at the appearance of this woman and now that he looks at it, she is actually very gorgeous.

She has lazy looking eyes, perfectly lined nose, thin soft lips that always seems to have a hint of a smile to it.

At the corner of her right eye, she has a beauty mole, giving her a mature and seductive vibe.

She has a very sexy body that is plump in places that it should be, a pale skin that looks soft and smooth.

Overall, she seems like a goddess.

Nathan can even confidently say that she is the most beautiful woman that he has ever seen in his life.

As he was observing Vanessa, her voice sounded, "What are you staring at me for? Don't tell me you already fell in love with me."

​ After saying that, she let out a light chuckle.

Her every movement seems to possess elegance as well as seductiveness to them that Nathan can't explain himself.

Nathan shook his head again and got rid of those thoughts.

He looked around again and asked, "Miss Vanessa, where are we right now?"

"This is my room." Vanessa casually said, "Since you fell unconscious after I accidentally hit you, I brought you here as it is the nearest room available."

Nathan nodded in understanding, "I apologize again for my rude behavior earlier and thank you for taking care of me while I was unconscious."

Vanessa waved her hand and said, "Forget it, I don't mind it anymore. Let's talk about something else."

She stared directly at Nathan's eyes and seriously asked, "What are you doing here in my home? Are you a thief?"

Being asked if he was a thief, Nathan did not know whether to laugh or cry.

It's not like he can't understand why she would think so, but still…

Nathan sighed, "First of all, I'm sorry for entering your house without permission and also, I am not a thief."

While saying that, Nathan also used appraisal on Vanessa.

[Name: Vanessa Dreizer

Race: Vampire

Level: 5 Transcendent

Soul Talent: Eye of Truth (3)

Attribute: Darkness/ Blood

Skills: Blood Control (A), Blood Sucking (A), Transformation (A), Blood Resurrection (Unranked)

Status: Normal

Details: A vampire that has been exiled from the Demon Kingdom because of her incapability to get along with the demons. She has an unusually friendly attitude towards humans because of the environment she grew up in.]

When Nathan saw the result, he immediately noticed the few changes that happened to the appraisal.

But he did not focus on that for now, he put all his attention at the race and the details part of the appraisal.

After seeing the 'friendly towards humans' on the details section, for some reason, Nathan heaved a sigh of relief.

Nathan knows that although he is a Transcendent now, he knows from the previous encounter that he might be no match against Vanessa unless he gives it his all.

Doing so might result in a few backlash that's why Nathan doesn't want that to happen.

He just became more resolute after seeing that Transcendent (5) on Vanessa's panel.

Nathan turned his eyes back at Vanessa with a much more relaxed attitude than before.

"As for why I'm here, I was actually investigating the cause of demonic energy covering a shop above."

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