Tap Tycoon System!

Chapter 186 Back Home

Threat Prison.

Guardian Treants Room.

Nathan looked at the familiar room and a smile appeared on his face.

"This time's journey was very fruitful."

Nathan was very satisfied with the spoils of today's journey.

Although it was quite tiring since he had to run and fight monsters continuously, in the end, all of it was worth it.

Because now, he has become a Transcendent!

He now has strength multiple times than when he left earlier.

Nathan is confident that he can beat even a hundred of his previous self without even sweating.

"There were a lot of things that happened but thankfully, there was nothing that I couldn't handle."

Nathan sighed just thinking about the unexpected things such as meeting Arthur and seeing a Naecosian.

Nathan shook his head and pumped himself, "Well, everything's over now!"

"I should head back now, it's already late."

Nathan said after taking a look at the time on his phone.

Putting his phone back into his pocket, Nathan started walking with his eyes fixed on the exit.

He passed by the throne in the room but Nathan did not pay much attention to it and just continued walking away.

Because of that, he did not notice that the skeleton sitting on the throne actually has a blue fire inside it's eyes.

Nathan left the room without anything happening.

But once he was gone, the silent skeleton's mouth started clattering as if it was laughing.

The next moment, the skeleton stood up.

It waves its hand and suddenly, the space in front of it starts burning with blue fire!

After a couple of seconds, from the curtain of blue fire a scene from another location was shown.

This curtain of fire was a portal.

The skeleton then walked towards the fire and disappeared.

After the skeleton disappeared, the portal disappeared and everything went back to normal.

Nathan successfully left the Threat Prison and arrived at Unano Island.

"Phew~ I'm finally out!"

The sun had already long disappeared and the moon was hanging up in the sky, shining with its gentle white light.

The cool breeze of the midnight as well as the sound of the waves nearby seems to hold some sort of magic that naturally relaxes a person.

Taking in a deep breath, Nathan felt his nerves relax.

"This quiet scene is very addicting." Nathan muttered,

"Isn't Unano Island already Irish's family property? I wonder if they'll let me build a simple house here…"

With that idea on his head, Nathan slowly walked towards the shore and saw the dark sea reflecting the light of the moon on its surface.

Watching that for a few seconds, Nathan said, "Well, I guess it's now time for me to go home."

Looking around, Nathan did not see any more boatmen that could bring him back to Baretto Beach.

With no other choice, Nathan could only go on his own.

"Running on water should be no problem with my current speed."

Nathan picked up a random stone on the ground and threw it sideways on the water.

Nathan did not put much power into his throw but in the end, the stone still bounced more or less a hundred times before finally sinking into the sea.

Smiling, Nathan said, "Just like that stone, I should be able to do it as well."

Saying that, Nathan took a few steps back before rushing out with speed unimaginable to humans!

In truth, Nathan was only using a small portion of his speed, but that small portion for him is already beyond the world's compression!

In just a few seconds, Nathan arrived at the shore of Baretto Beach.

Fortunately, no one was around where he stopped and so, no one saw him running on water.

If not, people would probably start making a fuss, which is a hassle for Nathan.

After arriving at the beach, Nathan began walking at a moderate speed, heading towards where he parked his car.

Entering inside his car, Nathan saw that there was no problem, he started the engine, and left the beach.

30 minutes later, Nathan arrived at the villa.

After parking his car, Nathan went inside the house and noticed that there was no one in the living room.

"Seems like everyone has gone to sleep already, huh." He said,

When he was passing by the kitchen, Nathan smelled something and stopped his feet.

Taking a look inside, Nathan saw that on the table, there was actually some food covered by a lid.

Beside it, there was a letter.

[I tried cooking again, brother. Please try it.


Putting the paper back to the table, Nathan removed the cover and the smell of spices assaulted his nose.

"Sniff, curry? By the smell of it, her cooking seems to have improved again, huh." Nathan muttered,

Nathan took a spoon, scoop a bit of curry, and ate it.

"Hmm… I was right, her cooking really did improve a lot."

Nathan nodded.

Since the curry has already gone cold, Nathan has decided to reheat it first with the microwave before eating.

It did not take long before Nathan served himself with a hot flavorful curry and ate it with rice.

After he finished eating, Nathan washed the dishes before heading to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

After Nathan cleaned himself, he went to his room, directly headed to bed and immediately fell asleep.

Just like that, Nathan's eventful day ended.

The next day.

Even though Nathan slept late, he still woke up exactly at 5 am.

Going for his morning jog, Nathan went to the park.

Beside him, there are also a few other people around his age jogging here this time.

After jogging for an hour, Nathan sat down on a bench and took out his phone.

Opening a social media app, the first thing that appeared was a news about yesterday's terrorist attack.

Nathan only read it for a while before he put the phone down.

Nathan already knows what happened thanks to his drone.

Basically, those terrorist got taken down by an elite force among the police just a few minutes after they showed themselves.

Nathan was not surprised by that since from the appraisal result through the drone, those terrorist were only around 2 and 3 in terms of physique and spirits.

For Nathan, they are just small fries.

Looking up in the sky, Nathan said, "Small fries are just small fries, instead of wasting time on them, I should focus my energy on those behind all of this."

A sharp glint flash through his eyes.


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