Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 717 - Seven Hundred And Seventeen: Shes A Goner

Chapter 717 - Seven Hundred And Seventeen: She's A Goner

The third point of view:

The tension between Anabelle and her fiancé Julie was palpable. Julie had thought that the episode with her parents would calm her down a bit, but her anger reached a heightened level with the both of them alone.

He tried initiating a conversation with her but she simply gave him the silent treatment. In one word, Julie was simply baffled by the whole thing, this was the first time Anabelle was being this mad at him.

One should note that his fiancée was tender-hearted and worked hard on preventing them from fighting. Hence this new side of her surprised him and he did not doubt that Isabella had something to do with it - Isabella's character was beginning to rub off on her.

Julie contemplated driving her to the store to get an Ice Cream but in this current state, he had no doubt Anabelle would throw the Ice Cream to his face if he did that.

Anabelle turned her face the other way hence she was quick to notice the moment Julie did a turn and branched off to another road that didn't lead to her destination at all.

Finally, she spoke to him, with a glare, "What do you think you're doing?"

However, it was Julie's turn to give her a taste of the silent treatment because he didn't say a word and instead continued to drive through that quiet path.

It was late at night and the only presence was their car going through the dusty road surrounded by bushes on both sides.

At first, Anabelle had this stupid thought that he was about to kidnap her to God knows where, however, it hit her. Why would he do so? So she relaxed and watched what he was up to. Moreover, what could he do to her anyway?

Finally, Julie stopped at a spot that was enclosed with more of the bushes. It was a private location and would be hard for people to spot them - if indeed one manages to come across this lonely path.

Julie killed the engine and the light died since the few streetlights available were working and lit the environment clear enough. But then, a deafening silence surrounded them and it made Anabelle uncomfortable. She wanted to see Isabella, not to wallow in silence with him.

"Pedro got a woman pregnant," Julie said out of nowhere and it took Anabelle a second to comprehend that he just confessed the truth to her.

"Since you're not shocked, I'm guessing you knew the truth already," Julie said, finally recognizing the root of the problem.

He had his suspicion that Anabelle might have somehow gotten hold of the news and was mad at him for not telling her - she was the empathetic type - he just needed evidence. Now, he finally got what he wanted.

"How did you know because I'm sure as hell that Isabella is too proud to reveal that to you?" He was curious to know.

"You're right," Anabelle finally said, "Isabella didn't tell me, no, she didn't even let me in. But luckily for me, I overheard Pedro narrating everything to you. Satisfied?"

Julie took a deep breath, "So you became mad that I kept such a secret from you?"

Anabelle didn't say anything but her silence was all the answer he needed.

"Hey, I'm sorry," Julie said and tried to reach for her but she wriggled free.

"Sorry does not erase what you did, Julie! How could you not tell me?!" she said to him, her anger rising to the surface.

He arched a brow at him, "Even when Pedro told me not to?"

Anabelle threw her hands up, "For Christ's sake, Julie! We are a couple and if you can't trust me, who else are you going to trust? How would we be able to function as a couple?"

"How does Pedro and Isabella's secret concern the effectualness of our relationship as a couple?" Julie asked her with a straight face.

"We should be open with each other, Julie! For fuck sake, I even told you about Isabella's pregnancy when I wasn't supposed to!" Anabelle said with an outburst. How could he be so unfeeling towards her? They were supposed to be a team here!

"Actually, the news of her pregnancy slipped out of your mouth," Julie corrected her.

"God, why don't you just own up to your fault!" Anabelle was exasperated. All she needed was just for him to sincerely acknowledge his fault of keeping the secret.

"Apologize for what?" Julie stared her straight in the eyes, "For following up my client's wish of keeping his private matter confidential?"

"Julie!" Anabelle was close to exploding, "Pedro is family!"

"Yet at that moment, he came to me as a client. Moreover, Pedro wanted to keep that a secret, why should I expose that to you?"

"Because I will be your wife soon, that's what couples do!"

"And now you know the truth, does it change anything about our relationship? About your life? Does it change how you feel about me?" he retorted.

"Julie...." Anabelle was hurt by his words. He used to be so sweet to her, boohoo, tears stung her eyes.

"Anabelle, I admit the fact that couples aren't supposed to have no secrets between each other, but not secrets like this one. Can you boldly tell me that there's no secret you're keeping from me?" he asked her.

At once Anabelle looked away out of guilt.

"Answer me, Anabelle," He demanded a reply from her.

"Well," she gulped, fidgeting with her hands nervously, "there are a few that I haven't told you yet," Anabelle then added immediately, "But it's because the -"

"See," Julie said and then leaned closer, cupping her face with her palm and striking it tenderly as he said, "Just because we are a couple and about to get married doesn't mean we won't have our privacy,"

"But then," He went on, "I promise to never keep a secret that would harm our relationship and marriage in the future. When I'm having a problem at work, I'll talk it out with you and we'd work on a solution together. I would listen to you as well as you share your problems. That, I promise you, "

"This is a bribe!" Anabelle's mind boldly recognized that he was compromising her belief. But she was melting under his charm, not to mention the fact he was somehow right.

"Nonetheless, I'm sorry," he pecked her on the lips with his charming smile

Anabelle knew at once, she's a goner.


Bless this shameless author with your golden ticket ????

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