Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 713 - Seven Hundred And Thirteen: The Accident

Chapter 713 - Seven Hundred And Thirteen: The Accident

The third point of view:

Reina walked into the underground parking lot with her phone pressed to her ears because she was on call.

"You're still in the hospital?!" She sounded shocked, "Why are you still in the hospital when the doctor says you're completely fine and ready to be discharged?" Reina asked her step-daughter, Isabella. The girl was really a strange one.

"I just want to," Was Isabella's nonchalant answer that made her brow furrow.

Reina stopped walking in the middle of the parking lot and readjusted the phone on her ear to concentrate on the conversation with her daughter.

"Nobody in this world likes hospitals," Reina stated.

"I don't like it either but this is the best place I can concentrate on my thoughts with no distraction," Isabella said.

"Is Pedro there with you?" Reina asked knowing she would be able to communicate more with him than her stubborn ass of a daughter.


"Where is he?"

"I sent him away?"


"I told you I need to concentrate on my thoughts,"

"Isabella," Reina called, her brows furrowed, "Is something wrong between you and Pedro?"

"No. Why do you ask?"

"I thought it was weird but now that I think about it, something seems off between the both of you," She pointed out.

However, Isabella didn't hesitate to answer, "As you said earlier, I developed cold feet about the wedding and now I think I need a little space to think about what I want,"

"Fine," Reina sighed, "Do whatever you want that makes you happy. Also, always remember that you have the choice here, and no one's forcing or pressuring you into getting married. If you think you still need more time, don't worry about us, just push back the wedding. Always remember that you're much more important to us than our would-be son-in-law and we would support every decision you make..... "

Reina was still engrossed with advising Isabella that she didn't notice the approaching car. No, she heard the car coming but then, this was a parking lot and she hadn't given it much thought until she somehow turned and saw the car moving towards her with great speed.

She didn't have the time to think nor move because the car flashed its headlights at her, blinding her. Moreover, her brain seemed to stop functioning at the sight of the speeding car. Reina watched her life flash before her eyes as she wondered if this was going to be how she died?

No, she didn't want to die. She still has her kids to train up, Elsa, Ella, and Diego were quite young. Ailee was too young to fill in the role of a mother?- she was the most responsible out of them all. She still had Isabella's wedding to attend. No, she was still on call with Isabella, would this experience traumatize her? First, it was her mother Kay that left her, now she as well?

She has promised to take care of Isabella. But it seems she would be leaving sooner than she thought. What about Niklaus? They agreed to go on a date today and that was the reason she had left work on time to meet up with the demands. Unfortunately, all of her plans would be gone with the wind.

While all these thoughts seemed like they lasted forever, it was merely seconds and there was no more time for Reina to dodge the car when something happened.

Seconds away from hitting her, another car came out from nowhere and rammed into the speeding car, intercepting its destination as it knocked into the large stone pillar by the side instead, the other car hitting its side.

Reina was stricken with fear and she didn't dare to move while her lips trembled. What just happened? She narrowly escaped death?

"Oh my God!" A relieved sob escaped from her throat and she cupped her mouth to prevent herself from crying aloud.

Unfortunately, her call was still connected and Isabella had heard the car tires screeching against the surface of the floor and the deafening sound of the crash. Hence her brows furrowed in concern because she had a terrible knot in her belly when she didn't hear Reina's voice anymore. It couldn't be that something happened, right? Oh no.

"Mother? What's wrong, mother?! Reina, talk to me!" Isabella was filled with anxiety.

However, the Reina she was worried about had not even a single bruise or injury on her body. She was only shocked.

Reina didn't need a prophet to tell her Red Chevrolet Malibu, the car that stepped in had saved her life. Her sight fell on the red car that collided into the other car on the side and had steam coming out from the bonnet.

Upon a closer look, Reina discovered that the airbag had i?nflated and shielded the driver who was a woman from the impact, and relief washed over her once more.

"Hello?" Isabella's voice roused her from her thought and she finally remembered that she had been on call before the incident.

"Hello, Isabella..." Reina finally picked up.

"Oh thank God!" Isabella was glad nothing happened, "What the hell is happening, I heard a crash -"

"Isabella, an accident just happened right in front of me and I'm okay. But then I need to help the injured, I'll see you later," Reina ended the call without a second thought and called 911 immediately.

Once she was done with the call, Reina went to help the young woman in the red car, however, her windows were rolled up with the car door locked. She couldn't get in.

She then walked over to the other car to see if the driver was badly injured. But to her shock, the car door was open and there was no sight of the driver and that made Reina's brows furrow.

If that was the case, the driver must have run off because he cared of the consequences of the incident, or whoever that was planned to kill her and took off when the plan failed.

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