Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 217 - Two Hundred And Seventeen: For The Life Of Kim

Chapter 217 - Two Hundred And Seventeen: For The Life Of Kim

The third point of view

The fear in Angela's expression was obvious; her orbs widened to the size of saucers and her expression ashen. Her head turned towards Valentino, lips trembling," What are you doing?"

His lips were pulled to the side in a smile and oh, how much she knew that distinct smile; the one he uses to hide the rage inside of him.

"What do you mean Mi Amor, it's entertainment," he answered pleasingly.

Angela didn't hassle him any longer. Valentino was not a psychopath nor masochist but he was a cold-blooded Mafia who could be both when pissed. The only language he understood was family and business, the rest could go to hell as long as he cares.

Her eyes returned to Kim who also settled her gaze on her. She was shaking her head vigorously, evidence that she was against whatever they were about to do to her.

Her daughter's hands were tied behind her back and her mouth was taped with two men standing behind her awaiting the order of this ruthless man sitting beside her.

This man wasn't the Valentino she knew, this version of him was clearly Sakuzi; a man who bears his clan's duty to the extreme. Valentino who loved her would never bear to see her in pain.

"Now," she watched Valentino bring his hand down and before her very eyes, Kim, her daughter was pushed into the waters of the big tank.

"Kim!" A wretched scream was ripped from her throat and she tried to go to her daughter's rescue but he held her back.

His grip on her shoulder was iron and no matter how much she struggled, she couldn't escape.

"This is just a mild illustration of the gruesome death my daughter Maya underwent and you're this emotional already?" Valentino's cold voice rasped in her ears.

A sob escaped her mouth and she used her palm to stifle it. Her daughter was in trouble right in front of her but she was helpless to help her.

Kim was struggling like a fish out of water inside the tank but there was nothing she could do. She was a good swimmer yet her hands were tied behind her so she could not swim her way out nor was she able to manipulate her breathing.

Her nose was burning from the uncontrollable amount of water gushing in. At least if her mouth wasn't sealed, she would have taken in air and held her breath for a few minutes but none of this was possible; this was torture.

"At this rate, you're going to kill her!" Angela couldn't hold it back. Kim's struggling was no longer as vigorous as earlier which meant she had grown weak and was slowly surrendering to the darkness.

"What do you think is my intention? Pet her?" He gave her a stupid look, refocusing his attention back to the "show" as he called it.

Angela's nails dug into the skin of her palm so hard it drew blood. If she kept mum like this, her daughter's life would slowly seep away and she didn't think she could live with that amount of guilt for the rest of her life.

Just a sight was enough to reveal Kim was on the verge of death but just when Angela shot to her feet, her daughter was pulled out of the tank which made her release the air she didn't know she was holding in.

"Thank God," she breathed, her hands sliding down the length of her hair languidly with her racing heart gradually returning to normal.

Kim had lost consciousness and they were performing chest compression on her, trying to revive her.

At a point, they did mouth to mouth ventilation. However, Angela didn't care about the asshole putting his mouth on her daughter's lips, all she wanted was for her to survive.

Her legs gave out and she crumbled to the ground out of exhaustion when Kim woke up, throwing up water.

But her joy was short-lived because her daughter hardly took a breather when she was tossed back into the water.

Angela saw red," What is wrong with you, you crazy man!" She screamed. She wanted to walk to him and slap him till he saw stars but fear didn't let her. Valentino might have liked her, but that was in the past.

All these years, she had worked hard and done everything to gain power so no one messes or looked down on her because of her poor background. But no matter what, oppression still came her way and she loathed this feeling of helplessness the most.

As prideful as she was, Angela got down on her knees in front of Sakuzi.

"Please," she rubbed her palms together, " Have mercy on Kim,"

"Some people think that death by bridge is a light, airy way to die but in reality, you die the same way as someone hit by a car. When you hit the water hard, it's not a pretty death," Sakuzi said with no care to her pleading.

"Take a look at your daughter," he tilted his head to the tank to which Angela followed his line of sight tautly.

"Kim is just immobilized and her flailing about breaks your heart already but then Maya…" his voice increased a notch but he reeled in his anger.

"It breaks your heart to see your daughter drown but how do you think I feel after being told that my missing daughter might not survive that fall. A fall that high? The impact is tremendous. Her ribs might be broken and the impact alone would shove them into her heart or lungs,"

His eyes distorted but he continued speaking, "You're lucky enough to spend time with your daughter during her death but Maya! She was all alone as she slipped down that bridge; all alone as she flails about in the water, trying to stay afloat; all alone as she plunges in deep; all alone as she succumbs to death, fearfully" No report had come in about Maya being dead but the evidence was already pointing to that.

Her hand reached out to clasp her chest, Angela lifted her red teary eyes to Sakuzi," I know you might not believe me but Maya's incident greatly upsets me and I've prayed for her safety but Valentino, I can't lose two daughters all at once. The thought alone haunts me, so please spare Kim,"

Angela kowtowed to him, almost lying flat on the ground with her forehand banging hard against the floor with each repetitive bow.

Yet Sakuzi was unmoved, his gaze was fixed on the tank where Kim struggled for air instead, gulped large amounts of water since the tape on her mouth had been taken off.

"Valentino, I'm begging you. If whatever we had in the past meant something to you, please spare my daughter and I promise you that you would never set your eyes on us again," she pleaded desperately.

His face was hardened and he looked undisturbed but Sakuzi was far from calm. Inwardly, his heart was in turmoil and he balled his fist.

Here was the woman he loved - and still loved a bit, a teeny bit- asking, begging, pleading for mercy, and yet, he was unreactive, was he such a cold bastard?

No, he was doing it for his daughter; he was avenging Maya. He clearly warned Angela not to lay a finger on his daughter yet she, no, her own daughter dared him.

Apparently, she hadn't given Kim enough reason to fear him and now she was going to have to learn it the hard way.

Moreover, Angela was the first to start this preferential treatment and must finish it to the end. His own daughter was shit while Alfred's was gold? Well, let's see how it goes now.

Angela turned around to see her daughter was not moving anymore and the last bubble escaped her lips and she cried with a loud voice," Oh my God, Kim!"

Tears like never before wrecked Angela and she began to kowtow so hard and fast that her forehead split. Blood began to gush out, trailing down her eyes but she carried on with her actions notwithstanding.

The sight of a mother crying for the life of her child was so heartbreaking that even the cold

Sakuzi couldn't take it anymore,

"Bring her out," he gestured to them.

His men obeyed and this time they brought her down to the ground and began to resuscitate her.

"She's not responding!" Yelled the man who had done the first resuscitation.

Angela's wails increased, she sank to her knees, hands closing around her mouth to appear less pathetic as she looked right now.

He must be so happy, thought Angela without noticing that Sakuzi was greatly distressed by that scene.

For five minutes, they kept compressing kim's chest, and just when everyone had given up on hope, she awoke with a loud gasp, sputtering out water from her mouth.

"Oh my God, thank God," Angela hurried over to her daughter, pushing away the men in her path and hugging Kim in a tight grip.

"I thought I almost lost you," she hugged Kim who was still disoriented. She was drenched and looked like a wet rat; her hair clung to her skull, looking like a second skin.

"Let's hope we never cross paths again," Said Sakuzi.

Angela was startled, she was so engrossed with her daughter that she didn't notice him come over.

"Of course," she agreed, sensing the fear from Kim when she saw him.

"Goodbye la mia Farfalla," Sakuzi turned on his heels and left.

He knew the punishment was light but he did it for old times sake. Besides, the girl didn't directly push his daughter off the bridge but contributed to the events leading to it.

"How's the body?" He asked the man beside him on his way out.

"It's been prepared as we speak,"

"And my daughter?"

"According to the doctor, she's still in critical condition,"

Sakuzi stopped in his tracks and faced the guard saying "Tell the doctor that if he doesn't save her, he should be prepared to be buried alongside her,"

"Of course Sir," He bowed.

"Thank you," he patted the guy on the shoulder and continued his journey," Now, where was I?"

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