Talent Awakening: Draconic Overlord Of The Apocalypse

Chapter 211: A Mysterious Monster Part Two

Chapter 211: A Mysterious Monster Part Two

Kael could be seen as he threw a condensed fireball at the monster's chest. The monster opened his maw, unleashing golden flames to meet it. The explosion blinded them all, sending Kael skidding backward.

"Is this all you've got?" the monster roared.

He slashed his claws, sending lightning claws at the team. They dodged, but the claws left gashes in the ground.

Jin fired another shot at the monster's eye. The bullet hit the horn instead, creating a tiny crack.

The scene fizzled and another took its place...


"Pathetic," the monster said. He backhanded Kael, sending him flying with a boom, crashing into a massive rock formation in the distance, the impact cracking his armor. He coughed up blood, blood dripping from his nose, eyes red as he was dazed.

The monster then turned to the fallen team members, his golden eyes cold and merciless as his gaze pierced through their souls.

"This is the end for you."

Rex could be seen as he struggled to his feet, blood dripping from his wounds. "You think you will be able to get away with this... you monster?"

The monster chuckled, then he said, "You tell me. I mean, #### is ##### right now, right? Or am I wrong?"

In the next instant, the monster could be seen opening its maw as it let out an inferno of raging flames as Rex screamed at the top of his lungs.


The monster could be seen slowly turning his head to face the others as he said with a touch of excitement, "That's two, four more to go."

Jin's ash-colored mana could be seen shining bright as he aimed his rifle at the monster's eye again.

He fired, but the monster swatted the bullet away with his claw. The recoil of the gun from putting so much mana into it sent a shockwave that knocked Jin off his one good leg.

The monster could be seen suddenly darting towards Jin, appearing before him in the blink of an eye, pausing to look down at him, his shadow covering him menacingly.

"Now, let's make that three."

In the next instant, Jin was already above the ground with the monster holding him by the neck as it then pulled back its other hand, straightening its finger, making its arm take on a spear-like shape.

With a sudden burst of speed, it plunged its arm through Jin's chest, causing the feed to fizzle slightly.

Jin gasped; it was obvious his heart was pierced through.


In the next instant, Kai's voice could be heard as he spoke, "This isn't the end... I'll be back, and when I do... I'll make sure to make you suffer. I'll take away everything precious to you. I wonder how everyone will react when they #### ### #### is actually a monster..." He chuckled weakly.

"You'll be abandoned. Labeled a #### and hunted down, and I'll be sure to watch as you drown in agony and wish for death."

"And then I... will be the one to land the finishing blow," he whispered.n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om


In the next instant, the monster could be seen in the air, and behind it, black portals opened up, with wyverns flying down to devour the remains of the Reapers. Then everything went black.

The video feed ended, and silence fell in the boardroom. Victor straightened his back, glancing at the wall-mounted screen as it slowly retracted back to the ceiling.

"That was all," he announced.

Tension filled the room as board members exchanged uneasy glances. Each one understood the implications of the creature they had just seen.

"That monster seems well-rounded," one member, Daniel, murmured, breaking the silence.

"How is that even possible? It possesses abilities similar to three types of talent: physical enhancement, arcane abilities, and elemental powers. And those scales... they're nearly indestructible."

"If we want to take it down, regular weapons won't suffice," another member, Sheila, pointed out, her brow furrowed in thought. "We could always trying using an-"

Before she could finish, Marla interjected sharply. "Which is very hard to find! It's basically a resource extinct at this point due to all the wars they were lost in. Do you expect to equip an entire raid team with that? Even if we did, how are you even sure it will work?"

"What if the monster dodges our attacks? As we all saw, its reflexes can't even be followed with our eyes; it moves like a blur of lightning."

"True," Tomas chimed in, crossing his arms. "Putting that aside, we now have another monster, almost as dangerous as the sandworm, and it is right outside our walls."

Victor took a moment, eyeing each board member. "I understand your concerns. We are in uncharted territory here. The creature exhibits capabilities we have not documented before." "There's a possibility this is a new species of monster," Daniel suggested, his voice tense. "We need to treat it as such. What do we know about its behavior?"

Sheila nodded, leaning forward. "That's what we should focus on. If we can find a pattern or a weakness..."

"Or a means to contain it," Victor added, his expression grave. "But until then, we must increase our defenses. Mobilize our resources, and gather more data."

Marla raised an eyebrow. "And what if we find it impossible to contain? Do we have a

contingency plan?"

"Then we must be prepared for all scenarios," Victor replied, his voice firm. "We can't afford to underestimate it, especially with the sandworm threat still looming."

A heavy silence hung in the air as the weight of the situation settled in.

Victor turned his gaze to the Union Branch Director as he asked, "What are your thoughts on this situation, sir?"

The director let out a heavy sigh, rubbing his temples. "Please make sure this information doesn't leak to the Reapers Guild or the Li family. I don't have the energy to start arguing with those fools about not throwing their lives away."

He paused, thinking about the gravity of their predicament. "For now, we should send out drones to study the area. We need to determine if there are more of these monsters and observe their behavior. If they decide to stay where they are, we may let them live."

A branch member raised a hand, about to object, "Sir! But-"

The director cut him off sharply. "What do you think will happen if an army of those things seeks revenge because we couldn't mind our own business?"

"From what we've seen, it's very intelligent. Its kin will likely be just as clever. If such a threat approaches, only the Union President will be able to save us. And do you really think he'll spend his time cleaning up the mess made by some fools who couldn't keep their noses out of


The room fell into a heavy silence, the weight of his words settling on everyone present.

The director continued, "As I said earlier, we will simply observe. But if it turns out that the monster decides to invade us first, we must be prepared for an intense battle."

He then called out to one of the branch officers. "Get in touch with the other guild branches. We need to ask if they can help us with this situation."

"But let us hope things don't come to that."

"Understood sir, but what do you suggest that we call this monster in our files?"

The branch director paused, closing his eyes as his thoughts raced, he then opened them as he

said, "Let's call it, The White Disaster."

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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