Taking advantage of the beauty being poor, fooling her into being my girlfriend

Chapter 559: 559: An Unforeseen Plot

Chapter 559: Chapter 559: An Unforeseen Plot


Jiang Xu twisted his head to look and saw it was Jiang Xiaoyan.

“Up so early?”

“Woke up needing to pee, almost wet the bed. Can’t drink that much again.”

Jiang Xu’s expression darkened: “You don’t need to go into so much detail about that sort of thing.”

Jiang Xiaoyan walked into the kitchen with her hands behind her back: “What are you making?”

“Biscuits,” Jiang Xu said without lifting his head: “I’m preparing them for you. Once you get to Bear Country, you can store them in the fridge and they’ll keep for a long time.”

“You’re so good to me.” Jiang Xiaoyan’s eyes brightened: “Papa-”

“What the hell?” Jiang Xu’s hand shook, almost dropping the mold he was holding onto the floor.

He turned around, looking incredulously at Jiang Xiaoyan: “What did you just say?”

“Papa- Papa-” Jiang Xiaoyan said dreamily: “Has Nuonuo ever called you that?”

“I’m begging you to put away your supernatural powers,” Jiang Xu pleaded with his hands pressed together: “Don’t be too outrageous.”

This girl was really something else.

“Hee hee hee~” Jiang Xiaoyan giggled like a little fox: “You’re such a coward, no wonder you don’t even dare to steal a taste, you useless man.

I won’t chat anymore, make sure to do extra, I’m going back to catch up on my sleep.”

Jiang Xu shook his head and continued making the small biscuits.

By eight o’clock, all were finished.

He made over ten pounds, enough for Jiang Xiaoyan to eat for a long time.

Seeing that the others still hadn’t gotten up, Jiang Xu began to make breakfast.

Tomato beef noodles.

Just as he finished, Su Cheng arrived.

Since she was the housekeeper, of course, she would live here.

She came with a suitcase in tow.

Jiang Xu was very pleased with her attire for the day.

Very professional and without makeup, she looked efficient, and it didn’t overshadow the hosts.

“Good morning, boss,” Su Cheng bowed slightly.

“Have you eaten?” Jiang Xu asked with a smile: “I made some extra breakfast, join us if you haven’t eaten yet.”

“No need, thank you, boss. I’ve already eaten,” Su Cheng politely declined.

She was also a bit surprised in her heart.

She hadn’t expected someone like Jiang Xu, with a fortune in the hundreds of billions, to make his own breakfast.

Jiang Xu didn’t insist and took Su Cheng to see where she would be staying.

In the back of the villa, there was a small house.

Calling it small, but it was nearly two hundred square meters.

It had a study, bathroom, kitchen, and more, all fully equipped.

This villa had been designed with considerations for a housekeeper’s residence from the start.

After arranging Su Cheng’s living quarters, Jiang Xu led her to get familiar with the entire villa area.

He also made clear the places that were off-limits.

The girls were all awake by now.

Other than An Nuonuo, who already knew about Su Cheng, the rest were quite surprised.

But they didn’t make much of it.

Aside from Zhou Qingyue, both Jiang Xiaoyan and Bai Xiaoya had housekeepers at home, and not just one.

After breakfast, they all went together to send Jiang Xiaoyan to the airport.

Her belongings had been transported ahead of time by dedicated staff, so she didn’t need to carry anything herself.

Upon reaching the airport, An Nuonuo pulled out a bag for Jiang Xiaoyan: “Sister Xiao Yan, inside is a set of knitted sweater and pants, made by me.

It will be very cold there in the winter; wearing this will keep you warmer.”

Jiang Xiaoyan bit her pink lip lightly.

She took the bag and gave An Nuonuo a big hug.

Then she felt quite stifled, like she couldn’t breathe.

One was the physical inability to breathe, the other was emotional.

Though she had seen it several times, actually feeling it was still different.

Without mentioning anything else, just on this point, Jiang Xiaoyan could only admit defeat.

In a voice only the two of them could hear, she said, “You know I’ve always been trying to snatch Jiang Xu from you, why are you still so nice to me?”

If it were anyone else, Jiang Xiaoyan would have labeled them a scheming bitch without a second thought.

But An Nuonuo was different.

This girl was truly kind from the bottom of her heart.

“Because you’re good to him,” An Nuonuo said airily, “I don’t care about anything else, whoever is good to him, I’m good to them.”

Jiang Xiaoyan was greatly moved in her heart.

She took a deep breath and then said, “You’ve earned my approval, I’m willing to let you be the main, and I’ll be the second wife.”

An Nuonuo blinked her eyes, “But… even if I agree, Brother Xu won’t agree.”

So Jiang Xiaoyan became even more frustrated.

She said through gritted teeth, “You and Jiang Xu are both annoying, the best at making people angry.”

After releasing An Nuonuo, Jiang Xiaoyan waved to the others, carrying two bags and walking toward the departure lounge.

Behind her, the two female bodyguards arranged by Jiang Xu followed suit.

An Nuonuo tugged at Jiang Xu’s hand and whispered, “She’s going to be alone there for such a long time, she’ll certainly be lonely.

“Let’s go visit her during the National Day holiday?”

“I’ll go too,” Bai Xiaoya raised her hand.

Zhou Qingyue also wanted to go, but she couldn’t.

During these major festivals, she would be exceptionally busy.

Even if she wanted to leave, the company wouldn’t agree.

The group split up.

On the way back, Lifuzhen called Jiang Xu, “Are you… able to talk on the phone right now?”

“Sure,” Jiang Xu felt a bit strange, “Why does your voice sound shaky?”

Lifuzhen’s voice was not right.

It was trembling with excitement.

With that woman’s mental state, she shouldn’t be showing such emotions.

There must have been something that happened, something so overwhelming or hard to conceal.

“I… I’ve reported Li Zairong over the photolithography machine issue, he’s about to be finished,” she said.

“What the fuck?!” Jiang Xu sat up straight, “What did you say?!”

Lifuzhen repeated, “I really want his position, and following our strategy, it’s just too slow.

So, I decided to take a risk.

After getting rid of Li Zairong, the remaining few competitors are not a concern.”

Jiang Xu felt a tingling on his scalp at this moment.

His evaluation of Lifuzhen: Madwoman!

He struggled to contain his anger, saying in a low voice, “Do you realize that this can kill people?”

Jiang Xu was not at all ready to go head-to-head with technology companies in Mei Country.

No matter the strategy, he would need at least five more years.

The heat on this issue was about to die down, and in a little while, the public would forget about it.

Now Lifuzhen’s report directly to Mei Country made them know exactly who to seek revenge on.

Li Zairong was the first to be doomed.

Then, they would turn their weapons on Jiang Xu.

He wasn’t Hua Wei, what could he use to withstand this?

“I don’t care, I’m already on the flight back home,” Lifuzhen said, breathing fast, “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I must become the ruler of Sangsang.”

After saying that, Lifuzhen hung up the phone.

Jiang Xu looked out the car window, his expression changing unpredictably.

The biggest crisis since he started his business had emerged!

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