System Upgrades Every Second

Chapter 918: System battle

Chapter 918: System battle

"No, host, you misunderstood!"

"Whether it is the gods and devil systems, or the devil gods system!"

"In essence, they still belong to a god-level or demon-level system!"

"It's just that, as long as the systems that are labeled as gods and demons, in the god-level series and the demon-level series, they belong to a special existence!"

"Such a system, even the rule writer who created the system, can't control it!"

"Even, it is rumored that the Chaos Stone can directly transform the system into a human being!"

The answer to Ye Han was the god-level system, with a hint of fluctuation in its tone.

Upon hearing this, Ye Han showed a thoughtful expression!

As the children of the Ye family, especially the descendants of Xuanmeng!

Yehan now knows the system quite well!

Among all kinds of systems, only a small part of them will position themselves as tools to assist the host!

Will be a tool man honestly!

Such a system is almost rare, rare!

Most systems have ulterior motives!

Some systems are intended to be transformed into people!

They seem to be giving the host powerful power!

But in fact, it is like a parasite, secretly stealing the host's luck and energy!

Finally, in order to achieve the goal of becoming a person by oneself!

Strictly speaking, this system is still good!

At least, they won't pit the host to death!

Occasionally, he will give the host some sweetness, and even get what he needs from the host!

Such a system occupies the most proportion!

Of course, the final results of these systems for the purpose of transformation are also uneven, and there are only a handful of them that can be truly transformed!

Compared with these systems, another system is much more cruel and This kind of system, their purpose is still to become human!

It's just that it is not for the purpose of transforming yourself!

Instead, it will occupy the host's body, swallow the host's soul, and finally replace the host!

Such a system is unpredictable and not good!

The two systems in Ye Han's body have their own little secrets!

But at least, it's not the kind of system that intends to occupy the host's body!

Otherwise, Ye Han would have struggled to lose both sides, and would destroy this system!

Therefore, he can understand why the two systems are so excited after hearing Chaos Stone!

After all, Chaos Stone can advance the system!

More importantly, Chaos Stone allows the system to be directly transformed into a human being without countless steps!

How can they not covet such treasures?

"Host, have a discussion with you, can Chaos Stone help me?"

"Once I transform into a petrified chaos, I promise to always surrender to you and never give up!"

At this time, the voice of the magic level system rang!

In its tone, there was a hint of plea!

Just as these words were spoken, the God-level system immediately opposed it!

"Host, don't listen to it!"

"The magic level system is deliberately unpredictable, plus it is the system created by the Central Plains Five Blacks to monitor you!"

"This kind of goods, once you get the Chaos Stone, I am afraid that the first one will deal with you!"

"Why don't you give me the Chaos Stone, I am a god-level system after all, and you will be as prosperous as the Ye Family, and you will lose everything!"

The god-level system naturally covets the chaotic stone, and it will never allow the chaotic stone to be fooled by the demon-level system!

Hearing the words of the god-level system, the demon-level system was furious!

It just wanted to speak up, Ye Han's face was already sinking!

"Shut up all to me!"


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