Swordmaster's Youngest Son

Chapter 629

Chapter 629


The Red Owl, a synchronous space jump ship tracking wavelength, was not affected by Chaos Particles, unlike the Transfer Gate.

According to the manual, the space-time device built into the Red Owl operates differently from conventional transfer gates, as it uses the invisible "wavelength" existing in the world instead of mana for instant teleportation.

"I've seen previous failed works break apart during space jumps... It's hard to describe the abilities of Qwaul-nim and Miss Valeria, young master."

Jin had already seen Zipple using the space-time device on the Gaifa Islands, but comparing the Red Owl to Zipple's technology at that time was itself an insult.

"It feels like entering a completely new world after 2 years and 6 months."


Chilling screams echoed in the gloomy forest surrounding the Sword Emperor Castle.

The coordinates set for the Red Owl were the camp of the Ghost companions and mercenaries.

Jin could once again realize the gravity of the situation just by seeing them camp and surrender before the Sword Emperor Castle, the headquarters of the Ghost Mercenaries.

As the Red Owl slowly descended, all eyes in the camp were fixed on it.

Everyone was witnessing the operation of the Red Owl for the first time.

But what surprised them the most was the presence of Jin among the passengers of the Red Owl.


"Jin, you’re back!"

The Ghost mercenaries greeted him, and the companions shouted his name and rushed over.

Quikantel, Alisa, Kuzan, Veris, Yulian, Enya, Lata, Fey, Amela.

And about 30% of the Black Kings mercenaries and more than 80% of the Ghost mercenaries.

Tikan was literally focused on Smarion, leaving only the minimum force for defense.

All of them had haggard faces due to the operation that had been going on for over three months.

'A terrifyingly thick chaos covers the entire forest of the Sword Emperor Castle... A non-combatant would have gone mad just being around here.'

The nerves throughout Jin's body were on edge even though he didn't want to be aware of it.

Others also vaguely felt that the chaos of Smarion invading the Sword Emperor Castle was immense, but it was nowhere near the level Jin recognized.

This is because they don't have the same senses as Jin.

Such immense power could only be properly recognized by those who were at least at the level of the Battle King.

For a while, they exchanged words about each other's well-being. But given the gravity of the situation, the conversation quickly changed.

"I apologize for overwhelming you so soon after your return, sir," Lata spoke in a heavy tone.

"The reason I showed you this place first is because this is currently the biggest and only problem of the Sword Emperor Castle. It’s embarrassing to admit, but this seal could be said to threaten the existence of the Ghost mercenary."

From the moment Lata decided to serve Jin as his sir, he felt sorry for sharing the risk of 'Smarion Proch.'

"Sir Lata, please don't say such things. From the moment you became our comrade, this became a problem for all of us. In any case, I should apologize for abandoning my post until the situation reached this point."

As Lata lowered his head, Amela approached Jin's side.

"Our little cutie suffered a lot trying to manage things before you arrived, sir. We all did what we could, but with our own strength, we couldn't do anything..."

Fortunately, the chaos of Amela, Lata, and Fey did not resonate with the energy of the Sword Emperor Castle.

Jin took out the chaos purifier he had brought with him.

"It is a chaos purifier made by the brothers of the Tribe of Legends. I brought it just in case, but I don't think Sir Lata and Fey's father can be cured with it."

The chaos purifier was only effective against the infected before full invasion and bodily transformation occurred.

Smarion had already deviated from that standard by the time he was sealed, and even if not, the size of the chaos itself was too large.

Therefore, purification was impossible, and the only way to resolve the situation was by killing him.

"...Jin. If you’re worried about the idea of having to kill our father, don't be. We were here waiting precisely to deal with the monster that was our father."

Lata and Fey didn't have very good memories of Smarion.

It was because they had endured nothing but abuse and training from a young age.

Rather, the emotions evoked when thinking of their father were closer to hatred.

However, they were not completely devoid of ordinary family memories.

When Cyron was concerned about Smarion's chaos and often visited the Sword Emperor Castle, Smarion would become a benevolent father and give sweets to the two while they sat on his lap.

Although these moments were few and far between, they were undoubtedly precious childhood moments for the Proch siblings. Even if they didn’t want to admit it, given their resentment towards Smarion.

"Rather, we think that getting rid of that monster as soon as possible is the duty of the Ghost Mercenary. It’s the right thing to do for our comrades. Of course, even considering such things is a shameless request to burden you, sir... but please, I ask."

Jin nodded heavily.

Then, Quikantel informed Jin of the current situation. According to her, there had already been three chaos explosions at the Sword Emperor Castle.

The first explosion caused about 30 casualties, and from the second onwards, no damage occurred thanks to the pre-expansion of the perimeter.

"...The explosions are becoming more frequent and stronger. If this continues, there's a high chance that the damage will spread beyond the forest to the neighboring territories of Vermont."

Since the Sword Emperor Castle was within Vermont's territory, Dante was already supporting the Vamel Alliance.

The knights of Hairan and Perral completely cordoned off the area.

This was to prevent other major factions from exploiting the vulnerability of the Vamel Alliance.

Meanwhile, Jin's companions could only wait without being able to do anything.

They couldn't intervene first because the expected casualties would be too high, and they couldn't use their trump cards because they might be "annihilated."

This was because Talaris, Misha, Murakan, and Jin, their powerful allies, were not there.

"We prevented Dante Hairan from entering to subdue it alone."

If the seal completely broke and they judged that the Vamel Alliance alone couldn't handle it, then Dante would have no choice but to intervene.

Dante was the hope of the Empire and the ruler supported by all the people. In a situation where everything was uncertain, it was right to exclude him as much as possible from participating in the subjugation.

Moreover, Dante was already busy patrolling contaminated areas within the empire and containing major factions on his own. He didn't have spare capacity.

In such a situation, if Dante decided to enter the Ghost Castle for Jin and his companions, it would inevitably lead to more deaths elsewhere.

"You've done well," said Jin, looking towards the main gate of the Ghost Castle.

'Smarion Proch... Are you aware of my arrival?'

The pervasive energy of Chaos in the Ghost Castle area was growing deeper.

It had begun right after Jin's arrival and, once again, only he was aware of it.

As if waiting for an opponent, the chaos energy spread by Smarion was slowly focusing on Jin.

Jin calmly confronted that powerful energy.

And he quickly came to a conclusion.

"I'll rest for a day and enter the Ghost Castle tomorrow morning."

He needed some time to recover from the exhaustion and injuries sustained in the battle against Ranke.


"Yes. If the seal holds until tomorrow, or rather, if Smarion Proch waits for me until then, to be more precise. He's already in a state where he can break the seal."

"What are you talking about?"

"As soon as I arrived, Smarion's energy started amplifying. If the seal hadn't completely lost its function, the energy couldn't have grown at such a rapid rate. The deep killing intent and hostility are all directed at me."

Jin's companions didn't know if he had reached enlightenment or acquired the senses of a Genesis Knight. They only had a vague feeling that Jin had grown stronger.

That's why, although they doubted Jin could kill Smarion alone despite his newfound strength, they didn't express it. Because it was Jin.

"So, what should we do?"

Jin scrutinized the artifacts installed in the camp.

They were the artifacts he had found firsthand the day he met Qwaul at the cabin.

They included the blue rod made for the great knight battle, the "Aura Disruptors," and the net, claiming to be all sorts of obstacles.

"Prepare for the consequences of the battle nearby. The neighboring cities may also suffer damage if the protective shield isn't well-formed. And concentrate all the Aura Disruptors on the battlefield where Smarion and I will fight."

"Are you saying that those skilled enough to withstand the shockwave should keep their distance and continue using disruptors against you and Smarion?"

"Exactly, Quikantel-nim."

Naturally, such a strategy would impose some limitations on the use of Aura by both Jin and Smarion.

Consequently, external damage would be reduced accordingly.

If Jin were an ordinary martial artist, he would never consider such a method, as Smarion could still handle chaos energy even without Aura.

However, Jin had shadow force and mana.

"I can't predict exactly how far the impact of the battle will spread, so it's undoubtedly better for both Smarion and me that our power decreases. As long as the disruptors can withstand it."

"Anything else?"

"Please use all possible means to prevent damage to the imperial lands other than the Ghost Castle. Also, keep an eye on the Red Owl to ensure it doesn't get into trouble. That's all."


Noon, the next day.

Fortunately, Jin was able to head to the Ghost Castle after a full day's rest.

He meditated all night, so he didn't have a chance to talk further with his companions.

Jin classified Smarion as a target requiring his utmost concentration.

"There is a high chance the battle will begin as soon as I enter. So, Quikantel-nim, Valkas-nim, Lady Amela, and Enya, please be especially cautious."

"Yes, sir!"

Those four people were the ones closest to the battlefield and had the role of protecting the disruptors and those using them.

Enya's dragon fire shield and Quikantel's divine power of time were the core of the protective shield.

Five hundred disruptors were stationed near the Ghost Castle.

That was more than 80% of the current disruptors possessed by the Vamel Alliance.

"My lord, I wish you luck."

"Don't worry too much."

Jin turned towards Lata and Fey.

They still felt uneasy about entrusting Jin with such a role, but they had a determined look to ensure Jin didn't feel more uncomfortable.

"If we hadn't met you, my lord, the Ghost Castle would undoubtedly have been annihilated by that monster that consumed our father. Just like our mother. Please be careful, my lord."

Jin patted the Proch brothers on the shoulder and headed towards the Ghost Castle.



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