Swordmaster's Youngest Son

Chapter 300: Vacation (1)

Chapter 300: Vacation (1)

C300 - Vacation (1)

On March 10, 1799, Rosa called for a meeting of the flagbearers.

Barton Vichena's hollow helmet sat on the long table. All the flagbearers, except Jin and Dyfus, were startled at the sight of the helmet, but none showed their excitement.

They were already aware that Jin had played the most important role in this mission, not Dyfus.

In fact, Dyfus had told Mary that this mission would have been impossible without Jin. Then Mary started boasting about it to the other flagbearers as if it were her own achievement.

The sound of Rosa inspecting the mission report resonated in the silence of the conference room. She read the entire report without changing her expression much and spoke. "It seems you have forgotten the purpose of the mission."

"Is there something we missed?"

Several of their siblings flinched at Jin's calm question. It was Ran, Vuigo, Miu, Anne, and the twins Tona. They had been told that Jin and Dyfus had perfectly completed the mission.

"I appreciate the fact that you secured Bentica and killed Barton Vichena. But what the clan demanded of you was a discreet death."

What the clan demanded.

Rosa emphasized the phrase. And indeed, death at the hands of the enemy during a mission was not just Rosa's demand. It was something that the entire council of elders had agreed upon.

"If Barton Vichena was to be killed in another way, there was no need to assign it to you, flagbearers. I could have done it myself with the Black Sword Guild."


"Speak, twelfth flagbearer."

"It was impossible for Barton Vichena to die at the hands of the enemy in this mission. The unexpected factor of Keliac's divine powers required more personnel to carry out the mission according to plan."

"If that's what you thought, you should have withdrawn when Barton Vichena suggested retreating and seeking the next opportunity. Of course, by then, the mission would have been assigned to other flagbearers instead of you."

Jin didn't hesitate to use Dyfus as an excuse. "However, the fourth flagbearer, the mission's commanding officer, showed a strong determination to continue the mission."

"Fourth flagbearer. Is that true?"


"Why didn't you withdraw?"

"I came to the conclusion that there were no other flagbearers who could execute this particular task better than the twelfth flagbearer and me at this moment, with the absence of the first flagbearer."

"I think not, Dyfus."

"We actually delivered results. Although we couldn't achieve a discreet death, we fulfilled both objectives without any casualties."

"Don't you realize why the clan had to go to such lengths for Barton Vichena to be killed in such a complex manner? It's to ensure that his betrayal doesn't become known to others. All the retiring Zipple Magicians know of his survival, don't they? Once his death is known, they will realize that the Runcandels have executed a black knight."

Death in action versus execution.

Unlike the other knights, black knights had to go through the former. Executing the strongest unit of the Runcandel clan was equivalent to informing the world about the divisions and fading loyalty within the clan.

The news of a black knight's execution could cause a great impact and create ripples on its own. That was the symbol the black knights served within the Runcandel and Hughester clans.

Of course, even death in action would damage the reputation of the Runcandels.

But the forces involved in the task of securing Bentica were much greater on the Zipple side. It was quite plausible for a black knight to die in battle against the Kozec and the White Night.

If the mission went according to plan, they could have always claimed that the black knight had sacrificed themselves to save the flagbearers.

"As you all know, these are difficult times. We are left without the Patriarch and the first flagbearer, and yet, the Zipple's influence is growing day by day. What will our alliances think of us if they hear the news of a black knight's execution?"

Miu and Anne almost laughed out loud in satisfaction.

I knew it. Dyfus and Jin may be impressive, but they're only human. It seems they became greedy and went overboard. When Joshua takes over, they will be the first to disappear.

I heard that the council of elders also denied him final movement instructions. That's how it should be. This will make the council hate him even more.

Meanwhile, Ran and Vuigo were genuinely impressed that Dyfus and Jin had killed Barton Vichena and didn't think much beyond that.

The Tona twins were concerned, as usual, but they did their best to hide their feelings.

Rosa could clearly see the thoughts of the six flagbearers and had to suppress her own frustrations and disappointments.

"If the fourth and twelfth flagbearers don't have valid countermeasures for this, the mission will be considered a failure."

"Mother, you could simply announce that Barton Vichena died in battle without much trouble, and you know it."

The six opened their eyes wider in surprise at Jin's words. It was precisely the six who made Rosa feel disappointed.

On the other hand, Joshua, Luntia, Dyfus, and Mary maintained their composure as if they knew this was going to happen.

"The enemy nearly destroyed their Kozec, lost six red dragons and over thirty elite Magicians, and Beradin was severely injured even after using Keliac's powers. Yet, they failed to secure Bentica."

Using Keliac's powers.

That phrase made the six flagbearers look back at Jin. It wasn't mentioned in the report they had been given. But no one opposed and asked what he was talking about.

"It would be impossible to say that the Runcandels didn't suffer any damage in the process. In particular, once it becomes known that it was me who nearly destroyed the Kozec, they will lose more than just their reputation."

"Wait, Jin. Are you saying that it was you who destroyed the Kozec and not Dyfus?"

Jin ignored Vuigo's question and continued. "If we publish a false statement about the death of a black knight, the Zipple will welcome it because each of them gains something. Obviously, we didn't suffer any real harm and even secured Bentica on top of that, so we gained much more than them."

"Aren't you considering the fact that the Zipple might reveal that the dead black knight is a spy?"

"No. It's not worth considering at all. If the Zipple reveal the fact that Barton had been a traitor, it would mean they lost the battle completely, even with the Kozec and a converted black knight on their side. I will personally assume full responsibility if the Zipple reveal his identity."

Then silence fell.

Unlike Ran, Vuigo, Miu, Anne, and the Tona twins, the rest of the attendees at the meeting understood that all those questions had been a part of Rosa's test.

Rosa cornered Jin not just to put him in a difficult situation.

As this mission was a critical matter for the clan, she wanted to see how Jin would resolve the issue as a flagbearer.

Furthermore, she wanted to set an example for the flagbearers who didn't catch the hint, showing them what a Runcandel flagbearer should be like.

If Jin had responded that he had no choice, Rosa would have immediately punished him for failing the mission.

But as always, Jin achieved satisfactory results. Despite the unexpected challenge of the spatial explosion, he achieved nearly perfect results in the mission.

Precisely because of that, Rosa felt a sense of regret.

I regret that one day I'll have to end this child. But until that day comes, he can do a lot for the clan, she thought.

Jin knew exactly what she was thinking. Use me however you want, mother, because they will come back to strangle you and Joshua by the neck.

Jin and Rosa had the same thoughts as they looked at each other.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Lady Rosa, it's Heinz."

"You may enter."

The butler Heinz bowed his head as he entered. He carried a stack of bulletins in his hand. They were from the Luther Magical Federation.

"The Zipple have published articles about the Bentica mission. They're trying to give the impression that they managed to kill a black knight, despite their defeat in battle."

"Keliac Zipple arrived first. What a cunning man he is. He must have realized that Barton was exposed after learning about the course of this mission."

At this point, even the higher-ranked flagbearers were quite puzzled. Of course, Luntia was desperately trying not to yawn, as usual.

"Is there anything else of particular note?"

"No, my lady. Shall I prepare the press for a response?"

"Yes, do so. Glorify Barton Vichena's death but do not reveal his true name. Also, destroy all records and documents related to Barton."

"I will fulfill your orders, my lady."

Articles praising Barton would fill the headlines throughout Hughester, but his black helmet and remains would never be taken to the crypts.

Heinz left. Rosa looked at Jin again.

"Things have gone according to your words, twelfth flagbearer. You deserve a reward. Is there anything you desire?"

"After the ancient eversteel is extracted, grant me ten percent of it. And I would also like to have ten days of vacation."

"I will grant them to you."

Surprisingly, Rosa accepted Jin's request without conditions.

She had already decided that, at least for the time being, she would focus on using Jin rather than ending him.

The Runcandels and the Zipple focused on their mutual practical gains and losses, and the same went for Jin and Rosa. Above all, Rosa believed that whatever Jin gained would eventually pass into Joshua's hands.

Therefore, she lost nothing by giving him her support. In fact, there were times when she had good reasons to support his actions.

"That's all. The flagbearers' meeting is adjourned. Flagbearers five, six, seven, eight, and nine. You will be assigned missions this afternoon, so send your stewards to my office."


After leaving the office, Jin headed straight to his room without engaging in conversation with anyone.

But as he passed by the Tona twins, he told them that he hadn't forgotten their promise.

"Let's have a drink tonight."

"Oh, alright! We'll have good ones prepared."

The other flagbearers clicked their tongues in disapproval at the Tona twins' behavior, but Dyfus and Mary could only feel jealous of the twins.

Mary sincerely wished to get closer to Jin. Dyfus, on the other hand, thought differently.

The lightning sword Jin displayed was certainly similar to Lightning, the sixth final movement. And the Demon God's stone?

'There are so many things I don't know about Jin. Even his magical prowess far exceeded my expectations.'

Mary shuddered and blinked in disbelief as she looked at the nape of Dyfus' neck.

"Dyfus? Are you cold? You have goosebumps on your neck. How disgusting. How disgusting. It seems we also need some hot drinks."

Jin returned to his room, greeted by Gilly's welcome.

Meanwhile, the dark dragon of about three thousand years, Murakan, only gave him a brief glance with a sullen face when he arrived.

"Well done, young master."

"Thank you. But what's wrong with Murakan this time?"

"Oh, about that." Gilly wore an awkward smile as if it were a difficult question to answer.

Murakan was sulking for a simple reason.

Gilly had told him they should spend these vacations together. In other words, Murakan had a hard time accepting that the long-awaited date had been missed.

"I heard that the contractor in Olmango is in the Kingdom of Schutzeron, is that true? I've always wanted to go to one of their beaches. I thought it would be a great idea to go there on vacation, along with all our Tikan companions. Young master, if you're willing to come with us...".

Jin chuckled as he saw Murakan frowning once again.



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