Swordmaster's Youngest Son

Chapter 282: Temars First Tomb (3)

Chapter 282: Temar's First Tomb (3)

C282 - Temar's First Tomb (3)

On February 25, 1799, all the flagbearers who had set out to cheer up the clans under Runcandel's control returned to the Garden of Swords.

They had heard stories about Jin from sources outside the clan while visiting each of their designated areas.

"Hey, brother, welcome back!"


Mary abruptly punched Dyfus in the back.

"Oh, you little lunatic... Mary! How many times do I have to tell you to stop greeting me like that?"

"Did anything interesting happen on your journey?"

"How could anything be more interesting than what you did here? I may have suggested it, but I made it clear. You deal with the aftermath."

He was referring to Mary stealing Bradamante and handing it over to Jin.

"Why? You were with Joshua a while ago. Did he tell you something?"

"Surprisingly, no. But that's when it's most dangerous. You know that, right? Be careful for a while."

"I don't know anything about that. Besides, I've never watched my back in my whole life. But come on, stop talking about that. I asked if anything interesting happened during the journey."

Dyfus brought his hand to his forehead. "Yes, I'm the fool for expecting a normal conversation from you."

"So, was there or wasn't there?"

"Yes, there was. On the fourth day of the journey, everyone was talking about Jin."

"Tell me."

"Damn it. Isn't it condescending of you to command me like that, seventh flagbearer?"

"Please, tell me, good sir fourth flagbearer."

"As expected, there were many clans that felt uncomfortable because Jin undermined the tradition and authenticity of the Runcandel clan."

"Is that so?"

"There were some others who congratulated him, saying that thanks to him, the Saints are once again helping Hufester, although they were by far the minority."

"No, I'm not interested in any of that. You know what I'm asking you. Were there any rumors about Jin's strength?"

"Of course. They were talking about comparing him to Dante Hairan. Apparently, some of the nobles from Hufester went to the Cosmos Arena where Jin had participated during his time as a provisional flagbearer. They said the final battle was undoubtedly a spectacle. I mean that fighting competition where you ended up as the runner-up."

"Runner-up? I defeated that guy two months later, so I'm the champion. Look, there are ears listening, okay? Don't spill secrets like that around here. Anyway, Dante Hairan, huh? The world really has no idea."

"What are you talking about?"

"I almost lost to him."

Dyfus immediately stopped. "You're joking, right?"

"Does it seem like I'm joking? Sure, the successor of the Hairan Patriarchy is quite impressive, but he's nothing compared to Jin."

"I think you're underestimating Dante."

"Do you think it's possible for me to lose against Dante?"

Dyfus fell silent for a while.

Certainly, Mary wouldn't have acted this way after fighting Dante. A power similar to Mary's at the age of nineteen? Jin is undoubtedly a beast.

Obviously, Dyfus had expected Mary to defeat Jin. His original image was that Jin would be terribly injured in the process, leaving Dyfus alone with the mission to assassinate the Black Knight.

At this rate, I'm just playing into my mother's hands. Damn it.

The mission to assassinate the spy Black Knight-Rosa had already decided to assign Dyfus with Jin.

Soon, the stewards came to fetch the two flagbearers.

"Madam Rosa has called for a flagbearer meeting."

All the flagbearers immediately gathered in her office.

"We will discuss a single agenda item for this flagbearer meeting. We also discussed it before the Patriarch left. It concerns the assassination of the Black Knight spy."

"Yes, mother."

Tension soared in the brief silence.

"This mission will be carried out by the fourth flagbearer, Dyfus Runcandel, and the twelfth flagbearer, Jin Runcandel. Your mission is to provoke the death of the Black Knight in combat. The mission will take place in the disputed territory of Bentica, near the Kingdom of Mila."

The brothers felt different emotions when the fourth and twelfth flagbearers were assigned to the mission. Some felt relieved, while others felt like they had missed out on something.

Dyfus immediately looked at Jin, but Jin deliberately avoided his gaze.

"A mining area where ancient eversteel was supposed to be found was recently discovered in Bentica. We have received information that the Zipple are introducing the White Night and the Kozec into the area for that purpose. Therefore, we have decided to send a Black Knight, two flagbearers, and ten guardian knights for the mission."

The Runcandels and the Zipples fought daily in skirmishes large and small over land, minerals, natural resources... basically everything.

If they fought over gold mines or common lands, the battle was waged with guardian knights and magicians or through clans under their control.

But when they had to fight over rare goods like ancient eversteel or fairy traces, they clashed with troops and key assets.

This time, the Zipples were sending the White Night and the Kozec, while the Runcandels were responding with their Black Knight spy along with two flagbearers and ten guardian knights.

"The two flagbearers will confront the Zipples along with ten guardian knights and the Black Knight spy. And you will make sure the Black Knight spy dies at the hands of the enemy in battle."

This was an incredibly difficult mission to accomplish.

Assassinating a Black Knight itself was an achievement, but they had to induce a discreet death.

The only reason they had to go to such lengths to kill a Black Knight was because of the clan's reputation. It wouldn't look good if it was known that they killed a Black Knight by fighting against a force weaker than the Kozec.

"Only a few within the Zipple clan are aware of the Black Knight spy. Intelligence tells us that Keliac Zipple, Octavia Zipple, and three high-level elders are the only ones who know about it."

This was the main reason the Runcandels were preparing this massive charade of the Black Knight assassination mission.

The White Night didn't know that the Black Knight was a Zipple spy.

The Runcandels assessed that if the Black Knight was seen obliterating the White Night right up until the moment of his assassination, the Zipples would no longer bother trying to make more Black Knight spies.

And there was a clear incentive if everything went according to plan—it would effectively make the Zipples fall for their own tricks.

"And of course, after the death of the Black Knight spy, you must defeat the Zipple forces and secure the mine. Failure to achieve either of the two objectives will automatically result in failure for this mission."

A brief silence followed.

The flagbearers were certain that this was by far the most difficult mission assigned to any of them in the past two years.

"The mission will commence on March 8th. Make sure all preparations are completed within that timeframe. Fourth flagbearer and twelfth flagbearer, if you have any requests or complaints about the mission, now is the time to present them."


"Please tell us the name of the Black Knight spy."

Dyfus and Jin spoke at the same time.

Jin didn't have access to all the clan's files with his privileges as the twelfth flagbearer. He needed access permission from at least the fourth flagbearer or higher to obtain the personal data of the Black Knights.

"Barton Vichena. I'll give you detailed documentation on the target, so take a look."

He hadn't heard the name before. Therefore, he couldn't gain any advantage in his fight against Barton Vichena from knowledge of his past life.

"Thank you."

"This is a mission that the entire clan has put a lot of effort into preparing. I hope the fourth and twelfth flagbearers bring us successful results. That's all. You may leave."

The flagbearers left the office.

It was strange.

For some reason, Joshua didn't make any moves against Mary, who had recently stolen from his armory, or against Jin, the beneficiary of her theft. He simply walked out without looking at them.

Luntia yawned a couple of times before returning to Rosa's office. She didn't mean anything by it. She just went back to retrieve the documents she had left inside.

Miu and Anne didn't bother Jin either. Ran and Vuigo exchanged several glances with Jin and Mary, but that was it.

The Tona Twins awkwardly paced back and forth around Jin, as they did the last time, before returning to their rooms.

"Do those adorable fools try to fight against you like I do?" Mary asked.

"Probably not."

"Well, it's good to know. Jin, I'd like to give you some advice."

"I'll be fine, thank you, Mary."

"No, I'm not fine, that's why. Try to work with Dyfus on the Black Knight assassination mission as much as possible. Even if it's just for the sake of the deal you made with me."

Mary estimated that Jin was incredibly strong. But she still didn't believe he was powerful enough to take on a Black Knight, especially in such a complicated mission.

"Imagine how boring my life would become if you ever died or got injured. You see, the only thing holding me together these days is thinking about how I'll fight against you in three months when spring comes. Now I'm leaving for you two to talk, alright?"

Mary left. Jin and Dyfus were the only ones left in the hallway.

"Mary is right, Jin." Dyfus spoke first.

"What do you mean, Dyfus?"

"I mean we should work together. I'm aware that you consider all your brothers as enemies. But this is an important matter. Even Father himself strictly mentioned that we should abstain from rank wars for the time being."

"So, are you offering that we train together until the mission begins?"


"I reject the offer."

Dyfus shrugged. "And why is that?"

"I'm confident that you can complete the mission on your own without me nearby because I personally believe you're the strongest among the brothers aside from Luna."


"And I also don't think you're the selfless type to give me credit for the mission. So why should I train with you? I'd just be used as bait or cannon fodder anyway. It would be a waste of my precious time."

"Well, that wasn't my intention either. I just needed something to say when Mary asks me about it later."

"It seems you care a lot about Mary."

"Perhaps more than Luna cares about you. So, Jin." Dyfus paused and continued calmly. "I hope you don't kill or disable Mary in those fights you'll have every three months."

"Is that a warning?"

"No, it's just a request, from one person to another. I'm sure you, more than anyone, understand what I mean."

Jin and Dyfus's gazes clashed. They weren't filled with killing intent or a fighting spirit, but a mysterious tension filled the space between them.

"Do you realize that requests usually come with a price?"

"Tell me what you want."

"Don't lower the class of the Runcandels."

His cold words were spoken out of disappointment.

Dyfus's eyebrows twitched.

"It's unbecoming of the Runcandels to make requests to the enemy. I'll turn a blind eye to this incident since I also have brothers I care about, but if you show such actions again, I'll no longer classify you as my enemy, Dyfus."

Jin turned around.

Dyfus remained lost in thought until Jin was completely out of sight.



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