Sword Devil Also Dual Cultivates?

Chapter 140: Friend or Enemy?

Chapter 140: Friend or Enemy?

Qin turned his head around and saw Qiao Fu pulling his sleeve. She leaned close and whispered "I want to enter the mysterious space. I don't think I can hold longer."

This made him frown. Because he didn't understand why she can't hold it any longer. He touched her body and both of them instantly disappeared in front of everyone else.

Guan Xing and others stared at each other with confusion. Some did notice her condition while some didn't. But, nobody got a chance to say anything. The head elder appeared in front of them as soon as Qin disappeared.

"Where is Disciple Qin?" The head elder glanced at them and asked.

"He had something urgent to do, so he left as soon as we came." Yue Bin stepped forward and answered.

The head elder was quite speechless but he didn't say anything more. He knows nobody can bring out anything from the mansion. Instead, he stared at them with bright eyes and spoke.

"All of you are truly the geniuses of the era. I thought only few of you could stay inside but never would I have thought all of you would remain inside. In past, sometimes, everyone fails to enter the mansions' library. Only few people have truly entered inside the library."

"So, congratulation! Now, all of you should return to your room and strive to reach the Qi Condensation Realm. As soon as you reach Qi Condensation Realm, all of you can participate in Comet Festival next month."

Then, he turned his head at Yue Bin and continued "Bring this news to Qin as well! If you succeed in the comet festival, you will be able to get a massive boost in your cultivation."

Then, he turned his head at others and said "All of you are invited by the young master to join his faction. I hope you will consider this opportunity seriously."

Saying so, the head elder left them alone. Everyone stared at each other and smiled. None of them are idiots. They obviously know the contradiction between Qin and Jin Hao. Although they don't know the level of contradiction, they are still enemies.

And, between Jin Hao and Qin, they obviously chose Qin.

"Brother Lan, I will be retreat after this. I will join you and others in Comet Festival." Zhao Tan slightly bowed in front of Lan Ming, showing him some respect and leaving the group first. He had got a lot of benefits from the competition and needed to use those benefits and improve his cultivation.

Lan Ming nodded his head and one by one, everyone left leaving him alone though there was still one person there.

Inside the mysterious space,

Qin stood in front of Qiao Fu and stared at her with confusion.

"What happened? Aren't you controlling yourself?"

Qiao Fu rolled her eyes at him and said "Do you really think so?"

Saying so, she started undressing her clothes. At this moment, Qin found her bottom half was wet.

Qiao Fu stared at him and said "There is a limit to how much I can control it. I can control my mind but not my body. It will take time."

While speaking, she changed her clothes and continued "For now, I won't come out. I will only create unnecessary trouble. Once we leave this place, I will come out and slowly adjust myself. By the way, I can still return to this space on my own, right?"

"Yeah, you can." Qin nodded his head as he understand her words. Then, he disappeared and left the mysterious space. As he came out, he found Lan Ming but didn't see anyone else.

"Did everyone leave so early?" Qin asked as he walked towards Lan Ming.

Lan Ming nodded his head and said "Yeah, everyone had something to do. So, shall we talk about a zone?"

Qin nodded his head but he paused for a moment and asked "Why are you helping me so much? We are still opponents, remember?"

Hearing his words, Lan Ming smiled and said "That's the exact reason why I want to help you. Because without you, there will be one less person to make my life exciting."

"You are talking as if there is no genius in this world except me. But, I don't understand. I do have a reason to befriend people like you but what exactly is your reason? Is it confidential? Because mine is to make close friends." Qin rolled his eyes and asked with curiosity in his eyes.

"You don't understand this, do you?" Lan Ming sighed and started explaining "There are two ways to improve yourself faster. The first way is to make an enemy with a certain genius. If you make enemy with him and kill him, his father/mother will do everything to kill you."

"Now, your enemy is stronger, which means you have to get stronger as well. After you kill them, you will find they are related to another power organization, then you will be hunted again. Then, you have to get stronger and kill them."

"This keeps on happening until you reach the peak. But, this is quite boring, don't you think? You are killing the person who could possibly become a genius in the future. And, thus, you will lose the chance to have exciting battles."

"I don't think this is quite a correct path to choose. So, I choose the second path. In this path, I will help you get stronger. But, I don't want you to surpass me. So, I will train harder and fill the gap. Because of my goodwill, you will also help me."

"But then, I will surpass you and so you have to train harder to fill the gap. Remember, our goal is to reach the peak. But, will you get excited to fight another genius or an old age man who is stronger than you?"

Hearing his words, Qin realized just how deep Lan Ming thought before befriending him.

"I will definitely get excited to fight another genius."

Hearing his reply, Lan Ming smiled and nodded his head, saying "But, this is not the entire reason why I wanted to befriend you. Because you are a genius that I can't kill now. And, I am not sure about the future as well."

"So, I don't want to make an enemy with you. Not all the time you will get a chance to escape from your enemy, right? That's why instead of making enemies with you, I tried to befriend you. And, there is another reason. I will be facing off against many strong people in the future."

"Do you know the disadvantage of being alone? What if they suddenly ignore the normal behavior and used every bit of their forces to kill you even before you can grow up? I don't if this has ever happened or not. But, it could happen, right?"

"Not every enemy of yours will be brain dead. Some might take you seriously and finish you off."

While Qin was speechless at his words, Xiao Lan's voice suddenly rang in his mind.

"Young Master, he is correct. This has happened before. In fact, it has happened to the man you know."

'Huh! Really, who?' Qin was startled when he heard that. He immediately got curious and asked.

"Mike Tyson! He was still in Mortal World when his enemies sent every force they had to kill him. Although he killed them sacrificing his physique, he still died. If it wasn't for his physique that kept his life, he would've truly died."

"Young Master, don't make these kinds of mistakes in the future. If you make an enemy with the force that you can't possibly even win at your current state, just run away! Don't try to be one of a kind genius and fight them to death!"

Hearing his words, Qin was startled 'Wait, is he the same person who created Dual Cultivation Body?'

Qin felt like he had heard this name before but he couldn't remember it correctly because he often mentions Mike as the creator of Dual Cultivation Body.

"Yeah!" Xiao Lan nodded his head and answered.

'I didn't expect him to die. Wait, if he died once then how did he even catch up to three swords?' Qin asked.

"Because he had a unique path. After his resurrection, he basically started conquering women. He didn't even care whether they are someone's wife or lover. If he likes them, he will use his techniques to conquer them. Well, basically, he is the only degenerated seed."

"Do you know why master left me here? It's because he doesn't want you to be someone like him. It's not bad but he has ignored one expect. For now, you won't understand why master and I are trying to keep you as a swordsman. But, don't worry, since you made a terrible mistake, you will understand this faster."

"Alright young master, you should ask him about Zone and get better at your swordsmanship. I will sleep for now."

Saying so, Xiao Lan finally entered his sleep mode. But, Qin couldn't help but roll his eyes. He knows Xiao Lan only does this to hide other things from him. But, Qin couldn't do anything after all. He was still weak now.

"Brother Qin, are you listening?"

Qin slapped his ears and shouted "Yeah! Yeah! You don't have to scream in my ears."

"Good! I thought you were already making these kinds of scenarios in your mind. Don't worry, I won't go and fight my enemies now. My brain is still fine." Lan Ming breathe out in relief when Qin replied.

For a moment, he thought Qin would disagree to befriend him because of his future enemies. But, suddenly, his eyes shrunk as he hurriedly asked.

"Brother Qin, you won't back down now, right?"


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