Sword Devil Also Dual Cultivates?

Chapter 136: Sword Dual Cultivation

Chapter 136: Sword Dual Cultivation

"Hey, are you alright?" Qin patted Qiao Fu's cheeks and asked with a low voice.

Qiao Fu didn't speak. She just nodded her head as she clung to his arms tightly. She was scared. At this moment, Qin's arm was everything she needed.

"Let's go out!" Qin said while kissing her forehead.

Qiao Fu shook her head fiercely and gripped his arm. Qin sighed and slowly separated his arms but before she could say anything, he wrapped his arm around him. As he embraced her, Qin kissed her forehead once again and asked.

"Are you scared of being alone?"

Qiao Fu shook her head and rested on his shoulder.

"Then, what are you scared of?" Qin asked with confusion. Because he did want to take her out. After all, it won't be a secret for a long time. And, she wasn't scared of being alone. So, why is she scared? Originally, he thought she misunderstood him for leaving her alone that's why he asked her that question.

"I.. I'm scared of disappointing you." Qiao Fu opened her mouth and spoke in a small voice. It was so small that if he wasn't sticking with her, he wouldn't have heard her.

Qin bitterly smiled and moved his hand between her legs. His finger slowly entered her cave and as it came out, it was covered with white juice. Seeing this, Qiao Fu closed her eyes, embraced him tightly.

"It's not your fault. You lived in hell in your previous life. But, to be blunt, you are not the only one with such a life. If you think your world has such harsh conditions, then our world is even worse. The only difference is you can counterattack such insult."

"But, in your world, you couldn't. So, you fell deeper into hell. And, once you reached heaven, you started to fulfill every bit of desire that grew when you were in hell. This is normal. When a person is poor, he will try to adjust in a small room but if he gets rich, he will buy an entire house."

"This is a natural course of life. The only difference is the desire. Some desires are small while some are big. Your desire was so big that it took you years to realize it. But, now, you can't change it at least not at once."

"If you ask an alchemist to forge a weapon, can he do it? No, he can't do it. At least, not at once. But, since he has learned alchemy, he can also learn forging. It will take time but he will eventually learn it. And, you can do the same. You can slowly control your body."

"Desires are something that is hard to control. Do you know I love sugar? When I was small, I used to eat a lot of sugar. And, it's not like it will harm me or anything. But, my godfather and godmother always scold me for eating too much sugar."

"Because it's not about harming yourself. It's about letting your desires control you. Unlike me, you had no one to teach you when you started. But now, you have me. Let's go out! If you still feel like you can't control it, leave it to me."

At this moment, Qin smiled and pinched her nose, saying "Remember, I am a swordsman. There is nothing in this world that I can't cut and even if there is, I will just get stronger to cut it."

"I.I.I will control it." Qiao Fu held his arms and stared at his eyes continuing "Believe me, I will control my body."

Qin smiled and patted her head "Don't worry, I believe in you. Your body is hard to control but from now on, there is no need for you to stay inside this space. Stay together with me outside."

Saying so, Qin ran the Undying Sword Technique and modified it for a moment. As he started modifying it, his sword energy burst out and condensed into a red sword. It floated in front of him and suddenly entered her forehead.

Then, he opened his eyes and said "Remember, just because I said I will help you doesn't mean I will suppress your desires. You are also a swordsman. You need to learn to suppress it or even erase it. But, there are moments where you might not be able to control."

"As soon as your mind can't control your desire, this sword will instantly make you fall asleep, notify me, and kill your enemy. If he isn't strong enough."

At this moment, Qiao Fu bites her lips and asked: "You don't want me to ever betray you, right?"

"Yeah! I don't think I will be able to kill you.... Well, I won't lie to you. There is no point in lying to you. If you betray me, I will kill you. Through the previous game, I learned something. I am a swordsman. I am not a dual cultivator nor a devil cultivator, just an ordinary swordsman."

"For me, everything is all about swordsmanship. My life is straight. I will still live low-key but if you were to force me, I will not hesitate to show my strength. Because my goal is much higher and I know I have to use every second of my life to improve myself."

"But" At this moment, Qin slowly lifted her chin and kissed her lips.

"If you don't love me, I will never kill you. And, I know you love me."

Hearing his words, Qiao Fu separated her lips and said "Yes, I love you. And, I love you more than anything else. I will keep loving you as I love you now. And, I will always be together with you."

"My past has nothing to do with my present. That means who I was in a few years or even a few months ago has nothing to do with current me. If change is what you want, I will change. Don't forget, I am also a swordsman. If there is something in this world that I can't change, it will be my love towards you."

"Because I realized what my swordsmanship is all about. It's about obsession. My obsession for true love. My swordsmanship is about you. And, this is true dual cultivation. Do you know why?"

At this moment, Qin couldn't help but laugh "Because I am a swordsman who will never stop growing."

"Yes, but I need your help for the last step. Will you help me?" Qiao Fu asked pushing Qin down. As she got above him, she looked straight into his eyes and waited for the reply.

Qin smiled and nodded his head. Qiao Fu instantly pounced her lips at his lips and started kissing him fiercely. Qin just let her do what she wanted. He knows she is cheating with her sword cultivation but can he blame her?

No! She is not a sword as him. So, what's wrong with taking shortcuts? It's not like he isn't taking shortcuts. Dual Cultivation in itself is a shortcut. In fact, Qin didn't underestimate her. Because the technique she created to produce yin qi was supreme.

It was so good that even Yue Bin's parents were shocked. It might not be just about talent. He doesn't have a talent for swordsmanship. It's just that his passion for swordsmanship and with enough talent for comprehension, he was able to gain the talent for swordsmanship.

Someone with a talent for swordsmanship is born with a natural sword bloodline or physique. Unfortunately, he had none. That's why he believes if you have passion for something and enough talent to back it up in a different way, you can still achieve the same result.

Yue Bing didn't have a talent for dual cultivation. It's just that she was creative. And, he understands how. In her world, she has read a lot of novels that describe dual cultivation to perfection. And, thus she was able to create those techniques with her enormous desires.

At this moment, Qin was getting ravaged by her. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to enjoy it. Unlike his Dual Cultivation Body, he must focus on his sword heart to connect with her. Because this was a different dual cultivation initiated by her.

And, his Dual Cultivation Body doesn't help him for swordsmanship at all. This made him quite confused. But, he never understood why he wasn't able to use it to improve his swordsmanship. While Qiao Fu was getting pounded on his supreme rod, his sword heart was constantly released red string out of his supreme rod.

It was being sucked by her womb with each pounding. Originally, Qin was still confused about what she wanted to do. But slowly, after pounding her for hundred times, he finally understood the concept.

She was trying to form a permanent connection between his sword heart and his supreme rod. Thus, every time he pounds someone, his sword heart will release sword energy into his supreme rod. This sword energy will be thrust out of his supreme rod and enter his partner's womb.

But, he also found something different with her womb. She practically made him feel this. At one moment, her womb was sucking the sword while on another moment, it was stuck in his supreme rod and return back to his sword heart.

This means only she can absorb his sword energy. But, he still had one question.

How is she going to use his sword energy for sword cultivation? It doesn't work like this.

Because the sword energy in his heart is just normal sword energy. It isn't something that can evolve her swordsmanship.

So, how?


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