Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy

Chapter 537 We found the Sixth Victim!!

Chapter 537 We found the Sixth Victim!!

"Sia, An Ran is missing"

"What!" shocked, Sia stood up from the chair abruptly, almost causing the chair to fall back. Stunned hearing a man's voice instead of the familiar female voice, Xiao Li called out in doubt " Sia?"

Having long forgotten she was no using a male voice instead of a female, Sia asked hurriedly "Did you check properly? Are you sure she is missing?"

Though it was the voice of a male, Xiao Li could still feel some familiarity from the voice, so she answered obediently "Yes, we checked everywhere. She left saying she wanted to go to the washroom but she hasn't return yet. It has already been half an hour since she went missing"

"Where are you guys right now?"

"At the Pheonix mall" That was the mall that belonged to her. Things would be easier now, she thought inwardly. "What about Lu Jin? He hasn't arrived there yet?" Sia asked with a frown

"No, he hasn't come here" Xiao Li answered with a frown, not understanding why Sia was suddenly talking about Xiao Li.

While marching out of the office, she said " Stay there, I'll head there immediately"

Hanging Up the call, she called the person incharge of Pheonix mall and said "Immediately close all the doors of the mall. Don't let even a single fly out of the mall. Do It immediately"

"Yes Sir!"

After hanging up the call, she called HK and said "Come to Pheonix mall immediately. I'm afraid the Killer has already abducted the sixth victim"

"Alright I will arrive there immediately"

After hanging up the call, Sia immediately stepped on her bike and headed towards the mall. Once Sia arrived, she was immediately lead inside by the person incharge in to the mall. At the entrance there was a crowd of people who were already causing a ruckus for being stopped. Reaching for the hand mic that the security guard was holding, Sia spoke "Everyone, please be quiet"

"We are sorry for frightening you and wasting your time but a young woman has been abducted from this mall and we doubt the abductor might be a psychopath serial killer that we have been looking for. So we need your cooperation. But don't worry, we have already spoken to the person in charge and he willing to compensate you. So I hope everyone can please understand and cooperate. Thank You"

Passing the mic back to the security guard, she immediately left the office and headed towards the top floor wher Xiao Li and Su Yan were currently at. The moment she entered the door, Xiao Li and Su Yan hurriedly stood up. But the moment they saw a young man enter they were stunned but the next moment she felt disappointed. Other than Xiao Li, there was a few young man and Lu Jin as well, who was currently checking out the surveillance camera.

Just as the people inside the room were about to ignore this young man whom they were not familiar with, they suddenly heard a familiar voice come from the young man "What's the situation now?"

Dumfounded, the three idiots called out in surprise "Sia?"

Recalling that she was dressed as a male, Sia finally understood why they reacted as such. Rubbing the space between her eyebrows, she explained "I can't explain much right now but just remember I'm an officer and my name is Shien"


Ignoring their curiosity, Sia walked towards the camera and asked "What's the situation now? Did you find her?"

"Almost, just a moment"

While Lu Jin was working, Sia asked "When did you come?"

"Just a while ago. I was in another city but I immediately left the moment you asked me to be next to her. But since I was worried something might happen to her, I had asked my men to keep an eye on An Ran and protect her if needed. When they arrived they only saw Xiao Li and Su Yan so they thought An Ran might probably changing but it was only later on did the find that An Ran had left before they came"

Just as he finished speaking, his subordinate said "Sir, we found her"

Immediately, all the four of them walked towards the camera which showed the floors washroom. Just as An Ran walked out of the washroom, she collided with a person who seemed to be having some trouble. As the man was wearing a cap, they could not see his face. But based on the look of surprise that An Ran showed, it meant that she knew that person. Through the camera they saw the young man grabbing his chest in pain and he seemed to be searching for something from his pocket but it seemed he couldn't find it. After that An Ran suddenly grabbed his hand and helped him towards the elevator and followed him downstairs. "It looks like she is familiar with this person. Are you sure he is the kidnapper? Or is it possible that An Ran might just be helping him out and she just forgot to inform us? " Su Yan asked doubtfully

"You will know it soon" Sia answered before ordering the person "Switch the camera to the parking lot"

"Yes maam"

Following the orders, the man switched the camera to the parking lot. Following from the lift, they saw An Ran lead the man towards a card that was parked at the corner. After dropping the man to the car, Just as she turned around intending to leave, the man suddenly grabbed her behind and covered her nose with a cloth. And soon after An Ran fell unconscious and the man stuffed her inside his car and drove away. "Damn it, I'm going to kill this fucking man" Lu Jin cursed as he kicked the table furiously

Ignoring the anxious Lu Jin, Sia called Mr. Hou and asked "Mr. Hou, did you find the man?"

"Sorry Mr. Shien, this man has been extremely careful from the moment he entered the company. Throughout his work he had always kept his head low, not showing his face at all"

"It's alright. Please send me the video, I need to check something"

As soon as she hung up, she received the video. After watching the video, Sia was sure that An Ran was the sixth victim and this man was in fact the killed they were looking for. Rubbing the space between her eyebrows, she called Inspector J and informed "We have found the sixth victim but the criminal has already abducted her. Officer, immediately issue an order to close the city gates. No cars are allowed to exit the city. I'll be sending the photos of the killer and victim, forward it to all the tolls present in the city and ask them to inform us if they see the person or the car"

"Yes Sir"

Hanging up the call, she then called HK and ordered "HK, immediately head to our branch present in the city and monitor the cameras. I'll be sending you the details of the car and the person. See if you can find this card in the survielence camera. Also, track this phone number and update me their live location"


'No matter where you are hiding, I'll definitely find you bastard!!'

Hey people!!

Hope you all are doing fine! Not sure if you know but I have signed up for mass release. I will be releasing 5 chapters on 29th December....only if I receive a gift of five hundred coins! Those who gift will also get 20 percet off. Hope we can reach the mark and get a mass release.

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