Suzuki is Cute Even In A Savage World

Vol. 2 - Chapter 8.1 - Legend of the True Champion (1)

A sea of people, you could call it something like that ——— Zhaviest thought as he looked at the spectacle unfolding before his eyes. The thousands of Demon Lord's Army soldiers squirming a few dozen meters away were as spectacular as a surging sea.

(Well, those guys are not really "people", are they?)

After a chuckle, he imagined a future, one where he slaughtered this entire army of demons and retook the Imperial City all by himself. Zhaviest laughed loudly as he envisioned the cheers, the glory, and finally, Tartanin's frustrated face.

(I will destroy you all, you demon army. Every single last one of you)

"Ka–KAKAKAKA! A century——— no a millennia, it is the beginning of the legend of a true champion that will soon be passed down for a thousand years!"

Aina's moan of pain came from beneath Zhaviest's feet.

"Huh. Still alive, aren't you?"

He looked down at Aina with cold eyes. The only feeling that sprouted from him was the same as if a bug you thought you had smashed to smithereens was still alive. Indeed, he was about to crush Aina's head when a troublesome feeling hung in the atmosphere around him.


The voice came from the demons stationed in the distance.

(…What the?)

Zhaviest relaxed his foot over Aina's head and squinted in the direction of the voice. The voices of the demons echoed continuously, overlapping each other like a chorus. The voices were not screams but rather a joyful cheer of happiness.



The male demons let out a wild, festive yell. The female demonesses were making seductive noises.

Zhaviest also noticed something strange in the west. In the rear end, the horde of daemons in the mist. It was slowly being separated in two.

(Huh…? The swarm of demons is breaking in half…)

Zhaviest was so taken aback by the spectacle happening before his eyes that he forgot about everything else for a moment. Thousands of demons were splitting apart and separating from the horde. As he looked closer, he could see that the demons were wobbling about, screaming, and collapsing to the ground.

One after another, the demons fell. They were falling over one after another, like a series of wooden planks "patpata" falling one after another.

"What the HELL, is happening…"

As he muttered, Zhaviest's mind drifted back to an old nostalgic memory. Zhaviest had read a similar story in a children's book a long time ago.

"His divine sword, Excalibarras, sliced even the sea in two."

Everyone who lives in this world knows about it. The legend of Hartline, the champion who defeated the Dragon King and saved the world 300 years ago. It was the kind of old tale that was doubtful whether it was true or not. However, the bizarre scene unfolding in front of Zhaviest eyes resembled the illustrations in the book he had read.

Someone was walking toward Zhaviest, tearing the sea of demons in half.  

Zhaviest's eyes, who had been squinting, fully widened the moment he saw it.

Zhaviest's field of vision caught a glimpse of a frilly skirt flapping in the wind. The vivid pink of his entire body shimmered beautifully, like the wispy hair of the Empire Grand Tactician Leelou Dimension.


Zhaviest's temples twitched when he recognized Suzuki's figure. Combined with his long hair for a man, Suzuki's figure looked like a girl. The demons shouted.

"T-Too Cuteeeeee!!"

"I, can't take it anymore—————!!"

The one-horned rabbit embroidered on the abdomen area of the holy garment was as if it were a gorgon. As soon as they saw it, the surrounding demons fell to the ground with a trance-like expression on their faces as if its petrification skill had activated. Without paying attention to the situation, Suzuki stopped a few meters in front of Zhaviest and his keen eyes became sharp.

After swallowing a mouthful of spit, Zhaviest laughed.

"Ka–… kakaka. Are you for real, bastard? What's, with that outfit? You gotta be messing with me!"

"You're the one who's messing around. You're stepping on my companion. Get your filthy foot off."

"I told you I'd kill you if you got in my way, didn't I? Perverted Cross-Dresser son of a bitch. You're disgusting!"

"Say whatever you want. But, lift your foot out already!"

(This son of a bitch is a hero? Of all the moronic things you could say!)

Zhaviest signaled to the angels behind him by moving his index finger.

"Kill him. Suck 'im dry."

But, the angels did not move. The angels were staring at Suzuki's figure.

"He, Heey–. Isn't he kind of cute?"

"Right on, that pink! I want to wear it too!"

"…Hey. What the hell, are you guys, saying?"

The angels were fidgeting and cackling with excitement. Zhaviest's brow furrowed.

"Have y'all gone MAD!"

Zhaviest moved his foot away from Aina and waved his fist as if to brush the angels away. Immediately, several angels who had been excited by the sight of Suzuki suddenly disappeared.

(Is it possible that this stupid-looking bizarre outfit is having an effect on demons and angels?)

Still, it was the first time he had seen that an angel he had created had been subdued. The vicious-looking female demoness on the front lines also became like a newborn foal when he saw Suzuki.

"Su-Suzuki…! I-I can't… Too cute to move…!"

"Lady Nephira, this is bad! Today's Suzuki is a real powerhouse!"

(Even that bunch of top-brass-looking demons... can only barely stand on their feet.)

Suzuki was glaring at Zhaviest. Zhaviest also glared back at Suzuki.

It is indeed a troublesome ability, depending on how you look at it. But what about in this situation? What good is the power of charming demons and angels within a few meters of you?

"By coming out here, you're not going to change anything!"

Zhaviest turned on his heel and faced the angels standing behind him. The fact that Zhaviest had just eliminated a few of them seemed to have made the angels more determined.

"I don't care about formations. All angels. All troops charge in at this moment."

Zhaviest's will was conveyed to all 7,000 angels. The angels, in such numbers that filled the horizon, suddenly fluttered into the air.

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