Surviving With An Sss Rank Inventory

Chapter 206

Surviving With An Sss-Rank Inventory Chapter 206

Episode 206

: Quang!

Dio’s final attack on Kaleina, who has lost her will to fight.

A huge explosion and a swarm of light engulfed Kaleina, and Dio threw away the mythical weapons that could no longer be used and quickly retreated.


Perhaps because the impact was strong, a thick cloud of dust obscured our eyes, but the seven stars around us immediately noticed the change in the battlefield and opened their mouths.

“The sword…disappeared.”

“Is this really the end?”

A shining sword that was swung as if to kill the seven stars.

Those shining swords were no longer visible.

“You did it.”

“great job.”

The ending seems somewhat empty.

Nevertheless, the seven stars relaxed.

Luna’s enormous power made me feel numb just a moment ago.

Since they felt nothing now, it was natural for them to think that the long fight was over.

But they were wrong.

“Don’t relax.”

Dio opened his inventory, took out various potions, found Robert, whose arm had fallen off, and fed it to him.

“Huh…Dio? How did the fight go?”

Roberto, who came to his senses thanks to the potion, asked Dio, but Dio did not answer his question and hurriedly gave instructions.

“Caliope! “Please share this with everyone.”


Calliope came running to Dio’s call.

Various potions she received from Dio.

Among them, I blinked at the elixir decorated in a colorful bottle.

The reason Calliope was surprised was not because Dio had the highest quality potion.

Kaleina uses Luna’s full power.

Calliope was surprised because it was said that Dio had enough time to spare this much potion during the battle with her.

“We need to save our strength. If I’m right…”

Before Dio could finish his words, Calliope waved her hand and numerous potions were distributed to the party members spread out here and there.

After seeing that, Dio looked at the place where Luna’s saintess was still covered in dust.

‘Items are in short supply… I lost more weapons than I thought.’

Dio quickly opened his inventory and checked the list.

The valuable items that Dio had collected from the warehouse while working on the order board had disappeared.

To put it into perspective, mythic grade items have durability that can be used for a lifetime.

However, even such a mythic weapon was short-lived by Kaleina’s power.

‘But I was able to save the potion.’

Dio thought he could save potions in return for losing the mythic weapon.

In other words, it was not a completely wasteful fight.

Dio gulped down a potion and glanced at his colleagues who were reorganizing.

There was clearly a high probability that Kaleina had completely collapsed from the attack just now.

Even Dio felt that the power of the moon had completely disappeared.

Nevertheless, this is why D.O does not let down his guard.

Dio looked at the sky.

‘Luna has taken care of it. But not yet….’


The sky of the ecliptic swirls with darkness.

There is only one meaning that the Demon King’s power ‘Chaos’ is still maintained.

‘Rademos is alive.’

What if Rademos, like Kaleina, uses a new power that Dio has never experienced before?

It’s not easy to get through with the remaining items.

So Dio couldn’t relax.

Being on guard against an unknown enemy that he does not know about will be a very disadvantageous fight for the current Dio.

* * *

[Ah …

Kalina’s body that appeared through a deep dust.

However, it was no longer the Holy Maiden of Luna who was ruling inside.


There was no longer any life in Kaleyna’s eyes.

Like a lich that transcends death.

Only the red eye glow replaced the physical eyes.

[I almost messed it up.]

Rademos, who had completely taken over Kaleina’s body, faced Dio with a wicked smile.


[okay. This is how we face each other.]

Rademos repeatedly clenched and unclenched his fist, as if he was still not used to Kaleyna’s body.

“I don’t think you lent all your power to Kaleyna?”

[Hehehe. Why me?]

Rademos continued speaking with an evil smile on Dio’s words.

[I didn’t forget. The moment the moon betrayed a thousand years ago.]

Rademos was the first to extend his hand to Kaleyna, but he had no intention of completely helping her from the beginning.

So even when Kaleina started to be pushed back by Dio, he didn’t help even though he had enough strength.

This is the devil’s revenge on the moon from a thousand years ago.

[Revenge has been achieved. Now all that’s left for me is…the fall of the sun.]


a pair of horns sprouted from Kaleyna’s head.

Rademos was confident that this moment was the most suitable stage for him.

The moon collapsed.

The sun has exhausted its power to block the moon.

The strength mentioned here does not mean physical factors.

Rademos was secretly surprised by Kaleyna’s power.

The potential desire that Kaleina possesses and the arrogance that tramples on Luna and rises on her own.

If Kaleina had defeated the Sun, Rademos’ plan to take revenge on the Moon would have been completely in vain.

That’s why Rademos said that he almost made a mistake.

[The reason you were able to defeat Luna was thanks to the power of Solari.]

Rademos said, pointing out one of Dio’s abilities that he used against Kaleina.

It is none other than the power of faith.

Rademos assured that without that power, Dio would have been defeated by Kaleina.

[Now it looks like Solari’s strength to protect you has run out.]

Rademos, full of energy, continued speaking.

It seemed like he had recovered his stamina through a potion, but that fact was no problem to Rademos.

The power that Rademos must be most wary of is the power of ‘the power of faith.’

This means that it is not about the physical strength of each opponent.

Now that the power of faith’s duration has expired, Dio is a ridiculous opponent for Rademos.

Even the Great Warrior of the Sun cannot compare to the power he has gathered, and the same goes for his servants, the seven stars.

[The moon and sun end today. Now, the owner of the continent is this body.]

Flapping –

A pair of wings spread out from Rademos’ shoulder blades, like horns sprouting from the head.

[Rademos will rule.]


With the warning of the resurrected Demon King, terrible magical energy was released around the area.

At this, the seven stars became nervous.

I thought I was done with defeating Luna’s saint, but what about the demon lord?

“This is not good.”

“It’s just as he said. The current Dio….”

“Is this the end?…”

The seven stars were unable to move quickly due to the momentum emitted by Rademos.

What Rademos said was correct.

The enormous power shown when fighting Kaleina was not felt by Dio now.

“If we can hold out until Solari’s power is restored…”

“Can we hold out until then?”

Calliope shook her head at Schuwald’s muttering.

Although she did not know the reuse time for the power of faith, she noticed that the time was not short at all.

Otherwise, Dio would have asked to buy time a long time ago.

Still, Calliope opened her mouth to Dio behind her just in case.

“Hey, Daejeonsa. Is there any way? “How long can we hold out… Dio?”

Calliope, who was asking for a solution in a serious tone, sensed something strange about Dio and called his name.

It was clear that the current situation was not very good for Solari’s great warrior.

But for some reason.

Only the greatest warrior who would replace the Solari was unaware of this situation.


Dio burst out laughing.

As a result, not only the seven stars but also Rademos, who was emitting a sinister force, could not help but be embarrassed.

[What’s so funny?]

“Oh, sorry. That’s enough. “Can you all step back for a moment?”

In response to Rademos’ question, Dio had tears in his eyes and gestured to his other colleagues.

Dio’s actions don’t seem to have any kind of guts.

Dio barely suppressed laughter, but he still approached Rademos with a smile still on his face.

“Wow, this feels new.”


Dio’s words still seem like he hasn’t grasped the situation.

His expression was full of longing, as if he was reminiscing about something long ago.

“Was the time I caught the first demon lord when I created the third character?”

Dio suddenly counted with his fingers and muttered.

“no. It started with the fourth character. “That was my first max level character.”

[What are you talking about?]

“And the max level characters have never failed to catch the Demon King…”

[What on earth are you talking about!]


Rademos’ anger spread around him at Dio’s attitude of not caring about the other person at all.

As a result, the seven stars couldn’t control themselves and took a step back, but Dio was not the only one.

Seeing that arrogant appearance, Rademos spread his hands as if he could not stand it any longer.

Explosive magical energy spread out from his palm.

The magic was shot straight at Dio, causing a huge explosion.



Everyone shouted, worried about Dio.

But that worry did not last long.

Wow –

black light surrounding Dio.

This was not the skill Dio used.

However, it was not the power of the sun.

Surprisingly, the energy that protected Dio was the same magical energy as the Demon King.

Dio, who had not suffered the slightest injury from Rademos’ attack, continued what he had said earlier.

“I’ve tried killing you seven times.”


“Do you know what this is?”

A scroll torn from Dio’s hand.

It was none other than a top-class magic scroll capable of deploying a dark attribute shield like magic.

“This scroll is a must-have item when raiding the Demon Lord.”

Dio shook off his hand as if it was no big deal and slowly walked forward.

“You should not have taken Kaleyna’s body.”

There was only one reason for Dio to be worried.

I think the Rademos reborn in Kaleina’s body is the Rademos he knew.

However, I felt relieved when I saw the sprouted horns and wings.

Although he only resembled Kaleina in appearance, the current Rademos was the same as the Demon King that Dio remembered.

“The reason I find Kaleina difficult is because it uses multiple attributes at the same time.”


Dio, paying no heed to Rademos’s embarrassed appearance, slowly opened his inventory.

“I became weak? I’m sorry. “I am much stronger now than other max level characters.”

Dio keeps telling stories that not only Rademos but others can understand.

Seeing Dio like that, the seven stars realized.

The great warrior of the sun does not exist in this world. He

was a being from another dimension

who came to save the world after receiving a call from Solari .


Rademos said it couldn’t be like that and fired out his magic energy once again.

However, Dio leisurely unfolded the items he had taken out of his inventory.

An eternally burning fire, a super-divine beast in the sky, an amulet of eternity, a chain that oppresses the darkness.

All of these were items that would not have worked at all if the opponent was Kaleina.

However, if the opponent is Rademos, the story is completely different.

Dio was a man who had killed the demon king Rademos seven times.

Because there was more than a truckload of items in his inventory that were effective against Rademos.


All of the items used by Dio had attributes that were opposite to Rademos’s power or were identical to it, canceling out his attacks.

When that happened, Rademos withdrew his attack and felt that something was wrong.

“Hold on!”

At Dio’s shout, the seven stars, who were just as confused as Rademos, quickly moved.

They also forgot about it for a while.

That the power of the sun is an extraordinary power that can erode darkness.


The power of the seven stars shooting out from all directions hit Rademos without stopping.

Dio runs in front of Rademos, who is unable to come to his senses.

What Dio holds in his hand is a huge greatsword.

Dio thought of Rademos and saved one mythic grade weapon.

That is this great sword.

This weapon was the item Dio used when he defeated the Demon King as his seventh max level character.

Among the items on the order board, it was the weapon with the highest attack power bonus against demonic energy.

A hero’s sword with the option of never being able to block or evade with magic.


Dio struck Fragarach from top to bottom and spoke words that declared Rademos’ end.


The sky was covered with chaos.

The fact that the sky was split in half was darkness…no, it was a signal that the final chapter had come to an end.

Survive as an SSS-level warehouse character

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