Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 524

Chapter 524


"Good work."

When Yi-Han succeeded in changing the color of his hair, Professor Yonramo applauded him.

At that applause, Yi-Han tilted his head.

'Is this something to be applauded for?'

The other friends had already changed the color of their hair, and friends with fast progress like Yonaire were trying to draw pictures on their nails...

As if sensing Yi-Han's bewilderment, Professor Yonramo slightly stopped clapping and said,

"There's no need to worry just because you're late now. Think about it. You've transformed other substances."

There was no doubt about Yi-Han's talent in transformation magic.

Just looking at metal transformation, hadn't he somehow managed to succeed in the difficult mercury transformation?

Even if external transformation and transforming the mage's own self were different, the principle was ultimately the same...


Professor Yonramo hesitated when he saw Yi-Han transform a strand of his hair into a blazing flame.

...Maybe it would take a little longer?


While his friends were trying their best to somehow cut off a strand of Yi-Han's hair that had turned into metal, Professor Yonramo cleared his throat and said,

"The final exam this time will be on shapeshifting magic. I know you're all enjoying transforming your hair or nails, but this is just the beginning."

He didn't want to ruin the students' good mood, but he had no choice.

He couldn't make the final exam about changing the color of hair or nails.

"D-don't tell me we have to transform our whole body?"

"Of course, it's not to that extent."

Professor Yonramo smiled slightly and swung his arm.

Then Professor Yonramo's arm transformed as if it were an ogre's arm.

"You just need to transform one arm."


'It's difficult anyway...'

The faces of the students who had expected about one finger joint became gloomy.

At that reaction, Professor Yonramo was slightly flustered.


He was sure that one arm would be considered lenient compared to other professors, so he thought there would be reactions like 'Wow, our professor is so lenient!' 'We who are taking transformation magic are such lucky ones?'


"Is one arm difficult?"


"Ah, no?"

"It's not difficult!"

Quick-witted students quickly opened their mouths.

From their experience at Einroguard, they instinctively knew that there was nothing good about going against a professor's mood.

"Whether it's an inanimate object or a living creature, it's best to choose something that suits your aptitude well. Remember the characteristics of anything, and start with something familiar to you. In the case of Shyles, the animal you're closest to would be good, and in the case of Yonaire, a reagent you've handled a lot would be good. As for Yi-Han..."

Professor Yonramo looked over Yi-Han and pondered slightly.

"...Well, do whatever you want."


Yi-Han was flustered by the too casual words.

'Hmm. It's more confusing when you say it like that.'

It was harder to choose when told to pick something familiar to himself.

Right now...

'Lightning, water, or dark elements... don't seem good.'

Transforming one's arm into amorphous elements like lightning, water, or darkness was one of the very difficult types of shapeshifting magic.

There were more than a few things to be mindful of, as one had to maintain form while making the irregularly fluctuating elements one's own flesh.

'Professor Bagrak would cry tears of joy.'

Professor Bagrak, who had been steadily pushing for advanced lightning element magic, would be delighted and tell him to do it right away.

For his own safety, Yi-Han had to choose a slightly safer option.

'I haven't handled wood or earth that much. Iron... is it iron?'

Yi-Han, who had been pondering, thought about turning his options from inanimate objects to living creatures.

"Hmm. The living creatures I'm familiar with... Sharakan, griffin, basilisk, skeleton...?"


Yonaire, who was considering brass transformation next to him, threw a shocked gaze at her friend's muttering.

"Yi-Han. You know that if you accidentally transform into a dangerous creature, you can be attacked in return, right?"

'Besides, a skeleton isn't even a living creature.'

Shyles, who was next to him, thought inwardly.

The dangerous aspect of living creature transformation lay in its unpredictability.

It was a common case for mages to transform their hand into a part of a monster and then be attacked by that monster.

"Indeed, Sharakan, griffin, and basilisk are fierce."


The baby basilisk, who had been listening quietly, was startled.

Even if Sharakan and griffin were like that, it couldn't understand why basilisk was included there.

"Hmm. Should I practice while thinking of Sharakan's front paw..."

Thinking of starting with Sharakan's claws and gradually increasing the resembling parts to finally summon Sharakan's front paw, Yi-Han swung his staff.

"Arm, become the beast's front paw..."


Yi-Han's one arm suddenly changed into a skeleton's arm and simultaneously transformed into a troll's arm.

It didn't stop there. Next, it became a giant's arm, then Sharakan's front paw, then a griffin's front paw, then a basilisk's head, then a dragon's front paw...

The arm, which was continuously changing uncontrollably, barely returned to its original form.

The friends next to him had already stepped back in fright.

"...I should practice a bit more calmly."

Yi-Han vowed to practice after more preparation.

It seemed that the method of gradually increasing the transformable parts one by one like the other friends didn't suit Yi-Han.


"Haha. Today, let's just lightly run a hundred laps around the training ground, touch the top of that mountain peak, come down, and then cross the river while wearing these specially prepared weights."



As the final exam was slowly approaching, Professor Ingurdel's lectures were becoming more and more harsh.

Yi-Han wasn't sure if this was the original curriculum or if Professor Ingurdel had been influenced by the atmosphere of Einroguard.

In fact, what Professor Ingurdel taught wasn't wrong.

Although mages explored phenomena through theory and scholarship, swordsmen had no choice but to find out with their own bodies and senses.

Want to learn complex and profound swordsmanship?

There was no choice but to throw one's body and directly experience it.

Want to learn the hidden secrets of swordsmanship?

Likewise, there was no choice but to throw one's body and directly experience it.

Want to awaken enlightenment?

Even more so, one's body...

"That's why you shouldn't regret the sweat you shed."

Professor Ingurdel said in a stern voice while tapping a wooden sword.

Einroguard students tended to lack training as magic was their main occupation, even if they were from knight families.

It wasn't incomprehensible, but Professor Ingurdel thought his role was to prevent that.

"Does everyone understand? The senses that come from a trained body help control mana..."

"Gasp, huff."

"Cough, cough."


A White Tiger Tower student, drenched in sweat, asked with bloodshot eyes.

"Why isn't Wardanaz running?"


Yi-Han glared at the White Tiger Tower student.

'This guy.'

Professor Ingurdel had already said, 'It would be better for Wardanaz to rest today,' and Yi-Han had promptly said, 'Thank you!' and sat down, but he was pulling him in like a water ghost.

He should be happy that his friend survived, but he was a really spiteful guy.

"I'm not from a knight fam..."

"Wardanaz's body hasn't fully recovered yet due to the brawl at the festival."

Professor Ingurdel said matter-of-factly while stretching his arm muscles.

Yi-Han, who thought he was being considerate because he wasn't from a knight family, hesitated.

"Oh. You knew?"

"Of course, I heard about it. Wardanaz. How could I not hear about that?"

The elf swordsman looked at Yi-Han as if it was absurd.

The White Tiger Tower seniors were already whispering.

-We have such a talent in our tower!-

-Professor. Do you happen to know which family's junior he is? Which family could it be...-

Professor Ingurdel couldn't bear to disappoint the excited White Tiger Tower students, so he couldn't say anything.

"I asked the principal, and he said you lent your body to a demon?"

"Ah. That. Actually, the demon forcibly took it."

Yi-Han slightly shifted the responsibility to Anpursas, as he felt like he would be nagged.

Even if Anpursas was a demon and got cursed a bit, he wouldn't mind.

"The principal said that Wardanaz lent it?"

"...He was essentially deceived."

"Ah. Is that so?"

Professor Ingurdel didn't really care.

Whether he was deceived or not, whether it was taken or not, that wasn't important.

"So when can you summon that demon again?"

"Uh... I don't know? Why are you asking?"

"I thought it would be good if you could summon it again as soon as possible."


Yi-Han doubted his ears.

'Did the skull principal threaten him with a sword? No, did he take over his body?'

However, contrary to Yi-Han's suspicion, Professor Ingurdel was speaking with pure goodwill.

"Wardanaz. All swordsmen in the empire consider the opportunity to learn from a superior swordsman more important than a thousand gold coins. And Wardanaz, you have gained the opportunity to directly wield the swordsmanship of a superior swordsman with your own body!"


Professor Ingurdel spoke passionately, unlike usual, but Yi-Han's eyes were as cold as the abyss.

'Did the skull principal take over his body...'

Of course, there was some logic to what Professor Ingurdel said.

But if we follow logic, there was also logic to what Professor Bagrak said about going into the Giant Mountains and fighting giants to improve magic abilities.

Wasn't Yi-Han's life more important than logic?

Yi-Han was about to say harsh words but remembered the other person's identity and held onto his sanity.

"Unfortunately, the demon won't obediently listen to me and won't come out even if I tell it to."

"Oh dear. That's a pity."

Professor Ingurdel sighed and lamented.

It was such a good opportunity!

"Gasp, pro-professor. But, is Wardanaz, really, not feeling well?"

"I told you he's not."

"...Don't lie, you bastard! You played ballgame just fine!"

A White Tiger Tower student shouted while lying on the ground.

Yi-Han said without changing his expression.

"Professor Bungaegor made me drink an anesthetic potion and play the match."



The White Tiger Tower students quietly started running again.

Professor Ingurdel made a disgusted expression next to them.

No matter how important the match was, how could she go that far?


"Huff, gasp. Cough."

"Cough, cough."

The White Tiger Tower students who returned looked at the professor with eyes mixed with resentment.

Professor Ingurdel opened his mouth, ignoring them and looking at the collapsed students.

"The reason I trained you so lightly today is not simply to improve your physical strength in preparation for the final exam, but because there's something I want to teach you."

Professor Ingurdel surprisingly didn't teach swordsmanship itself.

If a student asked about a technique, he wouldn't avoid answering, but he rarely taught students new swordsmanship or techniques.

It was largely due to the White Tiger Tower students being from knight families.

They had all grown up learning their family's swordsmanship, and even if other swordsmanship seemed better, they didn't easily change it.

For such students, Professor Ingurdel gave teachings that would generally be helpful rather than touching on swordsmanship itself.

Such a professor said he had something new to teach. Even in the midst of their exhaustion, the students threw their gazes with interest.

"It's the method of imbuing intention into the sword. Wardanaz. Do you have someone you resent on a regular basis?"


Yi-Han hesitated at Professor Ingurdel's question.

There were too many.

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