Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 482

Chapter 482

Chapter 482

When the boy from the Wardanaz family, who had been answering softly and kindly no matter what was said until now, asked coldly, the Shadow Patrol hunters were taken aback.

"No, what do you mean...?!"

"Do we look like people who would do that?"

"We said that because we really liked them!"

"Hah... Come here for a moment."

Yi-Han called the hunters who were out on the deck.

Overwhelmed by the undeniable authority shown by Yi-Han, the Shadow Patrols hesitantly approached.

"Now, the difference between this arrow and that arrow is..."

Yi-Han explained more eagerly than before.

How the arrow he had just enchanted on the spot was different from the arrow that came out of the workshop with the Zenbaya magic series enchanted on it.

The former, where mana was poured in crudely and magic was forcibly overlapped, and the latter, where magic was overlapped in multiple layers with perfect calculations, yet without the slightest instability...



Of course, the Shadow Patrol hunters didn't understand a bit of it.

'Do you understand what he’s saying?'


'You can read letters, so why don't you understand?'

'It doesn't seem to be the Imperial language.'

After finishing his long speech, Yi-Han asked.

"Do you understand now?"


The hunters spoke and then, fearing that Yi-Han would explain again, hurriedly shouted.

"Mage! That... the good theory of magic's... hue, we understand well."

"...It's not hue, it's the application of mana color..."

"But it's really true that this arrow is better, not a lie. Look closely. It's heavier, faster, and penetrates deeper. Isn't that a good arrow?!"

The hunters hurriedly took out an arrow and stuck it into a distant reef.

Then they took out the Maykin family's arrow and compared it again.

Surprisingly, the arrow that Yi-Han had just enchanted was indeed stuck deeper.

The Shadow Patrol hunters looked at the mage with a triumphant gaze.

Surely with this, he would be convinced...

"Didn't you pull my arrow hard and that arrow weakly?"



The Shadow Patrol hunters had to feel the same absurdity as Nillia.

"I will pull it once."

"Do you know how to shoot a bow too, Mage?"

"I learned from Nillia."

"Puhah... Huh?"

The hunters, who were about to laugh at the joke, were surprised to see Yi-Han's posture.

The unique posture of holding the bow was exactly the way the Shadow Patrol taught.



"A-Are you really close with Nillia?"

"What nonsense... If it's not that she threatened him with a bow, how could that be possible?"

"I also tried that last time when I went down to the town at the inn, and the adventurers ran away. I just asked them to have a drink together..."

"Should I have aimed the bow more accurately? Nillia might have aimed accurately."

While the hunters were having an ominous conversation behind him, Yi-Han focused on the bow.

Pulling the bowstring on a fast-moving ship was something that required concentration even with enchanted arrows.



Yi-Han, who had shot both arrows, was surprised.


'The arrow I enchanted is stuck deeper!'

"...Mage! What did we say!"

"We said this is better because it's really better!"

The hunters clamored as if they had been waiting.

"Hurry up and enchant it for us!"

"You can do it, so why are you making such a fuss!"

The Shadow Patrol hunters grumbled constantly about Yi-Han's exaggeration.

As expected, mages could do it but didn't.

The mage in the town must have also been able to enchant the arrows but made excuses because he was lazy.

"This doesn't usually work out so well... It just so happens that the spells I need to cast on the arrows now are the ones I can use, and it seems like this because I'm forcibly suppressing it with my current strength, but originally, if you overlap this much, it becomes unstable..."

"Completely understood!"

"Thank you! Mage!"

The hunters understood in their own way.

-Mages are all like that, saying such humble things even though they can do it.-

Professor Uregor, who was concentrating on finding the location of the Sangoria flowers at the bow, glanced back and was surprised.

At some point, Yi-Han had become friendly with the Shadow Patrol hunters and was playing with them.

He knew Yi-Han had good sociability, but he was honestly surprised.

'Is that guy really from the Wardanaz family...?'

"Wardanaz. What are you talking about so much?"

"I was enchanting arrows for them."

"I see. ...Wait. They must have received arrows, right?"

"They said my magic is better..."


Professor Uregor, who was about to bury his nose in the map again, looked at Yi-Han with a shocked expression.

What the hell are you doing?!

"Found one. Steer the ship that way."

"Turn the bow!"

The southern coast of the city was an archipelago terrain with large and small reefs and islands intricately intertwined.

As such, there were many monsters popping out, and if you took the wrong sea route for a moment, you could get caught up and shipwrecked.

Fortunately, the sailors steering the speedboats procured by the Maykin family were all veterans among veterans. They steered the ships without panicking even at Professor Uregor's sudden request.

"Excellent. To be able to turn the ship so skillfully..."

"Haha. It's nothing compared to the requests of the hunters."


Professor Uregor tried to say something but stopped.

Professor Bungaegor, who was watching next to him, asked.

"Is it really on this island?"

"Yes. The poison predator is flying above, right? That creature likes Sangoria flowers, so it's doing that to eat them. If we search through the bushes and go in, we'll find them."

"I see. We'll have to dock for a moment and ask the hunters to clear the surrounding area."

Professor Bungaegor looked around.

The surroundings were still quiet, but there was quite a lot of work to be done.

From the monsters waiting in the water to the ones on the island, they had to be dealt with so that the fishermen and collectors could come and go easily in the future.

"Shadow Patrol members... No. Wardanaz, what the hell are you doing?"

Professor Bungaegor was startled to see Yi-Han mixed with the hunters, practicing archery.

Some hunters were offering Yi-Han a leather water bottle, urging him to try the northern liquor.

It was good to become friendly, but didn't they become friendly too quickly?

"Enchanting magic and practicing archery..."

"Y-Yeah. I don't know how those are connected... Anyway, everyone. It seems we need to clear this area now."


The waiting Shadow Patrol hunters jumped up from the deck.

The people who had been wearing shabby clothes and chatting leisurely until just now exuded a blade-like energy.

"Let's begin."

"Zalbar, you take my back. Andaltan, you take the opposite side."


Professor Bagrak stretched out his hand and opened his mouth.

The hunters, who were about to grab their bows and spears and jump off, stopped and looked at the mage.

The Shadow Patrol hunters respected the strong, and in that regard, that vampire mage was a strong one worthy of respect.

"What is it?"

"Please don't clear the monsters on the island."


The hunters' faces turned serious.

"Is there some information we don't know?"

"What kind of creature is hiding that we have to avoid..."

"Wardanaz has to clear them."




The atmosphere became very chilly.

Not only Yi-Han but also the Shadow Patrol hunters were startled and talking among themselves in low voices.

"What is he talking about?"

"It seems that the mage from the Wardanaz family is going to subdue the monsters on the island...?"

"Alone? We must have heard wrong, right?"

Even the hunters didn't send a newcomer alone to the island and tell them to kill everything.

That was something a madman would say, not a hunter.

Sensing the chilly atmosphere, Professor Uregor cleared his throat.

'Damn it. This is why I hate being outside Einroguard.'

After being inside Einroguard and coming out, he had to carefully observe the actions of other mages one by one.

Otherwise, the atmosphere would become chilly like this.

"I think there was some misunderstanding. Isn't that right, Professor Bagrak?"

Professor Uregor spoke while desperately winking his eyes.

Hoping that Professor Bagrak would understand his intention.

-I know you want to train Wardanaz, but there will be many opportunities later, so let's just let it go this time! Doesn't it look too strange?-

However, Professor Bagrak was cold.

"Did you hurt your eyes?"

"...No... Just... some dust got in."

Professor Uregor quickly gave up.

Indeed, there was no way Professor Bagrak would listen to Professor Uregor's words.

"And there was no misunderstanding."

"Yes... there wasn't..."

Next to him, Professor Bungaegor looked at Professor Uregor as if he was pathetic.

Professor Uregor thought that if it weren't for the respect due to being his family elder, he would have grabbed her by the collar.

"Let's go in."


Yi-Han answered with no change in emotion.

It was a reaction possible because he had already given up, but it looked different to the people present.

'He's just accepting that?!'

'What the hell are the mages of Einroguard...?!'

It looked very strange not only to the sailors and hunters but also to Professor Uregor and Professor Bungaegor.

'The disciple takes after the master.'

'Has he learned a lot from Professor Bagrak that this level is no longer very scary?'

Both dwarves thought that if Yi-Han had heard them, he would have immediately attacked.

Yi-Han and Professor Bagrak, who set foot on the island, could realize one fact.

It was that Yi-Han’s skills had improved a lot.


A mage skilled in controlling the water element tends to have even greater power when there is water nearby.

Moreover, in the case of Yi-Han, who forcibly squeezed out water from space even when there was no water, it was even more advantageous.

Yi-Han called the seawater, immediately created a barrier, and lowered his stance. Then he shot illusions to the sides and focused his mind on the water to spin it.


It took some time, and the spin was still lacking, but it definitely felt shortened compared to last time.

And above all...

'Even if the spin is not perfect, the power is sufficient!'

The water orb flew out fiercely and struck the carnivorous plant that had just attacked Yi-Han.

The spinning water orb blew away a wider area than the surface it touched like a shell. The sharp flower bud of the carnivorous plant was blown away in one blow.

"Well done."

Professor Bagrak expressed a faint satisfaction and said.

"Your skills have improved."

"Thank you."

Even Yi-Han thought he was proud of himself.

During that time, he didn't just train spinning alone, didn't Professor Bagrak add all the advanced courses as punishment for taking other schools?

"But you need to shorten the time further."


"Do all mages train like that?"

"It's too terrible. Why do the Imperial bastards threaten to send the kids to the northern mountain ranges if they don't listen? Seeing that, our patrol doesn't seem like much."


Yi-Han turned his gaze.

The hunters who were dealing with monsters on a small boat next to the sea were muttering.

"Why are they doing that?"

"It's nothing."

Yi-Han tried to tell Professor Bagrak, 'Those outsiders have strange preconceptions,' but stopped.

There was no point in saying it anyway.


Professor Bagrak went forward to check something and came back.

"It's a good opportunity to check . There's a seed fragment vine ahead."

Seed fragment vine.

It was a plant-type monster that Yi-Han had only seen in books, a monster that shot seeds irregularly like a shotgun.

Since the combat divination magic basically needs to be familiar with the enemy to have its effect properly...

"...Turn to iron, O cloak."

Yi-Han raised his defense, prepared to take a few hits.

It was a desperate thought to get hit lightly since he was going to get hit anyway, but it looked a bit different to the Shadow Patrol hunters watching from afar.

"As expected, mages are not ordinary when it comes to fighting, as they know how to use magic."

"The Imperial mage who came to the mountains before kept saying he couldn't fight because he was weak, but it was a lie after all. I won't be fooled by such lies again!"

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