Supreme Origin: Time King

Chapter 2: II Patron God

Chapter 2: II Patron God

On the temple's initiation room, nine children waited in middle of the room when a bald young man wearing white robes and with some other people entered the initiation room.

"My name is Richard, and I will be the priest at this ceremony, so children stay in line and I will call one by one." After introducing himself, Richard talked to a middle-aged man on his side and called.

"Adrian Fordge!"

"Yes, sir." The boy in the front answered before walking to Richard.

Richard stood in front of Adrian with a cold face and asked: "Adrian, you know that only a few people can receive a blessing and serve a God, so are you ready?"

"Teacher, I'm ready." Then the five priests on Richard's side cast a spell as a strange aura appeared in the room.

Adrian closed his eyes and felted warmth on his body when a crow descended and stayed above his head with a proud look: "Welcome Adrian Fordge chosen by the Crow God, now follow lord Drake to see your parents" said Richard before he pointed to the middle aged man on his side.

Words of shock and envy were emitted from the surrounding and fell into the young boy who was standing in the initiation room. And under the gaze of everyone, the young boy's breath became a little hurried and he followed one of the priests outside the initiation room.

"Next, Alyssa Rook!" Amidst the noisy crowd, Richard's voice once again sounded.

As this name was called, the crowd suddenly became quiet. All of their gazes turned and a young girl wearing a light blue dress. She was quiet standing and the icy expression on her face didn't change at all with the gazes of everyone.

"Look over there, it's Alyssa! I heard she's the daughter of the town lord, who do you think is her God?"

" I don't know her' so young and already mastered her family's Swift Wind Sword Technique at five, so probably is a Sword God or a War God right?" Voices sounded from the crowd when the priests cast the same spell from before, but this time nothing happened.

"What? Miss Alyssa was not chosen?"

"Is this an error?"

Asked the people in the crowd who was confused why this genius was not blessed by any god.

"Silence!" ordered Lord Michael and after they stopped talking, he said "Alyssa, I'm sorry, but is better if you go back home and after this, uncle will find the truth for you okay?"

"I understand uncle, I'm going back now." when she turned to leave the initiation room, Michael ordered Richard

"Richard, go with Alyssa. I will take care of the ceremony now."

"Yes, Master, " said Richard before he runs after Alyssa.

After Alyssa only one more was blessed, Chloe Branches, Elijah's cousin who was chosen by the Goddess of healing Eir and the first genius in the clan after Ophelia, and Chloe's elder brother Noah, who reached the Divine Mage Second Realm's Earth peak before thirty.

"Now is the last, Elijah, it's your turn." a little boy who looks nervous as he reached the priest and looked around. On the right, he saw four elders from the clan. These elders didn't hold as much power as the great elders, but nevertheless, they had quite a bit of say and weren't pushovers. Besides these elders were young men that had shown promise and talent.

"Uncle Michael." said the boy. Michael was a Legendary Divine Alchemist and his father's childhood friend. He was an orphan who served his father before a elder saw his talent and send him to a heaven's way academy to train and after he come back, he Married the city lord's sister whom he loved as a child.

"Elijah, I'm going to cast the spell, be prepared." Before he even began, a cold and evil air surged around the town and the expressions of everyone on the initiation room changed dramatically as they heard the sounds of battle above them.

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