Supreme Monarch

Chapter 291 C291. Bestowment Ritual

Tyler stared silently at Z as he found it difficult to proceed. He had heard from Albert a little about the state of the Darknar continent but his thought process had been far too naive to comprehend just how far and wide his visage had spread during his epic battle with the undead king.

There was the fact that the Great Five had been watching that battle closely in order to take advantage of any golden opportunity that happens to present itself to them.

However, most demon households were keenly aware of the fact that those large families were riddled with spies not only from other Greats but even spies from the lesser noble families as well as several powerful individuals like the seven Great Behemoths.

This simply meant that there was a very high chance that the other noble family and primordials had already been aware of the undead war and chose to monitor the information flowing out of the Great Fives.

Of course, such a large-scale operation was not something even those Great Demon Lords could hide completely from the public much less the other powers operating in the demon continent.

With all those factors in play, it was expected (by Uriel and Z,) that information on the new Demon king's faction that had mange to steal the demon king's castle from underneath the Great Five noses had spread across the vast continent and beyond.

Of course, there were still those that refuse to believe that any of the Great Five didn't have a hand in this. In fact, most of the Great Five probably still suspected each other as they remained hesitant while trying to identify the traitorous family.

Even Tyler had been vaguely aware that there had been a lot more parties monitoring that war from afar as he had sensed a couple of well-encrypted spells casting their gaze on him. There was even a chance more parties with specialized Magic artifacts had also been watching.

He expected a few of the so-called Primordial behemoths to at the very least vast their gaze on the commotion taking place at the center of the continent even if they lack any interest in the matter.

Even though the presence of that former behemoth of Envy had probably garnered the attention of the current behemoth of Envy.

Basically, there was no way the outcome of the war had remained a secret within the Great noble families. Even Tyler was sure there was bound to be a leak somewhere and if it hadn't happened yet, then in the next few weeks, words of the new faction or family that claimed the demon king's castle would soon spread publicly across the continent if not the world.

Tyler looked on to his prostrating vassals with a solemn expression as he felt a choking sensation in his dried throat. This strange feeling was the weight of suddenly being a publicly acknowledged leader bearing down on him.

In addition, as he had been shot onto the limelight of the entire continent, any orders he gave now would affect the rise or fall of his new family and the relationship he had with them.

He could not help but hesitate as he contemplated the possibilities and the various course of action he could take.

Should he make a mistake, he could easily lead everyone that looked up to him to destruction because of his decisions — the unease generated by that thought flooded his heart and mind which were beginning to take root within his soul.

"...Lord Ty, it is only natural that you should have doubts about our abilities giving as we have recently exposed ourselves to the world's eyes. After all, our abilities are still completely minuscule in your reckoning."

As though she had read the hidden thoughts in his heart, Liz opened her mouth suddenly to address the reason for Tyler's hesitation as she then removed the charming smile from her face, and continue in a respectful tone that was laced with a stern strength, the embodiment of her determination.

Perhaps it was her strong desire to understand him that had broken through his well-designed poker face but her words seems to comfort Tyler a little.

"However, if our beloved Master gives the order, we — all of your vassals will accomplish every task given to us, no matter how arduous, with every fiber of our beings. We hereby swear that we will never allow the name of our beloved master, the demon king, Lord Ty Falls Darknar, to be disgraced by our actions. Neither will we allow that name to be ever lost in the pages of history."

"This we swear!"

As she spoke passionately from the bottom of her heart, her words clearly resonated with the other vassals as they simultaneously chimed in right after Liz.

Their voices were filled with power, and that adamant loyalty and determination would not be diminished by any number of foes be it Great Demon lords or primordial behemoths. It was as though they were mocking Tyler's previous worries that had almost paralyzed him just a moment ago.


Hearing the soft sigh in his mind, the thick fog that loomed in his heart vanished like shadows in the morning sun and Tyler was moved by the reactions of everyone here including those he was yet to be acquainted with.

The presence of so many new faces was the main reason for his anxiety as he had felt he needed to impress them fully imbued upon them the presence of a king else he'd end up disgracing himself as well as those that followed him up till now.

However, it would seem that the idea was ridiculous from the start as there wasn't a single person here whose eyes were not filled with passion and undying loyalty.

Thinking of it now, there was no way Albert would let anyone he didn't deem worthy and loyal into this meeting as he had been aware of its main purpose. Not to mention, he also had Uriel to guide him against making any major mistakes.

Besides, Tyler wasn't stupid, even without grasping the full implications of his actions he could understand that things we're most likely going to get harder from here onwards as weighed of his responsibilities weighed heavily on him.

However, after witnessing the determination of his vassals and the girls standing behind him, he would no longer allow his mindset to influence by pressure.

His only goal was to create a region where he would be able to leave comfortably with everyone he cared about. Of course, he know that would not be possible with the entire continent coming down on him so he needed to begin his preparations for the future as he was already a week behind the movements of his enemies.

The only problem now was the fact that everyone here seems to think he was some kind of genius that could predict events as it unfolds and was somehow manipulating various developments that had occurred so far.

Frankly, if he could do such a thing then he wouldn't be in such a predicament but unfortunately, they had all bought deeply into that fantasy.

Even Z who was supposed the be the smartest man here, was apparently the one leading the charge on this idea and as no one doubted his judgment, it would be impossible to convince them otherwise.

Tyler could only sigh inwardly in resignation as he decided to respond appropriately to his subordinates' sudden pledge. As he could not easily sway the opinion of the masses without embarrassing himself, he only needed to transfer some of the responsibilities to more capable hands.

"Very well. I have observed your determined vow and believe you all have what it takes to accomplish any task assigned to you. While this is coming a week late and I'm sure some of you may already be aware of it already, allow me formally welcome you to my family."

In response to his vassal's determined pledge, Tyler went all-in on the dramatics as he spoke with a ruler's disposition before coolly standing up upon his last words as though to drive home the point.

"Welcome, to the revival of an ancient and once-forgotten noble family, today marks the resurgence of a name once known far and wide. On this day marks the rebirth of the Great Darknar Family."

The air shuddered in gasps of awe and shock as this was the first time most of these people had ever heard that name is spoken in this context and the grand visage of their supreme master served only to leave them in awe.

"This is only the beginning, I trust you will all do your part to uphold the dignity of the glorious name of the Great Darknar Noble household."

"With our lives!"

Their response to Tyler's suppose grand performers was as expected, an earth-shattering roar, giving off strong determination as they swore their lives to his name.

Naturally, Tyler now had to match their enthusiasm as he proceeded grandly.

"Excellent! Your eyes leave me no doubts. Now let's move on to today's agenda. Everyone here has been selected for a reason, and as the highest-ranking member of this family, you will all receive the last name of Darknar."

Naturally, not everyone in a noble family could bear the name of the said family as only direct descendants from the family's founder could receive the family's last name.

While those defendants were considered purebloods, there had been a recent rise in half-bloods and lesser being who bears a noble family's last name.

This had not always been the case as things had evolved in this way over the last thousand years after the death of the demon king.

This was because a lot of families had been destroyed during the great civil war that encompassed the entire continent after the death of the demon continent one unifying factor.

The rapid creation and expansion of the Great Five Families had caused hundreds of noble families to disappear, either swallowed up by other larger families or completely annihilated, leaving only around 77 demon noble families to reign over the demon continent with the Great Five in charge.

This drove a lot of the surviving noble families to the brink of extinction that they could no longer protect their noble purity and had to expand their strength by means of mating with ordinary demons, lesser demons, and even demi-humans.

Causing the rise of the half-bloods who bears a noble family's last name.

However, what Tyler had just done by naming everyone gathered here today was completely different from the concept of half-bloods or purebloods. Rather, they were all individuals that had received the blessing of a demon lord utilizing a name.

In essence, he had unknowingly conducted an ancient ritual that made use of elements of the demon's pact as he bestowed a portion of his power to all those who accepts and believe in his words.

A Name Bestowment Ritual.

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