Supreme Monarch

Chapter 244 C244. Receiving Guests

Waking up after only a few hours of sleep, Tyler received the request from Jarret and granted him permission to bring the Raven settlement's leader to him. He also didn't need to do anything to grant them access to the castle as Uriel could accomplish the task for him with ease.

,m He had only been asleep for about two hours but it seems his body had recovered somewhat. Walking out into the balcony, he could see Ragdek and a few red ogres doing something along the greenhouse but Tyler wasn't interested so he walked back into his room.

He then had Cora run him a bath and prepare a new outfit for him. Wearing the same outfit all the time— even when he could clean it with magic— wasn't his style. While he like simple and casual outfits, he didn't mind if they were a bit stylish.

He donned a grey shirt, black trousers with black boots. Wearing a reddish black long coat over his shirt he took a look at himself over the full length mirror in his closet and felt satisfied.

Aside from the negative corruption still plaguing him, his body seems to be in top shape and he had a perfect physique.

While Tyler had been an adventurer back in the human continent, he had spent most of his free time training his body to keep up with his teammates. However, even though he had not done a proper physical training since he awoken in this continent, he physique was more perfectly refined than ever before.

'If I was on earth I'd properly be able to work as a model right?'

After spending sometime admiring himself for no reason, Tyler left his chambers with Cora as they walked downstairs to have a meal. He surprisingly didn't have as much free time as he would like so he wanted to envoy a casual lifestyle whenever he could.

He had spent majority of his time on earth working multiple jobs to pay his family's bills and his sister's fee so he never really enjoyed the finer things in life. This was why he had wanted to leave this castle as soon as possible the first time he was here.

However, that idea seems to have gone out the windows so he would have to build a place he could enjoy in peace himself.

They soon arrived at the dinning hall and Tyler had breakfast with a few of the ogres and beastmen that were not busy training. He wasn't hungry but as a former human, good food was one of the luxuries he could never let go of.

The only problem was, there were currently several limitations to the meals that could be prepared by his vassals. They didn't have the right skills or ingredients to make the delicacies he was after. Still, the meals they prepared were still quite tasty.

After engaging in some small talks with the curious kids around him and his adoring subordinates. Tyler bid them fare ware as he teleported together with Cora back to his office and took a seat behind his majestic desk.

He hadn't noticed it immediately, but it seems the dwarves had changed the desk in his office to something extremely grand and exquisite.

After receiving confirmation that Jarret and the leaders had arrived and were on their way here, Cora went over to prepare some tea for his guest which was apparently something they had now. It seems they had ridden here on Dego which was why they arrived so fast.

With almost everyone in the castle busy at the moment, Tyler had instead sent over Zelda to greet his guest at the gate and lead them here.

Apparently, the group had been surprised to see Zelda but that didn't scare them. With Zelda leading the way, it didn't take them long to arrive at his door and Jarret politely knocked.

*Knock, knock, knock.

Although Tyler already knew who it was, Cora still insisted on sticking by what she had been taught by Albert as she answered the door then proceeded to inform Tyler of his guest before receiving permission to allow them in.

Entering the room first was Jarret and Zelda, followed by Two male figures and a female.

The males were obviously hobgoblins based on their skin tone but the female seems to be a type of lesser demon, he wasn't too sure but he could vaguely remember being told about a certain demon race living with the hobgoblins.

Hearing Tyler's random thought, Uriel reminded him that the girl's species were called Karna Oni which, while similar, were very different from regular lesser demons.

For one, they generally had normal skin tones based on the region they resided in but still had the characteristics of lesser demons like horns or tails, sometimes both.

The Karma Oni that had entered the room in the middle of the two hobgoblins was obviously their leader as Tyler highly doubted the possibility of them sending a representative to speak with him at this point in time.

She looked to be a young girl in her early 20's with silky black hair tied in a bun and two pitch-black horns protruding from the top of her head. A blacktail that had a bushy end protruded from her lower waist.

She had crimson eyes and wore a short red dress that resembled what Tyler imagined a traditional Chinese dress would look like. It was unknown where she had gotten the outfit from but Tyler assumed either she was a reincarnate or she was influenced or related to one.

Strapped to her thighs were oddly shaped short blades that were most likely magic items made to mimic guns.

The two hobgoblins that came in before and after her were of different age groups. One of them looked very much like an elder with short white hair and beards, the other had short black hair with a cleanly shaven face.

The younger one wore a full set of plate armor that seems to be made of high-quality materials and the elder wore a mage's robe of relatively high quality. It was obvious that financially, the Raven settlement was doing far better than the Red ogre settlement had been.

"Greetings Lord Ty. We've returned with the Raven settlement's Leader as per your orders."

Jarret moved forward and knelt before Tyler's desk while he gave a very obvious report.

Zelda had instead moved to the corner and stared coldly at the three who stood behind Jarret in awe. Her cold gaze made the three incredibly nervous representatives panic as they hurriedly knelt down as well.

Meeting a new ruler was surely nerve-racking on its own, however, the pressure they had felt the moment they entered the office had almost knocked them out.

While the Raven settlement had been quite the flourishing place due to the intellect and creativity of the hobgoblins, it wasn't something that could be compared to a small castle, much less the demon's king castle.

The ride on Drago had been terrifying enough but they had been in awe since entering through the nigh-indestructible barrier that had protected the castle for a millennial.

They had then met a beautiful undead creature whose power seems to match the dark drake. Her presence was overwhelming and they had almost passed out.

Entering the castle they hadn't met any more surprises but the beauty of the place was outstanding. However, nothing could prepare them for what they had experienced next.

The moment the door to their new master's office was opened, a gust of dark aura beyond their comprehension almost made them lose their mind as they were only able to walk in due to their determination to save their people.

The In fathomable aura they felt from the room only meant their master had the capabilities to grant their wish.

However, Tyler's aura was something that couldn't be comprehended by mere mortals else they die on the spot. Even amongst demigods, most would fail to sense it as he was subconsciously restraining his power to protect his damaged mana body.

So, there was no way the present trio was sensing originating from him. he also hadn't attempted to intimidate people who had already decided to work for him.

Rather, the three shadows lurking around him were the ones causing those three's breathing problems.

Well actually, there were now four of them in the room as Kali had stealthily returned to his shadow the moment the door to his office had been opened by Jarret.

Unaware his shadows were psychologically torturing the three, Tyler casually waved an arm for Jarret and the three to get up and carry on with the introductions. However, his casual gesture had caused even more panic in the minds of the three and they hurriedly stood up like soldiers.

'What's up with them.'

[These three are on edge because Master's shadows guards are putting pressure on them.]


After processing what Uriel had said for a moment, Tyler immediately order the three to stop and the color visibly returned to the faces of the Raven chief and the others.

"There's no need to just stand around. Please take a seat."

While the trio thought about remaining standing as a show of respect, Jarret advised them to take a seat on the couch by the side of the office. Cora then poured them some green tea with a nice fragrant aroma.

Tyler also stood up and moved to a sofa next to the one they were sitted on. Receiving a cup of tea as well. Drinking tea wasn't something he normally enjoyed, but he liked the aroma of this one so he tried it. It was surprisingly good and refreshing.

After taking a second sip from his cup, he then addressed the trio who seemed to have relaxed a little thanks to the tea. He now knew why serving tea seems to be customary in noble households.

"You may speak freely now."

"Umm... Thank you, my lord. I am Hecate Redoy, the new chief of the Raven settlement."

"New chief?"

"Yes Lord, my father was the chief until he died in the recent surge in monsters attacks. That's one of the reasons why we sort out my Lord's protection. As I am the only child of my father, I took the vet as chief after his death. Please forgive me if I'm a little green."

'I kinda know what you mean.'

While he felt the significance of what she was saying and why she had been so nervous, Tyler couldn't voice his thoughts out loud as he needed to maintain his character.

Taking another sip from his tea, he used appraisal on the trio and got quite a bit of information. She was currently at the Advance stages of Tier 4, meaning she was clearly strong enough to be the chief but she hadn't mastered that many skills.

Well, perhaps she was more stunned towards spell casting as she seems to be compatible with quite a few types of magic.

Switching his attention to the two hobgoblins beside her, Hecate noticed and hurriedly introduced them to him.

"I'm sorry for their late introduction my Lord, this is Captain Cresil, he was the head of security in our town and the captain of the guards. And this old man is my personal advisor Kraz Hlot. He's also our grand mage and head of our intelligence department along with various other posts."

"Interesting. For a settlement, you guys were quite organized. Impressive."

Tyler had also appraised both hobgoblins and could tell that they were just as strong as Hecate, maybe even stronger based on experience. She was a little green to have been chief but no doubt she had talents.

"Thank you for your high praise, your majesty."

"You can just call me Lord Ty just like everyone else. I take it you were informed about the Undead army that would be attacking us sometime tomorrow?"

"Ah Yess, as your vassals we promise to do everything in our power to help. Please feel free to order us as you wish. We pledge our loyalty to you, Lord Ty."

They all simultaneously got up as they swiftly got on their knees and made their solemn vow while activating a pact. While this was expected, it was something Tyler couldn't get used to but played it off as though it was natural.

He acknowledged their pact and then motioned for them to stand back up and take their seats.

"I see, very well then. I'll be sure to put you all to work immediately. Let's hope you can handle it."

"We'll do our best master."

"I see...! Very well then. You may return to the town and settle in. I'll send someone later to prep your forces to execute Z's plan. Feel free to think of the town like yours."

Although they had no idea who this Z person was, they all just assumed he was their new master's adviser as they gently nodded their heads in agreement before politely finishing up their tea and exiting his office.

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