Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 88

Chapter 88

Chapter 88

It was the last day of filming for Seo-juns medical drama.

Its already the last scene.

Lee Ji-seok and Kim Jong-ho greeted Seo-jun with a regretful expression as he entered the set. Seo-jun smiled and handed out the cookies he brought.

They look delicious.

I made them with mom and dad. This is a plain cookie. This is a sweet cookie. This is a super sweet cookie. What do you want?

Im curious about the super sweet cookie, but just give me a regular one.

Lee Ji-seok chose a sweet cookie. Kim Jong-ho chose a plain cookie. After that, Seo-jun gave a cookie to each of the staff members on the set. The last ones were director Choi Min-sung and writer So Eun-jin.

There are no super sweet cookies left.

I was wondering what they tasted like!

Writer So Eun-jin bit into a plain cookie with a disappointed face. Seo-jun laughed. Everyone who was curious had taken a bite and shivered at the really sweet taste.

Today is the end of the medical drama filming. Thank you for everything.

Seo-jun chatted with director Choi and writer So. Lee Ji-seok and Kim Jong-ho smiled at him.

The work turned out well and Do-hoon improved a lot. Were so lucky.

Right. Its almost the first time you didnt yell while filming a drama, right?

I cant yell in front of the kid.

Your blood pressure is high, too. You should keep it up.

Hey, if that was up to me!

Seo-jun would worry.

Kim Jong-ho, who was about to explode at Lee Ji-seoks words, splashed water on his face. Lee Ji-seok chuckled.

Im like that, too, but youre really weak to Seo-jun.

Who isnt weak to Seo-jun?

Kim Jong-ho agreed with Lee Ji-seoks words and nodded his head. The set was in a warm atmosphere, but the scene they were going to film from now on was not.

Seo-jun, who was excited to perform perfectly after finishing his preparations, went unnoticed by anyone.

Ready, action!

The face of Prince Seong-nyeong, who was hanging on the window, was flushed. His breathing was rough and his complexion worsened. The doctor sent by Tae-jong, Yang Hong-dal and his disciple Heo Yu-seon, tried their best, but Prince Seong-nyeongs condition did not improve.

He was out of breath. His lungs hurt.

His body was hot and his head was dizzy.

Prince Seong-nyeongs faint breath made director Choi, the staff, and the actors who were waiting, hold their breath and look at Seo-jun.

Ah, dad, mom

The small voice of Prince Seong-nyeong reached Tae-jong, and the father and mother who ran to the place where Prince Seong-nyeong was isolated appeared. They ignored the servants objections and grabbed the hand of the child who had a rash.

Jong-ah, Jong-ah.

Mom is here. Seong-nyeong.

Wasnt he the son who always smiled brightly and made the couple happy? He should get up soon and show them that bright smile. Tae-jong and the queen shed tears and comforted Prince Seong-nyeong.

The doctor Yang Hong-dal and Heo Yu-seon just bowed their heads. The couple felt their regret and shook their heads.

No. No. Why do you want to leave before your parents?

This cant be. Seong-nyeong. Wake up. Mom is here.

The faint voice of the parents made the good Prince Seong-nyeongs mouth curl up slightly.

[(Good)The core of the blue slime is activated.]

Prince Seong-nyeongs stomach, which had been moving up and down, slowly stopped moving. His body temperature, which had been hot, gradually cooled down.

[(Evil)The smell of the skeleton mouse is activated.]

Seo-jun activated all the abilities he had prepared. An unpleasant smell of death flowed from Seo-jun.

The hearts of a few actors and staff members who smelled the death beat irregularly.

One of them, Tae-jong, Kim Jong-ho, held Seo-jun, whose body temperature was dropping. The unpleasant energy made Kim Jong-ho restless. Seo-juns hand fell weakly.

Jong-ah. No. Jong-ah!

Kim Jong-ho held Seo-jun with his trembling hand. The smell of death clouded Kim Jong-hos judgment. No, why does his body temperature keep dropping? He knew he was a good actor, but Seo-juns body temperature dropped too fast. He rubbed him with his big hand as if to make the blood flow, but it didnt work.

Suddenly, Kim Jong-ho remembered the story they had shared at the first broadcast dinner.


Method acting. He thought it was just amazing at the time, but it wasnt. Kim Jong-hos heart pounded.

Was it because of method acting? He was so immersed that he really thought he was Prince Seong-nyeong who was sick. Kim Jong-hos hand trembled and his face turned pale.

It was a big deal if his body temperature dropped below a certain level. Kim Jong-ho held Seo-jun and tried to warm him with his own body temperature. His head didnt work.

Who! Whos there!?

Kim Jong-hos eyes widened. His fierce look made director Choi, the staff, and the actors who were watching him through the camera flinch. Kim Jong-hos expression added to the anxiety with his irregular heartbeat.

Huh? What? Is this ad-lib?

Seo-jun heard the thumping sound of Kim Jong-hos heart beating fast. He felt the uncle Jong-hos hand shaking.

Seo-jun, who was pretending to be dead with 100% realism using the abilities he had chosen, tilted his head and wondered.

A red light turned on in Seo-juns head. This was more than an experience that came from a long time, it was an instinct that warned of a terrible emergency.

It was a more urgent situation than the day when a high-ranking angel who had once been a demon and was reborn as a low-ranking angel recognized Seo-jun and met his eyes.

Seo-jun realized that Kim Jong-hos condition was not normal. And that it was because of his acting. Seo-juns head spun.

So, Uncle Jong-ho really thought I was in danger.

And in an emergency, anyone would call an ambulance, and if they called an ambulance, it would be on the news. And not only Mom and Dad, but many people would be worried.

It was obvious that there would be various problems, regardless of how healthy Seo-jun was.

That cant happen!

It seemed like not even 0.01 seconds had passed. Seo-jun quickly stopped his ability and opened his eyes wide.

Kim Jong-ho, who had finally regained his senses, was about to scream loudly, as if he had never done so before.


Seo-jun, who had sprung up from Kim Jong-hos arms, covered Kim Jong-hos mouth with one hand and grabbed the wrist of the hand that covered Kim Jong-hos mouth with the other.

As the apple blossom pattern on his wrist glowed, Seo-jun used his ability with all his might, as if he had never done so before. He poured all the energy he had into it.

[(Good) Calming apple blossom scent is activated!!]

[(Good) Basic breathing of the elf is activated!!]

The energy that burst out of Seo-juns body covered the set. With the medium-low level ability and the basic breathing added, it was natural that the smell of death from the lowest level ability disappeared, and more than half of the people here would calm down.

Kim Jong-ho, who had a desperate expression on his face, was about to rush into the set with PD Choi Min-sung and Ahn Da-ho, but Lee Ji-seok, who was lying on the floor, unaffected by [(Bad) Skeleton mouses smell], exclaimed, Wow, Jong-ho hyung is a great actor and admired him peacefully. The staff, who were worried about the accident, regained their peace of mind.

But there was still a big hurdle left. It was Kim Jong-ho and Lee Ji-hye, who were right next to Seo-jun.

Aunt Ji-hye, who seemed to have been affected by the ability, regained her composure from her panicked face. What about Uncle Jong-ho? Seo-jun cautiously removed his hand that was still covering Kim Jong-hos mouth.


Kim Jong-ho let out a deep sigh.

His head, which had been cloudy and dizzy, brightened up in an instant. His heart, which had been pounding, settled down, and what had happened a little while ago felt like a few days ago.

A healthy-looking child was in front of him. Kim Jong-ho, who took another breath, hugged Seo-jun, who was looking at him, and patted his back.

Seo-jun, who felt Uncle Jong-hos reaction, let out a sigh of relief and relaxed his body.


Did you really think Seo-jun was dead because he acted so well? Jong-ho hyung, really!

Right. Why did I think that way then?

Kim Jong-ho, who had become more generous than usual because of the warm energy, nodded at Lee Ji-seoks teasing. He felt like the filming just now was all a dream.

The energy that he had emitted with his whole body was so effective that everyone forgot the anxiety they had during the filming and had a relaxed conversation.

Seo-jun felt sorry. He didnt mean to do that. He just wanted to do a more perfect acting.

Im sorry.

What do you have to be sorry for, Seo-jun. We were just too immersed.

Seo-jun did his best.

But he had to be careful next time. He only thought of the viewers behind the camera who were waiting for his amazing acting. He didnt care about the feelings of the actors who were acting with him.

If the body temperature of the actor who was acting with him right next to him dropped and his body stiffened, there would be no actor who wouldnt be surprised.

And I even used magic.

He had to write a reflection today. Seo-jun held back the tears that seemed to come out of his sorry and regretful feelings and made a vow.

The people who were affected by Seo-juns ability regained their stability, but the rest were still in a confused state. Kim Jong-ho looked very anxious during the filming, but now he had a relaxed face.

Was that acting?

I got goosebumps when I saw that.

But didnt Seo-jun look really, like, in big trouble earlier?

PD Choi Min-sung, who was in an awkward mood at the set, decided to end the filming today.

PD Choi looked at Seo-jun, who was sitting between Kim Jong-ho and Lee Ji-hye and being stroked.

The staff had built a lot of rapport with Seo-jun while filming.

They liked the lively Prince Seong-nyeong and were proud of the studious Prince Seong-nyeong.

They thought the publics reaction would be no different when they edited and broadcasted it. In other words, the reaction of the staff here was the same as the reaction of the viewers who watched the drama My Doctor.

The staff, who saw Prince Seong-nyeong being filmed over several days, were worried about Seo-jun, even though they saw him filming with their eyes.

The viewers, who were healing while watching the perfectly edited broadcast, would care more about Seo-jun than the staff.

PD Choi was troubled by that fact. It was time to make a decision.

Everyone left the set and Seo-jun headed to the university hospital with Ahn Da-ho.

Hospital?! Why?!

No matter how long he lived, no matter how many lives he had, he hated hospitals. Seo-jun, who was stuck to the window, was flustered by the hospital that was getting closer and closer.

There were some scenes where you were sick during this filming. I was going to get a health check-up after the filming was over, but since it ended early today, I have some time left, lets get a health check-up.

Im super healthy! I eat well! Im not sick!

The president made an appointment, so hell be at the hospital. Lets eat something delicious when were done!

Da-ho hyung?! Im healthy, okay?!

Everyone will be relieved if you bring the health check-up results.


Seo-jun, who was trying hard to appeal his health, could only nod quietly at Ahn Da-hos last words.

He couldnt help it. He had to take it because everyone was worried. But he hated hospitals. The big white building was getting closer and closer to Seo-jun.

The test results came out quickly. Seo-jun brought the health check-up results to the filming location on the day Kim Jong-ho and Lee Ji-hye were filming.

He proudly handed the results to the two actors, like a scholar who had passed the highest-level exam in the past.

I, Lee Seo-jun! Totally! Healthy!

Kim Jong-ho and Lee Ji-hye took Seo-juns health check-up results and analyzed them. The two, who had undergone health check-ups several times, read them familiarly. Lee Ji-seok and Park Do-hoon also tried hard to see them.

Jong-ho hyung! Show me too!

Uncle! Me too!

Why dont you ask me? Seo-jun looked at the four people who were clinging to the results with a pouty expression.

The results were copies and the originals were at home. The doctors question, disguised as a compliment, How did you grow up so healthy? Do you have a secret? was heard from Chans uncle and Mom and Dad kept it well with a big smile.

Seo-jun thought the doctor was sincere. When he went to get the results, the doctor looked at Seo-jun with sparkling eyes, as if he was going to write a paper.

Kim Jong-ho, who had been immersed in the health check-up results for a while, nodded.

Hes healthy.

I told you!

But next time, please do it a little weaker.


He turned the set upside down with one fake death. As soon as he thought he would lower his body temperature a little and not do anything else next time he filmed.

The scene has changed.

A thunderbolt struck.

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