Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

As he waited at the airport entrance after collecting his luggage, a large car stopped in front of Seo-jun.

The window on the drivers seat rolled down and a sparkling blonde appeared. Seo-jun greeted his old acquaintance with a bright smile.

Hi, Rachel!

Jun! Long time no see!

Rachel Hill welcomed Seo-jun and his companions who had just arrived in America.

Rachel stuck her head out of the window and chatted briefly with Seo-jun, when a voice came from somewhere. Who said Rachel? At that, Rachel, who was wearing sunglasses, stuck out her tongue and gestured.

Get in quickly. Itll be hard to get out if we get caught!

Without any time to exchange greetings, Seo-jun and his parents, Seo Eun-chan and Ahn Da-ho, all got into Rachel Hills car.

Rachel Hill confirmed that everyone was in the car and drove out of the airport.

Thank you. I dont know if I should be imposing on you like this.

Its okay. Just make yourself comfortable and have a good time.

Seo Eun-hye and Rachel Hill, who had talked on the phone, smiled and greeted each other.

Seo-jun and his parents, who were attending the film festival for the first time in their lives, didnt know much about it. The guide they received from the film festival wasnt very helpful either.

Fortunately, Seo-jun had many people around him who knew a lot about the film festival. When he contacted Ryan Will, Rachel Hill, and Evan Block, he heard that the three of them had decided to walk the red carpet together.

They said they were about to contact Seo-jun anyway.

This years WTV Film Festival was scheduled to be held in Los Angeles.

LA, where Hollywood, the mecca of the film industry, was located, was home to many directors, actors, and people in film-related professions.

Rachel Hill was one of the people who owned a large mansion in LA.

Since it had come to this, Rachel Hill suggested that they stay at her house and attend the film festival together. Seo-jun and his parents nodded.

This is our house.

Seo-jun and his parents, Seo Eun-chan and Ahn Da-ho, were speechless at the sight of the large mansion with a garden. The size of the house was different from Korea, as expected of the vast land of America.

They all got out of the car and unpacked their luggage in the room that Rachel Hill showed them.

Let me know if you need anything.

Rachel Hill introduced them to the staff who worked at the mansion, and they all smiled awkwardly and nodded. Well, it would be hard to manage such a big house without hiring people.

The next day.

After adjusting to the time difference, Seo-jun joined the adults at the restaurant. Rachel Hill had prepared breakfast for the five of them in advance.

They all took their seats and filled their stomachs. As they chatted lightly, the topic of the film festival came up.

We need to pick out some clothes first.

Rachel Hill, who was sipping warm tea, opened her mouth. Seo Eun-hye tilted her head.

I have some suits that I brought from Korea, but are they not good enough?

Theyre fine, but there might be something better. Wait a minute. I have something prepared in the living room.

Rachel Hill smiled and led Seo-jun and the adults to the living room. In the spacious living room with a fluffy sofa, there was a movable hanger and a staff member.

There were a lot of clothes hanging on the hanger, but they were not Rachel Hills clothes by the look or the length.

Whats that, Rachel?

Seo-jun asked, and Rachel Hill smiled and said.

Theyre Juns clothes.

My clothes?

Yeah. Theyre clothes that came to me with a request to pass them on to Jun. They all said they wanted Jun to wear them at the film festival or other events.

Is that all?

The adults were speechless. Rachel Hill took out the clothes that were hanging in the front and showed them to the people. She introduced the clothes, explaining the brand, the designer, and the features, as if she had become a show host.

There were various kinds of clothes, from famous brands that the adults had heard of a few times to brands that had started to rise recently.

This is a clothes from a place thats popular for childrens clothing. Its a childrens clothing brand, so its not very well-known, but they know what kind of clothes suit children well. Its comfortable and durable for children who are active.

This is a place thats famous for womens suits, but they said they made a new brand for childrens suits. I think Jun might be the first model if he wears it.

There were more than ten clothes that she explained like that.

Juns body needs to be adjusted, right? They said they would come whenever I called. Oh, dont feel burdened. During the film festival, each brand sends a tailor. You never know when or where youll need to fix something.

The thing that Rachel Hill didnt miss in her explanation was that all the clothes were for Seo-jun.

She showed them the short letters that came with the clothes, from the designer who was inspired by William to the designer who felt like he was struck by lightning after seeing Jin Natras acting.

They were expensive, but they were different from the department store suits that were only ready-made in design.

Seo Eun-hye and Lee Min-joon, who looked at the clothes closely and listened to Rachel Hills explanation, nodded their heads with bright smiles.

Theyre better than the ones we brought from Korea!

Lets try them on!

The eyes of the couple and Rachel Hill sparkled. Seo Eun-chan and Ahn Da-ho, who had seen them become picky when they chose the clothes for the Brown Black awards ceremony, shook their heads.

Seo-jun, who couldnt foresee the future, bit into a delicious chocolate cookie.

And Seo-juns small fashion show began. Seo Eun-chan and Ahn Da-ho changed his clothes, and Lee Min-joon took pictures with his camera.

Seo Eun-hye and Rachel Hill alternately looked at the photos and the real appearance, and exchanged opinions enthusiastically.

Would it be better to sweep his hair back?

Or maybe it would be nice to sweep it slightly to the side.

They did that ten times.At first, Seo-jun enjoyed posing like a real fashion model, but he soon sighed and took off his top.

Seo-eun-chan and An Da-ho awkwardly smiled and handed him the next outfit.

You only have to change three more times.

Cheer up, Seo-jun.


Yeah. Just three more times!

He said with enthusiasm and went out, only to face a trouble. Evan Block, who had heard that Seo-jun was here, came to Rachel Hills house with his hands full of stuff.

Oh, good. I brought some too.

Evan Block put down his stuff. It was clothes.

They told me to give them to Jun.

The female clothing brands sent clothes to Rachel Hill, and the male clothing brands sent clothes to Evan Block.

Since they had no way to reach Seo-jun directly, they sent clothes through the two actors.

It was lucky that there were only six outfits. Seo-jun looked at the well-packaged clothes with a bored eye.

Lets do this then.

After putting on and taking off a total of twenty outfits, time flew by. Seo-juns clothes and hairstyle were decided with Evan Blocks help.

They all had dinner together and Seo-eun-chan and An Da-ho headed to their room. They still had some work to do about Seo-juns schedule after the film festival.

Seo-eun-hye and Lee Min-joon decided to go see their friends in LA for the first time in a long time. They were worried about Seo-jun, but they felt comfortable leaving him with the other actors who had things to talk about.

So, everyone left their seats and Seo-jun, Rachel Hill, and Evan Block decided to watch a movie in the small theater in Rachel Hills mansion.

Seo-jun and Evan Block were busy choosing a movie in front of the bookshelf with DVDs, and Rachel Hill shook her head.

Why do you always talk about movies and acting when you get together?

Because its fun.

Thats easy for you to say. What about you, Jun?

I love it!

The two answered as if they had been waiting for it, and Rachel Hill, who was almost lying on the fluffy sofa, smiled helplessly.

They seemed to enjoy just looking at the movie DVDs, and the time to choose a movie got longer and longer. How long are they going to choose? Rachel Hill, who was bored waiting, suddenly thought of something.

Then, how about that?



The two turned their heads at Rachel Hills words. Rachel Hill remembered the news she had heard from Nara Kim.

I dont know if there are English subtitles, but Jun. You did a play in Korea, right?

Evan Block also remembered. He had forgotten for a moment because he was immersed in the movie DVDs.

A play. Seo-jun, who debuted in a movie, went on a play stage. Nara said that only children were on the stage.

It was natural that they would look inferior to the two Hollywood actors, but it was Seo-juns acting. Seo-juns acting that made the atmosphere cold.

They were rather sorry that they couldnt see it in person. If they had known, they would have flown to Korea right away.

Fortunately, Seo-juns play was recorded. Their hearts beat.

Yes. I did!

Do you have the DVD?

Yes! I brought it with me. I wanted to give it to Rachel and Evan. There are English subtitles too!

Seo-jun jumped up and headed to his room. Rachel and Evan followed him. Two DVDs came out of Seo-juns wolf-shaped bag. The two laughed at the cute cover of the DVD that Seo-jun handed over.

Then, lets watch this.

This only has child actors. And we changed some of the lines and stuff.

As Evan Block said, Seo-jun explained about the play as he headed to the theater.

The two nodded and listened to the story, and laughed at Seo-juns words that only his voice came out.

The more they listened to the story, the more curious they became about Seo-juns acting.

Im really curious.

Me too. I cant guess what kind of acting he did.

Seo-jun and the two actors sat down. The stage unfolded on the large screen in front of the three actors.

First show.

Second show.

Third show.

Evan Block and Rachel Hill, who were enjoying the play, gradually became serious as time passed. The two actors only looked at the screen without blinking.

Seo-jun, who had watched the play several times, blinked his heavy eyelids a few times and fell asleep on the soft sofa.

In the meantime, the couple who had gone out and came back were guided by the staff and saw the two actors who were immersed in the stage and Seo-jun who was asleep in the theater.

The two actors didnt notice even when the door opened. So Lee Min-joon quietly carried Seo-jun out and Seo-eun-hye closed the theater door tightly.

And then,

Eighth show.

Evan Block and Rachel Hill couldnt take their eyes off the screen for a moment.

The heavy voice of the blue dragon and the high-quality speakers sounded like they were pounding their hearts.

The real blue dragon that some of the audience in Korea had seen appeared in front of the two as well.

The wavy beard, the sharp eyes, the flashing claws, but the kind voice and the warm eyes.

It was a strange thought, but somehow the two felt that the blue dragon was Seo-jun himself.


The next day.

Rachel Hills mansion was bustling from the morning. Everyone was hurrying to get ready for the WTV Film Festival.

The makeup artist that Rachel Hill had called did Seo-jun and Evan Blocks makeup and quickly headed to Rachel Hill.

Seo-jun put on a black suit that had been tailored to his body shape and a bow tie, and got into the car with his hair swept back.

Seo-jun, you need to take this.


Seo-eun-hye neatly folded a handkerchief and put it in Seo-juns suit pocket. The white handkerchief stood out on the black suit.

The handkerchief, embroidered with a winged horse, Pegasus, was a gift from Seo-eun-chan to commemorate his nomination for the film festival.

Finally, Seo-eun-hye and Lee Min-joon patted Seo-juns head and suit and smiled.

Mom and dad will be watching! Do well and come back!

Seo-jun, fighting!

Yeah! Ill do well and come back!

Seo-jun hugged his mom and dad. He felt their hearts pounding with nervousness.

Seo-eun-hye and Lee Min-joon, who said goodbye to Seo-jun, got into another car. Seo-jun looked out the window and watched the car that his mom and dad got into leave. His mom and dad had decided to go to the film festival seats first with Uncle Chan and Brother Da-ho.

I wish we could go together

He felt sorry, but he thought it would be better to go separately when he imagined his mom and dad sweating in front of the flashing cameras and people shouting from all directions.

His mom and dad were different from Seo-jun, who loved getting attention.

You did really well in the play.

Evan Block, who sat next to Seo-jun, opened his mouth. Seo-jun smiled brightly and said.


Yeah. I stayed up all night watching it. You cant see it because of the makeup, but my dark circles are down to here.

Evan pointed to his chin with his finger and Seo-jun burst into laughter.

What? Youre having a fun conversation without me?

And then Rachel Hill got into the car. Rachel Hill, who wore a bright red dress and had her blonde hair neatly tied up, was so pretty that Seo-juns eyes widened.

Youre pretty! Rachel!

Thank you!

Rachel Hill smiled brightly and sat down.

What were you talking about?

About the play. Evan said he watched it all night.

Oh. I watched it too. I didnt even notice the time and watched it all. Im so tired now that I might fall asleep during the awards ceremony.

They all laughed at Rachel Hills words. Rachel Hill also smiled and continued.

Lets give that DVD to Director Ryan later. Hell want to see it so bad if we tell him how well Jun acted.

He has to watch the film festival first. Ill give it to him when its over.

Seo-jun nodded at Evans words, thinking that he might really leave in the middle of the film festival. The three actors chatted while the car started.

In the middle of the way, Director Ryan Will, who would walk the red carpet with them, got into the car and the Shadowman team was all together.

Somehow, the conversation turned to the DVD.

Ryan Will, who was attending the film festival, was restless all the way, shaking his legs, and Seo-jun, who met Evans eyes as if to say look at this, smiled.

Director Ryan. He might really leave in the middle.

They heard a loud noise and the car stopped.

WTV Film Festival.

It was the beginning.

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