Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Why dont we change the script?

The president of the Milky Way Center suggested, but director Park Jisoo just crossed his arms and said nothing. The lighting director and the music director nodded their heads. The presidents eyes sparkled.

Ive never seen a child actor who can act like that.

He remembered it vividly.

Lee Seo-jun, standing alone on the stage, uttered the lines of the Blue Dragon. He didnt just stand still and act with his voice like the other kids, but he changed his expressions and gestures according to the lines.

He looked like a real, non-human being as he walked step by step. He looked like a real blue dragon that had transformed into a human child.

No matter how good an actor was, it was awkward to play a role that was not human. Especially when acting without any special makeup, it was inevitable that the viewers would feel strange.

But Lee Seo-jun was different. He didnt have any makeup on, but the people who saw Lee Seo-juns acting couldnt feel anything human from him.

The presidents eyes became dreamy, as if he was dreaming.

Thats what I thought. If there was a real dragon, wouldnt it have that kind of feeling, gesture, and expression? Director Park. Its too wasteful to just send out his voice. Everyone should see that.


Director Park Jisoo frowned.

You know, Mr. President. An actor who can act that well will choose the script that he likes. Lee Seo-jun likes the current script. If we change it arbitrarily, he might say he wont do it.

There were such actors.

Actors who would only act the script that they liked, regardless of the amount or the number of lines.

They had faith in their acting, and they had plenty of money and time. They could afford to have a few years of hiatus to find the scenario they liked.

The source of their confidence was the public. They were sure that the public would go crazy for them whenever and whatever role they appeared in.


Lee Seo-jun is that level.

Everyone nodded at director Park Jisoos words.

There was no one here who didnt know about Lee Seo-jun. The money he made from YouTube videos every year, the global recognition he built with Marines movie, and the popularity he would gain from his TV debut with the cameo in Reinvestigation.

The president sighed.

Its not just for the sake of box office. I just feel sorry for the stage as a member of the theater industry. I feel sorry for Lee Seo-jun. I wish everyone would appreciate Lee Seo-juns abilities.

Anyway, Lee Seo-juns side said they would hide their identity, so the current script might be appropriate.

Oh, thats right.

The president unconsciously furrowed his brows.

Hes such a kind actor who cares for the kids, but why do I always feel sorry for him?

It wasnt a matter of money or using Lee Seo-juns name, but he felt sorry. He wished everyone could see Lee Seo-juns acting.

Ignoring the still regretful expression of the president, director Park Jisoo brought up the main point of the meeting.

Then what about Lee Seo-juns appearance?

Whats the opinion of the Spring team?

He passed.

At director Park Jisoos words, the president leaned back on the chair and smiled brightly.

Hmm. Then lets start with keeping the secret within the center first.

Seo-jun put down his spoon on the table and rubbed his ears. Minjun, who was moving the bowl of soybean paste stew to the table, asked.

Whats wrong?

My ears are ticklish.

Someone must be talking about Seo-jun.

Thats right.

Seohye smiled and put the grilled hairtail on the table. The plump hairtail looked delicious. Everyone took their seats.

Lets eat!

Minjun sliced the hairtail and put it on top of Seo-juns rice. Seo-jun scooped up a spoonful of rice and ate it with the hairtail. The salty and savory hairtail!

Its delicious!

Is it?

Yeah! Dad. I want to slice it this time!

Do you?

Minjun slowly taught Seo-jun how to slice the hairtail bones.

First, peel off the sides of the hairtail, which has a lot of bones, with chopsticks. Then, gently rub the chopsticks over the large bone in the middle.


Youre good!

Seo-jun has good hands.


The long and white hairtail flesh was perfectly sliced.

After filling their stomachs with the delicious hairtail and soybean paste stew, Seo-jun and his parents headed to the living room for dessert. Seo-jun opened his mouth after eating a slice of melon.

I saw the audition, and the kids were crying and stuff.



There was a moment of silence in the living room. Seohye and Minjun, who had heard the story from Andaho, quietly waited for Seo-jun to open his mouth.

His mom said, Dont you want to be like Lee Seo-jun? And he cried and said he never said that.

I see.


Seohye and Minjun sat next to Seo-jun and hugged him tightly. In the warm embrace of his mom and dad, Seo-jun quietly listened to the sound of his heart beating.

Seo-jun, thats not something he said because he hates Seo-jun.

Yeah. He just hated that situation. He wanted to do something else, but his parents forced him to do it. Thats why he was so angry.


He knew.

It wasnt because of Lee Seo-jun, but he just mentioned the name of the most noticeable and famous child actor.

But he still felt bad that he had influenced the childs unhappiness a little bit. And that there would be more people like that child and his parents in the future.

Maybe they already exist.

Seo-jun snuggled into his mom and dads arms. Seohye and Minjun stroked Seo-juns head.

Do you like acting, Seo-jun?

Yeah. I love it.

Mom and dad love it when Seo-jun does what he likes. And Seo-juns fans will also like what Seo-jun likes to do.

Seo-jun. The more famous Seo-jun becomes, the more he will influence people in some way. And he cant solve all the problems that arise from that. Thats something that even Redbone and Shadowman cant do.


So when Seo-jun is having a hard time or feeling sad, think of the people who love Seo-jun. Making them happy is a really amazing thing.

Mom and dad counted their fingers and named their friends one by one. Among them were the nicknames of the fans who often posted on Seo-juns fan cafe.

The names that came out of mom and dads mouths, filled with love, were like a powerful magic spell that lightened Seo-juns heart.


Seo-jun smiled, and so did Seo-eun-hye and Lee Min-joon.

The living room of the happy Seo-jun family became lively with Seo-juns acting practice.

As soon as Seo-jun brought the blue dragon doll from his room and started acting, Seo-eun-hye and Lee Min-joon, who became his audience, clapped for him.

He had always loved monster dolls since he was little, and now he got to play such a role.

To be honest, the couple had expected it, just like Kim Hee-sang. They thought he would someday play a monster role in some work. And they thought he would do it very well.

He had practiced as much as his age, after all.

But are you okay with just your voice? You wanted to act in front of people, right?

Its okay! Voice acting is still acting!


Yeah. Im a little disappointed, but Im playing the blue dragon!

Seo-juns eyes sparkled.

Movies or dramas with dragons or monsters are very rare. Even if they appear, they look like humans. There are some movies, but not many plays or musicals. I want to do a play, but I want to do a monster more. If its not this work, I dont know when Ill get to do it!

The future was unknown.

There might be more monster roles than Seo-jun thought, or this might be his first and last one, as he thought.

So Im going to do this now.

What was clear was that he wanted to do this role, even if it was only with his voice.

Ah! It sounds so fun!

In the end, Seo-jun couldnt contain his excitement and hugged the blue dragon doll tightly. His cheeks were flushed and he smiled brightly.

Seeing him, Seo-eun-hye and Lee Min-joon also burst into laughter. Their son was so adorable.


The first day of practice came.

The actors who would appear in the play [Spring] gathered at the Milky Way Center rehearsal room. Fifteen children chatted with their peers. The parents who came with the children also sat on the chairs prepared on one side and talked.

Isnt this a play supported by the Ministry of Culture and Sports?

Yes. Thats why a few reporters are coming to take pictures of the kids later. A public official from the Ministry of Culture and Sports might also come.

Oh. But there wont be many audiences, right?

Well, its not about the audience. Its about putting a line of experience on your resume. Whether you become an actor or study in the future, it will be a good extracurricular activity if its a program supported by the Ministry of Culture and Sports.

Everyone nodded at that.

But isnt one person missing?

Thats right. They said they picked 16 people.

Its not good to be late on the first day.

Just then, Director Park and the staff, along with a few reporters, entered the rehearsal room. The children and parents who were talking loudly stood up awkwardly. Director Park Ji-soo looked around the rehearsal room and opened his mouth.

First, lets take a group photo, and then well take a reading scene. You dont have to worry about the camera during the reading.

Excuse me, director.

Choi So-young, the oldest and the protagonist of the play [Spring], raised her hand.


It seems that one person hasnt arrived yet.


Director Park Ji-soo scratched his cheek and answered.

The actor who plays the blue dragon couldnt come today due to personal reasons, but he will definitely participate in the next practice. Then, shall we gather and take a group photo? First, lets take the actors first and then the parents together.


The children gathered together. The short ones stood in front and the tall ones stood in the back. The cameras held by the reporters and staff flashed.

The first reading of the children was better than the reporters and parents expected, but worse than the director and staff expected.

The parents who kept applauding and the reporters who responded moderately made Director Park Ji-soo and the staff sneer inwardly.

Well, this was normal. It was only Lee Seo-jun who was special.

[Supported by the Ministry of Culture and Sports, planned by the Milky Way Center. Childrens play [Spring]]

[Spring is a play that depicts the adventure of a girl]

[Spring practice first day, group photo.]

The article of [Spring], which only the actors and parents looked for, was buried by other entertainment articles as soon as it was posted.

The second day of practice.

Seo-jun arrived at the Milky Way Center early, intending to go out according to Director Park Ji-soos introduction, but he was waiting in the next rehearsal room.

Seo-jun looked a little nervous, unlike usual. Ahn Da-ho handed him a water bottle and held it out in front of him.

Do you want some water?


After taking a sip of water, Seo-jun finally seemed to relax and sighed lightly. Ahn Da-ho tilted his head.

Why are you so nervous?

Ive never met child actors before.

He knew that not everyone would like him. Da-ho hyung, and his mom and dad who heard the story, all comforted Seo-jun.

Unlike Seo-juns heart, things that he didnt intend could happen. He couldnt solve all those problems by himself. But Seo-jun wanted to do his best for his and everyones happiness.

They all liked acting, so he hoped they would have fun making the work together. How could they get along well?

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Here is the translated and edited text:

The staff gestured to see if everyone had gathered in the rehearsal room.

Seo-jun took a deep breath and got up from his chair. It felt a bit like cheating, but he started [Elfs Basic Breathing] to win the childrens favor.

And from Seo-juns body, the actors aura that everyone was curious about began to emerge. The staff and Ahn Da-ho flinched at the atmosphere.

Is this a preemptive strike?

It was completely different from what Seo-jun thought.

Then, let me introduce the actor who plays the blue dragon.

As soon as Director Park Ji-soo spoke, the door of the rehearsal room opened.

At first, they couldnt tell who it was. But soon they realized who the child walking towards Director Park Ji-soo was.

He had a dazzling appearance and a bright smile more than anyone else. He was a little nervous to meet his peers for the first time, and he exuded charisma to win their hearts.

With that warm and extraordinary aura, everyone remembered someone they had seen at least once.

Lee Seo-jun!

Choi So-young, the protagonist of Spring, shouted without realizing it.

At that sound, the children who had seen Shadowman screamed. The parents were speechless.

Even the children who hadnt seen the movie had heard of Hollywood star, Lee Seo-jun on television. They just opened their mouths at his sight.

Seo-jun, who was emitting the actors aura, bowed to the children in front of him.

Hello! Im Lee Seo-jun!


As if they had become a teacher, the children followed Seo-juns words. Seo-jun smiled brightly, seeing that they welcomed him unlike his worries.

When his worries disappeared, his heart pounded. He finally realized that he was acting with the children here. He always acted with adults, and it felt strange to meet his peers.

He had to look up at the adults, but the eye level was different. Child actors who were on the same path as acting.

It felt different from his school friends.

Hi. Im Choi So-young.


Choi So-young, the oldest and the leader of the children on the first day of practice, introduced herself first, and the children introduced themselves one by one.

As the children seemed to be chatting without any problems, Director Park Ji-soo winked at the assistant director.

Then, parents, please come this way.

Director Park Ji-soo left the children to the assistant director and headed to another rehearsal room with the parents.

Until then, the parents followed Director Park Ji-soo with a bewildered expression.

The door closed with a thud.

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