Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

I dont think its me.

Why not? Youre acting so immersed in it.

Rachel Hill looked at the screen. There was a child wearing a red and fluttering dress. She looked so natural and skilled that Rachel thought she must have been doing this since she was born.

Evan Block slowly opened his mouth.

Didnt Ryan Will, the director, advise Melissa Walton to take a different role next time?

Yes, he did.

A year ago, the Hollywood insiders were focused on Melissa Walton.

Inspired by her tearful performance, the directors sent her love calls for similar roles, but she rejected them all and chose to star in a cheerful romantic comedy.

It wasnt a huge hit, but it received a lot of praise for showing a new charm of Melissa Walton.

The people who were on the set at that time said that Melissa Walton couldnt get out of her role even after the shooting was over. She was crying, but Seo-jun Lee wasnt. There was no child who lost his mother, but a child who enjoyed drinking orange juice. Thats what Ryan Will noticed.

What do you mean?

Even if they both did method acting, Melissa Walton would have a hard time getting out of the same role, but Seo-jun Lee is different.

Evan Blocks eyes sparkled. Rachel Hill hesitated and asked him, feeling his oppressive gaze.

This kid is special. Thats talent. He gets into the role perfectly and gets out of it perfectly. Where can you find such a talent for an actor?

Evan Block chuckled and opened his notebook. There were many questions he wanted to ask Seo-jun Lee. Rachel Hill moved away from Evan Block a little.

I cant wait to meet him.

Rachel, I think we should run away.


The place for the evening meeting was a private room in the restaurant of Ryan Wills hotel.

Evan Block and Rachel Hill, who were staying at the same hotel, arrived first, and Seo-jun and Lee Min Jun, who were staying at a hotel a few blocks away, arrived soon.

Hello! Im Seo-jun Lee!

Hi, Lee. Im Rachel Hill.

Please call me Jun!

Call me Rachel.

Seo-jun shook hands with Rachel Hill, who greeted him warmly, and also with Evan Block.

Hi, youre Seo-jun Lee, right? Im Evan Block. Call me Evan.

Yes, Evan! Nice to meet you! Please call me Jun!

Ryan Will introduced Lee Min Jun, who was next to Seo-jun.

Nice to meet you. Im Evan Block, who played Shadowman and Mac.

Hello. Im Rachel Hill, who will be Juns sister for a while.

Nice to meet you. Please take care of our Jun.

Evan smiled cheerfully and nodded.

I should be the one asking for your favor. The movie was amazing. I might get buried by that kind of acting.

Evan Block, who had seen the ghost, crumpled the paper cup of juice he was holding in his hand. He was glad he had finished drinking it, or he would have made a mess.

Seo-jun tilted his head.


No, the ghost. Um, is this how you pronounce it? They changed the title to English, but I prefer the original title to the translated one.

Evan Block squinted one eye and lowered his body. Seo-jun felt relieved as he followed Evan Blocks gaze.

Seo-jun smiled brightly. He was happy and amazed that someone had seen the evil spirit.

Yes. Its perfect.

Great. Thanks. But what do you think when you act? Do you plan everything thoroughly or do you go with the flow? You said that the action of sitting and standing up in Williams scene was your idea. Is that true?


Evan Block bombarded him with questions. Seo-jun stared blankly at Evan Blocks face. Rachel Hill covered her face with both hands and Ryan Will just smiled.

Lee Min Jun, who was listening to their conversation, finally remembered the stories that were circulating on the internet about Evan Block.

The Analyst.

Evan Blocks acting was based on detailed character analysis and meticulous planning. He even planned and acted out the trembling of his hands and facial muscles.

His thoroughness impressed the directors and actors who worked with him. That was the nickname he earned.

Come on, come on. Lets eat first. Im hungry! Oh, you two, sit down quickly. Jun, are your legs hurting? Sit down quickly.

Rachel Hill pushed Evan Blocks back. Evan Block, who seemed to want to hear the answer until the end, shrugged his shoulders and sat down.

As everyone sat down, Rachel sighed in relief as she saw Ryan calling the waiter. She smiled at Seo-jun.

Jun. You look taller than in the movie, dont you?

Seo-jun straightened his back and grinned proudly.

I grew 10 cm in a year!

It was all thanks to [Slimes Digestion Ability]. It was a very precious ability that sent plenty of nutrients to every corner of his body at the right time.

He was the tallest in kindergarten. He wondered if he would be the tallest in his class when he entered elementary school next year. His family all said so.

The waiter in charge brought the food they had ordered in advance. The waiters eyes widened as he opened the door of the private room he had been taking care of every day without any thought.

The hidden marine fan silently exclaimed as he put down the food with a professional expressionless face.

Evan Block! And Seo-jun Lee, who is very tall for an Asian kid! And Rachel Hill and Ryan Will, the director! This is Shadowman 2s!

He wanted to take out his camera right away. But he held back and closed the door of the private room after finishing his work. Maybe he could get an autograph when they finished eating.

After filling their stomachs a bit, the five of them started talking. Evan Block opened his mouth.

What do you think of William?


Seo-jun tilted his head as he chewed his steak. He quickly swallowed the meat in his mouth and answered.


You dont think youre like William?

Ryan and Rachel looked at Seo-jun at his words. What kind of weird thing was that? William was a character in the movie and he was Lee Seo-jun. Seo-jun shook his head vigorously.

No. Not at all. Im Lee Seo-jun, Seo-jun Lee.

Look at that. Youre special.

Evan smiled as if he liked the answer. Rachel shook her head repeatedly. Lee Min Jun tilted his head and Rachel explained.

I see. Method

He didnt know much about how to act or what it felt like, but he knew what method acting was. It was a common adjective for good actors, but there were also episodes of actors who got confused with reality because they were immersed in their roles.

Juns acting is completely different from the method you know.

Evan Block nodded in agreement. Director Ryan Will said.

Jun completely immerses himself in the role. He is totally different from the method acting that has the drawback of dragging the emotions and thoughts of the role into reality. If Jun really did method acting, he would have lost himself and lived as William for a while in that situation.

Who would have expected that the little kid would do such acting? Even Seo-jun himself didnt dream that he would fall so deeply.

At that time, if Seo-jun couldnt get out of the role, Ryan Will would have told the childs guardian to never let him act.

But Seo-jun Lee was different. He patted his head and said he did well, and he smiled brightly, happy to receive praise.

But he came back to Jun as if nothing had happened.

Ryan Will felt a chill as he watched Seo-jun, a five-year-old child, who performed such amazing acting and smiled brightly.

Juns acting is similar to method acting, but its not method acting. I knew for sure during the eight months of long practice. Jun is the only actor who can act so immersed in the role and get out of it quickly.

Ryan Will took a sip of wine.

He didnt see much, but Seo-juns immersion was different from other actors.

So Ryan didnt let go of the tension during the eight months of practice. It was to stop when there was something wrong, even a little, because of the first villain acting.

But contrary to Ryans worries, Seo-jun was the same as usual. He looked kind. He didnt give up and did it perfectly.

Rachel Hill, who was listening to the story, asked Seo-jun.

What do you think, Jun?


Seo-jun thought hard. Everyone closed their mouths and focused on Seo-juns mouth. Seo-jun, who was tilting his head left and right, opened his mouth.

I dont think Im doing method acting.


Evan Block, who asked, opened the notebook he brought. Rachel Hill, who had a sullen expression, moved the chair she was sitting on a little to the side.

The method acting theyre talking about here is something that affects reality, and thats why dad is worried. Will the role I play affect reality? Or not?

Thats right.

But I was normal when I did William and I was fine when I did the evil spirit. And while I was acting as a child who hated the world for eight months, I was always me.

He definitely immerses himself in the role when he shoots. Where is there an actor who doesnt immerse himself?

But when the shooting was over, he was still Seo-jun who liked monster dolls. Look at the slime doll hanging on the bag. I was me.

So Im not doing method acting. Im just good at acting.

Seo-jun said confidently. Everyone laughed at his absurd answer.

Then how do you act?

Evan Block asked. Seo-jun, who was thinking hard, answered.

I look at the lines or directions and think, this character has this personality because of this past, so I should act like this. When I start shooting, I sometimes have better ideas. My body moves naturally. It was the same when I did William.

Its definitely similar to method acting.

But its not. Im fine.


Seo-jun thought.

Is method acting a skill in this body?

Like the skills of other lives that can be used in the next life.

And his mind was his self who had a library of life, so it was different from the ordinary method acting that was hard to get out of the character.

The talent of ordinary method acting met his special self.

If I could make this ability into a bead, it would look like this.

[The special method acting of Seo-jun Lee (Good? Evil?)]

During filming, he immerses himself as if he became the actual character.

He can completely get out of the character by his own will.

What would be his rating? Seo-jun, who smiled inwardly, asked Evan Block.

How do you act, Evan?

I calculate thoroughly. For example, Mac is an orphan. He only has good people around him. Why is that? Maybe because of his bright and cheerful personality? I think that way and analyze every action of Mac, even the direction of his eyes and the position of his feet. If I know someone who has a similar personality to Mac, I observe them carefully. Even a small habit can help me in filming. Thats why my friends hate it when I get a movie script. They say they see themselves in the movies Im in.

Thats amazing.

Seo-juns eyes sparkled at Evans words. He could act that way too. The two actors talked earnestly about their acting methods. Rachel Hill also joined in.

If youre talking about method acting, Evan Block is more dangerous. He prepares so thoroughly, but eventually he will feel a lack. To fill that lack, he will eventually affect the reality.

I see.

Jun is just an actor with a natural talent for acting. Hes a smart kid. He wont do anything that will harm himself.

Even if hes a smart kid, parents always worry.

Lee Min-joon smiled as he watched his son chatting and laughing with the two actors.


Wow. Theyre filming a movie here.

Yeah. What movie is it?

The tourists who were walking around Central Park looked up and saw a crowd of people.

Central Park, located in the center of Manhattan, New York, was one of the places that often appeared in movies.

The locals who were used to movie filming walked by without much thought, but they turned their steps when they heard a voice.

Evan Block?! Is he filming Shadowman 2?

In front of the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir, the largest area in Central Park, the staff of Shadowman 2 were gathered.

The staff set up some tents to block the sunlight and installed large filming equipment such as lights.

Two people were sitting in the first tent that was set up.

The tourists who came to New York from various countries unknowingly lowered their voices and talked as they saw the two people who were reading the script and talking affectionately.

Is that Evan Block and William?

William grew up so much?

Its been a year since Shadowman was filmed, but kids grow up in the blink of an eye.

Wow. It was heartbreaking back then, I wonder how he will appear in Shadowman 2.

Someone ran to the tent where the two people were sitting. Soon, the two people also got up from their seats.

Theyre starting to film.

Shadowman 2s filming began.

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