Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

After hearing the problem from director Ryan Will, Seo-jun thought of a few ways to solve it.

The first way.

Practice, practice, and practice some more, just as director Ryan Will said.

But the more he practiced for months, the more he realized that this was not the way. He still didnt give up and continued.

Seo-jun took a deep breath. He pushed aside the mana (energy) of the good alignment and started [The Basic Breathing of Mine].

The second way.

Wait for a new door to open in the library of the good alignment.

Like a birthday gift, the third door opened wide, but there was no suitable ability inside either.

He heard that he looked kinder, and Seo-jun wondered if he should stop opening the library doors.

The white mana (energy) of the good alignment crumpled in his source. Seo-jun waited for the black mana (energy) of the evil alignment to seep into his source.

One hour, two hours. And seven months. Eight months.

The third way.

Open the door of the library of the evil alignment.

To open the door of the library of the evil alignment, he needed the mana (energy) of the evil alignment.

Seo-jun tried to shake off his impatience, but he felt irritated by the mana (energy) that didnt budge.

Usually, he would decide on an alignment and live with the ability of that alignment. Good if good, evil if evil. He had no reason or need to have both alignments.

Only one life.

He didnt know if there were more similar lives. But there was one life that remained vividly in his memory. A life that was like a warning in his head.

It was the life of an elf who lived for revenge against the humans who hunted his tribe.

The elf of the good alignment also tried to open the door of the library of the evil alignment in the same way as Seo-jun.

He had the source of the good, but he wanted to get the mana (energy) of the evil and open the door of the library to avenge.

The life of the elf was long, and the elf had enough patience.

But before the elf got the mana (energy) of the evil, one of the elf hunters who was the target of his revenge died of a disease.

The elf realized. Unlike himself, who had a long lifespan, the human who was the target of his revenge died too easily and too soon.

Maybe I can get it someday with this method. But will it be 10 years or 100 years.

The elf closed his eyes. He gave up.

And using the bones of the liches, the blood of the demons, and the flesh of the monsters,

He became the demon king.

Seo-jun shook his head at the life that came to his mind.

The end of that life was destruction.

The elf who became the demon king killed the humans and destroyed the human kingdom, and the mana (energy) of the evil eventually eroded his head, and he finally destroyed the kingdom of his own kind, the elves.

And then, the high-level black mage who was born later, remembered his previous life and opened the library of the evil alignment and read the life of the elf, and for the next life, he stuck the life of the elf in Seo-juns head like a warning.


Seo-jun exhaled deeply.

He didnt know how long the elf had tried in front of the library.

But unlike the elf who lived for a long time, the human life was short and the filming of Shadowman 2 was even shorter.

Seo-jun ran [The Basic Breathing of Mine] again.

A lot of time passed and the mana (energy) of the evil did not answer today either. Seo-jun sighed and prepared to wake up.

For now, lets use [The Bubble Goblins Teasing of Mr. Kim] for Shadowman 2.

He looked at the library of evil tendencies, tightly closed and bound with black chains, with a regretful gaze.

And Ill keep practicing and practicing, breathing and breathing again. Ill open it for sure.

Just before he woke up, as always, Seo-juns vision blurred.

I wont star in any other movies until then. No dramas either!

Like a warning, like a vow.

The library seemed to shake slightly at Seo-juns firm words.


The next day.

After coming back from kindergarten as usual, Seo-jun practiced hard and went to bed. He opened his eyes in the library.

And he sat down in front of the library of evil tendencies, as he was used to, and started to breathe slowly.

He sucked in the magic that spewed out of the library, as if he was pulling it in with his whole body.

Then, the divine power that he had tucked away in a corner of the origin moved. Seo-jun frowned and controlled the divine power, which was actively working to repel the intruder.

But the magic, which was overwhelmed by the divine power, only circled around Seo-juns body and did not enter his body.

Ha. Really.

Is it impossible for the two mana to coexist?

Seo-jun, who was losing his heart, sat up straight and started to breathe again.

Will the library of evil tendencies never open?

The magic and the divine power confronted each other inside and outside his body.

Then, will I never be able to make movies for the rest of my life?

The library shook slightly.

He closed his eyes tightly and focused on [The Basic Breathing of Mine]. He didnt see it.

Can I become a superstar if I cant even act as a villain?

Seo-jun exhaled deeply and inhaled.

That was when it happened.

The library of life moved.

It patted the divine power and boosted the courage of the magic. It mediated and demanded cooperation between the two mana.

Sometimes soothing, sometimes threatening. It bared its teeth and growled at the two mana who wouldnt listen.

The two mana didnt know what to do at the librarys actions and eventually, they reluctantly held hands.

As if they would let go at any moment, only one finger was weakly connected.

It was something that happened while Seo-jun was focusing only on his breathing with his eyes closed.


The magic seeped into Seo-juns body. It was slowly coming in, twitching as if it would run away at any moment.

His heart pounded. The divine power that was in the origin also moved as if it would rush out to fight the magic, but it didnt run away and just circled around the origin.

Whats going on?!

Seo-jun felt like his mouth would open involuntarily at what was happening in his body.

He only looked at the quarrel between the two mana and quickly came to his senses.

He decided to find the cause later and seize the luck, the opportunity, in one breath.

Focus. Focus. Focus!

He cheered on the hesitant magic and calmed down the growling divine power. He did his best to soothe the two mana who were like children.

And then,

Finally, the magic seeped into the origin. The two mana circled around each other, as if they were about to fight or talk. And gradually, they quieted down.

Then, a notification like a blessing sounded.

[The Basic Breathing of Mine is activated!]

Seo-jun felt happy as the two mana in his origin stayed without any trouble. The notification also seemed to be happy, as if it sensed his mood.

[The Basic Breathing of Mine]

The presence of evil (darkness) embraces mana.

It does not conflict with other breathing methods. (Except for light)

It harmonizes the body of the holder.


Seo-jun raised his arms high and shouted. He shouted with joy.

Finally! Finally!

He was so excited that he ran around the library.


He had never been so happy in his seven-year life. He burst into laughter that came from his stomach and ran around.

Clang. Clang. Clang.


He heard something fall in the library where he was alone. Seo-jun turned around with a puzzled face. Three beads had fallen to the floor and rolled around.

What is this?

Seo-jun picked up the three beads. Each one had a pattern. A bead with a pattern of a long stick, a bead with a slime pattern, and a bead with a bear symbol.


Seo-jun put the beads neatly on the floor and quickly looked at his right palm. He slapped his stomach and the back of his head. They were gone. Gone! Seo-jun slapped himself with a blank face. He could not feel the energy of his abilities.

The only thing in Seo-juns body now was [The Basic Breathing of Elf] and [The Basic Breathing of Mine], not in the form of beads.

Why did they fall off!?

He was confused by this situation, but soon came to his senses. He realized that this was the first time that magic and light had formed one origin.

No one knows what will happen when the two mana are together for the first time. Lets try putting them in.

Seo-jun grabbed a bead. It was [The Digestion Ability of Slime]. And as he always did, he put it in his stomach.

A slime pattern appeared on his stomach. And he put [The Winter Sleep of Summer Bear] on the back of his head and [The Connection of Orchestra Conductor] on his right palm.

Fortunately, they all seeped into his body.

Did it bounce off because of the sudden magic?

Seo-juns eyes rolled as he examined his body.

I didnt expect this

The amount of light he had used freely had halved. That is, the light that was 100 had decreased to 50, and the remaining 50 was occupied by magic.

If he could use 100 light all day long, now he only had 50, so he could only use it for half a day.

Of course, his origin would naturally grow as he aged and matured.

Its okay, since I have magic.

He only had to adjust his abilities when filming. His acting practice with Ryan Will for eight months was not in vain. He practiced the same role every time and was able to get out of method acting a little bit. He could control it quite well.

Just a little more.

Seo-jun turned his body and looked at the library of evil scent that was tightly closed.

In Seo-juns sight, the black chains that sensed the magic in Seo-juns body began to loosen with a rattling sound. The chains that had bound the black door disappeared in an instant.

Seo-jun walked slowly and swung his right hand.

The huge door that looked like a library of good books disappeared to the left, and a smaller door appeared from the right. The door shrank as Seo-jun touched it.

The last door, tightly closed, came into view.

This is the beginning again.

Seo-jun placed his right hand on the black door.

With a creak,

The door opened.


Director Ryan Will looked over the script for Shadowman 2, which would start shooting next month.

Edit, edit, edit. The script that he was satisfied with at first had become ragged over the course of eight months.

Seo-jun Lees part had been reduced, and he had a headache from trying to fit in other episodes to fill the empty time and make the plot coherent. But he finally finished it.

Im not happy with it, but it will be a hit.

Then, an alert rang. He checked his phone and saw that it was Seo-jun. He had sent a video message. Ryan Will turned on the video with familiarity.

He had just received a video the day before, but he sent another one in less than a week. Ryan Will smiled faintly.

I have to give him credit for his persistence.

That made him even more regretful. Why couldnt he act as a villain?

Ryan Will crossed his arms. It was a time when attractive villains were popular, unlike before. Not being able to act as a villain meant losing half of the roles he could do.

With a bit of selfishness, Ryan Will wanted to see Seo-jun Lees villain acting. He had shown amazing acting before. He wondered what kind of aura and performance he would show with his small body.

But not now

He barely held back a sigh and played the video.


There was,

A child who was smiling brightly, but had a cold atmosphere.

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