Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 425:

Chapter 425:

“Thank you!”

Song Yu-jung and Lim Ye-na, who were watching the stage without blinking, came to their senses at the sight of Seo-jun and Blue Moon bowing and greeting loudly.

They could see from the audience seats how hard they had worked, as they gasped and bounced their bodies.

Moreover, seo-jun and Blue Moon's faces were even more flushed and shining, making the viewers feel overwhelmed.


The cheers erupted belatedly.

It was a huge cheer from those who had no intention of being fans of either Sprout or Blue Moon, but were just moved by the amazing stage.

“I don't need to see it several times. No, I would love to see it several times… but this feeling is too overwhelming…!”

“I know. I know. I listened to the song online, but the live performance is no joke!”

Song Yu-jung and Lim Ye-na, who didn't know what to do with their overflowing emotions, shook their glittering Sprout sticks.

Seo-jun and Blue Moon laughed at the sight of the flickering lights.

“The PD gave us an OK in one take, so we had some extra time.”

“We can talk a little before we go!”

Seo-jun and Park Ee-deun's words elicited another round of applause.

The sudden mini fan meeting made both the stars and the fans smile.

Meanwhile, the staff also regained their senses and started to chatter.

It was okay not to clean up right away since Blue Moon was the last one to use the stage.

“I see why Cocoa Entertainment had the confidence to ask for some extra time after finishing the recording in one take.”

“It's better to wait like this than to record several times.”

The staff laughed as they thought of the ratings and buzz that would go up with Seo-jun's appearance.

“Do you think it will be a hot topic when the recording comes out?”

“That's obvious. The problem is that. They are going to appear on Music Bank, Music Core, and Popular Music for three consecutive days, so it's easy to compare the camera direction.”

The staff nodded and looked at the camera side.

Which music show had the most cool direction, and surely the camera director and PD’s directing skills would be a topic of discussion.

The camera side was also noisy.

“The rehearsal was not their practice, but ours.”

The staff next to him chuckled at the camera director's words, who sighed lightly.

They knew why he stopped shooting the camera in the middle of the rehearsal.

“Wow. Did they debut last year?”

“They are amazing.”

The PDs who came to see Seo-jun were also stunned by the stage they had never imagined.

They had low expectations for Blue Moon as a rookie idol group, but this stage was good enough to compare with other top idols.

‘No, it's more than that.’

Then they moved on to other topics as if it was their occupational disease.

How many ads were added hastily because of this stage, how Music Core and Popular Music would be like since they had more time than Music Bank, and so on.

“Now it's up to PD Park. He has to direct it as best as he can…”

“This is a problem no matter where you put it. If you put it in the beginning or in the middle, the singers who come after will die, and if you put it at the end, there will be no advertising effect because there will be more viewers in the middle of the show.”


Laughter erupted from the audience seats.

There were also some staff members who laughed occasionally.

Seo-jun and Blue Moon were just talking, but they got a good reaction from those who were not Sprout or Blue Moon fans.

“But they are definitely going to rise.”

“…Should I check their schedule…”

Some muttered words made the PDs pause for a moment, then they started to move without saying who would go first to find Blue Moon's manager.

That's how Seo-jun's first pre-recording ended.


A few hours before Music Bank's live broadcast, blue Moon's pre-recording reviews started to pop up one by one.

The fans who didn't get lucky were disappointed by the posts that said there was a reverse fan service and a short fan meeting, and they were curious about what kind of stage it was by reading reviews full of adjectives, exclamations, and intensity.

-Fans will see everything in a good light.

=22 The skills of an idol group that debuted last year are obvious.

=333 It's not even skillful, but they got famous because of an actorㅋㅋㅋ

As always, those who were displeased were displeased,

-I don't watch music shows, but I want to see Seo-jun's stage.

=Usually they post cue sheets, but Seo-jun is pre-recorded so the PD can put it whenever he wants.

=Then I have to watch from the beginning?

=I can just do something else and watch when Seo-jun pops up on my phone!!!

=ㅋㅋThen the beginning will be cut off.

=I guess I have to turn it on as background music.

-I haven't watched a music show in a long timeㅎㅎㅎ

=22 I've seen an actor as an MC, but this is the first time I've seen an actor on stageㅋㅋㅋ

The public was curious and waiting.


Beep beep beep beep!

The sound of pressing the door lock password quickly was heard.

“I'm back from school! Oh? Auntie is here?”

Lim Yeon, who was sitting on the sofa and chatting with her sister, smiled brightly at the sight of her niece, Kim Min-jung, rushing in.

She felt that time passed so quickly as her sister's daughter was already a middle school student.

“Min-jung is here? Auntie bought some watermelon. Come and eat after you wash up.”

“Okay! Did you bring Eunji too?”

Kim Min-jung asked with a bright face.

Her cousin Eunji, who was still in kindergarten, was really nice and cute.

Lim Yeon smiled at the sight of her niece who loved her daughter.

“She's sleeping in the bedroom. She had a lot of fun today.”

“I see. Oh, this is not the time!”

Kim Min-jung quickly washed up and sat on the living room floor.

Lim Yeon and her mother blinked at her lightning-fast movement.

“But why did you come home so early today? Didn't you play with your friends?”

Kim Min-jung, who sat on the living room floor with a piece of watermelon in her hand, answered excitedly to her mother's question.

“Nine is on today! I came home early to watch it. Mom. Auntie. Can I watch something else?”

“I didn't know it was that time already. I wanted to see it too!”

With her aunt's words, her mother nodded with a smile, and Kim Min-jung turned on KBC Music Bank. Fortunately, it was not Nine's turn yet.

“Min-jung liked Nine.”

“She loves them so much! But Blue Moon is the only topic these days, so I have to watch it live. How dare they cast Seo-jun in their music video just because they are from the same agency! It seems unfair!”

Kim Min-jung clenched her fists as she complained about Cocoa Entertainment, seo-jun, and Blue Moon. Lim Yeon smiled awkwardly.

“But Seo-jun's overseas fans are waiting eagerly to watch Music Bank, so I hope Nine will be known abroad as well with this opportunity!”

Kim Min-jung's mother said with a giggle.

“Come to think of it, Mi-yeon was also a fan of Seo-jun.”

“! Really?”

Kim Min-jung's eyes widened at her mother's words. Lim Yeon nodded awkwardly.

“I was also a fan of Brown Black. I liked them since their debut.”

“Wow… since their debut…”

Kim Min-jung laughed sheepishly as she realized that she had been badmouthing him in front of a true fan who had been following him for almost 20 years. Lim Yeon shrugged her shoulders. She was not old enough to fight with her middle school niece.

“But I don't think it's hoarding! Even if only Seo-jun's fans buy it, it would be enough firepower. I just wish we had an actor like that in our agency.”

Lim Yeon and her mother nodded with a smile at Kim Min-jung's words.

Some time passed and the boy group, nine, started their stage. Kim Min-jung's eyes sparkled.

She wondered what idols were like these days and watched the television screen with Lim Yeon.

Her mom, who had no interest in idols, went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

“Auntie. Isn't Nine awesome?”

“Yeah, they are.”

Kim Min-jung enthusiastically talked about Nine, but Lim Yeon, who was used to the songs and performances of Concertdol, brown Black, found many flaws in them. Still, she could do some lip service for her kind niece.

After other singers’ stages passed and it was time for the first place announcement, the MCs opened their mouths.

[They are the ones who heated up the internet yesterday and today!]

[I was also surprised when I woke up this morning. I wanted to meet them at least once and I get to see them on Music Bank!]

[Blue Moon, who wants to be the highest moon, and!]

[The brightest star, actor Lee Seo-jun's stage!]

[Blue Moon's Blue Moon!]

“Let's see how good they are!”

Kim Min-jung hugged a cushion tightly and lit up her eyes. When someone liked someone, their rival naturally became hateful.

Lim Yeon also turned her head to the screen.

She knew that the song was composed by Hwang Ye-jun and she liked it since she had been listening to it since yesterday, but she didn't expect much from the stage. She decided to focus on the fact that she was watching Seo-jun's stage.

‘I wonder if there will be any singers like BrBl anymore.’

White and Red Crown, who were from the same agency, did well too, but they were not as good as Brown Black.

Lim Yeon, who was feeling a bit disappointed, saw the member of Blue Moon standing in front of the stage.

The member, choi Jae-won, who was wearing a similar design of clothes as in the music video, opened his mouth.

[I dreamed alone back then]

At that one line, Lim Yeon's eyes widened. Kim Min-jung, who was emitting fire from her bright eyes, also opened her mouth wide. Her mom, who was in the kitchen, had also come to the living room to watch the television.

[In that high night sky]

[I saw the shining star]

At that part, Lim Yeon recalled the music video that she had watched several times. It had been Brown Black.


The Blue Moon members stretched their right arms and pointed at the sky, then turned their bodies and pointed at the back.

[I receive your light!]

Behind the stage, ‘Blue Moon’ was standing there.

He moved his steps and climbed the stairs. There was a shining throne on top of the stairs.

As if recreating the music video, ‘Blue Moon’ turned his body and sat on the throne.

A dark-clothed backup dancer appeared with a cushion that had a tiara on it and knelt in front of Blue Moon.

‘Blue Moon’ lifted the tiara with both hands and placed it on his blue water-like hair.

[I will rise to the highest-!]

The Blue Moon members who were standing in front of the stage raised their voices.


Along with a powerful melody that shook the heart, ‘Blue Moon's face was close-upped.

He smiled a satisfied smile with his red lips, as if it was natural for him to sit in this place, and his blue eyes sparkled.

The living room became quiet.

It seemed like the world became quiet too.

[I will shine the brightest-!]

Behind the throne where ‘Blue Moon’ was sitting, a large blue moon rose on the screen.

Under the blue moonlight.

‘Blue Moon's blue eyes and red lips, which had felt sharp and distant, curved softly.

[So that you can see me]

The ending fairy, seo-jun's face filled the screen.

Her light body and face, the glittering makeup and blue hair, and the clear screen made it feel more vivid than the music video.


After Blue Moon's stage ended and the first place was announced, she didn't have the mind to notice it. Kim Min-jung blankly watched the television that was showing commercials.

“…! Auntie. Do you smell something burning?”

“Oh no!”

She slowly came to her senses from her aunt and mom's conversation.

She remembered Blue Moon's stage clearly. The stage of Nine that she had seen before was completely gone from her head.

“Wow… What is this?”

Her heart thumped. It felt like it was beating faster than when she became a fan of Nine, no, even faster than that.

Kim Min-jung picked up her phone with a flushed face. She went to the site that she often visited, but it was also in chaos there.

-Who won the first place? I don't remember at all lol

-Wow. I turned it on to see Lee Seo-jun and got hit by Blue Moon lol

=How can they do such a good stage?

=I think their live performance is better than their digital song omg

-As expected of Lee Seo-jun. An acting genius. I didn't know he could act even in a place like this omg omg omg

=22 Lee Seo-jun was just ‘Blue Moon’ from the beginning to the end.

=333 He was too much of a Blue Moon lol I didn't feel like he was Lee Seo-jun lol

-It's amazing lol They personified their group name, but that acting was also convincing.

=??? : I'm Blue Moon now.

Me : ?What are you talking about?

Lee Seo-jun : I'm Blue Moon now.

Me : Accepted!

=lol I spit out the water I was drinking lol

=But it's funny because I understand lol

-I watched their live performance again, but it has less impact than their prerecordingㅠㅠ

=I knowㅠㅠ That's why live, live is the best.

=??This has less impact??

=??What did they do and how??

=People who went to the prerecording said this… I'm dying of curiosityㅠㅠIs the prerecording application over?ㅠㅠ

Lim Yeon, who came back from the kitchen with her sister, looked at her niece, Kim Min-jung, who was fiddling with her phone.

“Min-jung, what are you doing?”

“Uh. Well…”

Like a thief who stepped on his own foot, Kim Min-jung panicked and decided to confess honestly since she couldn't hide it anymore.

“I'm trying to join the fan cafe of Blue Moon and Lee Seo-jun…”

She remembered how she had bashed Blue Moon and Cocoa Enter as a fan of Nine until a few minutes ago and her face turned red involuntarily. Lim Yeon laughed at Kim Min-jung's expression.

“I did that too.”


“I was also a fan of another idol before. But when I went to see a music show for the first time, I saw Brown Black's debut stage and became a fan.”


Kim Min-jung's eyes widened. Lim Yeon smiled and recalled a good memory as if she saw Brown Black's image from Blue Moon.

“They were really cool. They must have been nervous for their first stage, but they shone brightly even though there were only a few fans in the audience.”

That love lasted until now.

Kim Min-jung listened to Lim Yeon's story attentively.

She wanted to like a fan for a long time like her aunt.


Lim Yeon wasn't the only one who thought of Brown Black from Blue Moon.

They never left the first place of the concerts that everyone had to see at least once, and they had been active without any problems for almost 20 years, so it was more so.

-My uncle said it was like this when BrBl debuted too.

=22 Their debut stage was legendary from the start.

=333 They crushed all the singers who came after them in their debut stage.

=How does Cocoa Enter train them to do such stages…!

-My mom also liked Brown Black a lot.

=I went to see BrBl concert with my mom and it was no joke. I became a fan right away lol

=You're amazing… BrBl concert ticketing is so hard omg omg omg

-Wow… The number of people in Blue Moon's fan cafe increased a lot.

=I checked and there are also fans of other idols. There seem to be some anti-fans who bashed Blue Moon too.

=Blue Moon is no joke;;

-My mom saw Seo-jun and said ‘The idols these days are so handsome!’, so I told her he's the actor Lee Seo-jun lol She was so surprised lol lol

=Me too lol I heard that and she said ‘Then he's not going to do movies anymore?!’ lol lol

=lol lol lol lol

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