Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 405:

Chapter 405:

After finishing the call with Park Seo-jin, the team leader contacted Hwang Ye-jun.

A brief signal sound was followed by Hwang Ye-jun's faint voice, which was soon drowned out by a sharp noise. The people in the conference room reflexively frowned at the sudden noise.

The team leader unconsciously touched his forehead.

“Didn't he say he was taking a day off today? What is he doing at home that makes such a racket?”

“I know, right?”

For Blue Moon, the conversation with their senior was just amazing, and the other staff members just smiled as if they were used to it.

“What's up, bro?”

The noise around him subsided and Hwang Ye-jun's voice came through.

“Seo-jin said you composed this song, is that true?”

At the team leader's gesture, the 37th song played from the speaker and reached Hwang Ye-jun's phone. After a moment of silence as if thinking, hwang Ye-jun exclaimed in surprise and admiration.

“Really? I haven't heard it in a long time! It's my song! I guess it was still left in the company! I thought I moved everything back then. I should go to the company sometime!”

It was Hwang Ye-jun's song.

The faces of Blue Moon and the staff brightened.

“Can we arrange this song and use it for Blue Moon? We’re going to release it as a single album this time.”

“Sure, I'm fine with that! It doesn't suit us because the song is too difficult for our style.”

Hwang Ye-jun chuckled.

“Blue Moon has just debuted, so it will suit you.”

Everyone in the conference room was happy with Hwang Ye-jun's generous permission. The team leader, who was thinking about Hwang Ye-jun's schedule for a moment, opened his mouth.

“Ye-jun, do you have some free time these days? I want to ask you to do the arrangement too… The song is made for Brown Black's number of members, so there are only four parts and one person is left out.”

“Okay. Whatever. I haven't touched it since I made it, so it doesn't fit the current trend either. Can I change everything while I'm at it?”

“That would be great for us.”

Arrangement too!

At Hwang Ye-jun's words, choi Jae-won clenched his fist and Baek Yi-hyun and Kim Si-hoon clapped silently with excited expressions. Park Ee-deun and Jung Eun-sung also cheered quietly with uplifted faces.

“Then send me some videos of Blue Moon practicing their songs, bro. Video or audio is fine. And I’d like to see what you sang today too. All in original form without any editing.”

“Got it. I’ll send it to you today.”

As soon as the team leader hung up with Hwang Ye-jun, blue Moon and the staff who had been listening quietly became noisy.

“I thought we wouldn't be able to decide on a song today.”

“Me too.”

The A&R team, who had thrown away a big worry, sighed in relief and the PR team was full of thoughts on how to promote with Brown Black's name. The eyes of Blue Moon members, who were going to work with their favorite seniors’ song, sparkled.

The song that would be the center of the album was roughly decided, so the meeting was done in no time. After roughly selecting the schedule and candidates for the song work, jacket shooting, and music video shooting, a lot of time had already passed.

“That's it for today's meeting.”

At the team leader's words, one by one they got up from their seats and headed out of the conference room with light stretching. Blue Moon, who had been actively expressing their opinions in the conference room, was no exception.

“I'm tired even though we only sat and talked.”

Choi Jae-won moved his waist back and forth and his bones cracked.

“I know.”

Park Ee-deun nodded his head and continued.

“But isn't it amazing that we’re making an album with a song that could have been Brown Black's?”

“And Hwang Ye-jun senior is personally composing and arranging it for us.”

“Doesn't it sound like it's going to be awesome?”

As Blue Moon fans, they couldn't help but be excited.

“But how are we going to shoot the music video?”

“I think we’ll shoot it ourselves like our debut album.”

Jung Eun-sung asked and Baek Yi-hyun answered.

“Usually singers appear in music videos.”

Choi Jae-won and Kim Si-hoon also nodded their heads. At that sight, Park Ee-deun smiled slyly as he remembered the actor he had talked about earlier.

“What if an actor appears instead of us? Wouldn't it be nice if Seo-jun did it? He has a connection with Brown Black and he's good at acting!”

At Park Ee-deun's joke, blue Moon members burst into laughter.

“Haha. Seo-jun in our music video?”

“He's too precious for our music video!”

“It would definitely be a hot topic if we used the Golden Palme d’Or Award winner as a music video actor.”

Blue Moon members giggled at the unimaginable sight.

And here.

There was someone who took the joke as a documentary.

“Seo-jun in the music video…?”

At the sound of the voice, blue Moon members were startled and turned around.

“Oops! Team leader!”

They didn't know the team leader was listening to their conversation.

“That's a good idea.”

The team leader lit up his eyes and sent a message to the ‘Blue Moon Single Album Staff’ group chat on his phone.

The staff members were bewildered by the sudden call to gather in the conference room again after the meeting that had just ended.

Blue Moon members were also confused by the sudden meeting and followed behind the team leader who was heading to the conference room.

When the conference room was full again, one of the team members opened his mouth.

“Did you miss anything, team leader?”

“The music video.”


The staff members who didn't know anything listened carefully, and Blue Moon members wondered if it was possible, looking around with their eyes rolling.

“What if Seo-jun appears in it?”

At the team leader's words, the staff members widened their eyes. They thought he would talk about some forgotten announcement or schedule, but it was quite a big topic.


“Actor Lee Seo-jun?”

The conference room was stirred by a name they didn't expect to hear.

The Blue Moon members looked at Park Ee-deun with shaky eyes, who had brought up the story. Park Ee-deun swallowed his saliva. He had just joked about it, but why did it get so big?

“That would be great for us!”

The PR team said with enthusiasm. Lee Seo-jun and Brown Black, just one press release would generate dozens of articles and people would be very interested.

“But would Lee Seo-jun do it? It's not a drama or a movie, it's a music video.”

“It has a story format.”

The staff members pondered at the team leader's words.

“Isn't the story format a bit outdated?”

In the past, there were quite a few drama-type music videos with stories, but nowadays, image-type music videos that show songs and dances were more popular than stories.

It was because most of the people who watched music videos were idol fans, and fans’ interest was more focused on idol members than actors in music videos.

Moreover, compared to the story format that had to follow the drama flow according to the plot, the image format had almost no limit in expression and could freely show all kinds of fancy backgrounds and appearances.

“Besides, the story format is a good way to match with ballads or calm songs, but the 37th song was not that serene.”

Soon, various opinions came out and the conference room became noisy.

“It doesn't mean that actor Lee Seo-jun will definitely appear if it's a story format. The singer team 3 proposed it when they did Red Crown, but they got rejected.”

The PR team staff recalled that time when they wanted to promote a lot with Seo-jun's name if he appeared.

“What about Brown Black?”

“Actor Lee Seo-jun was too young back then.”

Even if he sang a passionate love song, it would only look cute if a child actor appeared.

“And after that, the image format became popular.”

Everyone nodded their heads when someone said.

“Well, regardless of the format, what about Blue Moon?”

‘Huh? Us?’

As the attention suddenly focused on them, the eyes of the Blue Moon members widened.

“If actor Lee Seo-jun appears, the interest will surely shift to him.”

“And the expectations will also rise… If people don't like the song enough, there will be some complaints.”

“And they will definitely watch it overseas too… Aren't you not ready to aim for overseas expansion yet?”

Of course, it would be nice to have more fans overseas.

But what if that was not because of the Blue Moon members, but because of actor Lee Seo-jun's power?

Wouldn't it be a bit awkward?

The Blue Moon members swallowed their saliva at the worried words of the staff.

“No. They have to know our faces first to get interested.”

“That's right. Once they hear one song, they will want to hear more. That's how Red Crown became known overseas.”

As some staff members argued back, the conference room heated up. The team leader who was listening to their conversation looked at Blue Moon.

“What do you think?”

At that question, the Blue Moon members looked at each other.

They were afraid and a little scared of what reaction would come back, but they thought it was a good opportunity. The song was good and they were confident they could do well.

‘We can do well.’

At the whispering words of the members, choi Jae-won, the leader of Blue Moon, answered bravely.

“We like it. We will practice hard so that everyone who watches the music video will like our song!”

Everyone smiled at Blue Moon's answer.

Not missing any opportunity was also an important skill for an idol.

“But Seo-jun is busy with college practicals and graduation performances… Is he okay?”

At the words of the PR team staff who knew Seo-jun's schedule better than anyone else, a sigh came out. Some seemed embarrassed as if they had been too greedy.

The team leader answered as if it was nothing.

“If he's busy, he’ll refuse on his own. Seo-jun is very firm about that, so we don't have to worry first. Let's just propose it first.”

At the team leader's words, the staff shrugged their shoulders and focused.

Blue Moon, who had made up their mind, also listened with serious faces. Now that it had come to this, they hoped that Seo-jun would really accept it.

“The most important thing is the music video plot. It has to be something that Seo-jun will find interesting.”

Everyone nodded at the team leader's words.

It was well known within Cocoa Entertainment that Seo-jun only appeared in works that he was interested in.

“But we don't know his criteria…”

“Let's try to think of a good idea as soon as possible. If the graduation performance is decided and Seo-jun starts practicing, we won't be able to propose anything.”

Everyone knew well that Seo-jun, who was preparing for his work, would not be interested in anything unless it was a really intriguing work or proposal.

“First of all, it won't be too different from the 37th song, so let's think based on that…”

Various ideas came out. From story format to image format, they talked about the composition of the music video that Blue Moon had thought of while choosing the song.

In the stormy atmosphere, Park Ee-deun, who was blinking alone, unknowingly opened his mouth.

“…It was a joke.”


Seo-jun closed the book he was reading while leaning back on the soft chair.

“This is not good either.”

He had brought only books of that genre from Cocoa Entertainment, who wanted to do SF.

From the latest novels to the ones that came out a long time ago. He even tried [(Pre) Dandelion Seed's Fate-Lowest Class], which had found him the novel [Mirror], but unlike that time when the dandelion seed sprouted, it just spun around in place.

‘Well, I read them anyway, hoping there would be something I liked.’

Of course, there were interesting novels and books that he wanted to read again at home.

‘But they are not attractive enough to make into a play.’

Seo-jun sighed lightly and put the books he had left on one side in his bag. It was time to go home. Da Ho hyung would be here soon.

“I have to find a script for the practical exam when I get home.”

The entrance exam for Korea Arts University, which Seo-jun aimed for, was designated acting and free acting. The script for designated acting would be given by Korea Arts University, so he only had to prepare for free acting, but it was not easy to choose a 3-minute performance.

He had a lot to do.

There was early admission in October and graduation performance in December, so he probably wouldn't be able to do any work activities in the second half of this year. So he felt a little sorry.

“Seo-jun. Are you done reading?”

The door of the practice room opened and Ahn Da Ho came in. Seo-jun smiled and grabbed his bag and got up from his seat.

“Yes. Let's go, Da Ho hyung.”

Seo-jun and Ahn Da Ho left the practice room and headed for the car parked in the parking lot.

“Seo-jun. Read this on the way.”

As Seo-jun got into the car and put his bag on the seat next to him and tried to fasten his seat belt, Ahn Da Ho sitting in the driver's seat handed him a few sheets of paper.

“What is this, hyung?”

Seo-jun took the paper and fixed his eyes on it while fastening his seat belt with one hand.

“It's a proposal that came in recently. It's a rare proposal and it seems interesting and the shooting schedule is short so I thought it would be okay.”

It definitely caught his attention from the first sentence.

[Blue Moon-Single Album Music Video Appearance Proposal]

Seo-jun leaned back on his chair and turned over the first page with a sparkle in his eyes. Ahn Da Ho smiled and turned the steering wheel.

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