Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 391:

Chapter 391:

Starting from the day after the opening ceremony of the Cannes Film Festival, seo-jun and Evan Block moved around to watch the movies they had marked. Rachel Hill, who didn't have the confidence to watch three or four movies a day, joined them occasionally.

“So, we have three movies today?”

“Yes, that's right. Luckily, the theaters are not too far from each other.”

“True. Yesterday, we had a hard time getting there on time. We can have lunch here too.”

“This place was delicious!”

Seo-jun nodded as Evan Block pointed to a restaurant on his phone map.

They had stopped by there after watching a movie nearby on the first day and it was a pretty good restaurant.

Rachel Hill laughed at Seo-jun and Evan Block.

It seemed like they would have a regular restaurant for each theater.

“Rachel, are you not coming?”

“No, I don't have any movies I want to see today.”

Seo-jun and Evan Block nodded at Rachel Hill's words.

People had different tastes after all.

“Then, see you later!”

With Rachel Hill's farewell, seo-jun and Evan Block left the hotel.

Both actors had lost their glamorous appearance from the red carpet and wore comfortable clothes with hats to block the hot sun and sunglasses to hide their faces.

They also carried empty bags and pamphlets, looking like typical tourists.

“Shall we go then?”


The two actors moved their steps for another satisfying movie viewing.


The publicist of Dahong, the production company of [Flowing Away], one of the competition films invited to the Cannes Film Festival, filmed the surroundings with a camera.

There were many people walking around with cameras on the street.

-It's already the third day!

-I didn't expect him to attend from the opening ceremony.

-I saw it even though it was dawn! Seo-jun looked awesome on the red carpet!

“Thanks to Dahong for supporting our expenses! Please watch [Flowing Away]! Watch it twice!”

-My ears are going to get calluses lol

-222 Just watch it and stop promoting.

-It's funny to tell a publicist to stop promoting lol

The viewers teased the publicist who moved his steps with a smile.

“I've seen all the movies for today. I'm planning to watch [Suryeo], directed by Park Jong Woo, who was invited to the non-competition section of the Midnight Screening at Lumiere Theater in the evening.”

-Oh. [Suryeo]!

-It sounds interesting.

-But I thought this kind of genre movie couldn't be invited to Cannes.

-Cannes does have that image.

“Midnight Screening is a section for those who think so. It's good to have movies with strong themes, but we can't miss out on fun either.”

-I'm looking forward to [Suryeo] because it's directed by Han Geol Eum.

-Really?! I'm watching [Han Geol Eum] right now!

-No wonder. They keep broadcasting it on TV lol

-The actors are also good.

-The special makeup team is also promising.

-Will Seo-jun be on the red carpet for [Suryeo]?

-??? Do they do another red carpet???

The publicist answered the viewers’ question.

“There are a lot of red carpet events at Cannes. First of all, there are the opening ceremony red carpet and the closing ceremony red carpet on the 25th, and then there are red carpet events right before each screening. The 20 films in competition, as well as non-competition films, have red carpet events. [Suryeo] is also scheduled to have a red carpet event.”

-The actors must be tired if they have to walk on the red carpet every time they watch a movie;;;

-Why do they have so many?


“Yes. It's for promotion. When stars gather, attention is drawn, and when attention is drawn, more people will watch the movies. If word of mouth spreads, film distributors will also be interested. This is a huge film market, so if word of mouth is good, it can sell well all over the world. Well, since we have plenty of time left, shall we take a look around Cannes?”

The publicist was about to move his steps when a comment came up.

-But isn't that Evan Block?


The publicist widened his eyes at the sudden name. Unlike the surprised publicist, comments from viewers flooded in.

-22 I was also doubtful.

-333 Why do I keep seeing him since I watched the live on the first day?

-It's strange that he keeps changing places but I keep seeing him lol

-Do they have similar tastes in movies? lol

The publicist blinked his eyes a few times and glanced at where the comments were pointing.

The man wearing a hat and sunglasses didn't look very special.

Cannes was a resort and there was a beach right next to it, so there were many tourists.

It was even more so during the Cannes Film Festival, when people crowded the streets.

There were people who wore flashy dresses as if they were part of the festival, even though they were not actors or singers, and there were people who showed their own personality with unique patterns of clothes.

There were many people in suits, but also many people in cool outfits.

He looked like a mere tourist, but the publicist couldn't help but widen his eyes.

“…It's really Evan Block…”

-Wait! Next to him…!!


-I've been looking at him too lol

-Lol I see him like this lol

-If he's an Asian with Evan Block, then lol

-There's only one person lol

The publicist's gaze moved to Evan Block's side.

His face was smiling and talking, and his eyes were hidden by sunglasses, but he naturally caught the eye.


-It's Lee Seo-jun!! Lee Seo-jun is here!

-Turn the camera!! Turn the camera!!

It was Lee Seo-jun.

“Wow! Wait a minute!”

Wondering if he could film them like this, the publicist quickly turned the camera to the sky and took out his phone.

-…I feel like I'm looking at the sky whenever I come to France… Is it just me?

-No selfies todayㅠ

-…How long have you been watching this lol

Lee Seo-jun, who was watching the publicist looking at the sky with a flustered expression, whispered to Evan Block.

“Evan. I think we’ve been caught.”

“Looks like it.”

“I thought we would be caught since we kept seeing each other at every theater from the first day.”

“I guess so. We must have similar tastes in movies.”

If Rachel Hill knew, she would have said that it was not because of their tastes in movies, but because they watched too many movies. But Rachel Hill was not here.

“But are they filming?”

“Hmm. The publicist likes to do live broadcasts often.”

“If it's live, then it must have been reported already. Well, it's not like we’re the only ones taking pictures here.”

It was a relief that no one came up to them calling their names.

“Anyway, today is the last day we only have to watch [Suryeo].”

“We should change our outfits tomorrow.”

They might be easily recognized if they wore similar clothes as today. Evan Block nodded at Seo-jun's words.

That's when Seo-jun's phone rang.

It was Dahong.

“Yes, hello.”

“Mr. Actor. I just got a call from the publicist. Are you near the publicist?”

“Yes, I can see him from here.”

As Seo-jun looked, their eyes met without meeting.

The other side seemed surprised to meet him in such a place.

“He asked if you can do a short interview. He said he's doing a live broadcast.”

“I'm fine with it. Evan, can we do a quick interview before we go?”

“I'm fine too. We still have plenty of time until [Suryeo] starts.”

Seo-jun accepted the interview as Evan Block nodded.

“Then I’ll find a place right away. It's too crowded outside.”

The phone call ended and the publicist was seen answering the phone. The publicist's face lit up.

A moment later.

Under Dahong's direction, an interview place was arranged. It was a cafe with a view of the beach.

A large monitor was installed to see the comments and the camera was decided to use the publicist's camera.

All of this was being broadcast live.

-Seo-jun and Evan! I'm trembling.

-Is Evan Block doing the interview too? The publicist speaks English well.

-Evan Block speaks Korean well too.

-!! That's right!!

Comments exploded at every word of Evan Block.

“Yes, that's right.”

Seo-jun answered Evan Block and continued with a smile.

“We’re going to have a graduation performance this year. Our school allows us to do either a play or a movie, but I think it’ll probably be a play.”

“Oh, I see. Can I ask what kind of play it is? Is it a story adapted from a novel like [Mirror]?”

“We haven't decided what we’re going to do yet. But I’d rather do something new than something that already exists.”

-Too bad. Plays are more fun when you see them in person.

-22 Plus+ is good too, but I want to see Seo-jun's play in person!

“Many people want to see it in person, but is it an internal performance only?”

“Internal performance?”

Evan Block tilted his head and Seo-jun answered.

“The graduation performance is only for school students and staff. There are some exceptions though.”

-But there's also an official performance at Mirinae. Like last year's music performance!

-22 That's right!

The publicist blinked his eyes and asked.

“What is an official performance?”

“We have a graduation performance in December, but if the teachers’ evaluation is good, we have an official performance at Eunhasu Center. During the winter break in January and February.”

-Wow! Can we go see it?

-Is it free or paid if it's at Eunhasu Center?

-It's paid.

“I hope Lee Seo-jun's play becomes an official performance.”

“Me too. We haven't decided what we’re going to do yet though.”

Seo-jun smiled brightly at the publicist's sincere wish.

-I think so too, but… will I be able to buy tickets?

-That's true. If he says this on live broadcast, the promotion is too! Definitely! Well done!

-Wow… It's past 1 am and why are there so many viewers?

-The articles are also exploding;;;

-The competition rate will be crazy if it becomes an official performanceㅠㅠ


That evening. In front of Lumiere Theater.

Seo-jun smiled brightly at the familiar faces on the red carpet.

“Hello, Director Park. Assistant Director Kim.”

“Long time no see, seo-jun.”

“I didn't expect to see you here!”

Park Jong Woo and Kim Suhan greeted Seo-jun warmly with bright faces.


The people around them lit up their eyes and camera flashes popped as they saw the friendly actors and director.

The distributors’ staff smiled endlessly.

They expected Seo-jun to come, but they didn't expect those actors to come too.

“I enjoyed [Han Geol Eum].”

“It was a short film, but it was really touching.”

Evan Block and Rachel Hill smiled and said next to Seo-jun.

The director Park Jong Woo and the assistant director Kim Suhan stared blankly at the two Hollywood stars’ Korean skills, then came to their senses and exchanged greetings.

“Director! Please look over here!”

“Actors too!”

“/Evan! Rachel! Jun! Look over here!/”

The Korean reporters raised their voices at the sight of the handshake between the Korean director and the Hollywood stars.

The foreign reporters who came without much thought also sparkled their eyes and pressed the shutter incessantly.

“/Is that Evan and Rachel over there!?/”

“/Jun is here too!/”

Some people who were near Lumiere Theater, hoping that some famous stars would come, rushed over at the sudden appearance of the Hollywood stars.

There were also people who wanted to get tickets for [Suryeo] because they were curious about what movie the three stars wanted to watch.

The distributors’ staff smiled broadly at the hot atmosphere, and the Korean reporters were excited to write articles.

[The popularity of ‘Suryeo’! People trying to get tickets!]

[Director Park Jung Woo's ‘Suryeo’ red carpet with these actors?!]

[‘Suryeo’ red carpet, Lee Seo-jun×Evan Block×Rachel Hill attended!]

The publicist who had an invitation from [Suryeo]'s distributor could easily enter, and the viewers who were watching the live video exclaimed at the heat.


The darkened theater was full of seats and the movie started.

A dark night without a moon.

The foreigners who liked Seo-jun Lee saw a familiar outfit of a man from behind.

The man's back twitched as he crouched.

Then he stopped moving for a moment and looked back.

His eyes turned white, his face skin was half rotten, and the audience heard a gasp from the audience.



Seo-jun's eyes sparkled at the familiar but improved makeup and realistic acting.

Director Park Jong Woo's [Suryeo] was a zombie movie set in the Joseon era.

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