Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 139

Chapter 139

Chapter 139

[Have you seen actor Lee Seo-jun?]

The viewers tilted their heads at the caption.

-? Huh?

-Lee Seo-jun? Here? He didnt show up, did he?

=222 How can you say youve seen him when you dont show him?

As the viewers were confused, the screen went back to the beginning. 

It showed the opening without sound at a fast speed.

A staff member in a black hat entered the building with a box. 

From there, it showed the hard-working staff, the members of Running Man who were surprised by Seo-juns video message, and the members who hoped they werent the ones who entered the office.

Then, the caption appeared again.

[Have you seen actor Lee Seo-jun?]

-Its the same as before?


-??? Where is he?


=??? Did you see him?

=He was there from the start.

=??? Where???


The opening screen started. 

A yellow arrow pointed at someone. 

It was the staff member in a black hat who entered the building with a box.

The staff member in the black hat moved around actively. 

He showed his face on the camera here and there, as if he wanted to be noticed.

And then, the hard-working staff turned around. 

Seo-jun lifted his hat slightly and smiled brightly at the camera.

-? What did I just see?

-Lee Seo-jun he wasnt there but he was?

-Is this edited? How can you not recognize him when hes so obvious?

-What? Why didnt I notice him?!

-Were fans, but we didnt notice him either, right?

It was Seo-jun who handed out water to the members, held a sketchbook, and gave them a microphone. 

He thought there were a lot of staff appearances today, but it turned out to be Seo-jun.

-I saw Seo-jun in many places, but I didnt notice him at all. I think I need to cultivate more fan love.

=222 Seriously. I thought I would recognize Seo-jun even if he passed by but I couldnt.

-I thought he was just a staff member now that I look at it, he does look like Seo-jun lol

-Some people noticed him though they have really good eyes

Hello, Im Lee Seo-jun. Im so happy to be on Running Man! Ill definitely win!

Seo-jun flipped over his first mission card with sparkling eyes.

[Out of 10 missions, only 3 are hard!]

[Seo-jun chose a hard mission!]

Without revealing your identity, you have to get your face on one of the members designated cameras. 

Of course, the members face has to be on the camera too. 

In one shot, both your face and the members face have to be shown.

Wow. Thats hard.

Do you want to pick another mission card?

No! I think I can do it! Ill try my best!

-The production team gave him a chance to change it lol They thought he would fail lol

-The production team offered to change it, but he said he would try it. Hes so nice.

Seo-juns target was Park Young-jin, who came out of the office first after winning the first game.

Park Young-jin was only focused on his bag and didnt notice Seo-jun following him. 

Seo-jun hid behind a wall and peeked out at Park Young-jin who was looking at his camera.

-?? What is Seo-jun doing?

-He looks like hes aiming for something


=He can see where the camera lens is pointing, so he can guess where to get in the shot.

=?? How does he know where Park Young-jins camera is pointing? Is he dodging bullets by looking at the muzzle?

But Seo-jun did it.

He sneaked his face out behind Park Young-jin and got on his camera. 

And from a distance too.

-Awesome he got on from that far away why did I think he had to go close to get on?

-Hes far away but his eyes, nose, and mouth are all visible lol

-Look, Park Young-jin is turning around!

-He didnt get caught!

The eight members who hid the trophy gathered in one place. 

Unlike Park Young-jin who had 15 minutes of ample time after winning the first game, Jung-hoon who only had 3 minutes of time kept looking outside anxiously.

Meanwhile, the members were saying things like Whos the culprit?, Its easier to confess., and You cant fool us. 

The viewers who knew they were all culprits just found it funny. 

The game was like that too.

If they succeeded, they would get a hint about where the trophy was hidden. 

The members of Running Man moved according to that rule.

Hey! Hyung! You lost on purpose, right?!

No, I didnt!

How could you not do such an easy thing?

-Theyre all culprits so theyre all trying to fail the game lol

-But they succeeded lol

The games are really easy today!

W-Were just good at them!

-Translation: Theyre too easy so we all succeed!

-Translation: Lets be more sloppy!!

Then, well tell you where the trophy is hidden. Its under something.

Park Young-jin and three others who hid the trophy under their seats flinched, and Choi So-hee and two others who hid it under their desks trembled.

Jung-hoon, who had put the bag with the trophy behind the curtain on the stage, tilted his head in suspicion.

-The hints are too vague even if they win lol

-Ah, Jung-hoon looks uneasy!

-Wont it end too quickly if they figure it out?

-Theyll play with Seo-jun!

=Thats good too lol

After the second game ended, Seo-juns face appeared on the screen. He flipped over his mission card with a careful expression. A caption was added.

[Get a part of your body on every members camera.]

[Seo-jun chose one of the two hard missions out of nine!]

-Seo-jun is unlucky too.

-Its funny that a Hollywood star is unlucky lol

-But the second mission is hard too. But Seo-jun looks excited lol

-Its harder to find the members who scattered to hide the trophy.

Contrary to the viewers worries, Seo-jun had a very excited expression on his face for the hard mission.

I think theyre over here!

Seo-jun found the members who scattered around the building very well. 

He stood still for a moment and looked around the building, then ran somewhere. 

There was a Running Man member wherever he went.

He pondered and ran, pondered and ran. Seo-jun found the Running Man members one by one like that.

-Hes bad at picking missions, but hes good at finding people?

-Amazing how can luck be so divided?

-Hes really good at finding people

-A master of hide and seek! Hes really good at finding them. If Seo-jun was the seeker, the game would end in 10 seconds.

-He found Choi So-hee, and Choi So-hee was there. He found Park Young-jin, and Park Young-jin was there. Isnt this some kind of miracle?

-Hes good at hiding too. He even hid his cameraman when Choi So-hee turned around. He would be the last one left if he played with his friends.

=They all wont be able to find Seo-jun lol lol lol

It was all thanks to [(Sun) Sandfishs Vibration Detection], but the viewers who didnt know that only saw it as amazing.

It was easier to get a part of his body on the camera than his face.

The viewers laughed at Seo-juns hands and feet that peeked out on the Running Man members cameras, and later, when he had some time left, he waved his arms vigorously behind Jung-hoon, and made a big heart with his arms behind Park Young-jin.

-Lol Seo-jun is so cute lol lol

-Young-jin hyung! Behind you! Look behind you!

-No way, how can they not notice him when hes doing that much? lol

-But Seo-jun is really good at finding them, but why dont the members run into each other lol

-Ah! They met!

Park Young-jin and Jung-hoon met. 

They realized that there was a spy among them, and they wondered if there was an accomplice among the members. 

They kept their mouths shut and played the game while trying to find the accomplice.

Of course, there was no accomplice.

-No accomplice lol

-Lol lol fake lol

-Just tell them to the members!!

After the last game ended, Park Young-jin and Jung-hoon confessed about the fake trophy and finally deduced that Lee Da-jin was the spy.

-Goodbye lol

-Why dont they think of Lee Seo-jun?

=I didnt expect Lee Seo-jun to be on a variety show either

=222 We saw the ads, but Running Man didnt know for real lol

With only an hour left, Running Man left the practice room. 

The screen showed the empty practice room where the members had disappeared. 

The staff appeared on the television screen.

Youre all good at deducing.

A young voice was heard. 

The viewers who were wondering why the screen didnt change screamed silently. 

There was a staff member in a black hat next to the writer.

-! Seo-jun?! Why is Seo-jun here?!

-I felt like he was here all along but I didnt notice him again

-I was laughing so I let my guard down.

-I understand why Running Man didnt notice him. Hes really hiding everywhere without any pattern.

-Wow, Seo-jun. He heard everything Running Man discussed.

=But its useless even if he heard everything, right? They got the spys identity wrong.

=Maybe the important thing is that they divided into four people for the spy arrest team and the trophy search team?

-Wow. Seo-jun has another mission

He smiled brightly and held up his mission card.

[Take a group photo with Running Man members.]

[He chose the last hard mission out of eight!]

[What is Seo-juns hand!?]

-Lol how is he going to do this.

=Right. Theyre all scattered lol

-Ah. He solved the hard one and got a harder one.

-But Seo-jun looks happy lol Hes cute

-He really likes the hard ones. Maybe thats why he got them?

=Maybe. He would be disappointed if he got an easy mission.

Seo-jun left the practice room. The camera followed Seo-jun.

I heard them secretly, well, right in front of them, but theyre all moving hard, I guess. How much time is left?

45 minutes.

Thats enough.

Seo-jun checked the real Oscar trophy first. The Oscar trophy was on the second floor of the Milky Way Center.

-Oh, Cheongryong-nim!

-Cheongryong-nim in person! Its the Milky Way Center!

-The kids are taking a lot of pictures in front of him!

A model of Cheongryong-nim was installed on the second floor. The Oscar trophy was between Cheongryong-nims mane. Seo-jun smiled with satisfaction as he saw the trophy in its place.

Since the mission was a group photo, I think we need to gather the members in one place.

Seo-jun smiled.

They seem to be upstairs.

Seo-jun, who had been standing still for a moment, said. Seo-jun and the cameraman took the elevator up. Jeong-hoon noticed the elevator moving.

Hyung! Fifth floor!

Stairs! Stairs!!

-Wow. Are they caught?

-Why did they take the elevator?

Seo-jun got off the elevator and moved quickly. The sound of the members chasing him reached Seo-juns camera. Seo-jun headed to one side without any hesitation. There was another staircase there.

Seo-jun smiled brightly and looked at the camera and said.

I know this place well because I did a play here for three months. The building is big, so there are a lot of stairs.

-Wow He even thought of an escape route.

-Seo-jun is smart.

Seo-jun started to go down the stairs. He heard the sound of the members following him. Seo-jun ran around the building and came down.



=Somehow it seems like Seo-jun is luring them?


Seo-jun blinked his eyes twice and opened the emergency exit door slightly. Then he stuck out the cameramans bag.


The bag caught the eyes of the members who were looking for the spy.

Hyung! Emergency exit!

-Is he really luring them?!!


There he is!

Jeong-hoon spotted the cameraman.

Hey! Lee Tae-hoon! Guest manager! Lee Tae-hoon!

He was lucky. He didnt see the guest, but he barely caught a glimpse of the guest managers back. The four members of the spy capture team rushed after him.

-I thought, but it was Seo-juns trap.

-I thought Seo-jun would have a hard time because it was 1 VS 8, but 1 was a carnivore

=22 Seo-jun is really smart. He seems to have thought about his and cameramans speed too. He doesnt seem to get caught.

Thats how the spy capture team on the third floor went up to the fifth floor and then came back down. Their stamina was running low, but they heard footsteps.

Hyung! This way! Theyre going down!

But they felt like they were going to catch him soon, so they couldnt stop their feet.

Seo-jun, who arrived at the first floor first, hid his body when he saw the trophy search team gathered by the sound of four people coming down. Soon, the spy capture team also came down.

Huh. So-hee noona. Werent you going to look for the trophy?

You guys seemed to be chasing the spy down, so I followed you.

We tried to catch him together but hes not here?

The members who gathered on the first floor were confused when the screen changed.

[Since the mission was a group photo, I think we need to gather the members in one place.]

With a thrilling face, Seo-jun spoke along with a map of the building.

On the map, there were eight blue dots and one red dot, moving around. The four blue dots on the upper floor followed one red dot to the fifth floor, then came down to the first floor, and then four blue dots on the lower floor also gathered in one place.

It looked like one red dot was being chased on screen, but viewers knew it wasnt.

When the members and staff gathered on the first floor lobby were dumbfounded, Seo-jun moved carefully.

Seo-juns camera showed his bright face and the backs of the members. And soon, all of them turned their heads.


With stunned Walking Men as his background, Seo-jun made a V sign of victory toward his camera. It was a perfect mission success with all eight faces clearly visible.

-Wow He succeeded. I thought Walking Men would win because it was a hard mission

-How did he take a picture of all eight of them? He lured them

-First of all, it was a big advantage that he knew the building well. Next was his ability to find the person closest to him Next was his hiding ability

-Even if he had bad luck, he had the strength to win He won in the end

The Walking Men members who were stunned bowed to Seo-jun. The viewers laughed at the sight of the members who were genuinely surprised.

Todays guest is the youngest Oscar winner, actor Lee Seo-jun!

Hello. Im Lee Seo-jun.

Seo-jun greeted them with a bright smile.

Were done, but were just saying hello to Seo-jun now.

Cant we start over? We just met!

Thats right! I want to talk more!

The Walking Men members shouted, but Park Young-jin cut them off.

Lets watch that again later, and Seo-jun. How was the shooting today?

Seo-jun smiled brightly and said.

It was so much fun! Im happy that I succeeded in all the missions.

The members smiled warmly at Seo-juns words. But that warmth soon ended.

Then well choose two of the eight to be punished.

Huh. Punishment?

You lost. The punishment is a whipped cream bomb.

In the end, two of the members who lost rock-paper-scissors received the punishment. Everyone laughed as they saw the two people with whipped cream all over their faces. Seo-jun also smiled brightly.

Then well see you next week, viewers.


Thats how [Walking Men?!-Lee Seo-jun Edition] ended.

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