Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 136

Chapter 136

Chapter 136

After the workingmen went into the office, the staff started to clean up the Milky Way Center lobby where they had filmed the opening.

Only the staff in charge of the machines like the lights could handle them, so there was nothing to do for them, but anyone could easily do simple errands or tidying up.

The staff began to take care of the things they had left behind while preparing for the opening. 

Seo-jun, who had pulled his black hat down low, also lent a hand.

Anh Da Ho laughed at the sight of Seo-jun moving along with the other staff, without any sense of incongruity.

It was because he could feel Seo-juns joy. 

He was very good at acting, so he would be more comfortable than anyone else in hiding and embellishing his emotions in everyday life, but Seo-juns heart was surprisingly easy to read.

When he did something he liked, Seo-juns mood became warm and cozy. His eyes sparkled and his complexion brightened.

It was the same now. 

He hid his figure with a bulky padding and put insoles in his shoes to make himself taller. 

He wore a black hat that made him look like just one of the staff.

Even though he was wrapped up like that, Seo-juns surroundings seemed to be full of joy.

The production team doesnt seem to know

Anh Da Ho looked around. 

Only he and Seo-jun, who were familiar with Seo-jun, and the team 2 staff and Seo-juns cameraman, who had been watching only Seo-jun, seemed to feel Seo-juns presence.

Maybe, because its a variety show, he wants to show his presence, but he also wants to act well as a staff member, so hes acting moderately weak

The problem was that moderately weak was Seo-juns standard. 

If you kept looking at him knowing he was Seo-jun, he looked just like Seo-jun, but if you missed him or didnt recognize him, he was just staff 1.

Ill have to tell him to tone it down.

He didnt want to say it now because Seo-jun looked so excited, so Anh Da Ho decided to tell him when the cleaning was all done.

As Anh Da Ho thought, Seo-jun enjoyed being a staff member. 

He smiled as he collected and neatly arranged the sketchbooks.

Seo-jun had been excited since the workingmen meeting. 

He was thrilled by the production teams words that he would disguise himself as a staff member and deceive the workingmen. 

He thought of his first life and his heart started pounding.

A staff member

He was an extra actor in his first life. 

He had a hard time making a living by just doing extra acting, so he also did staff work for the works he appeared in. 

That was written in his first lifes book. 

He must have done staff work for a long time as well as acting.

He felt a familiar feeling when he entered the workingmen set.

He felt like he could handle the lights, the jib crane, and the camera well. 

He wanted to touch the installed lighting machine, tidy up the wires that were connected here and there, and put the camera in a better angle.

Thats not how you do that

He wanted to touch everything, and his hands were itching.

But Seo-jun didnt forget that he was a guest.

Anh Da Ho hyung wouldnt let me touch anything dangerous.

Seo-jun obediently acted like a staff member and helped out with small things. 

He didnt forget to look at his camera and Anh Da Ho hyung from time to time.

Everyone is getting used to it quickly?

He tilted his head as he handed over a black marker pen to the writer who asked for it.

The production team was different from a few days ago at the meeting. 

They were startled every time their eyes met with Seo-jun then.

He thought they would be like that today too. 

If they were so surprised, they would reveal that he was a spy. 

But they all treated Seo-jun comfortably. 

As if he had really become a staff member.

Thats good. Itll be easier to fool them.

Seo-jun didnt realize that it was because of his staff acting that the production team felt him as a real staff member and smiled.

When the cleaning of the Milky Way Center lobby was over, Anh Da Ho called Seo-jun.



Seo-jun blinked his eyes at Anh Da Hos call as he moved his luggage and skillfully shook his hands.

Youre here as a guest right now. Youre disguising yourself as a staff member, not becoming one.

Huh? Yes. I know that. Thats why I looked at the camera a lot

Unlike dramas or movies where you shouldnt look at the camera, you had to look at the camera all the time in variety shows.

It was awkward at first, but he soon got used to it. 

He also looked at the camera while doing staff work.

Anh Da Ho smiled at Seo-jun, who tilted his head.

Your acting was too strong.


Seo-jun blinked his eyes.

While Seo-jun and Anh Da Ho were talking, Seo-juns cameraman told PD Jeon Minjae about the strange and natural joining of Seo-jun.

PD Jeon and the staff who heard the story during the shooting also raised their heads and looked at Seo-jun. 

Seo-juns black hat caught their eye.

Black hat!

The staff who had asked the black hat staff to do something gasped. 

Come to think of it, he wasnt our staff, he was Lee Seo-jun!

They knew he was Lee Seo-jun when they showed the trophy to the members, but they thought he was just staff 1 now.

As if they had woken up from hypnosis, they all looked at Seo-jun and Anh Da Ho with shocked faces.

The manager of Hollywood actor Lee Seo-jun spoke.

You acted stronger than you thought. They all thought you were a real staff member.


The PD, writer, and staff widened their eyes. 

That natural look that seemed like he had been working in this field for years was acting?

Ah, I see. Ill have to tone it down then. I thought this was enough, but I guess not.

The production team lost their words at Seo-juns answer. 

They thought his on and off acting was amazing, but when they experienced it firsthand, they understood why they couldnt recognize Lee Seo-jun at the busking.

Besides, the production team already knew that Lee Seo-jun would disguise himself as a staff member. 

Of course, unlike the busking where they were just watching, the production team was busy preparing for the shooting.

But he was right next to me

The production team looked at the actor, Lee Seo-jun, who was talking to his manager, with astonished eyes.

And its good that youre helping out, but dont touch the machines that are dangerous. You can only move light props and stuff like that. Got it?


He looked like his age when he was just talking, but

This kind of acting skill

The modifier of Lee Seo-jun, the youngest Oscar winner, weighed heavily on the production team.

While everyone was admiring him, PD Jeon Minjae remembered something. 

His face turned pale.



Nobody recognized Lee Seo-jun at the busking!


The startled production team rewound the video.

Fortunately, Lee Seo-jun was clearly captured by his cameraman. 

His cute face smiling and looking at the camera from time to time.

But Lee Seo-jun in the other cameras was ambiguous. 

On the side where the production team was gathered, a staff member wearing a black hat was moving around among the staff who were moving here and there.

Is that Seo-jun?

If you know hes Lee Seo-jun, he looks like Lee Seo-jun, but if you dont know, youd think hes just a staff member.

Thats true. The viewers wont pay much attention to the staffs faces.

Well have to use only the scenes filmed by his cameraman for the front part.

Leaving the first game to the assistant director, PD Jeon and the writers put their heads together.

But what if they dont recognize him at all?

Thats true. It would be nice to film their reactions when they find out its Lee Seo-jun, or play games with him, but

We have to reveal his identity to do that. We didnt assume that Lee Seo-jun wouldnt be recognized in our plan.

We didnt know he would do so well.

PD Jeon and the writers sighed. 

They had asked him to run errands as a guest. 

The main writer opened his mouth as he kept rewinding the video and thinking.

But this could be good in its own way.

How so?

Lets fool the viewers too.


Find Willy, Lee Seo-jun edition. Of course, this is enough with what weve filmed so far. It would be a disaster if the viewers couldnt recognize him even though he appeared. Well have to ask him to tone down his acting from the next filming.

Everyone nodded at the main writers words. 

Find Willy was a pretty fitting title.

I thought about it too, lets adjust the difficulty of the mission.

Adjust as in make it harder?

Yeah. The current mission seems impossible to fail.

Thats fine too, but if theyre all hard, the viewers might complain?

Were only adding three more missions to the current ones. Its luck to draw a mission. Theres no way theyll get those three out of all those easy ones.

That sounds reasonable.

The production teams meeting was short. 

PD Jeon called Seo-jun and Anh Da Ho.

Were going to change it like this, is that okay?

Anh Da Ho looked at Seo-jun. Seo-jun nodded his head.

Thats fine! It sounds fun!

Please only fool the members. The viewers should be able to see Seo-jun well.

Yes. Ill tone it down.

Seo-jun answered cheerfully at PD Jeons words.

Fooling the members and letting the viewers see well.

Tone up and down. Thats hard!

But a new challenge was always exciting and nerve-wracking. 

Seo-juns cheeks turned red with excitement.

PD-nim. They started hiding the trophy after the first game ended.

At the staffs words, PD Jeon pushed 10 mission papers in front of Seo-jun.

Seven of them were pre-made missions, and three were high-difficulty missions that were just made. 

Seo-jun had to succeed in three missions during todays filming.

If you fail a mission, a hint about Seo-jun will be revealed to the members.


Seo-jun flipped over one of the 10 mission papers with sparkling eyes.

[Get caught by one of the members cameramen]

I didnt expect to get a high-difficulty mission right away.

Superstar Lee Seo-jun seemed to have bad luck.

You have to get your face caught by one of the members cameramen without revealing your identity. Of course, the members face also has to be on camera. It means that both your face and the members face have to be in one shot.

Wow. That sounds hard.

Do you want to draw another mission paper?

It was his first time, so maybe it was okay? PD Jeon and the production team nodded. 

But Seo-jun shook his head.

No! I think I can do it! Ill try my best!

It seemed like it would be really fun, as his friends said. 

Seo-juns eyes sparkled as he aimed for his target.


After the first game ended, the eight members went into their own offices.

The time that Park Youngjin, the first place winner of the first game, got was 15 minutes. 

Park Youngjin sighed as he came out of his office.

He had a light and heavy black bag in his arms. 

Park Youngjin had to hide this bag for 15 minutes from now on.

Im the culprit!

He looked depressed and frustrated as he held the bag very preciously. 

There was nothing but a trophy, a cushion, and a box in the bag, but it felt heavier than anything else.

He carefully held the bag in his arms and moved his steps. 

Park Youngjins cameraman walked behind him, filming Park Youngjins face full of the camera screen.

Lets hide it in the safest place. A safe place.

He was looking for a place to hide the trophy when he suddenly turned around. 

There was no one behind him.

Huh? I thought there was something

He blinked his eyes a few times and hid the bag under the seats of the auditorium.

C14. C14.

He memorized the seat number so he could find it later and hurried to his office.

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