Super Gene Ⅱ: Evolution

Chapter 13 - 13 Mutation Point

Chapter 13: Chapter 13 Mutation Point

Translator: 549690339

However, Lin Shen did not quite understand why completing the first Base Mutation only required a Steel Mutant Egg. Even if they had an Alloy Egg or a Crystal Mutation Egg, they could not be used.

Too advanced Base Mutation Eggs could cause the Mutating human to completely metallize, turning into a lifeless statue.

Base Mutation is a very magical and dangerous process. Only the right amount of energy can allow humans of flesh and blood to possess the foundation of steel, and this process is even more bizarre and strange than a caterpillar’s complete metamorphosis into a butterfly.

Was it necessary to venture into such a perilous place for a Steel Mutant Egg? With the Lin Family’s strength, purchasing a top-quality Steel Mutant Egg should not pose any pressure.

Seeming to perceive the confusion in Lin Shen’s heart, Ye explained, “Generally, a top-quality Steel Mutant Egg only has one Attribute reaching the full value of ten points. It’s already very rare to find one with two Attributes at full value. Mr. Lin Zongzheng and his brother wanted to find you an egg with at least three or even four Attributes at full value, which is why they went to Gourd Mountain.”

Ye gave a bitter smile and then continued, “If they had known earlier that you, Lin Shen, had already completed the Base Mutation, there wouldn’t have been any need to go to Gourd Mountain.”

Lin Shen could sense a touch of blame from Ye, who thought that having already completed the Base Mutation, he had not informed Mr. Lin Zongzheng and his brother, leading them on an unnecessary adventure.

But, Lin Shen was at a loss to explain how a human who had not undergone Base Mutation could disable the Supersonic Gunman with a single strike?

“How did they know that Gourd Mountain had that kind of Base Mutation Egg?” Lin Shen felt something was still amiss.

“Because Gourd Mountain is actually a Mutation Point,” Ye said slowly.

Hearing the words “Mutation Point,” Lin Shen’s eyes widened in horror as he exclaimed, “There’s a Mutation Point near us?”

More than two hundred years ago, Base Variant Creatures began appearing around the world, not all at once but starting in some special locations. These places then slowly radiated outwards, and the initial locations where Base Variant Creatures appeared came to be known as Mutation Points.

The Base Variant Creatures near a Mutation Point are not only numerous but may also include terrifying high-level Base Variant Creatures.

Once, a base with over a hundred Crystal Base Level Mutators tried to raid the outskirts of a Mutation Point to plunder resources. This disturbed an incredibly terrifying Base Variant Creature inside, resulting in the annihilation of all Mutators who went to the Mutation Point. Furthermore, the Base Variant Creature flew to a nearby human base and destroyed it, causing countless deaths and injuries.

Since then, the construction of bases typically involves deliberately avoiding locations near Mutation Points.

Lin Shen had not expected that there would be a Mutation Point near the Dark Bird Base and had not heard of any terrifying high-level Base Variant Creatures appearing in the vicinity over the years.

“No wonder someone as capable as my second brother could get trapped inside.” Lin Shen felt annoyed. If Mr. Lin Zongzheng and his brother truly got trapped while seeking a Base Mutation Egg for him, Lin Shen feared he would never be at peace for the rest of his life.

“Ye, do you know the location of Gourd Mountain?” Lin Shen asked.

“Lin Shen, don’t ask about that. I can’t possibly let you go to Gourd Mountain. Even if Mr. Lin Zongzheng and his brother are dead, they wouldn’t want you to risk it,” Ye immediately shook his head.

“Then send someone to check the situation at Gourd Mountain,” Lin Shen pondered.

“No, Mr. Lin Zongzheng and his brother would rather risk themselves to keep the secret of Gourd Mountain than expose it. If we send people now and the secret is revealed, their efforts would be in vain,” Ye rejected Lin Shen’s proposal once more.

“Ye, since my second brother came up with the name Gourd Mountain and no outsiders know it, why does Bai Shenfei know this name?” Lin Shen pondered for a moment and then suddenly looked up and asked Ye.

Ye said gravely, “That’s what I wanted to mention. It’s unlikely that Lin Xiangdong would have divulged information about Gourd Mountain. Qi Shuheng and Wang Tian’er also acted strangely today. They seemed very certain that Mr. Lin Zongzheng was not in the base; otherwise, they wouldn’t have probed so openly and repeatedly.”

“You mean?” Lin Shen pondered but did not continue.

“We may have a traitor among us,” Ye’s expression darkened.

“How many people knew that Lin Xiangdong went to Gourd Mountain with Mr. Lin Zongzheng?” Lin Shen asked.

“Aside from me, no one knew Mr. Lin Zongzheng and Lin Xiangdong went to Gourd Mountain. The only ones aware that Lin Xiangdong went out are those four guys. There may be many who could guess that Lin Xiangdong possibly went out,” Ye speculated.

Ye spoke of four fellows who, aside from Ye himself, were the most trusted by Lin Xiangdong—all Alloy Mutators.

“Ye, among those four, who do you think could be a traitor?” Lin Shen also knew those four people; they were the confidants of Lin Xiangdong. They had followed Lin Xiangdong through life and death for many years, shared life-and-death friendships, and had made plenty of enemies from the Qi and Wang families. It seemed highly unlikely for any of them to be traitors.

“They have followed Mr. Lin Zongzheng for so many years; he has saved their lives, and they have saved his. To say that there is a traitor among them, I truly cannot bring myself to believe it. Moreover, these years they followed him, they’ve made plenty of enemies from the Qi and Wang families. It’s really hard to believe they would defect to those families.”

“That’s exactly what’s frightening,” Lin Shen sighed. “Ye, now, you are the only person I can trust.”

“Lin Shen, rest assured, I will root out the traitor. If it is indeed one of those four, I will personally carve out their heart to see if it is black,” Ye said fiercely.

“Investigate this quietly, without raising any alarms. Even if you find out, don’t act rashly. Let’s wait for the return of Mr. Lin Zongzheng and Mr. Lin Xiangdong to decide,” Lin Shen instructed.

“What if… I’m just saying what if… what if Mr. Lin Zongzheng and Mr. Lin Zongzheng really are trapped and can’t come back?”

“There’s no ‘what if’; they must return,” Lin Shen affirmed.

“Right, Mr. Lin Zongzheng and Mr. Lin Xiangdong are extraordinary individuals who have faced all sorts of tumultuous situations. Like before, they will surely return safely,” Ye paused before adding, “Thankfully, Lin Shen, now that you are an Alloy Mutator, you are the backbone of the Lin Family. Even if something unexpected happens to Mr. Lin Zongzheng and Mr. Lin Xiangdong, I will risk my life to help you uphold the family business.”

Lin Shen glanced at Ye, then nodded. “Ye, I’m counting on you to uncover that traitor first.”

“Rest easy, Lin Shen. I will start investigating right away,” Ye stated as he headed out.

Watching Ye leave, Lin Shen removed the mask from his face and muttered with a furrowed brow, “This Ye, his words subtly coax me to embark on a rescue mission to Gourd Mountain. I hope I’m overthinking it.”

Naturally, Lin Shen was very keen on going to Gourd Mountain, but he truly lacked the strength to do so; going would be tantamount to sending himself to his death.

Acupoint Sealing was indeed powerful, but it required the ability to hit the target at close range, and Seven Steps of Conflict was only effective when the opponent used a gun. Only a few Base Variant Creatures used guns, so his going would be no different than committing suicide.

“To be of help, I need to ensure first that I don’t become a burden.” After some deep thought, Lin Shen quickly left Lin Xiangdong’s residence and returned to his own.

Back at his place, Lin Shen approached the incubation chamber and observed the three Base Mutation Eggs inside, lost in thought.

“In a little more than a day, the Steel Tail Scorpion should be able to hatch. I’ll see how things go before deciding,” Lin Shen felt that these Base Mutation Eggs with Super-Base Evolutionary Seed ought to possess exceptional attributes.

If the Steel Tail Scorpion hatches with outstanding attributes, he would proceed with the Base Mutation using either the Dark Iron Swallow or the Hundred-Refined Steel Beast’s Mutation Egg.

“What exactly is the Super-Base Evolutionary Seed?” Lin Shen couldn’t help but think again of Goddess Consort Bai.

Goddess Consort Bai, a human, remarkably possessed the Super-Base Evolutionary Seed, which was quite inconceivable.

Lin Shen yearned for the Fire Seed within Goddess Consort Bai. If that seed harbored heaven-defying capabilities, his resources for heading to Gourd Mountain would increase significantly.

Yet, up to this point, Lin Shen still hadn’t figured out how exactly the Fire Seed had transferred to him.

In practice, simply by sharing a sleep with a Base Mutation Egg that possessed a Fire Seed, he could acquire its abilities.

The problem was that Goddess Consort Bai was a person, and moreover a woman. He surely couldn’t expect a woman he’d only just met to share a night’s sleep with him, could he?

If money could resolve the issue, Lin Shen was willing to exchange his entire savings for a night’s sleep with Goddess Consort Bai, but clearly, that was impractical.

“So you’re the Lin Shen who Brother Lin often mentioned, the youngest Lin member skilled in all manner of merriment and leisure,” a woman’s voice suddenly resounded behind Lin Shen.

Lin Shen turned around and saw a mosaic of a human figure sitting on his sofa. Aside from Goddess Consort Bai, there could be no second person.

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