Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 259 Enchanting Fragrance Grand Theatre

Translator: SumTLMan

The opera < Feast Dance Charm > is part of the repertoire of Enchanting Fragrance Grand Theatre. Although Angel already knows the plot was probably disharmonious, he is still planning to watch at least one performance. Mirror Ji has been urging him to go and see it. Presumably as a bit of a joke or to tease him, but he also has some thoughts on the matter. Angel covered his mouth and coughed as he said: “Then… I’ll take a look in the spirit of learning.”

After making this unpleasant decision, Angel directly turned over a box covering the wall and threw it aside.

As soon as it landed, he saw crowds of people rushing towards the main entrance of Enchanting Fragrance Grand Theatre from a distance. Angel smoothed the wrinkles on his clothes a little and followed the flow of the crowd.

Angel is dressed in a typical gentleman’s outfit. From shirt to sleeve, fingernails to eyebrows, the whole attire looked clean and refreshing. Making him look like a cultured traditional aristocratic young master.

This outfit stands out among the rest of the mortals dressed in grey clothes. In other places, people are expected to step aside when they see Angel in order to stay out of trouble. But where is this place? The capital of Shadow Demon Kingdom! The infamous Shadow Demon City! Whether it is the local population of Lower Sian Sub-Humans or escaped criminals from various countries, Shadow Demon City’s moral values have gone to another extreme. Angel walked among the crowd and many mortals didn’t give way. Instead, many of them turned around and constantly kept gathering closer around him.

Just a hundred meters from the wall where he pulled the boxes from Enchanting Fragrance Grand Theatre. Angel chased away several gangsters who wanted to steal from him. These punks looked so mangy, showing apologetic smiles as they walked away after trying to steal from Angel.

Angel then used his mental force tentacles to observe where a gangster had retreated after. He spoke to a young woman standing behind a big tree with a bitter expression. Moreover, after several waves of gangsters coming forward and being driven away by Angel, they all came back and reported this to the woman.

There is no doubt that this woman is probably the leader of the gangsters.

Shadow Demon City’s women should not be underestimated, ah! Angel is still wondering why these men are trying to steal from him. It turns out this woman sent all these men behind the scenes.

The door of Enchanting Fragrance Grand Theater was filled with people and many heads blocked Angel’s view. Just as Angel was about to stretch out his mental force tentacles to observe and find out what was going on, a gentle voice came from behind him.

“Young master, do you want to watch Feast Dance Charm tomorrow night?” The voice said.

“Feast Dance Charm tomorrow night?” Angel turned his head and found the person he had sensed was the previous gangster leader.

Just now when he sensed her with his mental force tentacles, he didn’t get a clear view. On closer inspection, not to mention being ugly, this gangster leader is quite beautiful.

Short orange and wavy hair which curls at the ends, a small face, soft brown eyes, coupled with her corset and hot pants. She is definitely a sexy woman.

When Angel first saw this woman, what came to mind was what Jon had said before: “How can you be a thief when you are so beautiful?”

Without Angel’s earlier observation, he wouldn’t have believed such a stunner would be a thief.

“Yes, it seems that young master is not from Shadow Demon City. Feast Dance Charm is part of Enchanting Fragrance Grand Theatre’s repertoire, but it is only performed twice a year. One performance in the middle and one at the end of the year. You see, the reason why there are so many people here is they are actually here lining up to buy tickets.” The female gangster leader explained.

Angel nodded his head. It seems very consistent with the annual Twilight Auction. Perhaps this opera performance was scheduled at the same time as the Twilight Auction. Because Angel clearly felt there many people around him which were slightly scattering magic power fluctuations among the crowd.

Angel nodded his head in agreement: “I see.”

“Does the young master want to see Feast Dance Charm?” The stunner stretched out her finger and circled playfully, wanting to touch Angel’s chest.

Angel’s brows wrinkled as he felt Toby spread a ferocious mood from his chest. If he were to allow this woman to touch him, it can be guessed she would end up as a cripple from now on.

Angel dodged the stunner’s hand and said without a trace expression: “There is an inclination to watch it.”

The stunner’s eyes narrowed as she said: “This play isn’t interesting enough to watch alone. I should accompany you and ensure when you watch it. The performance becomes even more wonderful.”

Angel’s face pretended to feign innocence as he said: “Who are you? Why do you want to accompany me and watch it?”

“I just want to watch it with the young master. Growing up to be so handsome, I just want to be closer to you.” The stunner gave a wink as she said: “By the way, my name is Ananda, and I am the daughter of the city guard captain. So, don’t worry about me cheating you.”

Angel didn’t speak, he didn’t believe the other party’s story. He thinks that perhaps this gangster leader not only wanted to cheat him but also wants to kidnap him.

“Did the young master come to Shadow Demon City alone? Why don’t I become your local guide and show you the beautiful scenery around my Shadow Demon City?” Seeing Angel not speaking, Ananda stretched out her slender hand again and tried to hold onto Angel’s left arm.

At the same time, Angel clearly sensed the gangster coming from behind him with his mental force tentacles. A gangster was quietly sneaking up and staring at the purse hanging from his right-side waist.

“It turned out to be a division of labour between diversion and theft.” Angel thought to himself. He wondered why he’s met so many people who have made up their mind to snatch his purse? If people can’t stand working, will they just resort to petty theft in Shadow Demon City?

Just as the gangster was about to approach him from behind, Angel stretched out his invisible Magic Power Hand and grabbed him by his ankle. After only hearing him cry out “ops,” the gangster tripped and fell to the ground.

Angel looked “surprised” and wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of Ananda’s hand at the same time.

But to his surprise, Ananda’s wrist strength was much more powerful than he had originally expected. He couldn’t get rid of her hand at the moment.

Ananda also saw one of her men eating excrement when he fell. She secretly grits her teeth and glared angrily at the man.

Angel was surprised by Ananda’s strength, then his eyes suddenly lit up as he said to Ananda with a smile: “I don’t need any protection from a local guard. I just want to do some shopping. You seem to have quite a lot of strength. Why don’t you come and be my porter?”

Ananda’s face froze. What did she just hear? A big burly man wants to go shopping and asked a dainty woman to be his porter?

“You’re crazy…” Ananda was about to make a sarcastic remark when he saw Angel take out two gold coins from his purse and said: “Of course, I will pay.”

Ananda saw the two glittering coins, and the light in her eyes shined for a moment. She immediately nodded and hastily changed her tone of voice as she said: “No problem, leave it to me! I forgot to mention something to you! I have the nickname besides my name being Ananda, the strongest woman in Shadow Demon City!”

“You don’t actually have to carry anything, just rent a cart and follow me.” Angel nodded, then pointed to a nearby tree and said as he smiled: “Then I’ll wait for you behind that tree first.”

Ananda looked at the tree and her face changed. She had been hiding behind that tree from before.

“No… No, alright. You stand behind there, young master.” Ananda hesitated. She remembered when this man had turned over the box from behind the wall. She had been watching him this whole time. He shouldn’t have seen her. This should only be a coincidence unless he has eyes on the back of his head.

Angel continued saying with a smile: “All right, I’ll stay with you, and you can let your men help me buy tickets for the show.”

After speaking those words, Angel took out two gold coins and threw them to the gangster with a nosebleed who had just fallen. After the coins fell in front of this gangster’s dull eyes, Angel beckoned Ananda to move forward.

“What are you saying…? I don’t understand…”Ananda swallowed her saliva.

“You’re an unqualified gangster leader. I’ve shown you my cards, shouldn’t you be shouting over dozens of men to come over and try to kill me? Then I would teach you a lesson and show you how to be obedient? I’m a little disappointed that you didn’t follow this plot.” Angel said as he looked at the stupefied gangster who was still standing while shaking his head and sighing.

“If you don’t stand in line, I’ll be angry later if you can’t get a ticket.” With that, Angel directly picked up the gangster using Magic Power Hand and threw him in front of the crowd.

Angel deliberately avoided those with magic power fluctuations, leaving the gangsters to fall in a slightly empty spot.

However, the fluctuation from Angel’s use of Magic Power Hand still attracted the attention of many people. Surprisingly, however, these mortals didn’t have any malice towards Angel but smiled at him with a “tacit” look of understanding in their eyes. Meanwhile, a middle-aged female apprentice winked at Angel as she said: “Brother, why don’t we sit together tomorrow night and have a good discussion about the plot?”

Angel hasn’t learned the Sound Transmission Spell yet. So, he can only wave his hand at the apprentice with a slight look of embarrassment. Then Ananda unexpectedly showed the whites of her eyes.

“Are you… Are you a Wizard Lord?” Ananda didn’t see Angel make any moves before one of her men was thrown out. Her mind quickly turned at the same time as she looked at Angel with a shocked expression.

Angel nodded casually, turned around and said: “Let’s go. Have your men buy the tickets while I go shopping. Then I’ll come back and trouble them.”


Angel thought Ananda would be a little more coquettish when she learned of his identity, but he was wrong… Ananda did try being coquettish, but she began saying in his ear: “Lord, can I be a wizard? Lord, what are the conditions for becoming a wizard? Lord, if I help warm your bed, can you be my mentor?”

In the end, Angel had to say: “Shut up, say one more word of nonsense, and I’ll kill you.”

Ananda shut up and looked innocently at Angel.

From buying tickets for < Feast Dance Charm > to re-entering Twilight Deep Well. Ananda didn’t even say another word though her eyes were looking around in astonishment.

Angel finally gained some peace and quiet.

However, Angel noticed that although Ananda did not speak, she was delighted and earnestly remembered every detail after entering Twilight Deep Well. Unfortunately, this memory will be erased when she leaves.

With a helper, Angel began by taking Ananda everywhere.

According to its own needs, Angel starts with finding basic materials. Echo Flower, Magic Blue Orchid, Pale Moon Blossom… Flower Blossom from the back of a Full Moon Scorpion and Scale Powder from a Brilliant Silk Butterfly. Some of these were necessary for Angel, while others were purchased in the moment when he saw their effects.

After entering another store, Angel bought a small cart full of basic materials.

About half a day of shopping, Angel’s material purchase already filled many carts. A large variety of strange materials which included plants, minerals as well as things in bottles and jars. Ananda has been pushing and pulling the car all day. When she saw the cart had been filled, she thought Angel would stop there.

Ananda was stunned the next second. Angel took out a strange capsule. As soon as he gently opened it, countless materials were sucked in.

“All right, let’s continue!” As Angel said full of passion.

Ananda’s mind is full of questions: Is this a space artefact? Why didn’t you use this artefact in the first place?

Angel made planned purchases along the way. From materials for the production of music boxes, weapons, Energy Stabilizer, auxiliary materials for space equipment, etc. Every time Angel sees a relevant material. He bought every single one.

At first, the alchemy store clerk speculated about what Angel was doing with the purchased materials. But now he has bought all kinds of various materials, causing him to stop thinking about it.

By the time lunch was served, Angel had already filled up five disposable space capsules with materials.

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