Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 439

439 Build a shelter in the forest? I can summon a cabin

*Knock, knock* “It’s me, Lilith. Can I enter?”

Lilith entered after hearing Jun Ye Rim say, “Do what you want. It’s not like the door is closed.”

Lilith felt confused when the view of Jun Ye Rim entered her sight. She was brushing her hair and applying a tiny amount of makeup. The voice sounding as if she was unhappy to receive visitors was different from her sight eagerness actions.

“We will be waiting for you. Meet us outside, and with will go together.” Lilith said before forgetting. “Leave the sheltering to us. You only need to bring clothes with you.”

“I don’t want to go late. But if you insist on going together, then I have to meet you outside. However, I can take care of myself. I don’t need the help of you people.” Jun Ye Rim said.

“Okay...” Lilith didn’t know what else to say. Jun Ye Rim was too confusing for her to understand.

Later, the five of them met outside the mansion. Vincent placed Zero inside a pocket and told it to stay hidden. Then they left to hear the announcement from Darwin about their test.

Darwin was already waiting alongside the first-year teachers and homeroom teachers. When Maria checked all of Class A to be present, and Ming Xiao Fan checked all of Class B were present, Darwin called for attention.

“Today will be the beginning of a difficult test for those unprepared. Surviving in the wild isn’t easy when we nobles cozy ourselves with the services of our servants.”


“However, can you survive with a dwindling food supply? And those that overprepared food supplies can you maintain their freshness? Are you, the nobles of the next generation, willing to eat spoiled food to survive another day?”

The students began to realize how harsh it was going to be. The thought of certain types of food becoming rotten by the end of the week filled their heads with fear and doubt.

“Haha. It looks like I hit the mark. But fear not as the suffering will give you two gifts.”

The students perked their ears after hearing the words two gifts. The previous low confidence from the realization of the food problem disappeared.

“Everyone’s student academy card will have a new command. After saying Test Info, the card will display the time of the test remaining and a team score. The points will be given based on wildlife killed, team synergy, and overall performance.”

“However, fear not. Wild boars are the only dangerous wildlife. And maybe a horned rabbit here and there. But I think the teachers in the physical class have done enough to prepare students to face horned rabbits.”

Many of the students frowned at the thought of meeting an unchanged vicious horned rabbit with those with a mage-only team became worried.

A student raised her hand and asked, “Headmaster Darwin Griffionheart. What can we do with the points?”

“Good question. One point will be given every day. An additional point based on the overperformance will be given. Up to five per day can be given. The last type of point is wildlife hunting. Critters are one point, and boars are five points each.”

“We will give each student vouchers based on their team points. The vouchers can be exchanged to buy or preorder potions.”

Vincent liked the idea of gaining free potions. He noticed many of the students grin as if they could get their hands on special potions.

Vincent perked his ears and overheard a student say. “Preordering an unavailable potion costs extra money. I wonder if I can make some silver with these vouchers.”

‘I wonder if I can get regen or healing potions with the points.’ Vincent pondered. Behind him was Lilith. She smiled at the thought of preordering the elusive weight-loss potions bought by nobles like an ordinary drink.

A student raised his hand and asked, “Headmaster Darwin Griffionheart. What about the second gift?”

“It is the best gift anyone could receive. All of you will gain the gift of experience.” Darwin answered with a straight face. He actually wanted to laugh at the students’ frowns.

*Sigh* “The second gift is the best for spoiled brats like you all.” *Sigh* “It makes me wonder if everyone can last for a week without crying once.”

“AHEM. Teacher Maria is trying to encourage everyone to do their best.” Darwin tried to take control of the situation before Maria caused a problem. He was tired of the complaints about Maria’s behavior.

*Sigh* “That...”

*Clap!* Darwin interrupted Maria.

“Each team will be sent to a random location. A village security guard will be watching from afar. They will only act when a life is in danger, but the team points become zero when this happens.”

“And lastly, any plea to stop the test will be ignored like what happens outside the comfortable safety of the city’s walls.”

“Why don’t we begin? ” Darwin took out his headmaster academy card. “Begin Survival Test.”

Team after the other were being engulfed by light and disappearing from sight. Lilith felt nervous. He held Vincent’s hand before it was their team to be teleported to a random place next.

“Darwin. Everyone left to have fun. Hahaha.” Biro laughed loudly as if he was holding his laughter for a long time.

Maria didn’t miss the opportunity to smirk.

“Headmaster Darwin. We checked every animal in the forest, and all of them were ordinary. The twenty village security guards from the elite core will supervise the students without fail.” Ton told Darwin.

“Good news at least.” Darwin looked at Maria and continued, “I hope I can receive fewer complaints for an entire week.”

“Humph.” Maria shrugged her shoulders and left. She had a lot of time on her hands. It was the perfect excuse to spend most of her day training together with Ester and Iris.

*Somewhere in Paradise Island’s vast forest*

Five flashes of light faded, and they were replaced with the five members of team ten.

“Vincent, can you tell us now why you told us not to bring unneeded supplies? How are we going to create a makeshift shelter without tools at least?” Nick asked.

“Umm... I also think I could have brought some ingredients with me. Can I know why you only let me bring extra cooking utensils?” Clair added.

Vincent smirked. “Follow me, and your questions will be answered.” He signaled to be followed and started walking.

Nick and Clair frowned, while Jun Ye Rim had the expression of someone that didn’t expect anything from Vincent. On the other hand, Lilith smiled and followed Vincent. She wanted to see what the Pocket Cabin looked like.

A few minutes later...

Vincent stopped and rubbed his chin. He looked at Jun Ye Rim and asked, “Could you send your soul servant to find a large flat surface?”

“Blemish can’t go very far from me.” Jun Ye Rim answered briefly. She summoned the winged snake spirit Blemish and ordered it to look around as they continued walking.

Jun Ye Rim later found a suitable place. There were a lot of trees, but the surface was flat. Vincent was going to summon the cabin for the first time, so he wanted to make sure his plan of having a portable building worked. If not, then they will have to sleep outside.

Vincent went in front of a tree and touched it. He closed his eyes and began focusing his intent on the tree to feel its entire structure.

“Lilith. Do you know what Vincent is doing? I am starting to worry.” Clair asked.

“I think he is going to remove the tree. ” Lilith answered casually.

“I will go to help Vincent remove the tree then. We can use the branched to create a shelter.” Nick pulled out his sword and approached Vincent.

However, before his foot landed about one meter far from the tree, it suddenly glowed green, dematerialized into particles, and entered Vincent’s body.

“What!” Both Nick and Clair explained. They were surprised to see the tree disintegrate. The village security guard from the elite core watching from afar was also surprised.

“Many more trees to go. ” Vincent said before going for the next tree.

One hour passed. Five minutes per tree totaled twelve trees plus the first one. Thirteen trees disappeared from existence.

Vincent looked at Lilith. He smiled and said, “Welcome home to our Pocket Cabin.”

Particles of green light exited Vincent’s body. They started to gather, and the more seconds passed, the more of a large building appeared behind him. Vincent didn’t need to extend his hand to summon from his Soul Dimensional Storage anymore.

“It... it really is a cabin!” Nick couldn’t believe his eyes. Storing a building was an impossible feat. And a building that wasn’t dismantled, a dream.

“Is this real? ” Clair couldn’t belave either.

On the other hand, Lilith was surprised by the nice appearance of the cabin while Jun Ye Rim crossed her arms and didn’t look overly impressed.

“Wait! Does that mean you cheated in the contest?” After watching Vincent mysteriously remove the trees, Nick came to a realization. He felt it was similar to something he saw recently, but he couldn’t put his fingers on it.

“Food! Is that why you told me not to bring ingredients with me other than seasoning?” Clair understood the reason for Vincent’s strange request now. She felt a little embarrassed to have brought a bag of holding full of ingredients now.

“Nick and I will fill the pits. You girls can take your stuff place on the first floor and partition the single room into a male and female section.” Vincent said.

Lilith, “I will need help with the curtains I brought.”

Clair, “I will help you.”

Jun Ye rim, “I will help since you are desperate for help.”

Nick, “Okay, leader. Let’s cover the holes.”

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