Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 429

429 The day of the eating contest arrives

“Yuck... Plow does not like leaves. Grass tastes bad.” *Pho* Plow poked out her tongue and displayed for dislike of vegetables.

Plow wagged her tails and proudly continued, “But Plow likes to use leaves on the ground for practice.” *Pho* “Leaves stand no chance against Plow’s tails.”

“That’s it!” Vincent stopped what he was doing, lifted Plow, and kissed her on the forehead. “You are one intelligent fox, Plow.”

*Pho?* *~Pho~* Plow became happy for the praise. She felt this was an occasion worthy of making Lupa feel envious.

[What inspiration did Plow bring that I couldn’t?]

Surprisingly, Kazumi appeared to be slightly jealous of Plow. Similar to how she acts when Lilith helps Vincent, Kazumi wants to be the most intelligent one in the room.

Vincent chuckled. He faced the tree again and placed one hand on the tree.

“An object can be considered broken even if it is fixed. The reason? Because it doesn’t remain the same as the original anymore. A leaf is born from the tree, so it is connected to the tree. It is considered original instead of fixed, meaning attached.” Vincent explained.

He looked at Plow and continued, “Our cute little fox made me realize how it could be considered one entity unless the leaf was once separated from the tree.”


After his words, Soul Dimensional Storage activated, and the tree quickly turned green. Vincent focused on his control, and the brightness dimmed considerably.

Vincent smirked and opened his mouth. As the destination of fragments containing the information was being controlled, the quickly de-materializing tree entered his mouth instead of his hand.

*Pho!* “Yuck! Vincent Vincent must spit yucky plant.” Plow said. Watching Vincent swallow a tree in one gulp made Plow worry Vincent was going to get sick.

[Vincent! You did it! All you need to do is stand in the sun to make the particles unnoticeable, and no one will discover you cheating. We can also gain a lot of food as well.]

Vincent looked down at the open ground. A small pit appeared from the sudden disappearance of the tree. The dirt didn’t move nor get disturbed. It meant storing an item would make an object disappear as if it was suddenly taken away from existence.

A smile appeared on Vincent’s face because he didn’t need to uproot the trees anymore. Place the pocket cabin waiting for him at the Sunrise residence was going to be a breeze now.

*Crack* The sound of a stick break caught their attention. They moved their gaze as it was from behind a tree.

Jun Ye Rim appeared from behind the tree, and she looked a bit flustered after being discovered.

“Did you want to tell me something?” Vincent asked with a friendly tone. He didn’t want to see Jun Ye Rim cause of the now ordinary commotion of using her life to make him go away.

[Who knows. Maybe she was stalking you, hehe.]

“I am not stalking you or anything!” Jun Ye Rim exclaimed promptly. She took a step back and continued, “I... I saw the light and came to see. But I found you, so I tried to leave without attracting your attention.”

Jun Ye Rim averted her gaze and muttered loud enough for Vincent to hear, “It’s not like I am interested or anything...”

Vincent and Kazumi stared at Jun Ye Rim when they heard the loner elf speaking somewhat bashfully. Not to mention her cheeks were faintly red.

“Jun Ye Rim. I know you hate me with all your guts, but could you watch the food-eating contest I will be participating in tomorrow?” Vincent asked. He hoped this event could maybe help their team stop being separated.

Vincent extended his hand and summoned the tree in the exact place it was before. As the particles began to form the tree, he took extra care the roots wouldn’t get damaged.

Vincent looked back at Jun Ye Rim. “You live with us on this island, yet you keep your distance. We are a team. We are a temporary family. Even if you dislike humans, I hope you decide to be present when I make an arrogant noble pay for insulting my wife.” He nodded once and walked toward the mansion without looking back.

[I want to pity Jun Ye Rim, yet she drives me insane every time I see her acting like this. Like, speak up, woman!]

[Gosh. I really wish I could slap her face. Hmm, maybe until her cheeks become red would do. Maybe she would finally respond.]

-...- Vincent decided not to reply. He also hoped Kazumi could stop being so bloodthirsty to make Jun Ye Rim talk.

Jun Ye Rim stared at Vincent leaving. She fell to her knees and held both trembling hands together when Vincent was out of her sight.

“Scary. He... no. That thing frightens me.” She muttered.

The Soul Servant Blemish materialized and tried to comfort Jun Ye Rim. After half an hour of Blemish keeping Jun Ye Rim company in the nature, she got up and thanked her spirit summon.

Her face blushed when recalling Vincent telling her to be present tomorrow. Jun Ye Rim had almost forgotten how it felt to be invited to a large occasion.

“But... if there are going to be many humans... doesn’t it mean the womanizer will not be able to tell I was there?” Jun Ye Rim shook her head and sighed. “Teacher Ming Xiao Fan. I don’t think I can do it... We did it so many times, yet I don’t think I can do it so soon. I need to see you again.”

Vincent saw Maria about to leave. Ester, Iris, and Lilith were accompanying her. The four of them looked as if they were searching for him.

“Good luck on tomorrow’s contest but...” *Sigh* “I hope I will not see you walking the coin road without clothes. I will have a hard time looking at you without recalling...”

“Don’t worry about me being naked.” Vincent interrupted. He looked at his wives and used them as an excuse, “Walking naked is a death sentence for me. So don’t worry and come to enjoy the arrogant Blackheart trash embarrass himself.”

*Sigh* “I hope you plan to cheat without being caught then.” Maria said. She looked a bit displeased after no one filled her in on the cheating method Vincent was planning to use.

Later that night, Vincent slept with a smile on his face after his wives gave him comfort and support.

Ester, Iris, and Lilith praised Vincent for his control over Soul Dimensional Storage, while Lupa and Plow were focused on the storing a lot of food part. However, none of them doubted his proclamation of being the winner. All of them trusted his conviction of being victorious.

*Day 110 – 27 September – Saturday*

Vincent woke up quite early in the morning. He got out of the bedroom without waking up anyone and went to the kitchen.

Vincent summoned a sliced carrot and cut it finely into bits. He placed the dozens upon dozens of carrot pieces in a bowl and practiced before the big event.

Jun Ye Rim entered the kitchen as she was used to waking up before everyone else and roam in the mansion while everyone was asleep. She was surprised not only to find Vincent but also to see him eat strangely.

His hands held a translucent glass blow. The hands constantly moved as if he was trying to eat and clean the blow from outside simultaneously.

Vincent’s plan was a success as Jun Ye Rim could barely notice the bits of carrots being constantly summoned and stored. Like a magician who makes the audience focus where he wants them to focus, the hands cover the faint green light while distracting the eyes from perceiving the trick.

[Jun Ye Rim is watching you. Hehe. You must be embarrassed to be seen making love to the bowl.]

Vincent stopped what he was doing and lightly blushed. “It is not what it looks like.” He said for his defense.

“Don’t come near me, womanizer! I don’t want to be assaulted like that bowl... ” Jun Ye Rim took a step back and bumped into the door.

“Ouch. ” Jun Ye Rim rubbed her head and looked at Vincent as if he was the one to hurt her. “You better find a priest and seek help. Womanizer!”

Vincent saw Jun Ye Rim after being told to seek a priest for help and called a womanizer twice. He decided to ask Kazumi as she was oddly silent when he trained with the bowl.

-Was it that lewd?-

[Yeah. I wanted to tell you, but I felt someone approach.]

-So you... you wanted to find out if others thought the same as you?-

[Ahem. You can put it like that. And it was a teeny-weeny funny too, not going to lie.]

Vincent frowned. He grabbed the bowl and angrily said, “You better help me, or I will not let you sit on my lap during my visits.”


[Please don’t threaten me with the only method of not feeling lonely. It feels scary to be alone without Wolfie and Freerie.]

Vincent realized his mistake, and his anger faded. He apologized and asked Kazumi for her help kindly.

The two practiced hundreds of times until the trick reached near perfection with the help of the sunlight.

*Paradise Island*

Hours later, Vincent, Ester holding Lupa by a leash, Iris, and Lilith with Plow between her arms, walked the coin road. Nick, Clair, Vivid, and Pussy followed them.

The attention they attracted was phenomenal, causing Lilith to walk beside Clair and Pussy to hide.

Ester pulled Lupa in her white wolf form while Iris had her eye-attracting skin and horns. Both attracted a lot of attention.

Lilith felt she needed more time to be able to walk by their side without feeling stuffy and short of breath from anxiety.

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