Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 408

408 Sunday arrives and the time to visit home as well

After arriving at team ten house, they found no one inside. Jun Ye Rim, Nick, Clair, Vivid, and Pussy were probably on the coin road.

The mood was perfect to be alone with no one around. It was the ideal moment to seat Lilith on the sofa and tell her who bumped into Vincent as if he was being targeted instead of fate playing a horrible trick.

A descendant of the Blackheart family might have set his eyes on them since they don’t have outside protection, unlike the last time when many families helped give them peace of mind before the wedding.

Lilith held both hands and became scared after hearing what Vincent had to say. However, the reason was different than she would’ve thought off before meeting Vincent.

After hearing how weak Kilo Blackheart was, Lilith feared Vincent might plan with Kazumi a way to kill the second Blackheart. The documents of Demel Blackheart’s corruption protected them last time. This time there was nothing to use for protection.

“Maybe it was an accident. How about we go back?” Lilith said after deciding it would be best to change the subject. She hoped Vincent and Kazumi would not start preparing for murder.

Lilith was angry at the Blackheart family, and revenge would be nice for her mother and father since Vincent has already completed her revenge, setting her free of the prison of despair.

However, vengeance is a path best walked when one has nothing to lose. Gaining a life Lilith feels happy to wake up to every day was something she didn’t want to lose. No to the Blackheart family again.

“I thought it would make you angry. That is why...”


“Let’s go home, darling.” Lilith interrupted Vincent with a smile. She got up from the sofa, took out her academy card, and teleported to their island alone.

[Lilith looked different just now. She acted more mature than I expected after she appeared frightened.]

“Yeah. Lilith looked afraid at first, but then I saw her acting as if I didn’t mention the family who ruined her family. She surprised me, to be honest.” Vincent scratched his head as he didn’t understand why Lilith.

Lilith suffered so much, yet she didn’t even squeak words like ‘slapping him next time’ or ‘use force when he bumps into you next time.’

Vincent shooked his head and said, “If Lilith is fine with this, then I am fine too. Kazumi, let’s go back because tomorrow is going to be a busy day.”

[Yeah. We need to visit Byron Sunrise and tell Maid Xu about the possibility of Elias’s mother becoming a resident in our mansion.]

[Futhermore. AHEM. Sakura is waiting for you, muhaha.]

Vincent didn’t like the last sentence. He stretched his back, pulled out his academy card. After uttering the command, he teleported to team ten island.

Vincent opened his eyes after the bright light faded. He saw Lilith being pestered by Lupa and Plow. The two of them were wagging their tails while saying, “I want to go on a date with my mate too.” and “Plow is a good girl. Plow wants to see many many humans selling food.” *Pho*

It appeared the two of them found out from Nick, Clair, Vivid, or Pussy before they teleported to Paradise Island.

The attention quickly changed upon Vincent’s appearance. Lupa latched herself around his right arm and looked at him with a pair of puppy eyes. On the other hand, Plow rubbed her head on his leg like a cat while purring *Pho* faintly. It was obvious both wanted something from him.

“We will go together next time because we used up all our teleport chances. ” Vincent said while quickly placing the blame on his academy student card and Darwin for the free three teleports only rule.

“I love you, my mate!” Lupa became excited, and she couldn’t wait to go next time. She wasn’t sad anymore that Lilith was the first to go on a date with Vincent on Paradise Island.

“Vincent Vincent. Plow loves you too.” *Pho* Plow was already drooling at the thought of a road with many people selling a variety of food.

“Where are Ester and Iris? Normally you would tell them we arrived.” Lilith asked.

“Humph! Sister Ester and Iris are doing that mana sitting thing with that human woman teacher.” Lupa puffed her cheeks and grumpily said. Even if she tried to show her disinterest, her expression said otherwise.

[What? I didn’t expect Maria to be here today. Lupa even mentioned tutoring Iris as well.]

“Really? Could you take us to them?” Vincent requested.

The more they approached the side of the mansion, the more the temperature became colder for some reason. Soon they discovered the cause for the temperature change.

A Seed Guardian with a red glowing core in this head was being bombarded with shards of ice. Ester and Iris stood behind Maria while she fast cast the Ice Shard spell in quick succession. Unlike the long sentences to use spells, Maria simply said, “Mana gather and freeze, Ice Shard.”

The Seed Guardian started to fall apart the more its vine body froze and became brittle. The more impaired it became from the stiffness of the feezing vines and ice shards stuck in its body, the more mana its core wasted to move forcefully.

When Maria noticed the danger of the test was significantly reduced, she stopped casting spells and approached the uncontrolled Seed Guardian.

“So this is the core of the mythical plant guardian the druid on the eastern jungle continent used when fending off outsiders. ” Maria spoke to herself loudly with a cold gaze. However, she was still brimming with curiosity.

Maria fearlessly kicked the brittle legs of the seven-foot-tall Seed Guardian, and it slammed back first on the ground.

Maria looked down and stared at the core. It was becoming dimmer every second. A smirk appeared on her face when Maria jammed her hand inside the hollow head and plucked the core as if she was pulling a plant from the ground.

After Maria plucked the core and inspected it keenly, a satisfied smile appeared on her face. However, because her cold gaze remained, Maria could be mistaken for a cold-blooded killer with an insatiable urge to kill.

[I don’t know what to say...]

-Me too...-

In one removes the part about Maria’s behavior, it might be more accurate to say Maria was the one training while Ester and Iris were the spectators.

Iris noticed Vincent looking at them. “I-it’s not how it looks like! I-I didn’t lose control.” Iris explained immediately not to worry Vincent.

Maria felt a little awkward to explain how she made a little deal with Iris.

The deal was simple. Iris would summon a Seen Guardian, and Maria would tell her some of the stories she read about druids and the famous druid that changed the eastern content into a jungle and a paradise for animals.

*Cough* “I have to go.” Maria took out her card and looked at Vincent. “Ohh. Before I forget, teacher Darwin allowed me to go out every Sunday. Could I have a lift?”

“S-sure. ” Vincent answered. He was too surprised by the turn of events to reply properly.

“Go Paradise Island.” And like that, Maria swiftly left without mentioning how she was to secretly watch out for any Blackheart plans to harm them because high-ranked nobles could easily find out who has the special pass.

[Okay... so that happened...]

“Yeah...” Vincent looked at the Seed Guardian and felt a little bit sorry to see it impaled. However, a faint smile appeared on his face at the thought of free ice. Their drinks were going to remain cold for a long time now. There was no need for the refrigerator called Ester for now.

After secretly seeing Iris burying withered stick-like vines near Zero, Vincent stored the ice and left the rest for Iris to handle. Iris was literally returning the withered brittle remains of every Seed Guardian she summoned to train to the ground.

Later, Vincent and Lilith talked about what happened on their side while Ester and Iris said what happened on theirs.

After Vincent mentioned Kilo Blackheart, his eyes and mouth opened wide while his ears wanted to stop hearing. He never knew his wives could become so bloodthirsty.

When one would say slap, the other would say punch, and another would say kick. It became a fun yet scary game of who can say the most satisfying act of revenge while joking and laughing at unrealistic ideas.

At least Lilith smiled and mentioned a kick in the nuts once or twice. Like this, the serious situation strangely changed to a light-hearted one.

After the discussion was done, they ate dinner, prepared for tomorrow, and went to sleep earlier.

*Day 90 – 07 September – Sunday*

Sunday arrived, and it felt a little bit weird without the presence of Nick, Clair, Vivid, Pussy, and Jun Ye Rim on team ten island.

The Lionheart family teleported to the academy after checking if they had an extra pair of clothes for emergencies and placing Zero in a pot to take with them.

Fortunately, only one or two people were walking the halls so early in the morning. The envious gaze Vincent felt directed at him brought a smile to his face. He walked with four women beside him, an adorable little blue fox on his shoulder, and a white wolf walking on his right side.

Later, they arrived in front of the inner entrance, but they were greeted with a long sigh. Maria appeared from behind a pillar, looked at them with a frown for taking so long to arrive, and sighed again.

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