Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 404

404 Visiting Paradise Island

Vincent, Iris, and Lilith made a lot of progress while Ester observed and helped with all the steps she followed from Maria’s instructions. Later, they decided to call it a day after was a few hours from midnight.

*Day 89 – 06 September – Saturday*

The next day arrived. The first thing Vincent saw in the morning was his academy identity card blinking white, and at the back of the card was the time of eight o’clock in the morning. It indicated they had to gather at that time as the headmaster had something to announce.

Later, Vincent, Lilith, Nick, and Clair gathered in front of the mansion at their own leisure. They chatted about what might be the subject of the announcement.

Nick mentioned the possibility that the island with the coin road might become available to visit. Clair nervously nodded to confirm she had the same thought.

This thought originated from the fact that their test has a high chance of taking place on the same large island, the coin road, because of two facts. It would be a supervised island, and a powerful villager would supervise each team.

Nick explained how there is a large island where a village managed by the Griffionheart family is situated. The availability to teleport to this island always varies between weeks or months, and it will be open for students and their servants every Saturday and Sunday.

The village on the island is split into three sections. Two of the sections are to split the residential area of the villagers from the area of the students can rest on Sa. It was to lessen the burden of complaint or villagers taken advantage of because they aren’t nobles.

Each team typically has a small house. The ground floor usually has a kitchen and living room with many couches for the servants to sleep on. The first floor has two large bedrooms on the first floor. One for each gender.


The last section is this coin road Nick spoke of. It is a long stone-paved road where students with support classes and villagers set stalls or tents to sell their wares.

Most of the students who participate would sell their projects, but the quality varies greatly depending on the student’s year and knowledge.

Elementary enchantments, potions, and scrolls would be the most common merchandise, but fortunately, these low-quality items will not have an overpriced price tag.

On the other hand, the villager’s shops would provide quality products as some of them were recruited to live in peace by Marquis Darwin Griffinheart. Others prepare food stalls as every Saturday and Sunday is like a feast on the coin road.

Furthermore, at the end of the coin road is a vast stone-paved area where students can spend their time. There is also a small stage for events or announcements.

Both Vincent and Kazumi guessed how Maria’s parents live on that island protected by Marquis Darwin Griffionheart.

After the discussion was over, the four of them left and went to the meeting spot, which was the same place they met Darwin and were giving their class. They saw Jun Ye Rim waiting alone, but she turned her head when their gazes met. It appeared she didn’t want to be bothered.

[We gave her enough space for herself, but she still doesn’t want to be involved with any of us. And here I thought elves born as nobles were majestic.]

-It is her choice.-

[So... you aren’t going to help her? Or maybe, hehe, make her your next wife, hehe.]

*Sigh* Vincent shook his head. He looked in Jun Ye Rim’s direction, but she treated them as if they were nothing but air.

-I don’t want any dangerous accidents.-

Kazumi stopped the subject after believing Vicent was correct in his judgment. She didn’t know what would happen to his conscious if an innocent died by his hands.

Vincent was a person who lived most of his life suffering from deep guilt after blaming his parents’ deaths on his one wish to visit the first largest worldwide event. Even though his willpower became stronger and he killed people he deemed human trash, an innocents life might haunt him like his parent’s death.

Eight o’clock soon ticked. Darwin, accompanied by a couple of teachers beside him, appeared. There was Maria, Biro, Ton, and an old man with pointy ears. However, Vincent couldn’t use Inspection because Darwin would notice.

Darwin walked on the podium and made a brief speech. He repeated mostly what Nick had previously explained. Darwin also explained how everyone must teleport back to their residence at a maximum of two hours before midnight every Sunday.

Breaking the rules will ban their access to the island for one month. If the banned student still goes with the help of another, the two of them will be banned for the whole academic year. Being caught breaking the rule again will cause immediate expulsion, bringing their family great humiliation.

“The rules are essential to us nobles. We are the people who need to follow the law and teach by our actions. If nobles don’t follow the law, then how can our servants and the people we are responsible for trust us?” Darwin looked at the teachers and nodded. He looked back at the students and continued, “Raise your cards and say the command, Go Paradise Island.”

The teachers teleported first while shouting the command. The first-year students said the command one after the other and teleported.

Vincent looked at Lilith, and it was as he thought. She was looking at him nervously. “Let’s say the command together.” He reassuringly said.

Lilith nodded. She took out the card, and both said the command together.

Light engulfed their sight. The next time their eyes opened, a clear sky greeted them. They were in the middle of what looked like a dead volcano. It was a beautiful sight making the name of paradise island sound appropriate.

Vincent walked with Lilith to the edge. They saw dozens upon dozens of houses. There were probably more than three hundred one-story family homes. A long river crossed along the island, separating the village from the forest.

“Look. Is that that the coin road.” Vincent said while pointing. The long road was already about half-filled with stands and tents.

“It looks nice.” Lilith smiled, and her anxiety was soon relieved by the beautiful sight.

[I guess this is the arrival point because there are students who aren’t first years teleporting and descending the peak.]

Kazumi looked around because she didn’t feel overly impressed. She noticed Vopor and his team talking to the elven teacher. She also noticed Elias looking at the view alone while the four female teammates talked to others.

After not seeing Darwin anywhere, Kazumi became curious about who this elf teacher might be. Moreso, after learning how an elf going to a human academy is like abandoning their people or race.

[Vincent. Could you take a quick peek at the elf teacher for me? Ahem, not that I am curious now that Darwin isn’t around us.]

Vincent smirked. He turned his head and used Inspection on him.


[Name] Ming Xiao Fan

[Race] Elf

[Age] 186

[Condition] Healthy

[Traits] Mana Tempered Body Stage Two, Mana Body

[Class] Sigil Mage

[Stats] Strength 73 || Agility 31 || Perception 23 || Mana 2022


[Class Sigil Mage]

*Earth Sigil

*Earth Glyph

*Fire Glyph

*Wind Glyph


Ming Xiao Fan was very old, yet it made Sofy, who was about half his age, show how she needed a very long time to look like an old woman. This surprised the two of them, yet Ming Xiao Fan had a second surprise which almost made Vincent open his eyes and mouth wide.

Ming Xiao Fan had the same class line as Ester. Furthermore, he studied the process of changing the sigils into glyphs for less potency and reduced spell recoil.

Even though Ming Xiao Fan was born with a class that he couldn’t use, the stats of his body, such as strength and agility, showed how he dedicated his almost two-century life to proving others wrong.

[We need him as Ester’s tutor too.]

-But what about Maria? Didn’t you see how much interested she was to document her time with Ester?-

[... yeah. She might freeze your ass if she for revenge.]

-How about we ask for a few pointers next week?-

[Good idea.]

And so, the both of them decided to bring Ester with them next week if nothing happens to postpone the plan for another time.

“Class A!” *Sigh* “Gather up and follow me to the meeting spot. ” Maria said.

“Class B. Please follow me as we go down the stairs and walk along the path everyone likes to call the coin road. As we keep walking till the end, there we will find the headmaster on the stage waiting for us.” The teacher Ming Xiao Fan overly explained. He was the opposite of Maria.

The two classes gathered and followed their homeroom teachers. However, all the attention was on Ming Xiao Fan instead of Maria.

“This island has an old history and it is one of the reasons why the arrival point is so up high.” Ming Xiao Fan said while everyone descended the long way down.

“The records say how this island was formed when the dragon gods saved the world. At that time many volcanos erupted and this was one of them. However, fear not as it has never shown any signs of life since it last erupted.” Ming Xiao Fan raised his hand, spun his finger, and continued, “Many students teleport on Saturday and Sunday, thus more eyes watching the situation with the dead volcano.”

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