Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 393

393 Improvements begin to show

*Cough* “Don’t be bothered but the joke, Plow. ” Vincent lifted Plow, but left his hands extended. “Maybe Plow can change another tail into a leg. Better yet, an arm.”

Plow’s eyes sparked with interest. She forgot about the joke, and her mood became cheerful. “Vincent Vincent thinks so?” *Pho?* She cutely asked.

“Yeah. Now how about we go to wash and make something to eat?” Vincent suggested. Fortunately, he kept Plow away from him not to add dirt to the second set of uniform he remembered to store in his Soul Dimensional Storage. The first set was already stinking with sweat and needed to be washed.

“Let’s go. ” Lupa said excitedly. Suddenly she started giggling and continued, “I want to show my mate something exciting when we wash, hehehe.”

Vincent, Kazumi, Lilith, and mostly Plow became puzzled about what Lupa meant. However, after going to their bedroom and cleaning their bodies, the thing Lupa was excited about was quite different than their thoughts.

Lupa revealed how Lilith’s morning Minor Regen spell and a mix of herbs Iris applied on her tail. The luscious white fur grew more than the last couple of days combined. It appeared Lupa measured her fur growth every day secretly.

Nevertheless, Lupa forgot that Vincent needed dozens upon dozens of bags of her fur to make shape-shifting clothes for her, it seemed. When the time to shave the tail’s fur arrived, someone was going to become grump for a few days again.

After washing their clothes and going behind the mansion, they quickly made a makeshift drying rack with sticks. They made it close to the garden Iris was making after she suggested the drops of water would nourish the soil.

Later, they went to the kitchen and started cooking.


Nick, Vivid, Clair, Pussy, and Jun Ye Rim smelled something delicious. However, it was starting to become strange. The people cooking in the kitchen cooked for more than an hour.

The mansion residents started to worry that the Lionheart family forgot to extinguish the fire. They worried the mansion might catch on fire if they didn’t check.

Vivid and Pussy went to check while Jun Ye Rim let her Soul Servant take a peek from a corner secretly. To their surprise, all the meat and vegetables were used, and anything cooked turned green and disappeared in seconds.

Lilith noticed Vivid and Pussy approach. She felt comfortable being in their presence after getting to know they are good people, so she greeted them.

“I don’t know how to cook, so I left the cooking to them. ” Lilith said. Plow was on the table drooling beside her.

Vivid and Pussy looked at the bustling chefs again.

Lupa was cooking meat with a sharp gaze, and Iris was boiling vegetables or preparing fresh salads. Vincent and Ester were cooking together or checking the food like supervisors. The four of them were a team that Lilith nor Plow could join.

All the food was used a couple of minutes later and stored in the Soul Dimensional Storage for perfect preservation.

Vivid and Pussy left after Vincent extinguished the fire.

Soon a plate with cutlery was placed in front of everyone. Vincent went beside Lilith as she and Plow looked the hungriest out of everyone in the kitchen.

He acted like a waiter and asked, “What does this fine lady want to eat today?”

After Lilith asked for a balanced portion *Snap*, Vincent snapped his fingers and summoned the food Lilith requested. The service made the others waiting become interested in being served in this unique manner.

[This is interesting. I never thought the hero the world summoned was going to become a waiter for his wives, hehe.]

[Well, not that loving your wives is a bad thing, but if only you had a candle or two, it would feel like eating in a romantic restaurant.]

Kazumi said. She was slightly envious that she could not join nor eat as her wisp body only had a pair of eyes.

-Well... the husband to wife ratio is one versus five. Also, don’t forget that the husband’s third secret woman likes to play jokes.-

[Okay then. I will give you enough time to man up before the mighty beautiful Kazumi descends the world.]

Kazumi brightened up, but her words made Vincent nervous about his future. If Kazumi attains a physical body one day... Vincent might have a troublesome woman on his hands.

*Gulp* Vincent decided to leave what happens to future Vincent. He moved clockwise and snapped his fingers one time after the other.

Soon, Ester, Lupa, Iris, and Plow also had to pipe hot fresh food to eat in front of them. Each plate personalized to their tastes becomes more meaningful. A smile was on their faces as they both appreciated the fresh food and the service.

After enjoying a good meal, Vincent went to the garden with Zero in his hands while the others prepared to sleep. He used Overheat and allowed Zero to drink his boiling mutated blood.

(Zero. Happy.)

Zero excitedly moved its two tiny leaves on its top. It moved its root-like legs and planted itself in the ground. Zero looked at Vincent and said.

(Zero. Home.)

Vincent deactivated Overheat and shook his head. He felt slightly anemic again.

“It is great you like this place. Ask Iris if you need help when I am not around. Good night little Zero.” Vincent held his head and left to sleep.

Zero saw Vincent leave. It looked around and noticed a beetle approaching it.

Zero became angry the territory of its little home was being invaded. A tiny root shot for the ground wrapped around the beetle.

The beetle struggled, but it was inevitable to escape after a second and third root emerged and wrapped tightly around its body.

Zero pulled the beetle to it and took a bite. *krek* Zero became angry it couldn’t bite the thick carcass of the beetle. It opened a small hole in the ground and pulled the beetle inside. The beetle became its nourishment.

A Nimbus Nerve plant never hunts for food when it already has a food source. Furthermore, they never hunt for insects as they don’t have enough blood to satisfy their cravings.

For the better or, the worse, it appeared the mutation was slowly changing Zero into an unpredictable plant.

*Day 85 – 02 September – Tuesday*

The next day arrived. Vincent, with Nick limping beside him, left for their lesson.

What both saw in the training ground was no surprise to them. Their classmates were in a worse condition than Nick. A handful of them was using sticks to walk with since they had to walk from the arrival hall to the training grounds.

It was a painful yet hilarious sight. So much so that Kazumi secretly chuckled and kept comments to herself.

Later, Biro, Ton, and Ollie arrived. They thought it was an infirmary field with the students on the ground waiting for their lesson to begin.

“Teacher Biro... I told you yesterday not to do a lot on the first day. Now the students will probably be sore for one or two more days.” Ton said. With the students in this condition, the lesson couldn’t begin.

*Sigh* Biro shook his head and went in front of the students.

Biro announced that today would be a rest day, and tomorrow’s lesson will be sitting while training their intent. He wanted them to rest their bodies after discovering how unactive they were.

The classmates rejoiced, and their lifeless expressions became bright. They took out their academy card and left as quickly as possible.

In front of Biro, Ton, and Ollie remained Vincent and Nick.

“Can I do a light exercise today?” Nick asked.

Brio became happy to see a student other than Vincent remain. “What is your name?” He asked after Nick left a good impression on him.

“Nikolai Sunrise, teacher Brio Hawkins. ” Nick answered.

“Great. Follow me, Nikolai. Let me show you the base fundamentals of intent release and control.” Biro said. He looked at Ton and continued, “I will leave Oliveros and Vincent to you again.”

Soon, they split into two teams.

Vincent continued training like yesterday. His control was making progress, but it was slower than he expected. However, he wasn’t alone. Ollie was training beside him.

At about half of the lesson, Kazumi suggested learning control via a different and unique method. She suggested using Overheat and getting used to Overflow because it skipped the initial step. It was easier to get accustomed to.

“Overheat. ” Vincent said. His body quickly changed, surprising both Ollie and Ton. But before they asked why he used his ability, they felt a change in mana around Vincent.

“Hmm... what you are doing is similar to what I was teaching, yet it feels as if the mana is unstable and it is also disappearing.” Ton scratched his head and continued, “Whatever you are doing, it looks dangerous, and you can’t use Force Shock since the mana can’t be directed anymore.”

[Is this what Ton mentioned in yesterday’s lesson? He can sense changing mana around. Well, not as good as me, but still, this is an interesting find and a milestone for you to reach.]

Vincent nodded and kept focusing. However, even after he decided to keep trying for eight minutes, nothing happened.

Vincent looked at his hand, but none of his fingers had a feeling which indicated eight minutes weren’t enough to provide one charge. He stopped using Overheat since he wanted to keep the remaining minutes for later.

The plan failed. Absorbing the mana in the air was too slow and too meager to provide one charge. However, Vincent didn’t want to give up hope.

Vincent focused his Energy Flow specifically on his arms, similar to Overflow.

A smile soon appeared on his face when he felt more improvement in eight minutes rather than the previous two hours.

Vincent was steadily becoming stronger every day. He wondered how strong he could get by the end of the academic year. The plans to search for Kevin’s son or daughter might become much safer than anticipated.

“Vincent. Whatever you did, it appears your control has become more refined. I think doing it a few more times might be enough to give Force Shock a try.” Ton said. He was surprised by the sudden improvement.

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