Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 379

379 I will carry you to the finish line


[Race] Human

[Age] 34

[Condition] Healthy

[Traits] Blood Tempered Body Stage Two, Mana Tempered Body Stage Three

[Class] Paladin

[Stats] Strength 92 || Agility 38 || Perception 36 || Mana 3581


[Class Paladin]


*Wild Blow

*Strong Body +19

*Nimble Body +6

*Fire Armour

*Fire Boost

*Fire Enchantment

*Minor Regen

*Minor Abnormal Cleanse


‘Ton is stronger than he appears.’ Both Vincent and Kazumi thought.

The three lines kept quiet in front of the intimidating and domineering Biro Hawkins. The spoiled noble students were previously talking as if it was their backyard. But now, they closed their mouths and didn’t utter a word.

“Listen up! The three-line I asked to gather will have three levels of durations.” Biro pointed at the circular stone track. “You all will have to run multiple laps.”


“Us too?”


Many students from the mage’s line grumbled. It appeared they didn’t know they had run along with the physical class. They probably thought they were going to watch instead of participating.

“Don’t worry, hahaha. I am a reasonable man.” Biro waved his hands for the students to calm down. “Each line will have a different set of laps they need to run. Furthermore, this will be a fun little test where the mages and support lines need to beat the physical line.”

A student from the mage’s line raised his hand and asked, “What will happen if we win or we lose?”

“I decided to attend the academy and teach the new generations for a better future. Hence why I decided to gauge out how strong the physical students are this year.” Biro replied.

“Win or lose. The reward is satisfaction and boasting or defeat and humiliation.” Brio smirked and looked at each line. “So, how about it? Does anyone of the mages and support lines want to boast about beating people more athletic and stronger than you? And as for the physically stronger students than the other two lines, do you want to prove to them how much strong you are?”

Biro’s words changed the mood immediately. The frowns and complaints changed into arrogant smirks and bragging.

Most from the mage’s line appeared to like the idea as they wanted to brag about how mages beat warriors at their own game.

The physical line was of the same sentiment. They didn’t want to lose and feel humiliated while showing their superiority.

Only the support line wasn’t interested. Jun Ye Rin remained uncaring while Clair looked nervous. On the other hand, Lilith was already sweating bullets. Her heart raced as if she had already run the track. Running was her achilles heel.

Brio went to the middle of the track. “This stone track is enchanted to have a soft layer of mana to cushion your fall, so don’t worry about falling because it will feel like falling on the snow.” He pointed at each line and continued, “The physical line will run five laps. The mages line will run three laps. The support line will run two laps. ”

[That is going to be difficult for Lilith. She is still recuperating from the muscle pain after walking so much to Okan Village and back. I worry she won’t be able to run this much.]

Vincent turned his head and caught a glimpse of Lilith with an anxious expression on her face. Lilith looked at Vincent and saw him looking at her back. He smiled and slightly nodded to give her a little bit of courage.

Lilith felt a little bit relieved Vincent was looking out for her. She looked at the track and gulped.

‘I must run. I have to try.’ She thought to muster her courage. This was going to be her first time running after over ten years of only walking. A simple task was a challenging feat for her.

Soon, all the fifty students stood on the track. Vincent didn’t need to win nor prove himself, so he went to the back and held Lilith’s hand reassuringly. He hoped his presence could give Lilith the courage to run without minding the other.

Nick followed Vincent as he was more interested in friendship rather than proving himself. Furthermore, Clair was near Lilith at the back. ‘I want to help Clair if she ever fell. But... I feel nervous to be near her.’ He thought with faintly blushed cheeks.

“On your marks. Get set. Go!” Biro announced.

The students started running as quickly as they could. All of them wanted to win and have something to brag about. Many students even hoped they could impress Melissa to let them join her team.

Lilith became fatigued about halfway through the first lap. Her chest and bottom bounced, placing a heavier burden on her legs. Her knees trembled from exhaustion, and her breathing was all over the place.

“Lilith. Focus on your breathing instead of running. You aren’t going to get hurt if you fall. Also, I will lift you up immediately. So, try to breathe and exhale with every step. If it is too much, then do it two twice.” Vincent said.

Vincent was running beside Lilith and supporting her emotionally like a personal trainer supporting their client. However, Lilith didn’t take long to stumble on her foot and fall.

The other students running way ahead of them say Lilith fall. Even if they had the goal of winning, it didn’t keep them from smirking and mocking Lilith in their thoughts.

Vincent stopped quickly and leaned his body to check on her. Resuming running was impossible for Lilith in her current state.

Nick stopped running after he looked back and saw what had happened. He approached and asked if they needed any help.

[You better ask Biro if Lilith can stop the physical test. It is torture for her.]

Vincent looked at his wife sitting on the soft stone track. “Nick, could you stay with Lilith while I go to ask Biro if Lilith can stop?” Vincent asked.

“Leave Lilith to me. ” Nick said with a smile. He was happy his friend found him dependable enough to leave his wife in his care.

Vincent went to Biro. He asked if Lilith could stop, but the reply wasn’t pleasant.

“No. Running involves a pair of legs running from the starting line and keep going until the finish line.” Biro rejected the idea to stop before the laps were completed.

“But... my wife can’t run anymore!” Vincent was becoming angry at this treatment.

[Yeah! Lilith can’t run anymore! If it had a body, I would slap him!]

“However, this is a physical activity. Using a skill that doesn’t use mana is allowed as long as I see the legs running and muscles pumping.” Biro smirked and gave Vincent the answer he sought.

Vincent stopped for a moment and thought to himself, ‘Up until now, warriors only have one skill that doesn’t use mana. Only Berserkers can use their class-specific skill to enhance their body at a great cost.’

He looked at Biro and blurted out, “Then I can use my ability?”

“As I said. I want to see all the students pass the finish line with a pair of legs running.” Biro replied with a smirk on his face.

[Ahh! Now I get it! Any pair of legs work! It means you can carry Lilith and run two laps with her.]

-So it is a pair of legs and not their pair of legs.-

Vincent smiled. “Then my wife will pass the finish line with ~A~ pair of legs.” He said while Biro remained smirking.

Vincent ran over to Lilith. “Don’t worry. Biro gave me a solution.” He looked at Nick and continued, “Thank you. I suggest starting running because I Lilith will end up finishing before you.”

Both Lilith and Nick revealed a puzzled frown. Biro gave Vincent a solution, yet Lilith still had to pass the finish line. It didn’t make sense.

“I will get up and... ” Lilith stood up with Vincent’s help. She looked at him, yet on his face was a reassuring smile. She felt as if the problem was solved, yet she still had to pass the finish line.

“Do we take turns helping Lilith?” Nick thought Vincent wanted to help his wife alone, but he asked to help his only friend in class.

“No need. Teacher Biro explicitly said to pass the finish line with a pair of legs. Thus, Lilith will pass the finish line with my pair of legs. All I need to do is run two extra laps, which I don’t mind doing an extra workout.” Vincent replied. His confident gaze gave them the impression that not only was he not lying, but he was about to start soon.

Lilith blushed at the thought of being carried and worried she might be too heavy to run while carrying her. On the other hand, Nick couldn’t imagine Vincent carrying the overweight Lilith and running with her.

“Overheat.” Vincent quickly changed, and the heat around them increased. Vincent began to sweat, and his arms glistened under the sunlight.

“This is an inconvenience. ” Vincent said with his hoarse voice. He stored his shirt, and his bare upper body was for all to see. Only the bandage was left to cover the hero mark.

“W-w-wah!” Lilith stuttered while Vincent lifted her as if she was weightless.

Lilith looked at Vincent and thought how she wanted the time to stop. However, she moved her gaze and *Gulp* ‘I want to hide in my room...’ She thought after noticing many students stop running to see what was happening.

[All the students are looking our way. I bet they are envious Lilith has a ride while they don’t, hahaha.]

Kazumi laughed the more students stopped to stare while barely blinking.

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