Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 376

376 Joining Class A with my wife

It appeared to be a simple test. However, some familiars forced to make a bond with a student would be difficult to display such levels of obedience. Furthermore, the old man can assess the manner of the familiar’s actions.

Like how emotions can’t be hidden entirely while talking, emotions can’t be hidden entirely when obeying someone. The test’s goal was to find the little details in the familiar’s obedience.

*Woof, woof* *Step, step* *Lick* *Tap*

The old man couldn’t believe what his eyes just saw. He stared at Lupa with his eyes wide, his mouth unable to close, and a handful of wrinkles appeared.

This was the first time he saw a familiar listening to the orders of a person they met for the first time. It wasn’t about obedience anymore. The familiar Vincent had was as intelligent as his wife’s familiar in the old man’s eyes.

‘I know Lord Vincent is old compared to the other students here, but he has self-taught his familiar to obey without prior noble education. The Lionheart family’s future might be bright if he learns in the academy.’ The old man thought while writing Lupa’s name. She passed with flying colors.

The old man returned the golden identification card. Next, he gave Vincent and Lillith two-card-sized light metal tablets. The design looked plain at first, but as the card was tilted under the sun’s rays, the emblem of the Griffinheart family faintly gleamed.

“That is the teleportation key registered to the orders of Lord Vincent Leonheart and Lady Lilith Leonheart. However, the instructions will be taught later by your appointed teacher.” He explained.

The old man suddenly remembered how this morning, the headmaster abruptly told the old man to give an item to someone named Vincent with green eyes. Darwin didn’t mention the surname as he wanted it to be a gift of secrecy until it was delivered.


The old man placed his hand in his pants pocket. He said before giving what was in his hand to Vincent, “Marquis Darwin Griffinheart, the Headmaster of the Lusterfall Noble Academy, asked me to give this bag of holding to a student named Vincent Lionheart.”

[Is this gift for winning against his daughter? I wonder what’s inside.]

Vincent didn’t appease Kazumi’s insatiable curiosity. He swiftly placed the bag in his pocket as there were too many eyes on time. Like always, he attracted too much attention.

The registration was complete. The old man requested one of the four maids to lead Ester with Plow between her arms, Iris with Zero on her head, and Lupa to a place where they would be later sent to their small private island.

Vincent and Lilith went in the opposite direction. It was going to be a short parting, yet being in an unfamiliar place with so many ticking timebombs in the form of teenagers with powerful families backing their arrogance was going to make it feel like a long time.

Similarly, there might be some arrogant servants on the servant’s side.

Vincent and Lilith walked through a passage, and it took them to a small soccer field-sized area.

There were many students already gathered. Vincent and Kazumi counted about sixty students gathered in small groups in different places while only a few were sitting on a bench.

Vincent decided to inspect a few students, and only a handful were older than twenty-five years old, but he had to stop when Lilith held his trembling hand.

[Lilith is anxious. I suggest sitting on a bench before it gets worse.]

Vincent noticed a few students looking their way. Some smirked while looking at them with a mocking gaze. It was the reason Lilith felt uncomfortable in less than a minute.

“It’s fine, Lilith. Think of them as garbage lying around and the smell is making you feel uncomfortable.” Vincent moved his head and saw a nearby bench. “Let’s go to take a seat and calm down.”

“Is that the Lionheart family? So the rumor is true.”

“A pig has joined us. I never saw a woman so fat like her.”

“It’s that the commoner who became a noble? No wonder he married into nobility. ”

Many nobles were gossiping as if it was a show. However, they didn’t keep their voice down. Vincent, Kazumi, and Lilith could hear them.

[Ignore them, avoid bloodshed if possible, remember to act weak since you are here to learn not to massacre.]

Vincent kept his head down and led Lilith to take a seat. He was furious, but kicking their asses would cause disastrous consequences. Vincent tried to calm down because he had to make Lilith feel better.

“Don’t listen to them, Lilith. You’re good enough for me. They don’t know what a fine woman you are.” Vincent said. He sat beside her and noticed a quiet lone person sitting on the bench beside them.

“Good day. I hope we aren’t disturbing you...” Vincent said before pausing.

Beside them was a female elf with white hair and a pair of pitch-black eyes. She had a melancholy expression painted on her face. She didn’t react to Vincent’s greeting as if he had never said a word.

Lilith turned her head when Vincent suddenly stopped talking. She was surprised to see an elf in a human academy. Elves have their academy in their own country. It was strange for a noble elf to attend a human academy.

The elf suddenly stood up and looked at Vincent and Lilith with an annoyed expression on her face. The elf turned her head and left to another distant bench.

[That elf is about as tall as you. But why did she act that way? You only greeted her.]

“I can understand that expression. That is one of resentment and loneliness.” Vincent said.

“Loneliness...” Lilith murmured while watching the elf sitting on a different bench.

About half an hour later, Nick and Vopor arrived together. They saw Vincent and Lilith and approached them.

Nick and Vopor complemented Lilith on how good she looked. They also mentioned how Lilith looked a little thinner than last time.

The complements worked as Lilith finally smiled. However, the two teenagers weren’t lying. Lilith walked a lot in a while, traveling to Okan Village and back. Additionally, she ate small nutritious meals instead of fattening ones.

After about another half an hour later, Darwin appeared. He climbed on a wooden podium and called for the students to gather. Soon, one hundred students, including Vincent, Lilith, Nick, and Vopor, gathered into twenty columns of ten students each.

[What the! Vincent, look on your left. Do you recognize that student?]

Vincent moved his gaze. The first time they saw Beatrix, she was talking to an overweight young man to, as she called it, purify his wicked self. However, the overweight teen didn’t look like a bad person.

-Yeah, Beatrix was talking to him before she came to us.-

[I hope he isn’t another person we need to worry about.]

“Welcome to the Lusterfall Noble Academy. I am the headmaster, and I hope no one will break the rules.” *Clap* “Now, let me start announcing the names of the first and second class of fifty students each.”

Darwin raised a smile when he noticed Vincent and Lilith among the students. He received the news that Ester and Iris were their servants while Lupa, Plow, and the Nimbus Nerve plant Zero were their familiars.

Darwin chuckled at the thought of the mysterious Vincent’s wife posing as a familiar. He hoped they would heed his warning as it would bring a lot of trouble to him and the academy. Darwin was taking a considerable risk trusting Vincent and Lupa.

Soon, two large groups of fifty students each were called Class A and Class B. Vincent, Lilith, and Nick were in Class A while Vopor was in Class B.

Kazumi heard how Clair Reddawn and Melissa Griffionheart were going to be in their class. She told Vincent as he was paying attention to Lilith at all times. The multiple gazes landing on her were scaring her.

Nick moved in front of Vincent and Lilith. He smiled at the two of them and said, “Vincent, meeting you was like fate. I would be alone if it weren’t for you because Vopor is in a different class.”

“I also think of the same thing, Lady Lilith. Women avoid me, so your company makes me feel less tense.” Nick said.

Lilith soon realized how she was not the only one feeling this way. The confident acting Vincent was one of the few who didn’t look too bothered about being surrounded by many people he didn’t know.

However, half of this reason was because of the moral support he was providing to Lilith. If he was anxious, then Lilith might suffer from a panic attack.

The team of five the students needed to form had three members now. Nick was going to stick with them like gum. The students in the same class glared at Nick for being in the same class as the rumored rapist, woman beater, and vicious man.

A beautiful teacher was in charge of leading them to their class. She looked young, was quite a looker, and her gaze was sharp. She looked professional, yet her gaze felt a little bit mysterious.

“Class A can be the first on to go. Class B will follow afterward. In the meantime, Class B can start getting acquainted with each other.” Darwin stated.

The beautiful Class A teacher signaled with her hand to be followed. Vincent, Lilith, and Nick were at the back. They didn’t hear the teacher sigh a few times.

The class went inside the academy and kept walking until leaving the building and entering into a small garden-like area.

A tall bush wall surrounded the area. It felt like a room, yet it was well-decorated like a garden. A pedestal and a large Inspection Gemstone affixed at the back.

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