Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 369

369 Unexpected reception

Vincent looked at Zefine and decided to use Minor Heal on her. His intention was to at least stabilize her condition while Iris and Lilith could help her recover. He approached and touched her hand.


[-20sp used for Soul Power Minor Heal on Zefine. 180sp Remaining.]


The wounded teenager Zefine’s body became encased in a layer of green light. Her superficial wounds, such as scratches, began to heal and disappear. The deep bite marks on her arm and legs from being carried started to close. Lastly, the stump of the missing arm Vincent had to burn to stop the bleed started to recover.

The healing light soon stopped. The bite wound on her arm closed enough not to keep bleeding, yet it wasn’t completely closed. When Ester and Iris lifted her skirt to check the bite wounds on her legs, both injuries were in a similar state as her remaining arm.

The skin of the burnt stump looked better now. Her stump was scarred with burnt skin, but it healed nicely as if it was an old wound. She wasn’t going to have any infections or any complications now.

Vincent inspected Zefine’s condition and said, “I can heal her more times, but she is already exhausted with only one heal. Can I leave her in your hands?”

Vincent had the thoughts of mistakenly killing the teenager with kindness. As the heal spells promote the body’s healing cells, it ends up taking stamina to heal one’s body. Zefine could die from exhaustion before death from something else.


“I will help Iris with the treatment. ” Ester said. Her gaze moved on Lupa, and she noticed her eyes remained closed. “Lupa, did you hurt your eyes?”

“It is nothing.” Lupa replied. She didn’t want to show her weak side.

“Lupa used her ablity and overexerted herself. It is like last time, but not as bad. Her eyes are a little bloodshot and her tears became blood for a moment.” Vincent explained.

“Are you okay?” Ester, Lilith, Iris, and Sakura immediately asked out of concern. Plow wanted to ask as well, but she felt a little embarrassed to reveal her worry out loud.

Lupa used her senses to walk with her eyes closed and sat beside Lilith. She leaned her head on Lilith’s shoulder after sensing the presence of Plow on Lilith’s lap and said, “Sister Iris can give me that good eye medicine. I will feel better like last time.”

“I will take a look at the wolf’s den. You girls can take care of things here and then we can prepare to leave.” Vincent turned around and saw how there was no need for him anymore. Zefine was in a better state now.

There wasn’t the need to urgently heal Zefine with his precious Soul Power. Lilith and Iris can take care of her.

Vincent went in front of the den. He entered the cave and checked every nook and cranny for anything good to take with him. After about half an hour of looking around, he found remnants of the adventurers’ equipment, such as torn clothes and broken weapons.

Kazumi noticed a faint glint at the corner of the entrance. She notified Vincent before he was about to leave with nothing usable or valuable to take with him.

Vincent felt hopeful again. He when over to the location and found a pendant. It was made out of silver, and it didn’t have a design. It was plain, or so it seemed. On the other side of the pendant were two runes engraved on it.


[Name] Silver Pendant

[Condition] Undamaged, Enchanted

[Grade] Uncommon


A plain silver enchanted pendant made by Trom.


*Minor Durability Enhancement

*Minor Stamina Boost (1%)


The pendant was enchanted, which meant it shouldn’t be a cheap object, but it wasn’t that great of an item at the same time. Nevertheless, it was the perfect object for Sakura to study and begin her journey into rune craftsmanship.

[We might be able to make some money with this, I think. Or do you plan to use it for yourself?]

Vincent walked outside. He looked at the place where the fight took place and said, “I was thinking of giving it to Sakura. What do you think?”

[Ahh. You want to raise your woman’s skills instead of making money. Not a bad idea. I think it would be the best choice now that I think about it.]

[Sakura will have a lot of free time on her hands when she remains at home. She can learn about runes better this way.]

Vincent held the pendant tightly and returned to his girls. He gave the pendant to Sakura. As both Kazumi and he expected, Ester, Iris, Lilith, and Plow looked at Vincent with an expectant gaze. Lupa opened her eyes and joined them.

*Cough, cough* “This pendant is the only usable thing I found. It is encanted so I tought Sakura could study and learn from it.” Vincent explained before the multiple gazes give him a guilty conscience.

Sakura revieled a beaming smile. Her face was painted green, yet she remained cute. “Thank you.” Sakura looked at the pendant in her hand, and onlookers would think she was holding a treasured heirloom.

It wasn’t a gift. Instead, it was an object to learn from. After they saw Sakura’s smile and noticed it was a plain unattractive pendant, the expectant gazes stopped.

The mood returned to how it was before. He didn’t need to buy and hand out a pendant to each wife.

Later, Zefine was carefully placed on the cart. Sakura pulled the cart after Vincent felt sore as the time passed. His gaze said it all. He wanted to go home and sleep on the bed for a whole day.

Lupa led the group with her chest puffed while boasting how she delivered the killing strike. The tail wagged under her skirt, and her ears sometimes swayed happily. Furthermore, she glanced at Plow and grinned at the slightly unhappy little fox between Ester’s arms.

While they headed to Okan Village, the trip became more protracted than expected. Lilith needed to stop and rest as her legs felt like noodles. At that time, Iris tended to the wounded Zefine’s needs.

Okan Village entered their sight, but it was already night. The village bell rang, and the villagers gathered with torches in their hands. They grouped quickly as if no one was sleeping and gave the impression of anger.

“You’re all here! The village was attacked this morning, but you came now! Some houses we destroyed, and five people died.” The elder angrily said.

The elder took a few steps forward. He was about to start asking why no one of Vincent’s team died nor looked injured. Shortly, as his torch illuminated the hooded Sakura and the cart in her hands, he noticed a woman wearing ordinary clothing on the cart.

“You found another one while strolling in the forest. It means six of our villagers died. They are all in your...”

“Shut up!” Vincent angrily exclaimed. He glared at all the villagers looking at them with a frown. “Why is it, that now of all times, you became angry and want to fight? We are exhausted and injured, but why are all of you glaring at us as if it is our fault?”

[Yeah, you tell this old cog!]

[I know they suffered five deaths, but how could we know the wolf’s current location?]

[The Great Gray Wolf attacked in the morning. It means we would have fought an unprepared fight. Also, most probably in an unfavorable location.]

Vincent looked behind him and saw his girls with a frown. Even Lilith was glaring while looking at the ground. They all felt angered after risking their lives to slay the Great Gray Wolf.

“We killed that dangerous wolf, saved and gave treatment to this woman, and now you blame us while holding your torches firmly.” Vincent extended his hand and indicated he wanted to be paid. “Hand me the reward before I ask for more money. The wolf was far stronger than what we were told.”

Vincent pointed at the cart with his other hand and continued, “Also, tell me with whom I can leave this woman with. She can survive if treated, so I hope she will not die in YOUR hands. I spent a lot to treat her wounds.”

Vincent decided to leave the woman in Okan Village and let her family take care of her. However, no one rushed or approached when Zefine was noticed on the cart.

Vincent wanted to complete the Promised Quest, yet he didn’t want to treat Zefine as the objective of a bountiful stat reward. Vincent didn’t want to disrespect Zefine after feeling partially guilty for her injuries.

“Show us proof.” A villager from the center of the pack requested.

Vincent took a few steps to the side and summoned the corpse of the Great Gray Wolf. Green light illuminated the area for a moment, and the corpse of a huge wolf appeared.

When a large wolf’s corpse materialized, the villagers couldn’t believe their eyes. Not only the Great Gray Wolf was slain, but the condition of its burnt and singed fur and skin showed how it died in a terrifying fight.

Furthermore, Vincent had a dimensional storage bag large enough to fit a huge corpse. He wasn’t a poor man.

“Ahem...” After all the present villagers saw the root of their despair killed brutally, the elder cleared his throat. “Adventurer, follow me to my house. I will hand you the reward there.”

“As for the injured woman... we can’t care for her. She doesn’t have money, a family, or a house here. The monster destroyed her house and took her away.” The elder said. He looked at the people behind him and asked, “Anyone wants her as a servant or second wife? The adventurer said she can survive.”

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