Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 349

349 Vincent Lionheart

-We would have been caught if he could see my Hero class. Furthermore, Darwin looks too strong for us to handle at the moment.-

[Yeah. He would turn you into a popsicle, hehe]

“I thought you were younger. ” Leonis said. Biro, Helena, Vanessa, and Melissa were of the same sentiment. On the other hand, Darwin was the one who informed them of his age, yet he also felt the same. He even double-checked Vincent’s age.

“Inspection and Mana Body.” Vanessa looked at her daughter and teased, “My sweetheart, why don’t you ask Vincent if he accepts to have a polyamorous marriage with you right now? Maybe the next generation of the Griffinhearts can be as strong as your father, hehe.”

Melissa crossed her arms. “Humph! I am not weak! Close combat fighters are all weak. How can mother compare me and my great fireball with this old man in a young body?” Melissa looked pissed. She glared at Vincent as if he humiliated her.

“Lord Leonis.” A hobgoblin maid approached. She bowed respectfully and continued, “Lady Teresa wishes to inform everyone that the wedding will start in the next twenty minutes.”

“Please come inside. I can’t leave our guests in front of the entrance because of the groom.” Leonis worried the wedding might never start while placing the blame on Vincent with his honest personality.

Soon, Vincent and Leonis led the last guests to the gift room.

Brio gave money as a wedding gift. Additionally, he included the gift of teaching Vincent in the academy in the art of CQC. He promised to teach what he knows about using Energy Flow and Intent.


On the other hand, Darwin gave Leonis two thin flexible cards made out of gold. Leonis looked at the cards with a bewildered expression. On each card were written Vincent and Lilith’s names and other important details.

“The new Lionheart couple needs a new identity card. I asked a few favors to make these two Marquis-level identity cards. Now everyone will know the next Lionheart generation has strong backings even if the Lionheart family lost many ranks.” Darwin explained.

“But father! Gold identity means the king has noticed him.” Melissa exclaimed. She frowned and continued, “Father. You told me I can have one after many years of serving the kingdom and only if I do well. This doesn’t make sense.”

“Well, little Melissa is correct. ” Biro replied. He looked at Vincent and continued, “Vincent, my father, the Archduke, personally asked the king to help the Lionheart family who suffered a lot at the hands of the Blackheart family and give the next generation a way to survive. The king is benevolent. He agreed to give such a gracious gift to the new married couple who hasn’t reached Marquis rank and above nor attended the academy.”

Leonis swiftly wiped his eyes from the tears of joy. The king heard of their pain. Their daughter should have less trouble with nobility now. Leonis glanced at Vincent and hoped he wouldn’t let the card get to his head and place his daughter in danger.

Biro winked at Vincent. “The king noticed your presence because of how you shook the noble world. ” Biro explained how Vincent’s actions caught more attention than he expected. “Furthermore, a famous leader of thousands of people from the Northern Continent we have good relations with left his identity tag with you.”

“Who knows, the king might call you one day, haha.” Biro joked, yet such a joke made Leonis nervous his life wasn’t going to be a long one.

[Heh... lay low you wanted eh?... kill a noble and steal his wife eh?... become a noble eh?... capturing the interest of the king... oh boy, oh boy, you F’ed up real good.]

“...” Vincent couldn’t utter a single word. Not to Kazumi nor to anyone else. All he could do was smile, nod, and prepare for the wedding.

Biro and his wife left for the garden. Vanessa and Melissa Griffionheart followed them.

Darwin informed Vincent that he could use the new identification to leave Lusterfall Noble Academy every Sunday as it has the special exemption mark of the king. Additionally, Darwin offered to pay the academy tuition fee as the second part of the wedding gift.

However, Darwin didn’t know why Leonis asked him also to include the special permission on his daughter’s identification card. Lilith hasn’t awakened, and the longer the person takes to awaken, they start to lose hope.

Darwin thought it would be best not to ask. He smiled, congratulated Vincent once more, turned around, and went to the garden.

“Vincent.” Leonis placed his hand on Vincent’s shoulder. He had a serious expression on his face. “Sometimes, you do things that cause me great anxiety. But please take good care of my daughter. I, as a father, failed. You, as a husband... please succeed. ”

Vincent and Kazumi understood they were words of a father sending his daughter for marriage. It was difficult for Leonis and his family as the first marriage ruined their lives.

The Blackheart family was well known for their sudden rise in fame and nobility ten years ago, yet they were rabid wolves in sheep’s clothing.

On the other hand, Vincent is an unknown man to Leonis. He raided a noble’s mansion, killed the owner, saved his wife from solitude and torture, and decided to marry her on the same day.

Leonis didn’t want to find out that the second man to marry his daughter was another rabid wolf in sheep’s clothing. However, his wife seemed adamant about letting their daughter marry Vincent for reasons she didn’t want to reveal.

All Leonis could do was to trust his wife and accept the positive changes Vincent brought. He hoped his daughter getting saved and his wife’s condition getting better from the herbs they received, and they are growing wouldn’t cost another misfortune.

Leonis didn’t hate Vincent, yet placing his trust in people became difficult.

Soon, the time for the wedding to start arrived.

The guests invited by Leonis and Teresa sat on one side while the guests’ Vincent invited sat on the other side.

Vincent and the twins waited for the bride to arrive at the podium. On the opposite side was Tula, with a beaming smile on her face. The priest opened the book and signaled the piano player to start the music.

A couple of seconds after the wedding song started, four flower girls and a ring bearer appeared. Leah, Clara, Beth, and Olive looked cute as they walked and dropped the flower petals on the floor.

Behind them was Lian with a jewelry-sized box tightly gripped in his hands. He looked pretty nervous even if he was told the rings in the box were fake as a one-in-a-million possibility, he dropped the box, and the wedding turned into a treasure hunt for the rings.

Nick noticed the slave curse on Leah, Clara, and Beth. However, they smiled and looked happy instead of being mistreated. Such a scene warmed his heart that good people in the world want to provide help to those with an unfortunate fate.

Maid Xu, Sofy, and Yula were at the back. They led the five little children, helped the old maids, and assisted the upcoming brides.

Soon, Lilith appeared with her father and mother by her side. She looked gorgeous in a fitted white wedding dress with a blossom pattern and a white veil on her golden hair.

However, not everyone sees Lilith the same as those who live with her because she is overweight. Furthermore, she wore a fitted white dress while her chest bounced on every step.

Those that knew Lilith in her younger years couldn’t believe it was her. She was known for her beauty, but now, ten years later, it was the opposite. Regrettably, they couldn’t see her face as it was covered by a white veil.

Lilith soon stood beside Vincent with her heart fluttering like a herd of butterflies. She was happy, excited, and nervous at the same time. Furthermore, Lilith didn’t want to remove the veil as it might give her a panic attack and ruin the wedding.

Ester, Lupa, Iris, and Sakura were secretly watching from behind a curtain.

They became happy to see Vincent and Lilith standing next to each other, holding each other’s hands. However, the four of them were nervous because it was going to be their turn next, and the guests were never told there were going to be five weddings in a row.

The priest started the marriage process. Later, the priest accepted their vows, and the new Lionheart couple inserted each other’s ring.

Vincent raised the veil, and he chuckled. Lilith’s glasses were steamy, and her blushed cheeks were almost the same color as her light red lipstick. He kissed his wife, and the celebratory music began.

Everyone clapped and congratulated the new Lionheart family being born on this memorable day. However, Vincent and Lilith remained on the podium. Both looked at each other and whispered a few words.

Vincent used Blessed Retainer Bond on Lilith, and they went to the Soul Domain Bridge, where they chatted for a minute or two which is a second or two in the living world.

Vincent felt happy, yet he felt a little bit sad. His surname changed into Lionheart in his status window. He felt as if he had lost a part of his identity and the last remaining memory of his parents.

However, Vincent couldn’t tell Lilith about this, or he might make her feel terrible, so he warned her about the mark’s pain and started the test.


[Test passed.]

[Lilith Lionheart has passed the important factors.]

[Blessed retainer gained.]


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