Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 309

309 A heart to heart talk

Lilith’s fear waned upon hearing how Vincent accepted Sakura to become his woman. Sakura was now a woman Lilith was going to share her man with, and as Vincent told Lilith before, he asked her to treat each other like sisters and have each other’s back.

It was to stay together as a family even when the world is against them because of the mark on their bodies that doesn’t even go when the skin gets removed or melted. Vincent’s mark remained visible after the Royal Guard Ant’s fight. Thus, the retainer mark could as well.

Lilith saw Sakura in a different light, and she felt more of a reassuring person than a scary one now.

However, Iris and Lupa didn’t approach to congratulate and welcome Sakura into their increasing family.

Iris kept her distance, yet a smile with a pair of cute dimples was on her face. Iris didn’t look like she was afraid nor disliked Sakura. But she was still shy to talk to a person she barely said a word to.

On the other hand, Lupa didn’t approach because her eyes were stuck on the food, mostly the meat, with faint warm steam raising making her nose twitch from the delicious scent.

Lupa even secretly took a few pieces of meat when no one was looking. But Kazumi did, and she was giggling.

[I guess everyone is getting used to each other, hehe.]

[Everyone with the retainer mark decided to stay by your side, and Lilith, who will have one in the next six days, will as well. I know it’s wrong to count the chickens before they hatch, but Lilith should pass the Retainer Test with flying colors.]


[I also know what we are doing sounds forceful, but we can’t suffer a repeat of what happened to Kevin. His saved slaves group grew too large, and problems started spiraling downwards from there.]

-I agree with you... being too kind can be detrimental. That is why I want to grow stronger before we search for the whereabouts of my best friend’s son or daughter.-

[I agree because it is the safest route to take. But I hope you will be mentally prepared for the worst.]

[Or... to find how they passed away at the time we were building up strength to start the search.]

Vincent didn’t reply. He completely understood that the possibilities of a horrible situation were not meager. He hoped Kevin’s grown-up child could wait until he could find them.

Vincent turned his gaze to his side and saw Sakura being welcomed by Ester and Lilith. He wasn’t needed in their conversation.

Vincent moved his gaze on Iris next. He saw Iris standing in the same place and looking at Olive and Lian. It was not complex to perceive how she might be envious of Olive and Lian and how quickly they integrated with Leah, Clara, Beth, and Tula.

Lupa was next, but Vincent didn’t need to hear from Kazumi what the sneaky wolf girl was doing as she had sauce on her lips. Additionally, unlike her usual talkative and boasting personality, she remained beside the line of tables.

Furthermore, her tail was wagging under her skirt. Lupa was secretly stealing food, and it was funny looking at her acting innocent with the proof so easily visible on her face.

‘Looks like Iris is the one who needs someone.’ He thought.

Vincent decided to approach Iris instead of leaving to store the food supplies. “Iris, would you mind coming with me? I might need your help if there is a vegetable or a herb I don’t know about.” He requested for her company.

Iris initially thought his words didn’t make much sense, but Vincent was asking her assistance. Iris nodded and said, “Okay,” in a low nervous voice.

Vincent and Iris left.

Iris walked behind Vincent, and she looked more nervous than before. However, Vincent kept walking until they reached their destination. He didn’t stop to chat nor look back once.

Outside, in front of the entrance door, were dozens of opened crates. Most were full, while others had some food taken for the current feast in the new dining hall.

[Are you perhaps going to help Iris get used to this new life as you did with Sakura and Lilith?]

-Yes. I don’t want Iris to be like I once was and suffer being alone or left behind.-

[They never said this, but I bet they appreciate what you are doing for them. So keep it up and our har... I mean, your harem will be connected by a strong bond of friendship.]

“Iris, I think you had an idea that I don’t need your help here, but you still followed me. ” Vincent said.

Vincent turned around and grabbed her hand. He looked at her eyes and continued, “I saw you were having difficulties taking the first step, so I decided we should have a nice chat alone.”

“It’s you here and me. Iris, you may speak your mind.” He continued with a warm shooting voice while holding her hand with a gentle yet reassuring grip.

“Follow me.” Vincent let go of her hand and walked over to the stone bench. It was the same one where he met Lilith for the first time.

Vincent patted on the bench’s surface and asked Iris to sit beside him. Iris was nervous at first as she fiddled with her hair and waited for a couple of seconds until she decided to go sit beside him.

*Gulp* Iris gulped, and Vincent heard her.

“Iris. We have some time here, so please tell me what is on your mind. I could tell you what is on my mind if you would like, but you probably know most of it. ” Vincent said.

Iris shook her head. *Gulp* “I-it is my fault and no one else’s.”

“I thought it would be easy when you and Kazumi inside you, Ester, Lupa, and Plow, were going to be the only ones around me. B-but now it changed. There are so many different people that I don’t know what to say.”

Iris lowered her head and looked at the ground. She fiddled with her fingers while continuing what was on her mind with difficulty.

“... b-but they are so kind to me. It feels like a dream. I... I don’t know how to respond to their kindness. I don’t know if they will hate me if I say something wrong... I.”

Vincent interrupted Iris by gently caressing her lowered head and later gently leaned her head on his shoulder to reassure her.

“A small rock for many yet a massive wall for you. But don’t be discouraged, Iris. No matter what happens, I will be there for you. It is okay to fail or make a mistake and make someone laugh. That is how people become friends in the first place.” Vincent said. He hoped his words could help Iris.

[Ho~Ho~ Yet another profound sentence made by casanova Vincent, hehe.]

“B-but... I don’t know how to talk to people... they might hate me...” Iris answered.

“Am I not a person then? ” Vincent teased.

Iris flustered and got up. She frantically waved her arms and hands, signifying she didn’t mean what she said about him.

“I-I mean...” Iris cutely stuttered.

“Hahahaha.” Vincent laughed. He stopped a little later and said, “I am teasing you. I know I am not a person, but know I am your person, right?”

Iris blushed. She raised her hands to cover her blushing cheeks. Shortly, she saw Vincent laughing again.

“You see? This is a way we can get closer. Now I want to talk to you more, hehe. ” Vincent tried to turn the teasing into a lesson.

Vincent patted on the surface of the stone bench once more and added, “Sit. I will not tease you again.”

Iris nodded. She slowly sat beside Vincent, yet her hands kept covering her cheeks.

“I know of a way to help you get used to the people living here. Talking to people you see every day is different from people you see only once. So I suggest focusing on those living here until you can talk to them as you talk to me.”

Vincent raised his hand and pointed at the crates.

“How about starting slow at first? You can turn a few vegetables into seeds for planting and later ask Olive and Lian to help. You can also ask Leah, Clara, and Beth to join if you are feeling daring, but they are good kids, so it shouldn’t be too difficult.”

“Additionally, Tula might probably try to join. You can practice with Tula since she has the memories and mindset of a kid, yet her body is that of an adult.” Vincent suggested.

Iris got up and walked to the crates at a quick pace. “Thank you.” She said while looking at the vegetables.

[It seems Iris understands your intention to help. I guess rushing to the crates means she wants to give it a try.]

-I decided.-

[Decided what exactly? I am curious.]

Vincent got up and approached Iris.

“You know that the day after tomorrow is our date day, right? I was thinking of visiting vegetables and maybe herbs merchants together and giving you the resources needed to make a small farming plot. We can look for flowers as well since I burnt a lot of them, hehe.” Vincent said while picking up an onion.

Vincent flipped the onion in the air and continued, “In other words, you will have a lot of seeds. You will need the help for the kids if you don’t want to exhaust yourself.”

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