Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 296

296 A problem sparks on the stairs

“Well, I can tell you the details later. Might I try what you want to offer... I mean, a taste test to see if it’s food worthy for nobles.” Maid Xu succumbed to the smell and the children eating the apples as if treasure was inside the cups.

[This elf is trying to look uninterested. But, she might not want to look like she is surrendering to you. Why don’t you bribe her with some good food?]

Vincent smirked at Kazumi’s comment. He filled a cup and placed a teaspoon inside.

Vincent handed the cup with fragrant steam rising and said, “This is the smiling apple morning desert. Enjoy.”

Vincent walked back to the pot and saw that it had some boiled apples left. He placed seven cups on the table, inserted a teaspoon in each cup, and filled them.

Vincent raised his gaze and noticed Maid Xu had a slight smile on her almost always serious face. “Can Leah, Clara, and Beth help me share these three cups with the people coming downstairs?” He asked.

The three little girls nodded and placed their empty cups on the table. They picked the tempting cup of boiled apples. The three little girls found it difficult to deliver the dessert without taking at least a sip.

Olive and Lian felt a little bit left out. However, it didn’t last long as Vincent said next, “Olive, Lian, and Tula. Could you three take these to the four guarding the gate? Tula, can I trust you to be the leader and go to your brothers?”

“Yeah. Big brother Vincent, you can leave it to me, hehe.” Tula felt happy to be in charge. She wanted to surprise her brothers with the responsibility she was in charge of.


Tula smiled at Olive and Lian. Tula handed them one cup each while she took the remaining two. Tula smiled at her mother and then led the delivery of fresh morning dessert to her brothers, Eliara and Fliara.

Vincent closed the lid and saw that everyone, even Maid Xu, was finished eating. “Maid Xu, could you lead us?” He said

Maid Xu turned her head, and when she was out of everyone’s view, she rapidly licked her lips. Later, Maid Xu nodded and escorted the large group to wait for the Lionheart family.

The large group of thirteen people and little fox shortly arrived in the middle of the mansion. The entrance hall was massive, with the main stairs and the entrance door connected to it. Lilith’s bedroom was on the right wing, while Demel’s bedroom was on the left wing.

The tour leader-like Maid Xu stopped in front of the main stairs as the small stairs situated at both ends of the mansion were wide enough for only one person. Furthermore, it wasn’t well kept, and a few stairs needed some repair.

“They are here.” Both Lupa and Plow raised their ears and said at the same time.

Teresa was descending the stairs first. However, her feet weren’t touching the ground. She floated majestically in mid-air with her clothes gently fluttering, and her hair waved as if there was a gentle current underneath her.

Behind Teresa was Leonis with a wand in his hand. His blue eyes were shining, and his gaze could reveal how he was allowing his wife to float in mid-air. Leonis possessed a large mana pool compared to other people in the first stage of the mage class.

Behind Leonis was Lilith. She saw Vincent and smiled at him, but as her eyes saw many people looking at her parents and her, she descended the stairs behind her father.

“I want to fly too. ” Leah said with a pair of sparkling eyes.

“An angel! ” Clara exclaimed while her gaze mainly was locked at the golden hair gently dancing along with the wind.

“Big sister Iris also looks like a green angel too. ” Olive said her opinion and showed how much she treasures Iris.

“Green and gold angels are awesome! I want to be one when I grow up.” Lian once again set his expectations high with his positivity and passion.

“We are surrounded by angels then, hehe. ” Beth answered the two sides.

However, unlike the five children holding a cup in their hands, Tula traveled with Vincent, Ester, and Lupa for almost half their journey to reach this city. Tula saw too many unbelievable things to sway her from what she loved the most.

“Angels are nice, but I like petting Lupa and Plow. Angels aren’t soft. They are only shiny.” Tula interrupted the flow of the amazing scene in front of them with what she liked to do.

Lupa smirked when she considered it praise, while Plow feared she might start losing her fur one day and become a bald little fox if Tula kept petting her every day.

“Tula, could you go with your new friends Olive and Lian to deliver the warm cups while we talk here. ” Yula told her daughter.

“Okay, mommy.” Tula smiled and looked down at Olive and Lian. “Let’s go. Follow big sister, Tula, hehe.” She appeared to be having fun. Tula turned around and walked for the entrance door to leave.

[How about we send someone like Plow to keep an eye on them?]

Vincent liked the idea. He lowered on his knee and gently tussled Plow’s fur. “Plow, could you make sure they stay safe? You can bark loudly if anything happens, and I will come to the rescue.” He asked.

*Pho* “But Vincent Vincent. Plow lose fur... ” Plow didn’t look too happy of being left with Tula alone. Every strand of hair on Plow’s body was precious to her.

‘Plow might not stay soft for long... Plow is afraid of Tula rubbing all fur off... The sneaky wolf Lupa will be softer than Plow.’ Plow deeply pondered with a frown.

“Can I depend on my brave and strong Plow? You are the only one I can ask. ” Vincent requested.

“Tula has new friends now. that means she will have less time holding or petting you. ” He tried to persuade Plow as she licked her furry paw and considered the request.

Plow sneakily glanced at Lupa and slightly curved her lips at the idea of being more valuable than Lupa. Being referred to as brave and strong boosted Plow’s ego.

“Plow will listen to request. Plow will play watch guard.” *Pho* Plow decided.

Plow turned her gaze at the three approaching the main entrance door. *Pho, pho* “Wait for Plow! Plow is watch guard.” She said while running after them.

Leonis inserted his hand in his back pocket and took out a large piece of yellow-colored fabric. It seemed he had a bag of holding inside his back pocket.

Leonis controlled the wind and roughly placed the yellow-colored fabric on the third bottom stair. Leonis then flicked his wand, gently lowered Teresa, and she soon sat on the stair covered by the fabric.

Leah approached Teresa and looked at her with a beaming smile on her face.

“Missis angel can have this. It is very very good.” Leah extended her hands, and she seemed happy to speak with Teresa after the majestic descent.

Beth turned her gaze on Leonis and moved next. She extended her hands and said, “Mister with shiny blue eyes can have this. It is good.”

Lilith was still behind her father when Clara mustered her courage to go next. However, Lilith wasn’t going to make it easy for the shy little girl.

Vincent noticed Lilith was looking uneasy. Then he noticed Clara was looking nervous about passing Leonis and Teresa to get to Lilith.

Vincent approached Clara and whispered, “Could you tell the pretty big lady in her ear to look at me if she feels nervous. I believe in you. Clara, you can do it. Everyone here is a kind and gentle person.”

*Gulp* Clara nodded and nervously started moving forward. She passed Beth and Leah, started climbing the stairs, passed Teresa and later Leonis.

Clara soon arrived beside Lilith and climbed two extra steps to reach Lilith’s ear easier. Clara raised on her toes and asked, “Mister wanted to tell big lady this in your ear.”

*Gulp* Lilith slightly lowered until Clara’s mouth could reach her ear.

Clara passed the message and delivered the cup with sweet boiled apple to Lilith. The little girl smiled when Lilith raised her gaze and looked at Vincent. Lilith faintly gasped at how caring he was.

Clara descended the stairs, but she was stopped at the last one.

“Kind little girl, did Vincent order you to do something for him?” Asked Teresa with a frown. She believed Vincent used the slave curse order forced command to control the little girl.

Clara looked afraid at the frowning Teresa and ran to hide behind Beth. Clara didn’t respond, and it caused Teresa to glare at Vincent.

“These little girls can’t disobey your orders, so what did you ask? Did you take advantage of this little girl? These poor innocent girls suffered a lot, but because I want to trust you, I agreed to keep the girls here instead of taking them to live with me.” Teresa spoke from the goodness of her heart.

The mama lioness Teresa wanted the best for the little girls, and she didn’t want them to experience what her daughter experienced. Teresa wanted to treat them as her grandkids. She kept it a secret for ten years after she overheard people talk about the daughter of the Lionheart family being barren and unable to produce an heir.

[Vincent, you don’t need to worry. Based on the multiple expressions of Teresa I have seen and saved, I can safely say that Teresa is worrying about the girls and doubting if you are good enough to be trustworthy with their care.]

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