Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 292

292 Booking new residents for the mansion

Vincent walked toward the gazebo, where four women sat. However, an unexpected thing happened. Yula got up, raised her skirt, and eloquently bowed.

“I greet the soon-to-be noble lord Vincent Lionheart.” She respectfully said.

[Now, this is surprising. I didn’t expect Yula to act like this.]

-You’re not alone to think like this.-

*The day before – Tula family house*

Yesterday, Yula was surprised when Ester suddenly visited alone in the night and asked for Plow because something had happened.

Yula soon found herself in a predicament. Lenn and Renn wanted to help Ester, so both rushed to get the equipment. On the other hand, Tula wished to go where Plow was going to go as well.

It became difficult to stop all the siblings. Fortunately, Ester managed to convince Tula that they would meet soon, and she didn’t need to worry.

Later that night, Lenn and Renn returned covered in dust and tiny drops of blood on their clothes. Both tried to explain how it wasn’t their blood, but the worrying mother wanted to see proof.


Yula immediately ordered her sons to undress and only keep their underwear, or she might use the wooden rolling pin in her hand. It looked like disobeying Yula was going to be painful.

Lenn and Renn obeyed their mother and revealed how they only had a few faint scratches on their bodies. Tiny enough that not even a bead of blood could form.

Later, Lenn and Renn explained what happened to their mother and mentioned how Vincent announced to a Royal Soldier and everyone in the mansion who could hear him that he was going to marry a noble.

Lenn and Renn also added how the Royal Soldier talked about the Lusterfall Noble Academy and how Vincent might be eligible to attend if he wants to get registered as a certified noble and advance ranks in the future.

Yula cared for her sons and kept an eye on them until they slept. Later she went to check on the sleeping Tula and thought it was going to be difficult to sleep that night.

Yula moved downstairs, opened a bottle of wine, and went to the yard. She looked up in the night sky and looked at the stars.

“Your final student is overtaking you. I bet you feel proud looking at him from above. But I hope his future will not be a thorny one with his secret...”

“What do you say, husband of mine? Shall I continue looking out for your final successful student? Our family has enough money for another generation or two without worrying about money. ”

Yula raised a glass of wine and took a sip. She looked at the brightest star and continued, “I bet Vincent will need help. Now it’s my turn to return the favor for saving our daughter.”

*Present – Lionheart Mansion*

“My lord. This humble maid asks to get employed by lord Vincent and work for free after all my lord did for us.” Yula offered voluntary work.

[Huh? This is unexpected.]

“I would not say no to the veteran maid in front of me, but I want to pay you even if the budget is low. You will be working after all.” Vincent insisted, but his rejection was rejected.

“No, my lord. The Lionheart family sponsored my husband and brother-in-law; we couldn’t afford our house if it weren’t for them. My lord saved my daughter, and we have enough money to last for a long time. ” Yula refused with a determined gaze.

Yula bowed respectfully and said, “I will gladly help you and your family.”

*Sigh* “Don’t you dare let me see you act like this again.” Vincent showed signs of anger in his voice. He seemed pissed for some reason.

“Big brother, don’t be a meanie to my mommy.” Tula went beside her mother and checked how she was feeling.

“Sorry, little Tula, I didn’t mean what you think. I wanted to express my disappointment that after all we passed through and the secrets we share, you acting like time makes us seem more distant than before I revealed my identity.” Vincent explained.

He looked at Yula and continued, “I don’t want to see you bowing or calling me lord even after I become a noble. Keep calling me Vincent like you always did. I can feel less stressed if I am not placed on a high pedestal.”

Vincent approached Yula and helped her stand straight. “Your family is like my second family to me. I will treat you as a part of my family instead of servants. So don’t bow to me unless I’m a king.” He ordered.

Vincent didn’t want things to turn this way, not after the family treated him well when he, Ester, and Lupa needed a place to stay. The family even convinced Ben to give Vincent a chance.

Tula’s family treated him well, so Vincent wished to do the same in return.

Tula helped her surprised mother sit down on a chair. Yula had a puzzled frown on her face, and it was apparent she was feeling confused.

Tula sat beside her mother. She looked at Vincent and said with a smile, “I want to live here too. I want to see big brother become a king, hehe. I want to play bow to the king with mommy too.”

-Kazumi, what do you think of Tula and her family living here with us? They can take care of this mansion whenever we leave and call it their new second home.-

[Buy one get one free, is it? Or should I say get a family pack of four? Lenn and Renn would definitely want to stay here if Fliara and Eliara decide to stay here for a longer time.]

[Not a bad idea. You might end up filling this mansion with people we can trust one day. We will be able to have a safe place for us to live in.]

[Furthermore, the blackmail contract we should sign soon will allow the Lionheart family to speak against us by saying how we used their daughter as leverage so that the Lionheart family and Lilith might be able to be let go for knowing us.]

-Tula’s family should do the same if faced with a predicament such as you mentioned.-

-The more it seems like we coerced many people, the less guilty both families should appear, and the more vicious I will look.-

[... That’s life. We can’t have both ways if the secret is revealed and you become a target as the others have.]

Ester moved her gaze and noticed Iris and Sakura were slightly intimidated when the discussion led to more humans staying in this mansion.

Olive and Lian, however, didn’t seem to mind if more humans were going to live in the mansion. They simply wanted to stay the same place where Iris and Vincent stayed. They also liked playing hide and seek with Tula as well.

Ester moved her gaze again and noticed how Vincent paused for a few seconds. Vincent looked like he was in a world of his own. It was the sign of discussing an important subject with Kazumi.

“Iris. Sakura. This family was good to us, and they know of our dangerous secret. They are people we can trust.” Ester told Iris and Sakura in a low voice.

Both quickly believed Ester’s words when Yula heard about their problems with a kind and caring expression on her face. Iris looked less tense, while Sakura felt more embarrassed with her strong introduction.

“Vincent, is Tula and her family going to live here with us then? I don’t think we can manage this mansion ourselves since you need to look for your friend’s child.” Ester asked while reminding Vincent of Kevin’s offspring.

Vincent moved his gaze and replied, “I was thinking about that, actually. This lifeless mansion needs people we can trust to fill this empty mansion with life.”

“Lenn and Renn can spar to their heart’s content in this enormous place with Lupa and reduce her abundant energy. Furthermore, I don’t know for how long Eliara and Fliara will stay here. Lenn and Renn could learn a thing or two from the sisters and have two trusted guards protecting the mansion. ”

Vincent looked at Tula next. “Little Tula will be able to see and play with Plow every day since we will live together. You can have five new friends to play with as well.” He said with a smile.

“I will cook and help maintain this mansion. If you still intend to pay us, then we will accept lodging and food at your expense. ” Yula stated.

“But are you sure? I feel like I am scamming you...” Vincent felt terrible as the deal was too much in his favor.

Vincent got to have four trusted people to stay by his side. He wasn’t going to pay for food for two years because of the agreement, and a simple bedding arrangement would end up costing less than paying a wage.

Yula smiled and gently caressed her daughter’s hair. “My daughter can live happy here, and I can work and stay with my family. Additionally, my two sons will have two great teachers. They can learn how to become good adults like the kind, caring yet protective and righteous Vincent. ” She said. It seemed her mind was set.

[How do you feel to hear someone looking up to you this much? Enough to let her sons want to grow up like you? You were so weak-minded in the past that it’s almost cringe, hehe.]

-Ahem! Let the past alone for now. No one needs to know about the past me.-

[Yes, cringe boss, hehe.]

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