Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 223

223 The harem vs great grizzly bear

As the alpha grizzly bear approached closer and closer to Vincent’s location, the maddening anger made the monstrous bear act blinded by rage and fueled with unquenchable hatred. It wanted Vincent dead with all its entire being.

“Round two. ” Vincent said. He glared while waiting for the monstrous bear to arrive, trembling the ground shook with every step taken.

‘Come, come. The wall will constrain your movement. It should allow me to buy some time.’ Vincent wishfully thought.

*A couple of minutes ago on in an area with trees – Ester and Lupa vs Great Grizzly Bear*

Lupa led the great grizzly bear towards an area with a couple of trees. Each tree wasn’t too close yet not too far apart from each other. There was enough space for the large bear to pass between the trees yet not enough to turn its body quickly.

Lupa grinned with an aura of bloodlust and murderous intent spiraling forth. The excited wolf girl was almost salivating at the thought of eating meat. Such a large bear would provide meat for a week or two.

“I can’t wait to eat you!” Lupa took the initiative and lunged at the bear. No matter how potent the killing intent the great grizzly bear emitted, Lupa moved as if the pressure of fear and intimidation were nothing to her.

However, the same could be said for the great grizzly bear. Lupa’s bloodlust wasn’t enough to overpower the great grizzly bear’s bloodlust. Both seemed to be on the same level when it came to their killing intent.

The great grizzly bear lifted its body and swung its paw to intercept Lupa, but the agile wolf girl swung her arm with enough force to start spinning and change her position.


Lupa later landed with a small scratch on her arm. Her impatience almost put her in a dangerous predicament.

Lupa quickly ran up a tree and angrily shouted while pointing at the great grizzly bear, “You hurt me. Now my mate will think I am weak. I will show you the results of my speed training.”

The great grizzly bear didn’t understand Lupa’s words. It turned around and glared at Lupa with a pair of bloodshot eyes. The large bear was too enraged to wait for Lupa to jump down, so it rushed and crashed into the tree.


The tree was no match against the might of the great grizzly bear. It broke the moment the large bear slammed against the tree’s trunk. The tree fell halfway and stopped, supported by other undamaged trees.

Lupa fell on all fours and hid behind the broken tree. The great grizzly bear became infuriated with the game of hide and seek.

The great grizzly bear lifted its body and raised its paws up high. With a bloodshot glare, it started descending its body to empower the crushing blow with the heaviness of the upper body.

Shortly, the paws fell down with tremendous force, breaking the tree’s trunk as if it was a brittle piece of old wood. Although the possibility of survival was almost none, no blood was in sight. No trace of an injured person was beneath the broken tree.

Lupa had escaped from under the tree after she realized the great grizzly bear wasn’t looking at her but looking at the soon-to-be pulverized tree.

“Ambush!” Exclaimed Lupa the moment she quickly jumped on the trees and landed on the great grizzly bear. With a grin on her face, Lupa started swinging her arms violently and viciously.

Lupa became used to swing her sharp claws against hard objects. The training against the mubcrab shell enabled her to find a method of attack. Lupa could now attack while keeping her claws from breaking after a few swings.

Slash after the other and hitting almost the exact location every time, the great grizzly bear felt pain as it tried its hardest to turn its large body constrained by the trees quickly.

The weakness of not living enough with a large body caught Lupa’s eye. She smirked and jumped on a tree. “Hehe, I see blood. I see a win.” She grinned excitedly, forgetting how dangerous it is to get hit once by the great grizzly bear.

One, two, three, four trees later, Ester arrived breathing heavily from running with the heavy mudcrab shield and Elsir in her other hand. She didn’t think Lupa would run a dozen meters away from Vincent’s location.

“You impatient” *Hah* “wolf. We need to” *Hah* “run back to help Vincent.” Ester mumbled while trying to catch her breath. She was hiding on the ground behind a broken tree.

Ester believed Lupa would only jump on standing trees. Thus she should be safe for enough time to catch a breath.

Two trees fell later. Lupa was jumping from one tree to another while attacking from time to time. However, even after all this time, the great grizzly bear didn’t have a deep wound.


Lupa and the great grizzly bear turned their head and saw Ester flustered after getting discovered. Attached to her waist was Elsir and in her hand was a small sphere of wind spinning at a dangerous speed.

Ester was so focused on the dangerous sigil that she couldn’t notice a small stick beneath her feet. Fortunately, she managed to keep the spell stable.

The great grizzly bear ignored Lupa for the annoying game of hide and seek. It turned around its body at the sight of the new appearing prey. Then it faced Ester with a deadly glare.

Ester felt shocked she was the target because of a simple mistake. The accumulating wind in her hand couldn’t be stopped, though. Ester didn’t know how to stop the wind sphere other than jamming it into something and watch it explode.

Ester gulped and tried her best to stand firm against the intense pressure of murderous intent. Unlike Vincent and Lupa, Ester was susceptible to the murderous intent.

Ester felt intimidated and afraid, but she knew the plan depended solely on her. If she failed, the plan failed. The stakes were high. Such determination not to drag anyone down allowed Ester to stay strong temporarily in front of the large bear.


The great grizzly bear charged at Ester like a mad bull. Ester knew it was a do-or-die moment. After experiencing so many life and death struggles, Ester glared at the approaching great grizzly bear and didn’t blink once.

Ester raised her shield and prepared her sphere of deadly wind.

The great grizzly bear arrived at the range of attack. It lifted its body and swung its paw at Ester’s shield.

*Bam!* The shield got hit, and Ester was flung a few meters away. However, it was not before Ester blocked with her life on the line and moved her hand as she threw the sphere of wind at the great grizzly bear.

Even though Ester stopped channeling mana into the wind sphere and it started to decrease in size while became unstable, the amount was enough to land a deadly blow.

In the blink of an eye, Lupa heard the great grizzly bear whimpering in pain and Ester crashing into a tree from the mighty blow.

Lupa became furious and her eyes brightly shone gold. Primal Insight activated on its own. Lupa rushed with speed, unlike before, leaving a trail of gold following her blurry body.

Lupa jumped on the great grizzly bear’s back and started swinging her claws viciously. She was blinded by rage.

Lupa didn’t notice how the great grizzly bear lost one arm and was profusely bleeding. It had already bled a bucket of blood. From the tip of the paw up to the shoulder, none remained from Ester’s explosive wind bomb.

Lupa attacked with a vicious combo of pinpoint accuracy slashes, all landing in the same exact place. She possessed godly accuracy, and her speed seemed to defy the laws of gravity.

Her arms swung unhindered by the constraints of wind resistance as if no interference could stop her at this moment of rage. Lupa was a terrifying predator at this moment, and none could stand in the path of her hunt.

Lacerations started piling up, and the blood gushed out at tremendous speed. The great grizzly bear stopped moving, suffering from dizziness, nausea, and unbearable pain.

However, because of the fear of death from the wild wolf slashing its back, the large bear raised on its shaking hind legs. The great grizzly bear wanted to kill Lupa before its demise.

Lupa jumped back, and she suddenly felt her ears ringing and her sight a bit hazy. The moment Lupa’s feet touched the ground, her eyes returned to normal, the golden glow faded, and her heightened senses disappeared. Primal Insight ended.

*Roar... *

The great grizzly bear let out a roar filled with hatred, and a wave of potent murderous intent overwhelmed the currently weakened Lupa.

Lupa fell on her knee and glared at the great grizzly bear while it was turning around to face her.

Lupa grit her teeth. She began fighting against overwhelming the pressure of dread. After becoming weakened by Primal Insight for unconsciously overusing it, the resistance to the bloodlust was significantly reduced.

Inch by inch, Lupa lifted her body until... *pierce* the tip of the hiltless sword Elsir poked out of the great grizzly bear’s chest.

Lupa felt the heavy pressure of dread becoming less potent and her senses returning faster. “Ester! You’re fine!” She exclaimed.

Lupa soon heard Ester warn, “Hide behind a tree!” Lupa didn’t doubt Ester’s words and rushed to hide behind a tree.

The great grizzly bear was nearing its death. It felt a sharp blade constantly cutting in its chest, but even in the state of agony and hatred while trying to ignore everything from the wish to kill before its rapidly approaching death, a sudden chill ran down its spine.

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