Subscriber of the Gods

Chapter 136: The Magic Association (1)

Chapter 136: The Magic Association (1)

Yerica’s targets for revenge were immensely powerful and formidable.

The three noble families belonging to the Twelve Families.

The assassins hired by those three families.

And the Magic Association that had branded Hecate as a madman.

“They are huge and mighty. Those families are at the very center of this Holy Empire.”

As such, she couldn’t carelessly provoke them.

A direct confrontation would be like throwing eggs at a rock.

So Ethan intended to stop being the egg and become the rock instead.

“That’s why we need to bulk up as well.”

“But the Magic Association is full of vicious people. They won’t just let us register the magic. They’ll come up with all sorts of excuses to try and take it away.”

“That’s precisely it.”

Ethan said.

“They’ll make up the justifications themselves. We’ll approach the association with the Garnet Merchant Guild, but there are bound to be mages who will still look down on the Garnet Merchant Guild and come after us.”

Ethan had a lot of information about the mages of the Magic Tower.

Among them were those who would cause trouble even with the Garnet Merchant Guild involved.

‘I’ve been on the receiving end of those bastards enough times.’

Even if he tried not to remember, the memories inevitably came back.

“…So you’ve been thinking about my revenge from the very beginning.”

Yerica’s eyes turned red. It seemed she could burst into tears at the slightest provocation.

“Even with the academy work and the Moon Goddess’s tasks keeping you so busy…”

“Yerica, you’re my person. I’m just doing what I should for my person.”

‘For the sake of improving my chances of survival.’

As Ethan gently patted her, Yerica couldn’t hold back her tears any longer.

“I’ll definitely get revenge on that damned Magic Association. First, I’ll immediately organize the Clean Magic so it can be made into scrolls.”


On the last day of the semester.

Ethan entered the final Understanding the Sword Path class of the first semester.


As the door opened, the 75 densely seated students came into view.

Not a single one had dropped out throughout the semester, and they had all diligently attended class.

Ethan smiled at the students.

“You’ve all worked hard. For the top-scoring students, I’ll separately mention a reward for their midterm exam grades, so please come see me after class.”


Ethan told the top students, excluding the first-place Mason and second-place Ron, when he would open his next class.

He also offered them special privileges for the new class he would be teaching.

Complaints could have arisen, but everyone knew this wasn’t the time for that.

“As I mentioned earlier, only 50 students can take the next class. That means 25 of you won’t be able to take it. But don’t worry. I plan to open another class.”


Someone audibly swallowed.

By the end of the Understanding the Sword Path class, the students had experienced the special golem.

If they could directly practice swordsmanship on the spot with the special golem, in addition to Ethan’s guidance and posture corrections?

They could grow much faster. And Ethan would correct any shortcomings, so it was essentially an opportunity for rapid growth.

Having directly experienced the special golem, these students were all the more determined to take the Introduction to Combat Studies class.

“I hope to see you all again next time.”

At Ethan’s words, the students vigorously nodded. They, too, wanted to meet Ethan again and take his class once more.

“Thank you for the semester!”

“Thank you, teacher!”

The students rose from their seats and bowed. Their expressions were filled with sincerity. Ethan watched their orderly movements with satisfaction.


-You have completed the departmental class.

-All students have completed the departmental class!

-You have achieved an achievement!

-[All Together Now] You have gained Likes for achieving this achievement.

-You have gained 5 Likes!

-You have achieved an achievement!

-[Captain, Oh My Captain] You have gained Likes for achieving this achievement.

-You have gained 5 Likes!

-Your reputation has increased!

Ethan had achieved the achievements he had set as goals when he first took on teaching the class.

‘The second achievement requires all students’ grades to exceed a certain level.’

He had perfectly achieved both achievements, earning a significant 10 Likes.

‘On top of that, my reputation increased quite a bit too.’

This reputation increase varied based on the number of students.

Since he had led all 75 students to the end, the reputation increase was quite satisfactory.

“You’ve all worked hard.”

Leaving them behind, Ethan headed to the Potion Manufacturing class.

Similarly, he had led all 50 students in the Potion Manufacturing class without exception.

At one point, he could have excluded one student because of Roanna, but figured it was better to keep them all, and so he ultimately took all 50 students to the end of that class as well.

“From your expressions, I can tell right away who did well.”

Ethan spoke as he looked at Grandel Torf.

Grandel’s expression was noticeably better than the other students’.

“Hahaha! Did I give it away, teacher! You’re right! I’m the top student in this Potion Manufacturing class!”

Grandel Torf proudly announced.

Next, Ethan met eyes with Audrey, the student Roanna had previously disguised herself as.

‘She made it into the top ranks.’

As Roanna had said, Audrey had been fully dedicated to Ethan’s class, and the result was a high score.

However, the remaining students didn’t look too pleased.

Ethan addressed them.

“Everyone’s exam scores were quite good. I could feel how hard you all studied. It made me want to teach you all again if given the chance. So I plan to speak with the Principal. I want to continue teaching classes in the Magic Department. I also intend to speak separately with the Dean of the Magic Department.”

At Ethan’s words, the students brightened up.

Did this mean he had been inspired by their passion and would continue teaching the class?

“Teacher, does that mean you’ll be taking our Magic Department classes again next time…?”

Grandel Torf voiced the question everyone was wondering.

“Yes, it’s thanks to you all listening diligently that I’ve come to feel this way. Next time, I plan to continue the Potion Manufacturing class. By changing the curriculum and the name, that is. Your grades were that good. So cheer up.”


Of course, Ethan had no intention of simply continuing the Potion Manufacturing class.

‘From the start, what I was aiming for was a major course.’

Just like the Understanding the Sword Path class, the students’ average scores in the Potion Manufacturing class were also far higher than in other classes.

It meant that all the students had been upwardly equalized.

‘If I negotiate with the Principal, I’ll be able to change this Potion Manufacturing class from a general education course to a major course.’

Major courses were different in terms of weight, but they allowed for earning far more prestige.

‘Likewise, I’ll modify the Understanding the Sword Path class slightly and turn it into a major course as well.’

The newly created Introduction to Combat Studies will have to start as a general education course, but since he’s definitely produced results in these two classes, it will be enough to negotiate with the Principal.


-You have achieved the achievement [Breaking the Seal]!

-You have gained likes for achieving the achievement.

-You have gained ‘3’ Likes!

-Your reputation has increased!

There was the satisfaction of having completed the Potion Manufacturing class well until the end.

“Then I’ll have to give you what you’re expecting. Those who ranked at the top, come forward.”

Ethan distributed parchments he had prepared in advance to them.

“This is the information on the uses of brüle that I compiled. I promised to share it with you.”

The students who came forward were very excited at Ethan’s words. Especially Grandel Torf, who even had sweat on his forehead.

“Read it and then burn it. If I find out it’s been leaked……”

“That won’t happen!”

Grandel Torf read the entire parchment right there and then burned it.

“I’ve memorized it all.”

The other students also quickly crammed the contents into their heads before burning the parchments on the spot.

Ethan smiled wryly as he watched them.

They were indeed different, being Ivecar students.

“Let’s meet again next time.”


An edited video by Ethan was uploaded to the channels of Robin Hood and Jumong.

And precisely one day later.

Rapidly rising popular video #8

“What is this?”

“Jumong! What on earth is this? What is this?”

Robin Hood looked at Jumong with a surprised expression.

Jumong was equally astonished.

As gods famous for their archery skills, their eyesight was extremely keen.

Yet the two gods, renowned for their eyesight, were now squinting their eyes and reading the text, as if they couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

It was a comical situation, but the expressions on the two gods’ faces were utterly serious.


“Jumong, what is this? Am I seeing this right? A rapidly rising popular video? Our video, or rather, a video edited by the subscriber [Only subscribed to the right gods] has made it to number 8 on the rapidly rising popular videos?”

“If we’re seeing this wrong, we might as well give up archery. It would mean our eyesight has gone bad.”

Jumong laughed loudly.

“This is real, all right. I said the tides would change, but I didn’t think it would happen this quickly, within a single day.”

This had never happened before.

Rapidly rising popular video? He had heard of such a feature, but he never thought their video would end up there.

But that’s exactly what happened.


Jumong called out to Robin Hood quietly.

“We’ve racked up a ton of likes with this one video.”

By making it onto the rapidly rising popular videos, this single video had earned them an enormous number of likes.

“This subscriber [Only subscribed to the right gods] is something else. He brought up Heo Jun and even subscribed to a new god called Hong Gil-dong. Could he be a subscriber from the same place as you?”

Hood said.

“Could he be one of your descendants?”

“Ahem! Does it really matter where the subscribers come from or what kind of beings they are?”

Despite saying that, Jumong’s expression looked extremely pleased.


“I hereby officially declare the start of the vacation period for Ivecar Academy!”


The vacation period at Ivecar Academy had begun.

The vacation lasted 2 months.

It was a period that was long enough to allow for a thorough recharge, for both students and teachers alike.

Especially for the students, it was a time when they could fully internalize what they had learned in the first semester.

The students who took Ethan’s classes would be quite busy reviewing the lessons from the first semester during this time.

And they would also be strategizing in preparation for the hell of course registration that would follow.

As soon as the vacation started, Ethan left the academy along with Yerica and Schudlen.

Drihi Magic Tower.

That was their destination.

“I’m feeling a little tense.”

The Drihi Magic Tower was located in the lands governed by Count Lecandra.

As soon as they entered the territory, people came out to welcome Ethan.

“You must be Sir Ethan Whiskers. I am Mirhak from the Garnet Merchant Guild.”

A merchant from the Garnet Merchant Guild greeted Ethan.

“I’ve been given overall authority by Officer Yuna regarding this magic registration.”

Yuna was currently busy preparing for the Clean Magic Scroll business.

“I’m counting on you.”

Ethan slightly bowed in greeting.

The three of them followed Mirhak and headed straight for the Magic Tower, where the Magic Association was located.


“It’s quite noisy, isn’t it?”

“Ah, don’t worry. It’s always like this. As you know, those Magic Tower folks are all rotten to the core.”

Mirhak shook his head as he spoke.

“But, but that magic is mine!”

“Yours? You were simply not allowed to register an existing magic.”

“You guys stole my magic!”

A mage with deep blue hair.

Dark circles extending down to the bottom of his eyes.

A small-built mage was protesting and sobbing.


He was certainly one of the mages Ethan was well acquainted with.

Author's Thoughts

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