Stuck As A Dungeon Mob

Chapter 265

As the light faded and Eon's eyes adjusted what he saw in front of him was nothing short of… unexpected.

The area was vast and empty, which was expected of normal boss rooms. But if the special being lived here it was impossible that it lived so simple right? What intelligent creature could live without its tools?

The weirdest thing about the entire boss room however was the large mound that could be found in the center of it. This mound was… an ogre. That was not entirely unexpected.

These were forest creatures just like some orcs and goblins were. The key point however was the color of this ogre. It was white. A pale ugly creature.

This creature which was laying on the ground like a mound then suddenly stood up. It was facing a certain direction.

"Human?" It scratched its head and asked with confusion.

"Where…?" It looked around uncertainly. To Eon, it seemed as though the ogre could sense or see his presence somehow.

'Is this the intelligent being? can it really change bodies?' A regular ogre would have never been able to sense or smell him. What made this lumbering pale white giant different then?

Its fat yet firm trunk-like arms were the same as any other. Its ugly appearance was just as harrowing as usual. Could it really be just the color? Was there really no more to this creature?

"Ahem, can you understand me?" Eon decided to start by trying to interact with the thing. Unlike the previous boss, Augustus, Eon was confident that this one could do him no bodily harm.

Therefore, he allowed himself to be seen by the entrance tunnel as a tiny speck. Blurak narrowed his eyes before beaming a joyous smile, prey!

When that first orc came and awoke it from its slumber, he intended to bite it but before he could, it had transmitted words similar to how the champion had. This made Blurak stay down afraid to harm its bearer of delicious gifts.

The champion didn't disappoint, it told him that a human was after it and after some searching with his great eyesight, Blurak was able to see the prey. The game that came to him most of all seemed weak and feeble!

The old man with the white beard and a long black robe that carried on it intricate rune-like designs seemed puny to Blurak, if anything nothing more than a bit fancy. Blurak was accustomed to eating fancy humans, however. Though it had been been a while since his last fancy human…

"Ha, Ha, Ha" The thought made Blurak burst out into a goofy laugh. Eon who was awaiting a response was alerted by this laugh. Did it think he was looking down on it too much? Could it really understand what he was saying?

"I didn't come with- cough, ill intent, argh I'm open to discussion" The truth could not be any further from this, however. If it weren't for his currently feeble and dying body, he would have simply directly captured the beast for interrogation.

W heard this from a distance and was instantly intrigued. The claim that it came with no ill intent was farfetched. W had never seen this man before and his deeds suggested he was mighty in some form. The act of capturing him and then following him without being seeing could not have been easy.

'I can't rule out that this is all a trap' The weakness that the man displayed explained why he didn't want to fight but it also meant it could be trying to lower their guards and take what would be its only way to strike.

Blurak soon stopped laughing, his goofy expression was swapped by a voracious smile. His eyes that acknowledged nothing living, but rather food, were scary beyond belief.

'Blurak, stop!' W transmitted in a hurry. He didn't know how strong the old man was but what he did know was that if they could negotiate they should. Wasn't that what he had been hoping for a while now? The chance to speak to a person and learn more definite up to date information on things outside the dungeon?

But Blurak wasn't one to listen to instructions. Blurak's dashed off in a seemingly slow gait but it was not in any way slow. His large body made sure that within less than 15 seconds he would be ready to gobble up the aged magician.

"You are not intelligent... No, you are just a beast" Eon said with narrowed eyes before letting out a sigh of disappointment. Was the first boss a fluke?

Eon didn't know. What he did know was that if that was all the creature was, a beast, then it was a waste of his time to try and converse with it. He was better off killing it and moving to the next floor directly.

"Cough Cough" Eon raised his hand. A wand appeared in one hand. It looked more like a black branch but that wasn't what mattered. What mattered was what Eon did next.

He raised his hand and slashed it horizontally. Eon was infinitely close to the realm beyond. Yet, his death seemed like it would come before he could have any sort of breakthrough. Nevertheless, his power remained true.

The ogre who had been charging ahead fearlessly suddenly collapsed. To be more specific, the ogre was split into two at the stomach. Blurak's top part fell off his bottom part leaving the distant hiding W flabbergasted. That was it?

"Urgh…! Cough-! Cough…" Eon who had just expended some more mana once more suffered some backlash. He fell onto one knee and planned on taking a minute to recover but...

"ROOOOOARRRR!!!!" The top part of Blurak's body was still alive. The ogre's eyes were red and bloodshot, the pale white skin failed to hide the red veins that popped off at every chance signaling how pissed the creature had become.

The two meaty arms then helped the body prop itself up on its… two legs!?!? Eon's eyes widened before being forced to spit out some more blood.

"Hah… hahahahaha!" This was only temporary however as he soon broke down into uncontrollable laughter. For an aged sickly man, this was no different from putting himself into deep pain. But… he couldn't help it! Was he supposed to stay quiet when such a figure had appeared before him!?

"The voracious ogre, of course!" That's what it was. The pale mutant from the forbidden forest. Eon had at the time been just starting off his journey. News traveled rather slowly then so he never had a chance to fight or meet the creature before but now… Life worked wonders…

The voracious ogre had ravaged many lands. The kingdom's agriculture took a big hit during that period and as it tended to supply it to other smaller countries as well the whole period was a bleak one.

Some people did benefit from this such as the Harvest Family that had bought up most of the farmland ravaged by the orc. They ended up selling back much of it to the royal family later for an upgrade in rank but they still held a large quantity. The Harvest March was thus born.

The voracious ogre could be said to be a historical figure in that sense as it did change the course of history in the bosque kingdom. This made it a pity for Eon. He wouldn't be able to communicate with it.

Blurak who was standing did the only thing he knew to, he charged forward. It had to eat.

W who was watching the fight from far back couldn't help but facepalm. He would just get sliced into two over and over again.

Eon who was still holding the branch now made a different gesture. He swept the branch vertically and the elements acted to his will. They compressed just as they had the first time and created an anomaly in space.

The tear which appeared inside of Blurak split him right down the middle. One half fell left and the other fell right. The voracious ogre was a joke for Eon.

'Di- Did it really die?' W's memory was only 40% of the total. His knowledge of fantasy regeneration was lacking. But with the brain split into two, it should have been impossible for Blurak to regenerate, no?

"RoaaORRoaAOOR" But it lived… somehow… it lived... Its roar was warbled and weird. The sight of its mouth moving while split into two halves was bizarre and scary.

The immense vitality of the voracious ogre was unprecedented even for Eon. Only trolls were capable of performing such a feat, this was what made them trolls in every meaning of the word!

Blurak, could it still be called an ogre?

The flesh of Blurak writhed and regenerated fleshy limbs that slowly attached both halves. As soon as these tendrils glued him together, Blurak lumbered onto its two feet and made an extremely ugly expression.

"HUMAN!!!!!!!" Blurak screamed in his own language of giants. Eon didn't understand this but what he did understand was that Blurak was angry at him.

The voracious ogre that terrorized the fertile fields of the bosque kingdom. The dramatic fight between him and the king at the time Adelio Bosque told the tale of a single beast.

Two feet. Two arms. One head. One with a single mouth. Similarly, Blurak was devoted to a single purpose… food. The ogre would eat and eat while waves after waves of humans came to attack.

They would fire spells and stab Blurak with all sorts of weapons. Yet, it was never to any avail. The ogre kept eating, it kept eating and eating until the injuries healed as if they were nothing.

This was the sort of misleading account Eon had read. No, even if it were true under the dungeon and system something as simple as improving or acquiring a new skill needed not to be mentioned.

Eon took in a deep breath. The fresh air that entered his lungs felt as if he was breathing in fire.. His aged body started to creak as mana coursed and Eon prepared himself for what would be a long battle.

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